Yu-Gi-Oh archounds of light season 1 episode 2 Episode 2: Arrival of the dark ones part 1 (We open on a break in at the local jewelry shop as we see a burley man wearing a dark red shirt, and a dark blue jacket with spikes on it’s shoulders, and dark brownish hair taking some jewels from broken cases cackling). ???: It’s like taking candy from a baby. (Just then he hears some sirens go off in the distance). ???: Great perfect timing. (The thief busts open a back door and quickly gets on a hover bike as he shoots out of the alley behind the jewelry shop leading the cops away). (An officer pops his head out of one of the patrol cars as he aims his pistol at the thief trying to blast him but the thief manages to evade them quickly as the chase continues down some streets). (Meanwhile at the cortan city card shop “Val’s cards”. We see Johnny and Travis in the shop browsing the place). Travis: So this place we’re at Johnny is called a card shop? Johnny: Man dude you really haven’t played for a long time. Yeah this is where kids and duelists come to restock their decks and restrategize. Travis: Restock? Johnny: Yeah. Like how you restock the plasma bolts in your… Travis: (Chuckles) I’m joking, Johnny. I know what restocking is. Johnny: Oh! Ha. Good one man. Hey let’s go pick out some packs. Travis: Okay sure. (Travis and Johnny head out through the shop to search for the packs they wish to buy). (They both make their way to the counter with the packs they buy until they hear the sirens go off outside of the shop and see the chase taking place). Johnny: Looks like another robbery. Travis: Not again. Johnny, your car is parked out back right? Johnny: Uh yeah why… Travis: (Runs off) I am gonna borrow it! Johnny: Ugh travis! You better not get a dent on it! (We cut back to the thief still escaping the officers as he chuckles). ???: That was way too easy. Looks like those fools need to lay off the coffee. (Chuckles but gasps). (Unknown to the thief as he is going down an alleyway johnny’s patrol car comes in contact with the thief’s hover bike as he is flung from it landing on the ground hard). ???: (Groans) What the hell? Where did that patrol car come from? (The car door opens and travis steps out). ???: Who the hell are you? Travis: Name’s travis truesdale. Detective of the coran city police force. ???: Heh. a detective huh? So your just a lap dog for the cops. What a joke. Travis: Well this joke is here to take you in. your under arrest for robbery and evading the police. ???: Oh? Under arrest you say? You gotta be kidding me. Travis: If you resist then things are gonna get very ugly for you i can promise you that. ???: I have had enough of your mouth pal! Time to teach you a lesson! (As the thief charges towards Travis with his fist out, he gets tripped up by Travis's leg and falls to the ground). ???: (Groans) lucky move. You won’t dodge this one. (The thief tries to kick Travis but Travis grabs the thief’s leg holding it in a leg lock with a tight grip). ???: Let go of me ya jerk! Travis: I said it would be very ugly for you if you resisted. So you gonna come with me? ???: (Growls) go to hell lap dog! Travis: Have it your way then. (tosses the thief a little into the air and sidekicks him to the brick wall knocking him out). Oops. i guess I didn't know my own strength again. (Meanwhile we see the officers searching for the thief as he is flung onto one of the patrol cars groaning). Travis: There ya go guys. Figured i could have helped. Officer 12: Oh thanks travis! (Travis nods, gets back into his car and drives back to get Johnny still at the card shop). Travis: Here ya go johnny. All good and not wrecked. Johnny: (Groans) but there is a dent on the side! Travis: Huh? (Looks on the right side of the car and is shocked) oops! Guess the thief rammed into the side a little too hard. Heh sorry about that. Johnny: (Sighs) It's okay. Here, just move over so I can drive. (Scene cut/intro). (We cut to the police station as the thief is thrown into a cell). (In the chief’s office we see Travis sitting in the chair across from the chief as he paces the floor). Chief stronghorn: (Sighs) travis that is the 4th week one of our patrol cars got dented and the 4th time you went a little too overboard on patrols. You know that your job is to take on stakeout cases and investigations. Not patrol jobs! Travis: Sorry about that chief. Just saw the trouble and wanted to help. Chief stronghorn: I know truesdale but we hired you as a detective not an officer since you didn’t pass the officer’s trials. (Sighs) look. I know you wanna play the hero and help everyone but you need to realize that you can’t always help with everything. You are just one man but a good person. Maybe someday you can become a full officer to take on better assignments. Travis: I understand chief. Chief stronghorn: Why don’t you take the day off. Go and relax. Travis: Okay sir. (Travis exits the chief’s office as we see Johnny waiting