Basil flattened and inflated It had been a strange week for the brothers of the Trio De Danger. A week that they will never forget. It started when Bergamo was trying to clear his head from the tournament of power and relax but his pants were uncomfortable, preventing him from relaxing. Basil shows up and says he wants to help and he gets an idea, leaves, comes back with some strange metal cylinder, and Bergamo ends up with his pants inflated to the size of a small blimp. Then Lavender went to the forest to get some lunch. He comes back green and his lower body full of juice. He was the size of a small cabin for peat sake! All 3 brothers saw each other in these life changing, embarrassing situations that they would keep quiet. If one tells someone, then the other would tell someone and so on. In a large cave, 2 of the famous anthro wolves of universe 9 resided. Lavender was drinking some of the juice that was drained from his body when he ate the strange pear fruit and became bottom heavy. While Bergamo was leaning against the wall, staring down at the ground. “Hmph. I can’t believe I agreed to let him inflate my pants in the open like that? I should have let him walk. Now he can tell anyone about my event and I'll be a laughing stock.” Bergamo said in a grumpy tone. “Hey, you're not the only one remember?” Lavender said to Bergamo. “I had my rear and whole lower body grow huge. Basil helped me out of that situation. I would have been a permanent walking fruit sponge without him.” Lavender says to defend Basil. “And now he can tell others about the time you were a walking fruit with a bottom that was wider than a boulder.” Bergamo replied. Lavender stopped and thought about what his brother said. It was a pretty embarrassing situation. “But? I mean, it’s Basil right? He cares about us and we care about him. He wouldn't tell anybody about this? Would he?” Lavender said with wonder. Bergamo looked back down at the ground. Thinking how to prevent Basil from telling people about his brother's events? Then the blue wolf got a great idea! “You know Lavender? Basil is the only one who hasn't had anything crazy happen to him yet.” Bergamo said with a smug grin. Lavender stopped chugging his tankard of juice and looked at Bergamo with curiosity. “Your right. Basil has been avoiding getting into situations like those. Have you noticed he’s stayed away from us more often?” Lavender said. Both of the brothers did notice that Basil was keeping himself away from the both of them, mostly Bergamo. “Yea? Almost like he doesn't want to get into any of the situations we've been in?” Bergamo said looking up. “Well? How about we change that?” The wolf said with an evil grin facing Lavender. “Yea? It would be a shame if Basil was kept out of all the fun we had. Wouldn't it?” Lavender replied with the same evil smile. “Indeed brother. Now what can we do?” The blue wolf said. Both of them started to think of what kind of situation they could get Basil into without him knowing what’s going on or breaking free. “I’ve noticed that our events were mostly inflation or growing related.” Lavender said. “Maybe we could make Basil grow too?” Bergamo liked the idea. Then chuckled. “You know? I’ve always wanted to see Basil as a big red balloon ever since he told me about his trip to that balloon shop he visited. Yes! That’s it!” Bergamo yelled as he backed away from the wall. He explained his evil plan to Lavender. The yellow wolf was shocked at his brother's evil plan. “Bergamo? I didn't think you were the teasing type? I love it!” Lavender said with an excited tone. Bergamo laughed too at his master plan. “Basil isn't the only one who can come up with great ideas. Now for this plan to work I need you to go to that place in Universe 7 while I head to town. You got it?” Bergamo said with a serious tone. “I know where it is. Basil told me all about it.” Lavender said. Bergamo walked over to the barrels of juice and lifted a barrel. “Remember. Basil can not know anything about this. If you warn him? I will make sure the same thing happens to you but even worse.” Bergamo said in both a serious and joking tone. Lavender laughed. “Don’t worry brother. My lips are sealed.” Bergamo nodded and both made their way outside the cave. Lavender ran off in one direction while Bergamo in the opposite direction towards town. In an open field next to some short stone pillars and the edge of a forest, a red slim anthro wolf, standing on his hind legs, was kicking and punching the air. He was wearing his red boots and black gloves. He left his black cape back home not needing it for now. He was doing some training for the next battle, not knowing when it would come, but the battle he was soon going to be in would be different from anything he fought before. Basil leaned against one of the stone pillars exhausted from training. He slid down on the ground to take a