A big glass of orange juice in the morning. A large cherry slush around lunch. A Cherry frosty soda a little after. Then, a bottle of water after that workout…maybe it was two…    As Tangle walked down the trail back to her village, the list of everything she drank since that morning ran through the lemur’s head. She tried to not think about it, the thoughts worsening her already desperate need to pee, but she couldn’t clear her head.   Ever since that morning, Tangle had been out and about protecting the Spiral Hill Village. Such a busy day had kept her thirsty, thus she constantly consumed lots of sugary beverages to keep her going. Drinking so much led to her bladder filling, but she neglected her mounting need to use the bathroom. A busy adventurer like her had no time for potty breaks, not when there were people to help, adventures to be had, and Badniks to break. From the morning onto that afternoon, she constantly put off visiting the little lemur's room, letting her bladder fill and hold all that she drunk, all of it building up to that point when she couldn’t hold it anymore.   Late that afternoon, Tangle was finally making the long walk back home. She whimpered as her long-ignored bladder signaled painfully how badly she needed to pee, the pounding urge worsening every second as her bladder continued to fill. Saying she needed to pee badly was the understatement of the year. Tangle was beside herself with desperation, her bladder full and stretched to bursting, her body tensed and her legs pressed together as she walked. She was bent forward, the round bulge in her abdomen showing just how full and heavy she had let her bladder become. She grimaced as she felt all that she drunk sloshing about in her lower belly, the pressure on her strained sphincter ever increasing. “Ohhh…this is bad…” Tangle groaned. “Man, does Sonic ever have this problem on his adventures?”   She walked hastily with a wobble for she could barely keep her legs apart. She didn't have much further to go, the lemur told herself. All she had to do was get through the village and reach her home on the other side. It was a short trip, but Tangle knew her bladder wasn’t going to last that long. She had to move fast, so Tangle used her tail to climb to the roof of a nearby building and jump from rooftop to rooftop. That was the way she usually got around the village fast, but she had never done it while needing to pee this bad before. Tangle realized she had made a mistake the second she landed hard on the second building. The impact of her landing shook the contents of her bladder, spiking her need to pee. Tangle fell into a fit of crossing and recrossing her legs as she squeezed her crotch, struggling to prevent any leaking. She was so close to wetting herself, but somehow she managed to fight back the desperate wave and continue her journey home, taking more care with her landing this time.   Traveling around like this was an easy everyday thing for tangle, but not when she needed to pee this bad. Her desperate bladder made her slower; every time she landed on a roof, she had to stop a moment to cross her legs, fighting with her bladder to hold her pee. Only after she toughing out the waves of desperation was she able to move again. The impact of landing her jumps was felt through the liters in her abdomen, weakening what little strength was left in her bladder, yet, she could not stop. She was getting through the village quicker than walking. If she could just hold for a little more. “Almost there…Almost there!”   Another hard landing, but this time, it was too much. Tangle squealed as she felt a heavy stream of moisture escape her loins, leaving her with an ominous dampness in her crotch. She fidgeted on the rooftop, prancing from foot to foot while she willed her bladder to stop leaking. The need to pee churned in her loins, wave after wave of desperation roiling through her. Tangle managed to stop further leaks, but it was clear that even if she moved at sonic speed, she wasn’t going to make it all the way home dry. Her bladder couldn’t take much more of this jumping around. She had to find a toilet in the next few seconds or she was going to have an accident. She considered going into a restaurant or store to use their restroom but then noticed the mineral museum was the next rooftop over. It was nearing the time to close it, but her friend Jewel ran the place. She wouldn't mind holding the doors open for her for just a little longer…   Jewel the Beetle was just stepping out of her museum. With her keys in hand, she was about to close up her doors for the day when Tangle dropped down from the rooftop and dashed past her childhood friend. "HeyJewel! Can'ttalk! Gottauseyourbathroom! Youdon'tmind? Thankyou!" Tangle speed-talked as she speed-walked past the bewildered beetle and into the museum.   "Wait, Tangle! I was just…closing up," Jewel said, but it was pointless as Tangle was already out of earshot.   "Gotta pee! Gotta pee! Gotta pee!" The lemur murmured to herself. She had both her hands holding her crotch as she hightailed it to the door marked Women's room. She hurried into the clean white restroom and quickly entered the closest of the four stalls.   Finally, at the toilet she had been needing for so long, Tangle bounced from foot to foot as she turn her backside to the latrine and hurried to undo the hidden zipper on the crotch of her bodysuit. "Comeon! Comeon! Hurry!" Tangle fumbled with the zipper, her pee-pee dance not making it easy. Tangle's bladder spasmed hard, making the lemur stop with a groan and cross her legs, firmly trapping her hands between them as she pressed her crotch. She shuddered as another splash filled her loins with dampness. She stopped the leak from getting worse, but she had to hurry. Again, she fidgeted with the zipper and got it going when suddenly the cloth of her suit got caught in the slider. “No! No! No! Don't get stuck!" Tangle pleaded. She tugged at the zipper, but all she managed was to get the slider even more stuck. What’s worse was the zipper wasn't pulled down enough to let her pee. She twisted and pulled at the fabric, but it would not budge.   More pee seeped out of her as she changed tactics. If she couldn’t get the zipper on her crotch open, then she would take the whole bodysuit off, Tangle thought. Quickly, she took off her yellow top and tossed it to the floor. Then, she used the end of her tail to reach for the zipper on the back of her neck. A few tugs and she found that one to be stuck too. “Oh, come on!” Tangle groaned. She pulled at it again using her hands, but it was no use. Tangle remembered that she got it stuck that morning when she was getting dressed. In her haste to get out and start adventuring, she ignored the stuck zipper, making it a problem for later. Too bad for Tangle that "later" had come and she still had no way of fixing the problem.   Another series of leaks damped her crotch, leaving Tangle sure that her panties were ruined. She could feel warm rivulets of her pee running down her legs and splashing on the floor as she stepped about. Running out of time and patience, she gave the zipper on her back a few more tugs before giving up on it and switching back to the zipper on her groin. Tangle was done playing nice and tried to forcefully pull the zipper apart. That wasn't going to be easy for she bought her bodysuit because it was tough enough for her adventuring. As she struggled to tear a hole in her suit, her bladder was at its limit. Her pee hole burned with the effort, but her inner muscles were too strained to hold back her floor any longer. Her bladder pulsed and spasmed in her abdomen as pee escaped its containment in long hard squirts that darkened her bodysuit. Panic rose in Tangle as her bladder control slipped away. She was nearly peeing herself at full force, the relieving feeling of her bladder deflating making her tremble. Yet, she wasn’t giving up! In one last desperate effort, she put a foot up on the toilet so she could get a better look and grip on her suit. Even as her clothes grew wetter with the passing seconds, she pulled on the opposite ends of the zipper with all her might. Suddenly, the ripping sound of fabric echoed through the stall as Tangle tore the seam in her crotch.   The good news was that she pulled open a gap big enough to pee out of. The bad news was that she couldn't exactly pull her red boy shorts down and out of the way. If she tore her suit, she might as well rip her panties, she thought. She grabbed hold of the seam in the dampening fabric and pulled at it. Being made of weaker material, her panties were easier to tear than her bodysuit. Finally able to pee without any obstacles, the lemur sat her ass on the toilet seat and fully let go. She sighed to the relieving sound of her waters rushing out of her and splashing against the water in the toilet. The sound was short-lived for by that point there wasn't much left in her bladder. The floor around the toilet was sprinkled with pee. She wasn’t much to look at with her bodysuit and torn panties were completely soaked. “Well, at least I made it to the toilet…well, sort of…” Tangle said as she looked at her mess. Suddenly, there was a knock on the bathroom door. "Um, Tangle? Are you okay in there?" said Jewel from the other side of the door. "You were making a lot of noise and you were taking a long time." Tangle was quiet for a second before she sighed and answered, "Yeah, I'm fine. You think you get me a mop? " "A mop? Why would you…?" "Please, don't ask, Jewel." Tangle said as she rubbed her temples. "Just grab me a mop.”