for him). Johnny: Did the chief chew you out too much in there? Travis: Nah. just gave me a lecture. One where I should just stay in my own lane? Johnny: Huh? Travis: Never mind. I think I am just gonna go home. (Travis heads home). Johnny: (Wonder what the chief said to him that got him acting like this?). (As travis leaves the station we see the same strange green orb from the other night hovering overhead). ???: That has to be him. I just hope I am not too late. (Scene cut). (We cut to Travis's home as we see him lying on the bed looking up thinking). Travis: (Sighs). (I wish the chief would see that I am more capable of being more than just a detective and taking on minor cases. I have been trying to push myself harder and harder to get him to see. Ever since I was a young cadet taking the trials). (We cut to when travis was 16 years old taking on the police force trials and sadly failing). Cadet 1: Bro look at that loser. Cadet 4: He really thinks he can handle being a cop? Cadet 2: How lame. (The cadets chuckle as Travis groans. He is then approached by the chief). Chief stronghorn: Sorry travis. Maybe you can try again next year. (Flashback to the present). Travis: (Maybe he was right. Or maybe I have been pushing myself too hard). (Travis gets up and walks over to his desk, opens up his drawer, and takes out his duel deck and takes out tappi-cat from the deck and smiles). Travis: (To be honest when I was a kid I wanted to be like tappi-cat here. Yeah he was small and didn’t look very strong, but he was brave and always did his best to become a true samurai hero. I wanted to be like that. And… who knows maybe be the hero for once). ???: Glad i could have a fan at least of my work. Travis: (Huh. Where did that voice come from? Or did i just hear it in my head). ???: No, it came from me. (Travis looks up and sees the strange green orb in front of him). Travis: Agh! What the hell? Ah green… firefly? How did you get in here, little bug? ???: A bug??? How dare you insult a samurai like me by comparing me to a common insect. Travis: A samurai? ???: Oh right. (Sighs) I forgot I was in this form. One sec. (The green orb shines in front of Travis as he shields his eyes, the orb then forms itself into a small calico anthro cat in green samurai armor). Travis: Oh my… y… your… your. (Tappi floats to the ground, kneels in front of travis and bows). Tappi-cat: Beast spirit samurai warrior tappi-cat at your service travis truesdale. And I am your… (Before tappi could finish travis falls back onto the ground fainting). Tappi-cat: Well… did not expect that. (Meanwhile back at the station we see the thief who we found out is named cren is sitting in his cell in anger). Cren: (I can’t believe I lost a fight to a lap dog of this stinking police force. When i get out of this friggin cell i am gonna make him pay so hard). (Just then a dark hole opens in the thief’s cell as a mysterious hooded figure steps out freaking the thief out). Cren: Who the hell are you??? And how did you get in here? ???: Hmmm. I can sense a darkness and rage inside of you. You will be the perfect test subject for the archounders to face. Cren: What the hell are you talking about? ???: (Holds up a strange looking dark red crystal) look at the crystal. Join the dark hounds. (The thief looks at the crystal as he sits lifeless and his eyes suddenly turn pale red). (We see the 2 officers watching the cell take a nap until they hear an explosion from the cell that wakes them up). Officer 7: Huh? (They both see cren walking out of his cell covered in a dark aura). Officer 2: How did he get out? Officer 7: He must have had some explosives with him. Hey you! Stop right there. (The thief turns to them, staring at them with his pale red eyes and all we can hear is their screams in the night). (Back at Travis's house he wakes up looking at tappi waving his handpaw in front of travis’s face). Tappi-cat: Oh good your awake. I was afraid you were dead. (Travis gets up and sits on his bed holding his hands on his head) th… this is not happening. This has got to be a dream. (Tappi takes his sheathed sword and bonks travis on the head). Travis: Ow! What was that for? Tappi-cat: To prove that this is not a dream. Travis: H… how did I feel that? Tappi-cat: Well that is the reason why I am here, Travis truesdale. Travis: How do you know my name? Tappi-cat: Well travis. I am your duel spirit companion. Travis: Duel spirit? Tappi-cat: Yes. all duelists like yourself have a duel spirit. Though most people can’t see them. Unless they have a strong connection and bond with their cards. Like you did with that duel you had yesterday? Travis: You were watching my duel? But I didn't see you there. Tappi-cat: Well I kinda kept my distance. Watching just to see how you handled things. And I was really impressed and knew that they made the right call making me your duel spirit companion. Travis: They? I…. i am sorry but. This… this all can’t be