breather. Then a shadow covered him as he turned to see the caster, only to find Bergamo. “Hey bud? How are you?” Bergamo said in a calm tone, hiding the excited grin behind. “Hey Bergamo. Just doing some training. I'm just taking a break is all.” Basil said. “Alright. Just don’t push yourself too hard? I’m gonna go do some training myself over in the forest.” Bergamo said as he pointed towards the forest and made his way over. As he was farther away, Basil stared at him. “Huh? That was weird? He’s usually always so serious about his training? Maybe his blimp pants really changed him?” Basil said, chuckling at the thought. When Bergamo was in the forest, out of sight from Basil, he walked towards a tall rock where Lavender was hiding. “Ok Lavender. It’s your turn. Remember how to act?” Bergamo said. “Got it.” Lavender responded. He pushed himself off the ground, holding a flask with the same pear juice from the cave. He walked past Bergamo and made his way over to Basil. In the meantime, Bergamo sat down and started to meditate and focus his power. He grew in size slowly. Lavender left the edge of the forest and made his way over to Basil in sight. “Hey Basil.” Lavender greeted his brother. “Oh, hey Lavender.” Basil responded noticing the flack in his hands. “Oh? Is that some of the pear juice from the cave?” Basil said with a happy tone. “Yea. I heard you were training out here and so I thought to bring you some juice to help you out.” Lavender said with a caring tone, hiding the excited, evil grin behind. The flask he was holding is the one Basil always knew had the pear juice from the cave inside. The juice was delicious, refreshing, and healthy to drink. Having some would help regain his energy to practice more. Lavender sat down next to his red wolf brother. “You look beat? You want it?” Lavender said, offering the flask to Basil. “Definitely.” Basil said, Lavender excited he took the bait. Basil grabbed the flask out of Lavender’s hands and twisted the top off. He moved it up to his lips and was about to drink it when he stopped. “Wait a second?” Basil said. Inside, Lavender panicked, thinking if he noticed? “Lavender? Did you clean this yesterday?” Basil said, looking at Lavender with a curious look. “Oh yea! Definitely. I uh, washed it clean yesterday.” Lavender responded with a relieved sigh. “Ok cool.” Basil said as he tilted the flask and his head, chugging down the delicious juice. He chugged it down, not stopping for a second as Lavender watched with a big grin across his face. “Ahhh. That hit the spot. Strange though? It tasted a little different from yesterday?” Basil said looking at the flask then released a loud belch. “Uh, sorry.” He apologised. “Ha! Don’t worry. It’s all good.” Lavender said with a brotherly smile, patting Basil’s back. “Besides, how else are we gonna embarrass you?” Basil chuckeling along, but then stopped. “Wait? What did you say?” He said, turning to face Lavender. “I said how else are we gonna embarrass you?” Lavender repeating. Basil stood up and dropped the flask. He felt his stomach start to act up. “L-Lavender? What did you do? What was in that?” Basil said, feeling his whole body start to tingle. He could feel his legs get weaker and his arms heavier as he tried to walk away from Lavender. He belched again and fell down on his back. “I-I can't move!” Basil yelled. He felt like all movement in his arms, legs, and tail were cut off, but he could still move his hands and feet just fine. Lavender looked down at Basil from above. “Don’t worry Basil. You can still kinda move and feel just fine. Now we get to the big part.” Lavender said as he looked up. Basil watched him as he took a deep breath, moved 2 fingers to his muzzle, and let loose a loud whistle, like he was signaling something. Suddenly Basil felt the ground shake. It was on and off like a switch. The rumbles getting more intense after each tremor. Finally it stopped as a huge shadow was covering a large area of the open field. Basil turned his head to see what it was, only to see his brother Bergamo at a macro size. “Man, I could really use a comfy spot to sit down.” Bergamo said, his voice thundering across the field. Lavender moved his paw near his mouth and yelled, “Hey Bergamo! This spot right here looks like a good place to rest!” He yelled, pointing right at Basil on the ground. Basil started to figure out what was going on here. Bergamo looked down at Lavender, trying to not notice Basil. “Hey Lavender? That does look like a good spot.” The macro wolf’s voice thundered. He started to turn himself around as Lavender spread out Basil’s arms, legs and tail into a X position. Basil could do nothing but watch what was unfolding. Finally Bergamo was finished and squated. Basil figured out what was happening. “Bergamo! Don’t you dare sit on me!” Basil yelled. Lavender laughed as he ran away from the impact zone while