Buster and Babs pants inflation In the famous Tiny Toons studio, where the characters of the popular show Tiny Toons work and act, Buster, the short blue rabbit wearing his red shirt, was holding a book. The book was titled, “How to get REALLY Toony, by Dot Warner. It was a special book containing tips, facts, and information on how toons should act and give them advice on how to be a real cartoon character. Buster was walking around the studio, looking for Babs. He spotted her practicing some lines for the next episode. “Hey Babs. Get a load of this new book Warner made.” Buster said. Babs turned to Buster and saw the book in his hands. She read the title and saw the famous author’s name. “Oh. That looks great.” Babs said with excitement. Buster opened the book and turned to a specific chapter. “I found this one chapter that sounded really fun. Check this out.” Buster said as he held the book open for Babs, showing her the chapter. She read the page, talking about pants inflation and how it was really popular and common. “Pants inflation huh? I don't think we have ever tried that before?” Babs said, trying to remember an event with inflating pants but coming up blank. “According to Dot Warner, pants inflation is a common but highly effective form of comedy.” Buster explained. Babs saw the picture and it looked like a hose inside someone’s pants. “Really? It’s common? I've never heard of it. If it says it’s a very effective form of comedy, then we should totally try it out!” Babs said with an excited tone. “Ok. But what should we use it for?” Buster thought. Babs was thinking and got an idea. “I know. How about for a part in the next episode. The audience and viewers will love to see something new.” Buster agreed. “Ok. Let's do some practice first. You find a pair of pants to wear and i'll go find a pump.” Babs told Buster as they both left to get their stuff. Babs found a hand pump for some deflated props. She went to the practice studio and waited for Buster. The practice studio was large and open. No one else was in here so they could practice in peace. Finally Buster arrives wearing a pair of red pants, dragging a basket full of pairs of colored pants. “There you are. I thought you would need only one pair? Where did you find that many pairs of pants?” Babs questioned. “At storage. There’s about 50 or 60 pairs of pants here.” Buster explained. You can’t be too careful. One thing the author mentioned about inflating pants is this.” He said as he turned to the chapter and showed Babs. “Ohh. They tend to explode? So you brought all those extra pairs in case yours burst. I see now. Good thinking Buster.” Babs said. “Thanks. So who should go first?” “I think you should go first Buster. You seem to know more about this stuff than I do.” Babs suggested. She read the chapter more. “Ok. So I need to just put the hose in your pants and start pumping. It also says that I should seal your pants up to prevent the air from escaping.” Babs read. “How about that roll of duct tape?” Buster suggested, pointing to a tool table. Babs walked over and grabbed the roll. She started to pull the end and wrap it around Buster’s ankles. Then Buster pulled his pants waist open and Babs slid the pump end into his pants. Buster let go and Babs wrapped the duck tape around his waist to keep it shut and the hose inside. When his pants were sealed tight, Babs walked over to the pump and lifted the handle up. “Are you ready Buster?” She asked. “Ready!” Buster gave a thumbs up. Then Babs pushed down on the pump. A thick orb of air flowed out from the pump. Both watched it travel through the hose, reaching Buster. The orb squeezed past Buster’s pants and disappeared under his waist. He giggled at the feeling of air rushing into his pants. Babs saw his pants puff up a bit and continued to pump multiple times. Orb after orb of air traveled down the hose and squeezed their way past Buster’s waist, his pants growing at a steady pace. Buster opened the book. “It says here that the harder you pump, the bigger the puffs of air will show.” Buster read to Babs. “Oh? Alright.” She started to pump harder. Larger orbs of air about the size of bowling balls appeared. As she pumped and watched the orbs travel and disappear past Buster’s waist, she saw his pants growing more bigger and wider. “Wow Babs. You sure are getting hooked on the concept of, “Bigger is better.” Buster said. “I know. This is so much fun!” She giggled as she kept pumping. Buster’s pants continue to inflate. She watched as his legs were forced to spread apart and the waist of his pants was rising. Buster read the book more. “It says here that the stretchiness of a person’s pants determines how big they will inflate. In that case, these pants were already so stretchy before they started to inflate.” Buster read. “Great! That means they can stretch really big. Let’s see how big they can grow.” Babs said as she started to pump faster. As she pumped, she saw his red pants grow even bigger. She watched as Buster’s paws slowly rose off the ground. “Woah! I’m starting to float!” Buster said as he looked down past his inflating pants. He was at least a foot off the ground. “Wow. You're like a balloon now” Babs said while still pumping, watching him float higher. Buster read the chapter some more. “It also says here that girls tend to be mischievous