real. This has got to be all in my head and just my imagination. Must have eaten some bad totoboki today. Tappi-cat: Well I can assure you this is not in your head listen travis. There is a reason I am here. Our world and your world are both in great danger. And we may need duel monsters to help save both. Travis: Well it sounds like a real swell time but I am just not interested in something that doesn’t sound real. (Sits on bed) but it was real nice to meet you tappi, so if you will excuse me i am going to bed. Tappi-cat: (Sighs) well he would not listen. Guess I will have to show him then. (Tappi then unsheathes his sword as it glows and he begins to draw out some symbols as it causes a flash of light). (As the light disappears and Travis uncovers his eyes we see that him and tappi have been transported to a radiant garden place). Travis: W…. What is this place? Tappi-cat: Oh this is the garden gate that leads to the duel monster spirit world. Travis: Duel monster spirit world? Wait. you know what? This is all in my head. So it doesn’t matter. Tappi-cat: Sure, keep telling that to yourself. Anyway, follow me. (Tappi leads Travis through the gate and another flash of light). (As the 2nd flash of light stops the 2 enter the duel monsters spirit world filled with duel monsters roaming around). Travis: Hey, I recognize most of these creatures. Tappi-cat: Uh huh. Like I said they are duel spirits. Spirit versions of duel monsters from the human world. Sadly we don’t have time to admire some of them. We have to go see her. Travis: Her? Tappi-cat: The one who wanted me to find you. I figured she would be able to get you to understand how serious this situation is. (Tappi leads Travis through the fields of duel spirits as the enter a large white temple like building). Tappi-cat: Hey celest! I am back! And i brought a friend! (Just then. A beam of light shines down in the temple and out from the light steps a woman wrapped in a white cloak with light yellow hair and green eyes as she approaches tappi and travis). Travis: Who is she? Tappi-cat: That is celest. She is the one who protects us and keeps us safe. Celest: Tappi! There you are! I was worried you wouldn’t find your way around the human world (Pets tappi’s cheek and head) you always were a troublemaker. Tappi-cat: (Purrs). Nah it was okay. Oh I brought him btw (points to travis). Celest: Oh i see you found your partner splendid. (Holds out her hand) hello there mr. truesdale. I am celest. (Travis grabs celest’s hand and shakes it). Travis: Oh my, that feels real. Guess I hit my head pretty hard. Celest: Feel’s real? Tappi-cat: Apparently he doesn’t believe that this is real and just his imagination. Celest: (Sighs) oh right. I keep forgetting that humans have a hard time believing in the unnatural. Well travis i can assure you that this all is not a dream, nor is it all fake. You are really here in the duel spirit world. Travis: I find that hard to believe ms. celest. I am gonna need some actual proof. Celest: Hmmmm well that can be easy to do. Let me ask you this. When you were a child, have you ever felt a strange connection, or heard something strange you couldn’t explain. Travis: Ha. most people believe that to be something supernatural, but…. Now that you mention it… when i was a little kid and played duel monsters… i did hear things. But my dad told me they were just part of my imagination. Celest: Well mr. truesdale. That was you connecting with the duel spirits in your deck and cards. I can tell that you have a very strong bond with your cards even though you have not dueled in quite a long time. Travis: How did you know that? Celest: I have been watching you for a long, long time travis. Travis: Ummm… Celest: Not in some weird way! I have been watching you cause I knew you would be the right person to help save our world. Travis: Save it? From what exactly? Celest: Well seeing as how you are now here. I should explain things. (Celest leads Travis farther into the temple as they descend some stairs and enter a room where a giant globe lays in the middle of the room). Travis: What is this place? Celest: This is the globe of time. It lets me look into the future, present, and past. In case if there is something clouding my vision I cannot explain. But for now it will let us see into the past so you can see how serious things are. (As celest waves her hand over the globe it glows a light blue and then transports the 3 into a time vortex as they land in a lush green field). Travis: Where are we now? Celest: Where it all began. 