Rencean species lore: Renceans were made in a laboratory. Their DNA is a mixture of utahraptor and wolf DNA. But even when they were created in lab, there is something special.. maybe even magical in them.. When mixing the cells in a DNA combinator, a thunder storm appeared above the lab building. A lightning bolt hit one of satelites, that were on the roof and most of the electricity went right into the combinator machine. No one could say what happened to their cells but it changed the way their DNA was meant to fuse and it made the process a lot faster. It also contributed to their appearance. Two years later, after creating few of those creatures, they have escaped. Now they live outside the laboratory. They are free, living in forests, deserts or savannas. They do breed naturally, but they are still rare to find. Very curious and smart creatures. Their behavior is more similar to wolves. Obviously they are carnivores. Renceans can hunt in packs or alone Physical Traits: - Height: From 39 to 43 inches - Weight: From 132 to 138 pounds -Their ears have a different shape than it was meant to be, as if they were from some other animal. -Their tongue is pointy and long. -Their teeth can have any color on a scale from white to black. Claws are always the same color as their teeth. -The color of the tongue, gums and pawpads depends on the color of their eyes mostly(can be a bit darker or lighter), but can be naturally pink-ish. (not very often) -They have five fingers on their forelegs even when there were only three originally expected. -Their hind legs are longer than forelegs with a strong raptor claw on each. - Renceans walk and run on all four mostly but they can also stand and walk just on their hind legs when they want. Special Power: Scientists have confirmed, that almost every single rencean has something to do with electricity. All lightbulbs in one of their testing rooms exploded, when subject n.4 got angry. Other subject almost killed a scientist with lightning. Different man got electroshocked by the same rencean. They can stun bigger prey with an electroshock and then quickly and safely kill it as they are not affected by their own or any other type of electricity.