Bergamo smiled. Basil watched with horror as his brother’s brown backside came closer. “Oh crud.” Was all he could say before the light around him grew dark and touchdown. When Bergamo landed, it was like a small earthquake. Birds across the forest flew into the sky, water in nearby lakes and streams splash, and Lavender fell over. “Ahh. Much better.” Bergamo’s thundering voice said. Under his fluffy butt and brown pants, Basil was tightly pressed between the 2 surfaces. On one side was the grass. The other felt like being crushed by tons of soft fabric and warm fur. Basil was completely covered and smushed by his brother's big butt. He tried to move his body but the tampered juice was strong as he could only move his hands and feet, not helping in any way. He could feel his body start to thin out and stretch from the heavy weight. He could feel the warmth of his brother's fluffy rear and soft pants, feeling every movement as he grinded and pressed more and more against the ground with his micro brother underneath. Basil should have known his brothers would try something to get even. He just never expected this. Never would he have though Bergamo would sit on him like this, but as much as it was embarrassing, it kinda felt nice. Like being crushed tightly by a nice, warm, soft pillow. Underneath, Basil smiled as he heard Bergamo laughing and enjoying himself. He could feel his body getting flatter and stretch out more, thinking and feeling like he was becoming flat, flat like paper. How he could breathe under his brother's titan of a rump confused him, but as long as he could breath he felt ok. After about 5 minutes of sitting, grinding, and butt pressing, Lavender spoke up. “Ok Bergamo! It’s been longer than you said! You should get up before Basil becomes part of the ground!” He yelled so his macro brother could hear him. Bergamo chuckled with joy as he placed his hands on the ground and pushed himself back on his paws. When Lavender checked to see if Basil was still alive, he didn't see him in the crater Bergamo’s rear cause. He looked around for his brother before he saw something large and red spread across Bergamo’s pants. “Uh Bergamo!? You need to see this! Check out your butt!” Lavender said. Bergamo twisted himself to see what Lavender was talking about. What he saw made him laugh out loud. The back of Basil’s body was completely stretched out across Bergamo’s rear of his pants like a sticker. He moved his hands and peeled off his brother like a sticker, waving in the wind like a flag, and laid him down flat across the ground. Lavender approached and saw what had happened to his brother. Basil was so stretched out and flat, he looked like a huge rug. His middle was a perfect circle the size of a large, inflatable pool. His limbs and tail were wide as oak trees in a X position, even his boots and gloves also stretched out and flat like the rest of his body. He had a big goofy smile across his flat face as even his muzzle was spread out and pressed against his face. “Well Basil. I honestly didn't expect the drink to be this effective.” Lavender said, looking across the huge, paper flat rug that was his brother. Bergamo shrunk himself down along with his pants, belt, and scarf. He approached to see his work and laughed hard, seeing his brother in such a cartoonish form. “Oh man! I really did a number on you.” Bergamo said, tears running down his face. Basil could only reply with muffled grunts and noises as his mouth was pressed shut tight. He got a hold of himself and told Lavender to get “the thing”. Lavender turned and ran back to the edge of the forest and picked up something behind the large rock. Meanwhile Bergamo lowered himself into Basil’s view and explained his plan. “That flask you drank had the same pear juice from the barrels in the cave. Thing is, I took it to an alchemist and told him to add a special herb to it. Don’t remember what it was called but recognized how it looks. Basically it makes your limbs weak and uh, let your body do this.” Bergamo said as he pointed across Basil’s paper flat body. “As for me? Well I heard Lavender sat on you when he was still a bottom heavy pear. So I gave it a shot. I will say this, you make for a comfy seat Basil.” Bergamo said with a smug smile while Basil could only whine with embarrassment and still had that big smile. Lavender returned holding something. It was out of Basil’s sight as he could only look straight up at the sky. Bergamo turned and grabbed something and then showed what he was holding to Basil. What Basil saw made him whine with slight fear. “Recognize this thing?” Bergamo taunted. It was a hose end, one that looked exactly like the one he used to inflate Bergamo’s pants. “Don’t worry. It’s completely harmless. We need to fix you up.” Bergamo said with an evil grin. Basil knew what the hose was connected to. “I asked Lavender to go back