with inflation tools. They won't stop until a pair of inflating pants get too big and explode. Boy, that is one noble author.” Buster said. “Well i certainly want to pump your pants until they explode.” She said with an evil grin. Buster's pants were big as a weather balloon. The top of his paws pressing against his inflating red pants. His waist now sunk under the rim of his blimp pants. Then he started to hear them creak lightly. “Uh Babs?” He said with worry as he noticed the orbs of air were much bigger. Babs ignored him as she kept pumping. Babs looked up at her work. She saw Buster’s paws half way inside his inflating red pants. His waist now swallowed up as the rim rose to his stomach. “My pants are getting really huge.” Buster pleaded. “I know! I'm sure they can still get bigger?” Babs said as she pumped basket ball sized orbs of air, making their way up and squeezing past Busters waist. Finally the creaking noise was louder. After one more big pump, Babs stopped. She watched a beach ball sized orb travel through the hose, up to Buster. He watched as the large orb squeezed its way inside, causing his pants to fwoomp up. “Uh oh.” He said before finally. BANG! Buster's pants exploded, knocking over Babs and sending scraps of red fabric across the room. Babs got up and saw Buster on the ground. “Man! That was fun. Right Buster?” He gave a thumbs up. After they recovered Buster grabbed a pair of blue pants and approached Babs. “Alright Babs. now it's your turn.” He said. “Alright. This will be so much fun.” Babs slipped on the pair of blue pants. Buster placed the hose inside her pants and sealed her ankles and waist with the tape. Then he approached the pump and began pumping. Babs watched as the orbs of air traveled through the hose and squeezed past the waist of her pants. She giggled at the feeling, watching as her pants puffed up. “It’s only fair that I do this to you Babs.” He said with a smile. “Your right. But can you pump more than me?” She said with a smug grin, challenging Buster. “Challenge accepted.” He said as he pumped much harder. The orbs got much bigger than before as they were sent to Babs’s pants. Babs watched her inflating pants. The ankles were pressing against the top of her paws as her waist rose higher. She rested her hands against her inflating pants, feeling their puffiness, pressing against them, watching them bounce back and push her hands away. Buster continued to pump much harder and faster. Babs saw the puffs of air already as big as basketballs. Then she slowly felt her paws rise and leave the ground. “Buster! I’m flying.” She said, waving her arms, watching buster get farther away. “That’s right! Let’s make those pants pof yours much bigger.” Babs could feel her pants already huge. She could only see the top of her inflating blue pants as Buster was no longer in sight. Her pants began to take in her stomach as her heels were absorbed. “I see why people see this as a great form of comedy. Comfy too.” She said, enjoying the feeling. “To heck with the practice area! Let's get them bigger than this whole facility!” Buster said as he pumped even harder and faster. “I agree! Let's set a new world record!” Babs said with a determined look. Her inflating pants were past the size of Busters last pair. She could feel half of her paws being swallowed up while her stomach was taken in. She watched puff after puff of air flow into her blimp pants. They were as big as Buster himself. For a small guy, He has some strength. Buster saw Babs’s pants took up most of the entire practice area. “So huge…” He said. Babs could feel her toes were the only thing left as her paws were pretty much gone. She saw the rim slowly rise to her chest. She rubbed and felt the fabric of her blue pants again. She heard some noises as she saw her blimp pants pressing against the walls, knocking over props and forcing Buster to back up. “Hey Buster? Are you feeling tired yet? Maybe we should take a break?” She said with slight worry. “No way! Not giving up!” He yelled with determination. Babs saw beach ball sized puffs of air flow into her blue blimp pants. They were inflating faster. She felt the rim press under her arms as her toes were completely swallowed up, tightly pressed between the stretch, puffy walls. “Seriously Buster! We should stop. My pants are big enough!” She said as she felt her head touch the ceiling. Buster didn't stop, hearing her only made him pump more! Babs’s pants started to creak. She noticed the rim of her giant balloon pants up to her neck. “Buster! I'm sinking! Stop!” She yelled. Buster smiled, pumping puffs as big as the practice stage itself. “Bus-Mmph Mmph!” She was cut off as her inflating pants covered her mouth. Then Buster pushed down the pump as hard as he could. He saw the biggest puff of air flow through the hose. He watched it travel up and Babs watched it arrive and squeeze its way inside her pants. They fwoomped up, pressing Buster against a wall. They creaked loudly until a big BANG! The burst shook the whole building. Scraps of blue fabric fell as Babs was in the middle. So how was it Babs?” Buster asked with a winning grin. “That… was… so much... fun!” She said as she got up with a big smile. Buster pulls the book out from under his shirt and reads the chapter more. “It says here, like the survivor of a jungle, anything can be