Kris pondered for a bit, wondering what they should choose. They rummaged through the box and decided that the one with the yellowish-white horns would look nice, Kris thought of painting them black for a devil costume around Halloween. Kris grabbed the band and walked to Tony and handed him a nice crisp 20 dollar bill. “I would want this please” “OK, can do”, Tony said while taking the bill, “ Have a nice day” “Will do.”, Kris said while walking out the door towards their car. Kris got in their car and put the band on the passenger seat. They stared at it for a while and then started on the drive home. Kris passed by a farm with a herd of grazing cattle, but didn’t pay any mind to them as they continued home. Kris pulled into their driveway and went into their home, holding the band. They put it on their living room table as they went to give themselves a snack, grabbing a bag of BBQ chips. A few hours had passed as Kris continued packing and putting stuff in the back of their car for tomorrow. As they came in from putting the last box in their car, they saw the band, still sitting on the table. “Oop, forgot about this. Well, I guess I should put it on.” They went into their bedroom, where there was a mirror. They looked at the band and slipped it on. They realized they looked a little silly and went to pull it off when they felt a click. The foam horns hardened into a nail-like substance. “The fuck?” They said incredulously. Kris saw their hair shorten and lighten to a dark purple. Their ears also lengthened into an oval shape, the one you would see on a cow. A fine coating of purple hairs covered Kris’ face, They blinked and saw their eyes change to a light yellow. “The fuu-”, they stumbled out as they felt the front of their face push forward. Their nose widened, flattened and turned into a beige like the horns as it became the front of their bovine snout. They felt a tingling feeling in their throat as the fur ran down it, a large bunch of fur covering their neck. “Ooh that feels weird-wait what’s wrong with my voice”, Kris said as they noticed their voice was a little more feminine, and had a twinge of a southern accent. They watched as the fur ran down their arms. When it reached their hands, they felt their hands stiffen as the fingers merged into three hoof-like nails. “Guess I won’t be playing games with these”, Kris joked. Their shirt tightened as they felt themselves becoming a tad taller, Kris fumbled with their new hoofhands as they struggled to remove their shirt, they ended up just ripping it apart. They now saw the extent of the change thus far, their torso covered with purple and yellow fur. They did notice a yellow bump on their stomach that was steadily growing. “Wha?”, Kris said as they saw the bump get heavier as liquid started filling it, their shorts ripped with a loud shripp to reveal the large bump, now had 4 teats on it, completing the new udder. “I’m a cow with a god damn udder. This is GREAT!”, she said with excitement. They grabbed it and shook it, hearing the milk slosh around. She giggled as it felt nice to do. She felt a quick pulling sensation at her back as her new tail formed a thin one with a fluffy tassel at the end. “This is looking pretty gOOOOO-”, She bellowed at the end there as she felt her legs go into a unguligrade shape. Her shoes felt tight as her feet changed into a pair of cloven hooves, it finally bursting out. “MOOOOOOOO”, she mooed as the changes ceased, she gulped a little and pulled the rest of her destroyed shoes off her hooves. She saw that she was taller and that she is now a purple and yellow cow person. “I’m not complaining, it might be hard to do assignments with these”, she said while clacking her hoof hands together. She felt a sense of hunger and walked outside, she then saw her mowed back yard, something they did a day or two ago. She stared longingly at the grass. “Why do I want to graze….well I’m a cow, so it’s worth a shot, not like I got things that would work for me.” She walked outside into her backyard, got on her knees and started grazing on the grass, it tasted amazing and she quickly grabbed some more. It exploded in her mouth. “Hi, why are you a cow?”, a young child asked her. Kris responded by loudly mooing at them and proceeded to graze some more. She did wonder how she would go to campus, but that didn't matter right now. All that mattered was that she was happy now and will always be happy grazing her grass.