to that balloon shop you told him about and get a few of these canisters. Don’t worry about the human at the shop. Lavender paid him for these, we’re not that cruel.” Bergamo explained. “Now open wide.” He said as he tried to stick the hose in Basil’s shut tight, flat muzzle. “Hmmm? No luck. Lavender, help me out here.” Bergamo said. “Oh it’s easy. Just cover his nose and he’ll open his mouth to breath. Then you stick the hose in his mouth.” Lavender explained. Bergamo used his hand and placed them against the black spot on Basil’s snout that was his nose. He tried to hold his breath to prevent his mouth opening to breath but was short lived. Basil opened his mouth to breath and in that moment, Bergamo shoved the hose end inside his mouth. “There we go. Now. Let’s fix you up.” Bergamo said as he stood up and walked over to the tall metal cylinder. Basil was whining and trying to yell to his brothers to stop, only hearing muffled noises coming from him. He tried to spit the hose out and move his fingers and feet but they were too flat to even wiggle. Then Basil heard a noise. It was starting and there was no way to stop it. Bergamo and Lavender both watched as the hose thickened out with air, watching it as it traveled straight to the paper thin red wolf on the ground. Basil felt the first puff of air flow into his muzzle. Both his cheeks fwoomped up, becoming round again. More air flowed into him and his wide middle had a small lump that grew taller and wider. Basil tried to call out to his brothers again, still muffled pleas. Soon his middle grew taller than both his brothers while other parts were becoming round again. Basil felt his nose and muzzle stick out again, his ears, and finally his head as it puffed back to normal size. He could turn his head as he looked at Bergamo and Lavender. “Mmph! MmphMmph!” He tried to say help. Then he turned to see the hill that was his middle as it was now taller and wider then Lavender when he was a bottom heavy, juice filled pear. Basil could feel his arms, legs, and tail thicken out again, going from paper thin, to a deflated pool toy, and finally back to normal size. One by one he could feel his fingers and toes pop round again. “Well, looks like he's mostly back to normal?” Lavender said with a disappointed tone. “Yea. I guess we should turn it off before he gets too big.” Bergamo said. Basil exhaled through his nose, relieved that it was over. He still couldn't move his arms or legs, but could still move his head, fingers, and toes. “Or? Maybe? We could just watch. Heh.” Bergamo said with an evil chuckle. “I agree. I think Basil could be bigger. Much bigger.” Lavender adding. Basil turned to look at his brothers, and watched with panic as Bergamo grabbed the valve and turned it more, increasing the flow of air into Basil. “MMPH! MMPH MMPH!” Basil yelling to stop and help. He turned and saw his boulder sized middle rising higher and growing wider. “Sorry? What was that Basil? You need to speak up!” Both brothers laughed as they watched their red furred brother’s body inflate bigger with air. Basil could feel his limbs and body growing much wider and puffier than his original shape. Soon he felt his back leave the ground. Bergamo and Lavender watched as Basil’s inflating body rose into the air. Basil panicked more, wiggling his fingers and toes, trying to grab anything from rising up the air. His cheeks grew bigger to bowling ball size, his arms and legs thick and oval like footballs, his tail becoming a small balloon, and his middle, his middle now rivaled the size of Bergamo’s inflated pants. “Should we have tied him down? What if he floats away?” Lavender said with slight worry for his brother, both of them looking up at the expanding balloon of a brother. “Naa. That canister of HE was pretty strong enough to hold me down. He should be fine.” Bergamo said, smiling at his brother's situation. As Basil rose, he could feel his ballooning body turning right. He could see the forest top, then the entire forest, the ground, and finally his back was facing the sky as he could see below him, watching his brothers look up at him doing nothing to help him. Finally Basil’s middle grew to a sphere, surpassing the size of Bergamo’s inflated pants. He could feel his expanding arms and legs become balloons as well. He felt his boots fly off and his gloves tore, each of his fingers and toes fwoomp and puff up one at a time. He had to admit, being inflated like this felt so nice. He was so worried trying to find and plead a way out that he never stopped and felt his expanding body. The feeling of his body stretching and growing sent a lovely feeling all over him. He wiggled his puffed up fingers and toes, feeling them rub against each other with their puffiness. His cheeks the size of basketballs, his tale almost half the size his inflating body was. The tip was just a small bump at