4000 years ago. Humans and duel monsters lived in piece and in harmony with each other. Playing, relaxing, and doing all the things they loved to do. Tappi-cat: It was the best for us duel monsters. Celest: Life was simply peaceful. Travis: Wow. it seemed like everyone was happy. Celest: They were… that is… until that fateful dark day. Travis: What happened? (Suddenly the sky became dark as a mountain erupted and out pops 5 shadowy figures as they enter the fields of the village and with a wave of their hand a dark red aura appears in their hands as they take control of the duel monsters forcing them to attack the humans. A few get slaughtered badly as travis watches in horror). (They all flash back to the room with the globe). Travis: What the hell was that? Celest: Those were the dark hounds. Travis: Dark hounds? Celest: A group of evil warriors that were banished from the village for practicing evil magic along with spreading their beliefs about duel monsters being used as their slaves not as friends. They didn’t believe in the strong bonds between duel monsters and humans. Tappi-cat: They thought of us as a means to an end. Just some new toy they could play with and then throw away when they are done. Many spirits i knew were slaughtered in the process. Travis: How awful. Celest: What you just saw was the day they attacked and took control of the duel monsters. Using the same dark magic they practiced. However… there was hope for the humans. Travis: What hope? Celest: 5 brave warriors chosen by the king who had a strong bond and connection with their duel monster spirits drove the evil warriors back into the very mountain and locked them away where they could never hurt anyone ever again. That is… until this very day. Their seal was broken by the recent earthquake reports going on in the human world. And now… they have returned. Travis: Wait. what does this have to do with me? Why not get those warriors you just mentioned to help? Celest: Unfortunately we cannot. They died. But that is where you come in. you mr. Truesdale will help form a new team of archound warriors to help defeat these dark hound warriors and seal them back in and save not just your world but the duel spirit’s world as well. Travis: Archound? Celest: Yes. That is what the warriors many years ago called themselves. Travis: But wait. How can I help? I am just a human not some… warrior. Celest: Because mr. truesdale… I sense a desire to be a great hero. I sense a passion within you to do great things and to help those who cannot help themselves. A sense… to be a great help to your world. Travis: I… i… Celest: I understand the tough choice you must make. Take some time to think. And when you have made your decision, tappi shall return you here. I do hope you make the right choice. (Another flash of light hits travis in the face as he wakes back up in his bedroom shaking his head and rubbing his eyes). Travis: (Was that all really a dream?). (Walks up to his desk and picks up tappi’s card). (Or… was that real?). (Just then Travis's cellphone goes off as he sees Johnny is calling). Travis: (Answers phone) what’s up johnny? Johnny: (On phone) travis! You gotta get to the station quickly! It's an emergency! Travis: What is wrong? Johnny: That guy you caught. He got out and killed 2 of the guards watching him! Travis: What? (As Travis went to the station he gasps in horror as he sees the bodies of the 2 guards cren killed). Travis: What happened here? Johnny: The alarms went off and were sent to everyone on their phones. Didn’t you get the alert? Travis: No i… I was asleep. (Chief stronghorn comes in with a stern yet shocked look on his face). Chief stronghorn: This thief we are dealing with is a deranged psychopath. The mayor is gonna chew us out if we don’t get this taken care of. Men, I want you to round up the remaining officers we have and find this punk now! Officers: Yes sir! Chief stronghorn: Truesdale. I want you to join the search but if you find the purp report it in and the others will come and apprehend him. Don’t pull a stupid stunt like you did today, understand? Travis: Yes sir. (As stronghorn leaves to go back to his office the other officers leave as Travis turns to head out, he spots a strange piece of paper on the field with his name written on it). “Dear detective. I have taken care of your officers to leave a message. If you want to catch me, then meet me at the old warehouse on zenith street. And be sure to bring your duel monsters deck and your duel disk” Johnny: Who left you this letter? Travis: I believe the thief. He wants me to meet him at the old warehouse. Johnny: Well I guess he would want to take you out since you beat the crap out of him. We should take this to the chief. Travis: He told me to go and find the thief and report it. I should at least head there to apprehend him. Johnny: You can’t go off by yourself. You might get hurt! I should at least go with you. Travis: I can handle this johnny besides i would want to be responsible for letting you get hurt. I'll be fine. (Travis leaves the station). (We cut to the old warehouse as Travis arrives and finds an entrance to the warehouse and enters looking through the place trying to find the thief). Tappi: (Appears) I really don’t like the look of this place. Are you sure he is even here? Travis: This is where the letter said he wanted