Dillon walked into a local game store. It was a new one in his town that had opened recently that he had never had the chance to visit until now. From what he heard, it was an excellent one with a wide selection of games and video game accessories. Apparently, they frequently were able to get exported goods from other regions that would normally be inaccessible to Dillon. It was an exciting prospect, and the man was looking forward to seeing what the store would have to offer. He was immediately interested in the store as soon as he walked in. There were many things that he had heard of but never actually seen before. It was exciting to see all of these rare items and collectibles! Dillon continued to wander around, eventually coming across one of the employees working at the store. "Hello, don't think I've seen you around here before!" he introduced himself. "Oh, no, never been! It's cool though, lot of stuff I'm tempted to buy!" Dillon let out a small chuckle. "My name is Derek, this is my little shop so I'm glad you're enjoying it!" "I'm Dillon." he quickly introduced himself. "This is an impressive collection you're selling! How do you get some of these imports? No store around here was ever able to come close." "Making sure I keep connections! I used to travel a lot so I have a lot of people who can ship stuff to me from all over the world. Makes running a store like this much easier!" he laughed as well. "But none of this matches my prized possession I keep in the back." "What's in the back?" Dillon's curiosity was raised. "A little special machine I'm working on." he paused for a moment and looked around. "Say, since no one's in here how about I show you it?" "Sure, you caught my interest!" Dillon nodded. "Then come with me!" Derek nodded his head for Dillon to follow, the two walking into the back where there was a large metal box with a sliding door to enter it. Dillon walked around it, examining it while Derek watched with a smile on his face. "What is it, exactly? It looks really cool but I don't know what I'm looking at!" "It's the most state of the art virtual reality machine out there! Now, it is in the alpha stages so it has a few kinks with it, but you'll never feel more in a game than you would with this one! It even lets you alter the look of the main character itself!" "That sounds promising..." Dillon commented and looked back to the machine. "So how does it work?" "I think it's better to show you! You'll be playing the main character of a game, I have Star Fox programmed for it at the moment, big fan of that series." Derek answered. "Ever wanted to try being a fox?" "Can't say the thought crossed my mind, but if the offer is here." Dillon nodded and laughed. "Great, go ahead and get into the machine and I'll handle the rest out here." Dillon nodded as the door opened, Dillon walking in as the door shut behind him. On the outside, Derek entered everything he needed to input for the computer to run the proper simulation while inside, Dillon could only wait. There was silence, and eventually, the machine started to whirl as mist began to fill into the machine, making it hard for Dillon to see anything. All he could do was feel the formation of a strange tingling sensation that started to form all over his body, transforming underneath the haze. All around his head, hair started to rapidly sprout out and grow so thick that it buried all of his skin underneath it. The color of this hair was primarily a cream-brown, with full cream fur forming around his mouth and lower region of his face along with a triangle segment sticking down from the top of his head. The inside of his ears would grow cream fur as well with the more brown tinted one on the exterior of them. The ears themselves traveled to the top of his head. Once there, the size of Dillon's ears enlarged while taking on a triangular shape, extra muscles forming inside to let them move with his emotions. Dillon's face stretched outward underneath the fur, growing into a rather sizeable muzzle. His nose had moved out with it, now resting at the end of his snout as it shrank in size, taking on a more triangular shape and becoming black and moist. Inside of his maw, Dillon's teeth became a bit sharper, gaining a more canine set of teeth. The sides of his face around the cheeks were more pushed out, with tufts brushed upward to give the changing man a more canine head shape. Dillon's hair would start to condense into one region, that being where the sliver was at his forehead. It grew larger, turning a cream color to match this triangular patch of fur while extending down to his shoulders. While it was a lot of hair that formed, it was neatly contained inside a ponytail thanks to a hairband that formed to tie it together to keep the hair out of Dillon's face. His eyebrows became thinner while turning the same cream color. On the contrary, the length of Dillon's eyelashes extended as the number multiplied, making them much more noticeable on his face. The lump in his throat shrank away to near nothingness, leaving it much higher in pitch. While the changes continued down Dillon's body, the fur would continue to grow out from his skin. The beige fur that started at his muzzle continued down the front of his neck and wrapped around his chest, a slight curve inward before extending outward once it reached just above his waistline. Around that, the brown-cream fur grew to continue the trend of two colors on the fur pattern he was gaining. Underneath Dillon's fur, the structure of his figure was altering. The size of his