the end. Basil stopped panicking and embraced his situation, smiling and letting the air flow into him. “On the ground, Bergamo and Lavender watched Basil's round arms and legs sink into his blimp body. Basil could feel it too as his elbows and knees were just barley outside until they were swallowed up. “He’s getting really big. We should turn it off before he explodes.” Lavender said to Bergamo with worry. “Not yet. I want him to be huge. Trust me. The alchemist said that herb was some powerful stuff. He can take it. Although, I don’t hear him begging for mercy anymore.” Bergamo said. Basil’s neck was sinking too, forcing him to look straight. He ears fwoomped up, his cheeks growing even bigger, and the back of his head pressing against his inflating body. Finally his limbs were completely sucked into his expanding body as his puffy hands and feet were sticking out, wiggling what little movement he had with them. Finally the hose reached its max length, preventing him from rising high into the sky. The metal cylinder acting like an anchor. The feeling of stretching and expanding was heaven. It felt like a dream to feel this. He didn't know how much bigger he would get, he might even burst but knowing his brothers, they would never allow that. His inflated cheeks pressed against his inflating body as his ears were now half way inside. He felt that his whole head would be swallowed up soon. Suddenly, the flow of air stopped. Basil looked around, trying to figure out what happened? Back on the ground, Bergamo twisted the valve until the air flow stopped. “Alright. He’s big enough.” Bergamo said with confidence. They observed the blimp their brother was. He was huge! A giant, red, furred sphere with a tail that was half the size of his body. His hands and feet reduced to just puffy paws with wiggling fingers and toes. His head was sunken into his body, showing his big, round cheeks, puffy ears, and his face. “Lavender? You got the rope right?” He said turning to his brother. “Yea. Right here.” The yellow wolf said, dragging a coil of rope across the grass. “Alright. Let’s get to work.” Bergamo and lavender said as they moved. The shadow Basil was casting was big enough to have a restaurant underneath him. Bergamo and lavender were on both sides of Basil. They both threw ropes over their blimp brother. Basil could feel the ropes across his body. He looked around, trying to find his brothers and wondered what’s going on. Once the rope was on the other side, the brothers grabbed heavy metal stakes and tied the rope around them. Then they pulled Basil closer to the ground until his belly touched the grass again. Then they stopped and pushed the metal stakes into the ground, securing Basil so he didn't fly away. “Whew. Finally done.” Lavender said, wiping some sweat from his forehead. “Yea. Lets go talk to our blimp brother.” Bergamo said. They jumped up to where Basil’s head was and sat on the edge. Next, Bergamo grabbed Basil’s snout past his puffy cheeks and held tightly as he pulled the hose out of his mouth. Meanwhile, Lavender pulled out a thick, rubber band and moved it over Basil’s muzzle. Then he let go as the rubber band had a tight and secure grip, keeping his mouth shut. Bergamo let go and was relieved that Basil wasn't flying away or this whole plan would be ruined. “So Basil? I guess we all have a story huh?” Bergamo said with a smug smile. Basil could only respond with more muffled noises. “Don’t worry. Well deflate you. Maybe tomorrow though? By the way Bergamo? How long does this effect last?” Lavender questioned. “Oh don’t worry. It will wear off tomorrow. But in the meantime…” Bergamo and Lavender both climbed to the top of Basil’s blimp body, reaching the top of his back. “Let's enjoy this great resting spot shall we?” Bergamo told Lavender. Both brothers stretched and laid down on top of the soft, furry balloon of their brother, watching the clouds roll by. Eventually taking a nice long nap. Basil did feel embarrassed when Bergamo sat on him until he was paper thin and then inflated him to a blimp. However he knew his brothers wanted to get even so they all have something to hide. Basil knew they had a lot of fun doing all this, and that made him happy, knowing he made them work together and get even, even if it meant he would be a butt sticker and a blimp for them to rest on. Basil chuckled and stretched his puffy fingers and toes, closing his eyes, and enjoying the feeling of his blimp body while his brothers rested on top. “Thank the gods no one is around to see this, huh Bergamo?” lavender turning to a relaxed blue wolf. “Heh yea, I don’t know what we would do if one of the gods of destruction found out about this.” He replied. Unknowingly to them, a certain 3 tailed yellow fox was watching them from an orb. “Well. Interesting. Very interesting.” The fox spoke with a toothy grin. The end. For now.