to meet. Tappi: Maybe he just forgot. (Just then they both hear chuckling from out of nowhere). Tappi: Oh me and my fuzzy big mouth). Travis: Who’s there? (The thief comes out with a sly smirk on his face). Cren: I take it you got my letter detective? Travis: I did yes. Cren: Perfect. And seeing as how those pathetic cops aren’t here with you then no one can stop me from getting my revenge. Travis: Your not getting anything cren. Except a trip to the facility for the crime you committed. You killed 2 officers in cold blood. Cren: And yet their death wasn’t even that satisfying. However crushing you and your human soul will give me all the pleasure I ever need. Travis: (Human soul? He is acting even stranger than he did before). (Just then cren begins to glow the same dark red glow he showend when he killed the 2 cops). Travis: What the? Tappi: Travis. This thief is emitting a very strange and strong dark aura from his body. Travis: Yes i can see that. Cren: Who’s your little friend you got there with you detective? Travis: What? You can see my duel spirit? Cren: Uh huh. My master gave me the power to see duel spirits and not only asked me to destroy you, but to destroy your weak little friend. Tappi: Weak??? Okay i am taking offense to that. But his master. He must be talking about one of the dark hounders. Travis: Dark hounders? So that wasn’t a dream I had. Tappi: Yeah I think we are past that point travis. Cren: Now. didn’t you say you were planning on taking me in detective? Or did you suddenly get cold feet? Tappi: I hate to agree with him travis, but he might be right. This is your first time taking on this kind of power and you might not be able to handle it. Travis: I have been talked down to by many people in my life. All my life I have been told that I can't handle myself and that I am not capable of being a hero. Well no more. I will not let a thief like him put me down and threaten me. Tappi: Are you sure about this travis? Travis: You won’t have to worry tappi. I can handle this. Yes cren i am gonna take you in personally. Cren: (Chuckles) your gonna regret that decision detective. But if you want to take me in (summons a dark duel disk from thin air onto his arm) then your gonna have to beat me in a duel. Travis: Very well then. I accept your challenge. (Travis pulls out his deck and duel disk and activates it). Travis: (It’s time i prove myself to everyone that i have what it takes). Travis/Cren: Let’s duel!!!!!!!! Cren:8000 Travis:8000 (Scene cut). (As the duel begins the warehouse soon becomes engulfed in a strange dark green fog as the hooded figure watches from afar). ???: The duel begins. Time to see how tough these new archounds really are. (Inside the warehouse…). Turn 1 Cren: Since I challenged you I shall make the first move, draw! (Draws a card). To start this off I summon devil brigade strong arm in attack mode! (A dark purple pentagram appears on the field and out from it comes a shadowy imp demonic creature in gray armor, with long red claws and dark yellow eyes). Devil brigade strong arm Lv4 ATK:1300 DEF:700 Tappi: Woof! That is one ugly arm there. Cren: Heh, I take that as a compliment, little kitty cat. Now I'll end my turn by placing these 2 cards facedown. Come on, detective, give me your best shot. (2 facedowns appear in front of cren). Turn 2 Travis: If you want it you shall get it. I draw! (Draws a card and looks at his hand). (Hey. looks like i drew some of the new cards i got from the packs me and johnny got earlier today). Tappi: (Looks at travis’s hand and smiles) ooh nice draw. Travis: Yes this hand will do nicely. I'll start my turn off by activating the spell card charge of the beast spirits. Thanks to this spell I can add 1 level 4 or lower beast spirit from my deck to my hand. (A random card pops out of Travis's deck). Travis: Next I set 1 card facedown. And summon forth beast spirit wasp warrior! Beast spirit wasp warrior Lv3 ATK:1600 DEF:1100 Travis: Now my wasp go and attack his strong arm! Silver stinger! (Warrior wasp charges towards strong arm as his abdomen unsheathes a large stinger). Cren: Gotcha detective. I activate the quickplay spell card sensory manipulation! Travis: What does that card do? Cren: Well detective, since you declared an attack, i send 1 card from my hand to the graveyard (does so) and not only do i negate your attack, but i get to deal you 200 points of damage to your lifepoints. (A strange sense of energy shoots out of the card and hits Travis straight on sending a loud ringing sound into his ears as Travis holds his head screaming in pain). Travis:7800 Cren: (Chuckles) oh sorry did that hurt? Well the pain is only just beginning. Tappi: Are you okay travis? Travis: Th… that attack from his card it… it felt so real. But that is impossible. These are just holograms. How can this pain I am feeling even be real? Cren: (Looks like he is doubting the powers of my master. Well once i draw the card i need he will