shoulders became smaller, narrowing as their broad build was being erased. To keep his arms proportional, mass there shrank away and left them more slender in appearance. His hands followed in suit, the width of his fingers shrinking in the process to make them smaller and dainty, though the fingers were much more dexterous than before, as were her arms! Dillon's sides sucked inward around the place his cream fur curved. His back caved inward, leaving a permanent indent there while the mass that was lost there traveled up to his chest. Here, two mounds of flesh amassed underneath the fur coat. The size came with extra weight and sensitivity, Dillon now sporting an ample bosom that rested on his chest. Below the belt, more curves were forming onto Dillon's body. His hips widened outward, growing into childbearing proportions. Similarly, his rear built up extra mass, rounding it out more and making it perter. His thighs would become enlarged, all while his calves did the same, although less noticeably. Between his legs, Dillon's manhood sucked inside of him, leaving no trace of it behind and only a slitted opening left in its wake. Internally, the manhood went the opposite direction, turning into the inner workings of the opposite sex. Estrogen overwrote testosterone in his body rapidly, his Y chromosome turning into an X as his sex officially swapped. The cream fur continued to grow on his body. The full cream fur would conclude its journey around Dillon's inner thighs. As for the rest, the more brown cream fur would reach all the way down to his feet. His feet themselves would enlarge, the digits of them merging together and turning to three with the toenails becoming dulled claws at the edge of them. There was one final part to Dillon's transformation in the way of an entirely new appendage. It was about half the length of his legs, with a thick oval shape that ended into a dulled dip. It was covered with brown-cream fur until the last fourth of the tail where it melted into full cream fur, and with that, Dillon had turned into a copy of Fox McCloud, albeit female. Dillon's outfit altered drastically to better fit his new form. The sleeves of his shirt rode up his arms, not stopping until they were nothing more than thin straps. It also shrunk upward, revealing most of his midriff and stopping right before his chest. The collar of the shirt dipped down tremendously, all while tightening around his chest to better support his breast, turning into a dark green sports bra. His pants were next to change, befalling a similar change. They tightened around his more shapely legs as the pant legs rode up, not stopping until they only barely reached past his hips. The color turned a dark green to match the new bra, shifting into shorts, the outfit affair being what would be his sleep attire. The world around Dillon was altering greatly as well. As the mist disappeared, it revealed an entirely different location from where he started the day. It appeared to be some kind of futuristic room, with a desk covered in papers and books with a map at the center. There were monitors that were off as well as a telecom attached to the wall. There was a small open closet that revealed a small selection of outfits, namely a white space coat and green pants with silver metal boots on the ground. While the original Fox had metal legs, it appeared Dillon was spared from this. What he wasn't spared from was the alteration to his mind. Mentally, he was forgetting all about the real world and even his real face. After all, in this world he had to fit the narrative, and he couldn't do that talking about humans, they didn't exist here, nor did Dillon! Instead, she was Vixen McCloud. She was an ace pilot who was a part of the Space Vixen team. She was as good with a blaster as she was with an Arwing, and capable of holding her own in fist-to-fist combat as well, having fought many bounties, criminals, and others she had crossed. Though she was a bit of a hothead, her skills were unmatched which made her respected, even from her greatest enemies. Her work on the Space Vixens was known all throughout the Lylat System, having stopped multiple threats from taking over the galaxy so many made their home in. Vixen slowly awoke from her slumber, waking up from a strange dream of a strange box she was inside. The details were foggy, and she wasn't too keen on trying to remember a dream, it would be pointless to do so anyway! She kicked her legs over her bed, stretching out with a yawn before standing up. "Another day on patrol. Bleh, can't believe I'm stuck on this duty. I should be out in the field, no ones going to come by here anyways!" Vixen complained as she walked over to her jacket, putting it on, though the cut only reached halfway down her torso, stopping around the point where her figure sucked inward figure. Afterward, she rode up a pair of green pants that matched the color of her top and slipped on the boots with the pants tucked into them. "Alright, another day, think I could make a quick pit stop at Corneria, they won't miss me." Vixen said with a smirk as she left her room, off to continue her quest in the galaxy. The whole Lylat System knew her name, and always appreciated a visit from the vixen. She thought about catching up with some of her old crewmates who retired to raise a family, and maybe get a little team back together to do some work together like the old days. Talking to a few of them, they had missed the adventures, and Vixen was excited to get the full Space Vixens crew back together again!