[b]Of Pies and Paws[/b] "Ok, so where did you see me last?" "T'day, around noon; same place y' always are. Then I check before washin' up and y' gone." "Do you think someone might have just moved me? A prank maybe?" "I can't honestly say." "Right then... if I were me... where would I be...?" It was late on a Friday afternoon down at the station and officer Judy Hopps was investigating a theft. It was an unusual item that had warranted her personal attentions, though she was the kind of person to turn up to a regular robbery too; she was simply that dedicated. Fellow officer Nick Wilde had been dragged along too, under duress. He often preferred to start the weekend early and didn't appreciate possibly having to work overtime on a petty theft case. Though given the theft in question perhaps the alacrity of the response was deserved. It was, simply put, Judy's own left paw. The story of its loss had been covered in all the major papers, the news and been the subject of several books. She'd crashed a train while battling to expose the vicious conspiracy behind a recent spate of predators 'going savage'. The disastrous collision had neatly severed her paw a little past the wrist and nearly killed her. Through cunning and a lot of luck they'd managed to implicate the guilty parties and have them arrested just before the bunny had passed out from blood loss. Sadly the paw had to be cut from the wreckage and couldn't be saved. It was a heartwrenching story of a Pyrrhic victory, justice but at a terrible cost. The media was all over it of course. A regular person might have felt rather put out at the loss, but Judy had bounced back with a speed and energy that had frightened those around her. Proper prosthetics were tricky and expensive so she'd settled for a sort of double hook arrangement that pinched shut when she flexed her arm. It was more than a little reminiscent of a pirate but she could also clip things to it, like her notebook, badge of a taser. This had quickly given her the nickname 'Inspector Gadget' and regularly unnerved any suspects she encountered. Of course that had left the question of what to do with the paw itself; rabbit custom demanded a 'complete' burial or cremation,so she wanted to hang onto it. But sending it back home would have been awkward and her apartment wasn't really the place she'd wanted it tucked away, even somewhere unobtrusive like beneath her bed. The eventual solution had been to gift it to an old 'acquaintance', Gideon Grey, who had recently opened a pie shop in the city as part of the next step in growing his business. Initially the plan had been to store it in the shop safe along with the monthly financial records (But not the petty cash.). However word had got around and a surprising number of people had asked if they could see 'The Paw of Justice'. Eventually it had been put in a glass case on a shelf in the kitchen, to be taken out for those who were curious. "Why would anyone even steal ya?" "Business? You said a lot of people want to see your lucky rabbit's paw." "I don't think so Nick, they'd come to our attention too fast. Notoriety perhaps, or to sell it clandestinely; something like that could be priceless to the right buyer." "True, totally without value." Judy ignored the snarky comment as the other, shorter fox present stared on in confusion. Only the paw had been taken apparently, without a trace. They'd probably need to check the scene of the crime, which would take an hour or so out of their day. She scribbled down what little information she had, thinking furiously over just what possible motive cold be behind the crime. "Did anyone have it in for me? Want to see me disappear?" "Not really no, few people weirded out by you though." "Why? I'm just a paw. Hmnnn... I may be buried somewhere nearby..." Nick sighed, leaning resignedly against his desk, drumming his fingers idly on the wood. He had the expression of someone who was imagining himself already heading out for a weekend full of partying and barely-legal antics. All things considered he really wasn't taking the case seriously at all, which annoyed the rabbit who had been partially stolen. "Oh come on now, is it really that important?" "Yes Nick, I am!" "Why does he even [i]have[/i] you?" "It's nice t' have a constant reminder of a good friend." "Some people say it's weird, but he can always get me jewelry that fits." "Yeah fine and dandy but... what's the big deal?" "Nick, that's my paw. My[i]paw[/i]." "Wait... it's real...? You mean it's your actual, real [i]paw[/i]." "Well of course it is!" "It's not like plastic or anything?" The policefox had gone remarkably pale; evidently he hadn't been aware that the item in question was in fact the real deal. This wasn't too surprising; apparently many people who wanted to see it couldn't believe it wasn't some sort of mock-up, Gideon had been asked many times where such a 'prop' could be purchased for various pranks and parties and been quite surprised at the answer. Apparently history was about to repeat again. "But wouldn't it sort of... stink up the place?" "What? No! It was very well preserved!" "But... an actual paw... in a case on a silk cushion... why?" Judy sighed. People just didn't understand the importance of [i]completeness[/i] to rabbits; all of a person had to be present if at all possible. Unlike many species bunnies didn't go for the hoof fairy, baby teeth were kept as a proud record of growth and buried with the owner. Some, in Judy's opinion extreme, rabbits even kept track of shed fur. There were a whole host of superstitions as to what could happen if someone got their paws on a bit of you. Not to be taken seriously in this day and age of course, but not to be brushed aside lightly either. Her attempts at thinking up a response to her partner's question that didn't sound totally insane were interrupted by a high pitched shriek. It took her a few seconds to realize it was Nick, who was waving his paws about wildly. "I TOUCHED IT! I [b]TOUCHED[/b] IT!" "You [b]stole[/b] me?! Why?" "I thought it was fake! Why isn't it fake?!" "Why did you steal me?!" "I wanted to spook Clawhauser!" "Why would... wait, what did you do with me?" Judy's didn't know what to say; Nick's motive checked out and by the way he was desperately rubbing his paws on his uniform she could be quite sure he wasn't just leading her on. But it chilled her to think of what he might have done with her under the impression that the paw was just some sort of Halloween trinket. It would be best to recover her as soon as possible. "I... I hid it in a box of donuts..." A few rooms away there was a louder, shriller shriek and a dull but heavy thud as a fainting officer hit the floor. Judy sighed. "Well... at least that cracks the case. Come on Gid, can you lend me a paw? I don't think Nick's gonna want to help on this one."