soon change his tune). You giving up already detective? Travis: (Groans) not even close Cren. But I will end my turn for now. Turn 3 Cren: Then it’s back to me (draws a card and smiles). I have no use for my strong arm on the field anymore. I tribute my monster to tribute summon my brute giant!!!! Devil brigade brute giant Lv6 ATK:2200 DEF:0 Cren: And now from my graveyard I activate the effect of my strong arm from my graveyard. I can equip strong arm to any dark monster I control and it gains 600 attack points. And my brute giant fits the bill. (The soul of strong arm comes out of the graveyard and goes into brute giant as the creature becomes enveloped by a dark aura). Devil brigade brute giant Lv6 ATK:2800 DEF:0 Cren: Before I attack though I will set 1 card facedown. Now brute giant go and demolish the detective’s pathetic wasp! (Brute giant opens his mouth and fires out a black flame breath towards warrior wasp). Tappi: Warrior wasp is done for! Travis: Not quite. I play my trap card counter slash! Thanks to this trap not only is your attack negated. But your attacking monster is destroyed! (A claw slash comes out of the trap, hitting brute giant destroying him). Cren: My brute giant. Travis: And there more where that came from Cren. Cause now you take 800 points of damage to your lifepoints. Cren: What? (Some more claw slash attacks come out of the trap as they hit Cren and he groans in pain holding his chest). Cren:7200 Cren: (Chuckles) heh. Not bad detective. Guess you got some dueling skill after all. But one lucky move isn’t gonna save you forever. And thank you for destroying my monster. Travis: Huh?. Why are you thanking me? Cren: Because now I can activate this!. The trap dark hold! Since a dark monster was destroyed in battle this turn, I can send 1 card from my graveyard back into my deck and draw 1 card (does so and draws a card). Now i end my turn. Show me what you got! Travis: (That was an odd move. Why only play that card if he gets to draw a card but not set anything else. Something here is fishy). Turn 4 Cren: Hurry up punk and take your turn. I haven’t got all night! Travis: Fine then, I draw (draws a card). Tappi: Hey it’s your chance to get some damage on him. He has no monster on the field. Travis: I know but… Tappi: But what? Travis: I am worried about that facedown card of his? (What if he wants me to attack him and that trap could destroy my monster, or worse? What do I do?). Cren: (Look at this punk human cowering in fear. When I haven't even used my best cards on him. Looks like this duel is in the bag. Maybe I won't have to use the card the master gave me). What is wrong detective? You feeling scared to attack me? Travis: (He’s right. If i don’t attack soon i may not get another chance). (Looks at his hand but maybe this card can help). I activate the spell card pot of greed! (Draws 2 cards) (Just the cards I needed to get ahead). I summon beast spirit kickboxing roo! Beast spirit kickboxing roo Lv 3 ATK:1550 DEF:600 Travis: Next ill set 1 card facedown. (This trap spirit stampede might come in handy if he does bring out a stronger monster). Now kickboxing roo attack Cren directly with tail slam! (Kickboxing roo runs up to Cren and spins around hitting him hard in the face with his tail sending him flying back). Cren:5650 Cren: (Chuckles a bit and spits out a bit of blood) heh. Well your little friend packs quite a wallop there detective. Travis: And my wasp is gonna leave you wanting some pain medication Cren. Warrior wasp attack him directly. Cren: I don’t think so. I play the trap sigil of ceasing from my hand! Travis: A hand trap? Cren: Yes and a pretty useful one too. Since I took battle damage this turn this trap ends the battle phase. Tappi: Ah crap! Travis: Not a problem. I'll end my turn. Turn 5 Cren: Draw! (Draws a card and smiles) Well lookie here. I got my own pot of greed. I think i'll happily use it. (Draws 2 cards) and now i think it’s time we have a little seance in this warehouse. I activate the ritual spell card, the devil’s sigil!!!!! Travis: A ritual spell? That can’t be good. Cren: With this spell card I can ritual summon a monster from my hand or deck by send 2 monsters whose level is equal to the monster from my hand or field to the graveyard. And i have the 2 perfect monsters to use. (Sends 2 mysterious cards from his hand to the graveyard). (Suddenly a large white pentagram appears on the floor). Tappi: What is happening? Cren: Prepare to meet a creature born from the underworld with a power so frightening no mere mortal can stop it. I ritual summon! Devil brigade gargoyle knight! (A large shadow jumps from the pentagram and unveils it’s massive wings as it slowly glides to the field revealing itself to be a large dark gray gargoyle with black armor and gold claws as it opens its red eyes growling). Devil brigade gargoyle knight Lv5 ATK:2300 DEF:1900 (scene cut). Devil brigade gargoyle knight Lv5 ATK:2300 DEF:1900 Tappi: Yikes, that is one ugly creature. (The gargoyle growls at tappi). Cren: And now I activate gargoyle knight’s effect. Since he was ritual summoned I can send the top 2 cards from my deck to the graveyard and increase his attack points by 1000 until the end of this turn (does so). Devil brigade gargoyle knight Lv5 ATK:3300 DEF:1900 Cren: Now time to take out your weak and pathetic creatures. Gargoyle knight attack his kickboxing roo! Travis: Not gonna let you do that. I activate the trap card spirit stampede. Since your monster declared an attack, I can send the top card of my deck to the graveyard to negate your attack, in addition I gain 400 lifepoints for each beast spirit I control on the field. Cren: Nice try detective but i expected a pathetic play like that. I play the trap card hand of fate! Travis: What does that card do? Cren: It’s quite simple. Since you activated a card effect, i show you 1 card in my hand and you have to guess it’s type monster, spell or trap. And if you guess wrong then the card you just activated is negated this turn. (Takes a random card from his hand and holds it up) so go ahead and guess. Travis: (Crap. Did not expect him to pull out a guessing game all of a sudden. Let’s see.i have a 50% percent chance of guessing correctly so the odds of me guessing the right card are pretty decent. Then again it’s hard to instantly know what card he could be holding). Cren: You gonna make a decision or not? Travis: Yes I am one second! (I will just have to make a decision here and now). I chose a trap! Cren: (Imitates a buzzer) wrong answer. It was a monster. But hey you do get a consolation prize. Your trap being negated and your monster being destroyed. (Gargoyle knight unsheathes it’s dark red sword and takes flight. Swooping down and slicing right through kickboxing roo cutting him in half as the forceful wind of the attack pushes travis back a few feet). Travis:6050 Cren: And with that i shall set a card and end my turn. Guess you don't have much brains in that head of yours. You just let your muscles do the talking ha! Travis: (Groans). Tappi: Hey easy travis. Don’t let this punk human rile you up. Travis: Oh, I am calm. Turn 6 Travis: (Draws a card and grins). (Excellent beast spirit fusion. Just the card i needed. And what luck i got the 2 fusions i need right in my hand. Looks like ill have the upper hand now). I activate the spell card beast spirit fusion. And now ill use the 2 monsters in my hand, beast spirit tiger sword, and beast spirit shadow panther to perform a fusion summon! (Tiger sword and shadow panther turn into a dark green orb and a dark purple orb and fuse into each other forming a swirling vortex of colors). Travis: A proud and fierce warrior of the jungle learning the arts of great sword masters, slices his blade through this world to cut down evil wherever it lies. I fusion summon! Come forth, beast spirit shogun liger! Beast spirit shogun liger Lv9 ATK:2500 DEF:100 Cren: Not bad detective. You managed to actually bring out a decent monster for once. Too bad his attack won’t do much to my monster. Travis: That is where your wrong cren. Cren: Huh? Travis: For I now activate liger’s effect. Since he was fusion summoned to the field, i can reveal the top card of my deck and if that card happens to be a beast spirit monster, then liger’s attack and defense increases by 1000 until the end of my turn Cren: Hey you copycat! Travis: No need to act like a 3 year old child cren. Now let’s see what i draw. Tappi: Please be a beast sprit. (Travis draws his card and it is indeed a beast spirit). Travis: Hmm. Since I drew a beast spirit my monster’s attack and defense now increase. Beast spirit shogun liger Lv9 ATK:3500 DEF:100 Travis: Now to deal with your knight. Shogun liger attack cren’s gargoyle knight with your gold staff thrust! (Liger holds his staff up high and charges towards gargoyle knight). Cren: Gotchat again detective. I play the trap card devil’s spikes! Travis: What? (Large black thorny spikes pop out of the trap and stop liger dead in it’s tracks). Cren: Thanks to this trap. The monster that declared an attack is not allowed to attack for the rest of the duel. Tappi: Ah crap. And liger’s your best monster out there. Now what? Travis: Now nothing. I end my turn cren. Turn 7 Cren: (Chuckles) I stopped your attack again detective. Heh now you know how it feels to have every attack stopped. And I have plenty more surprises in store for you. (Draws a card) I summon to the field my devil brigade imp! Devil brigade imp Lv1 ATK:800 DEF:200 Tappi: Crap a tuner monster. Travis: Which means he is now planning to synchro summon. Cren: Correctamundo detective. I now tune my level 1 imp with my level 5 gargoyle knight. In order to synchro summon a creature that will take a big bite out of your lifepoints! Come forth level 6 devil brigade dire wolf. Devil brigade dire wolf Lv6 ATK:1950 DEF:1100 Cren: Seems like you forgot to leave your little