used for a purpose. In this case, pants inflation. It involves creativity, originality, and ingenuity.” He read. “Well tell the author he’s an amazing writer. We should do this again.” Babs said with a laugh. She turned to the pile of spare pants. “So what now?” She questioned. How about a little competition?” I bet I can pump your pants bigger and faster then you can pump mine!” He challenged Babs. “You're on!” She said. Both made their way over to the pile, grabbed a pair of pants, placed the hose inside, tape up, and began pumping. What they didn't realize was the pair they were both wearing was a deluxe version of stretchy pants. Buster was wearing green pants while Babs wore purple pants. They both began the pump off. Both starting off with big puffs of air. Buster pumped Babs’s faster, forcing Babs to pick up her game. Both their pants were already huge. Soon they left the ground. The pumps were already as big as they were. Their pants stretch and expand. Both their paws were already sinking. One thing they did change was their waist as the fabric was not absorbing their stomachs. Their pumps are as big as beach balls. If one pair of blimp pants took up the practice area. then two already filled up the building. Their inflating pants pressed against each other and the walls. “Getting tired yet Buster?” Babs said with a determined look. “No way! I'll stop when you admit I win.” Buster said back. “In your dreams bunny boy.” Both stepped up their game. Pumping weather balloon sized pumps into each other's pants. Their heads reached the ceiling. The walls creaked louder and bended. Finally they gave away as two huge colored blimp pants emerged from the building. The roof of the building falling around the constantly growing pants full of air. “Wow! We demolished the building!” Babs said looking at the sky. The sudden increase in open space made them puch away from each other. “Maybe we should stop here Buster? We might float away?” Babs said. “Is that the sound of giving up? I won't let a little extra height stop me!” Buster yelled. “Who said anything about giving up?” Babs replied as they both smiled at each other with determined grins. Both continued pumping harder and faster. From a view from town. People could see 2 gigant colored balloons constantly growing bigger and wider, right above the Tiny toons studio. They pumped parade float size pumps. Flowing into their pants, squeezing past their waist. Their paws long gone. The sounds of the material constantly stretching and creaking as they inflated was louder than ever. Each one racing to grow bigger than the other. Soon Buster's green pants started to press against the building in the city while Babs’s purple pants were reaching the shipping docks. People watched as these inflating pants blocked out the sun. Buildings were swallowed up by Buster's pants while Babs was reaching a small island in the ocean. “Wow. I can't believe how big we have gotten.” Babs said, looking at the distant hills and ocean from her height. Buster looked around too. Anything from below was out of sight but both could see the curve of the earth. “Yea. I think we broke the record a while ago.” Buster yelled to Babs so she could hear him. “Well let's make the record impossible to break!” Babs yelled back to Buster. Both began pumping hot air balloon sized pumps. The material was reaching its limits. The green and purple pants could be seen from space. Both kept pumping. The creaking louder than ever. Finally after one more pump from each of them… A child from the other side of the planet looked towards the clear sky as he heard a distant thunder of some kind. “Hey mom? Did you hear that?” The boy said to his mother. “I did. Wonder what that was?” She wondered. In the city. Pretty much every window shattered. Waves crashed against the walls of the dock. Boats waving the tense waves. In a flash, the sun was shining again. The two loming colored balloons disappeared in a flash. Back at the destroyed practice stage, A blue rabbit with a red shirt and a pink rabbit with a yellow shirt and red bows on her ears laid in the middle of the rubble. “Ohh. I think we may have overdone it a little Babs?” Buster said, rubbing his head. “Yea. I think we did. It was pretty fun though right?” Babs said as she stood up. They both laughed. “Which pair did we grab? The others we had never even came close to that size.” Buster wondered? Slowly, a white tag floated in front of him. Buster grabbed the tag and read the name. “ACME signature brand stretchy pants. Deluxe edition.” He read. “Deluxe edition huh? Well it certainly lives up to it’s name alright.” Babs said. “Indeed. ACME is the best there is when it comes to toonish stuff like pants inflation.” Buster told Babs. They both looked around the destroyed practice building. “Looks like we got a lot of cleaning and fixing up to do huh?” Babs said with an embarrassed look. Buster laughed. “Yea. We really overdid it huh? Oh! By the way? Who popped first?” Buster asked Babs. “I think I popped your pants first. That means I won!” Babs cheered. “Yea right! I made yours burst first.” Buster said back. “You ready for round 2 bunny boy?” Babs told buster. “Oh yea!” Buster said back as they both grabbed another pair, taped up, and started pumping. The news media is gonna have a field day with this one. That’s all folks!