wasp buddy in defense mode there detective. He is a perfect target for my knight. Gargoyle knight attack the detectives pathetic monster! (Gargoyle knight charges towards warrior wasp). Tappi: Your monster’s a goner! Travis: Not quite. I activate the effect of my beast spirit jade tortoise from my hand. I can special summon this monster from my hand since one of your monster’s declared an attack. And not only that your attack is negated. Cren: What??? (Growls). Whatever. You got lucky this turn detective. But that won’t happen again. I'll end my turn. Turn 8 Tappi: Phew! That was a close one. I was worried you were gonna lose another monster. Travis: Sadly though without liger being able to attack i won’t be able to get at his lifepoints.i have to hope to draw a good card. (Draws a card) and this will help. I now activate the effect of my beast spirit cure swallow from my hand. Thanks to this fine feathered friend I drew the top 3 cards of my deck. And if any of the cards drawn are beast spirit monsters I gain 300 lifepoints for each one drawn. (Travis draws the top 3 cards of his deck and gets 2 beast spirit monsters and 1 spell card). Travis:5650 Tappi: Oooh is that another one of the new cards you got? Travis: Yep and it will be very useful. Sorry about this liger but I will now tribute you and my warrior wasp in order to summon out this monster. Come on out beast spirit warlord panda! (As warrior wasp and liger leave the field in their place a very large black and white panda dawned in a traditional samurai warlord outfit drops from the sky and lands on the field). Beast spirit warlord panda Lv8 ATK:2800 DEF:1900 Travis: And this monster has a very powerful ability. When he declares an attack on a monster in defense position it can deal piercing battle damage. Cren: No! Travis: Warlord panda. Avenge your comrades and attack his dire wolf with warlord palm strike! (Warlord panda hovers over dire wolf as it whimpers. Warlord panda slams it’s giant palm onto dire crushing it flat and destroying it). Cren:3950 Travis: And now i will set 1 card facedown and end my turn. Your move cren. Turn 9 Cren: (Sits up groaning). (Ah hell. I didn’t expect him to pull out a friggin tank of a beast like that. My knight doesn’t stand a chance now. I need to draw something and fast that can keep me safe until I can get the card I need). I draw! (Draws a card). (Ooh this card will help for sure). I play the spell card swords of everlasting night! (Some glowing black swords fall from the sky and surround both duelists). Cren: Thanks to this card neither of us can attack for 2 turns. (This will at least buy me 1 turn to pull out the card I need). With that I end my turn. Turn 10 Travis: Very well i draw (draws a card). I'll just set this card facedown and end my turn. Seems like the criminal is running scared from the long arm of the law. Once you finish your turn cren my warlord panda will finish your monster and you will be one step closer to paying for what you did. Tappi: (Travis’s confidence is astounding. He definitely has got this duel in the bag. But the other guy. He doesn’t seem too shaken). (Just then tappi senses a strange dark aura coming from cren’s deck and is taken back in shock his fur begins to shake in fear). Travis: (Notices tappi shaking). You okay tappi? Tappi: (This… this feeling i am feeling. W… why am i shaking so much). Turn 11 (As cren draws his card a sinister smile goes over his face). Cren: Just what I needed. I'll start this turn off by setting a card facedown. Then I activate the spell card twin twisters! Travis: Damn. with that card he can destroy 2 spells and traps. (But wait there is no way he managed to pull a monster stronger than my warlord panda). Cren: And now with the power of my twin twisters I will destroy my swords of everlasting night and the facedown I just played. (2 tornadoes come out and destroy 2 of cren’s cards). Travis: Why destroy your own cards? Cren: Well cause one of the cards i destroyed has an effect. Specifically this card pot of shadows! Since it was destroyed by a card effect, I drew 3 cards. (As cren draws 3 cards he smiles and begins to laugh). Tappi: From the sound of that laugh s… seems like he g… got something good. Cren: I drew it. The card that will put and end to you. I play the card shard of enoran! Travis: Shard of what? Tappi: Oh no… it’s… that card. (As cren places the card onto his duel disk it disappears and the field suddenly becomes engulfed in a large red shield of dark energy that surrounds both Travis and Cren). Celest: Oh no. He has played the card. This will now be a true test of Travis's skills. I just hope he can survive this. Travis: Wh… what is this thing? Cren: This is a special field created by my master. Now no one can leave until there is one winner. And the loser will have their soul and the soul of their duel spirit trapped inside the shard for all eternity. And that person will be you detective. End of episode.