A Tsunami in Greenland A Tsunami/Bureau of Superheroes fanfic. Regina Stevenson/Tsunami is the intellectual property of Wolfrider. Hans Jurgen/Nanook of the North, Dr. Reika Tonoka- Jurgen/Hedebolge and the Bureau of Superheroes are my own intellectual property. The Colmaton Universe is the intellectual property of Train. This is a not-for-profit fan fiction story not meant to violate any known copyrights. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The humble home of Hans and Reika Jurgen, two kilometers north of Nuuk, Greenland: "I am preparing something special for supper tonight, my love," an Ezo Red Fox wearing an apron tied around her simple blue dress said as she stood in the kitchen with a large cooking pot in her paws. "What are you going to make, dear," a Great Dane seated in a reclining chair in the living room barked back to his vixen wife. Few others knew that this ordinary looking married couple were in reality, two Bureau of Superheroes operatives who were assigned to serve the cause of justice based in Greenland. Dr. Reika Tokona-Jurgen, the Japanese- American vixen that stood over a stove ready with a cooking pot was also the fire based superherione Hedebolge. Her husband, ex-Danish army soldier Hans Jurgen was the ice based canine superfur known as Nanook of the North. "I am adding ramen noodles with a few other ingredients and spices to traditional suaasat soup," Reika shouted out of the kitchen. "I will call it, Miso Suaasat soup!" "Sounds wonderful," Hans said as the Great Dane got up and walked over to the kitchen. "Is there anything I can do to assist you?" "You could set the table and set out the bread, darling," the apron wearing Ezo vixen answered as she placed more ingredients into a large crock pot. "There, I simmered the reindeer meat chunks and put them in the soup. I believe by slow cooking our soup, it will preserve more of its nutritional value." "Well, you are the doctor, min elskede," Hans said softly as he shared a quick kiss on the lips with his wife. "I know this means our supper will be a little late, but it will be worth it," Reika said with a smile. "You did a great job setting our table, how shall we pass the time while our meal is cooking?" "Come with me to our living room, I found our old scrapbook," Hans said as he walked over to a large sofa where the couple sat together. "See? Here it is!" Pointing to the large photo album that sat on top of the coffee table, Reika opened it. "Ah! Here is our wedding photos!" the Ezo vixen squeaked. "What a lovely day to hold our wedding ceremony outside!" "Your parents did not think so," Hans giggled, pointing the parka wearing couple next to Reika. "To this day, they do not understand how you endured wearing a summer style white wedding dress when the temperature was minus eight Celsius!" "Mother always said I was crazy for wanting to live in Greenland in the first place. She vowed that I would catch pneumonia that day, but I was very comfortable thanks to the invisible heat shield that surrounded me. Look darling! On the next page!" "Ya! That is a newspaper clipping from our first major case we tackled as Nanook and Hedebolge!" "We were inexperienced back then," Reika said sadly. "If we had known then what we know now about our foe.." "We would not have tried to take on Tsunami on our own. As I recall, we were on a routine patrol near the docks when.." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Do you see any activity, dear!" Nanook of the North shouted upward towards his wife as the bright red costumed Ezo Red Fox flew high above him. "I see nothing so far!" Hedebolge shouted down towards the Eskimo clothing clad canine who was sliding while standing upright on a constant sheet of ice he was generating from his paws. "The docks up ahead seem peaceful enough! Perhaps we should return home now!" "Wait a moment!" Hedebolge shouted as she hovered above her husband. "I see a large vessel that seems to be flashing the international distress signal!" "I see it now also! A series of lights spelling out "S", "O", "S"" "I say we must investigate, darling," the flying vixen said as she descended. "If I give you a lift, we can get there faster." "I agree!" Nanook barked, holding his arms up high over his head as Hedebolge grabbed them before lifting high off the frozen ground and upward towards the deck of the distressed ship. "It is flying a Japanese flag!" the Ezo Red vixen shouted. "Why would a Japanese vessel venture out so far from home?" "My guess would be they are a whaling ship," Nanook said. "As I recall, Japan still harvests whales for food and oil." "I will land on the deck, as close to the bridge of the ship as I can," Hedebolge said as the flying vixen reached the vessel, coming to a soft landing near the main control center of the ship. Instantly, several Japanese-speaking sailors surrounded them. The masked and costumed Reika, speaking fluent Japanese, asked the sailors what their emergency was all about. When she received their answer, a look of puzzlement came upon her furry face. "Well my love? What did they tell you?" "According to them, the vessel is being attacked from the sea by a, living torpedo." "Living torpedo? Are you sure they are not exaggerating?" "That is what they said, and.." Hedebolge suddenly stopped speaking when the vessel shook violently. All of the sailors and the superpowered couple tumbled to the deck at the resulting impact. "We must know why this is happening," the red costumed Ezo Red vixen said as she took to the air and flew a quick circle around the entire vessel before returning to the group. "There is a very large dent in the hull on the starboard side! It looks as though something is attempting to ram the ship repeatedly attempting to sink it!" As Hedebolge repeated her words in Japanese, the vessel once more shook violently. This time, the airborne vixen zoomed directly over to the starboard side where she gasped as the sight of a very large leopard seal clad in a green and black swimsuit floating in the water. Having made a small hole in the hull, the amazing strong sea mammal started to rip the hanging metal harder to make the opening bigger. "YOU THERE!" Hedebolge shouted down at her. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" "I'M TRYING TO SINK THIS EVIL WHALING SHIP! WHAT DOES IT LOOK LIKE I'M DOING, YOU NOSY FOX!" "I WILL NOT ALLOW YOU TO CONTINUE! SURRENDER NOW, I AM HEDEBOLGE, AGENT OF THE BUREAU OF SUPERHEROES!" "I DON'T BLOODY CARE IF YOU'RE DAVY JONES! I'M TSUNAMI AND I WILL NOT PERMIT THIS SHIP TO SPILL THE BLOOD OF INNOCENT WHALES ANY LONGER! BACK OFF OR I'LL HAVE TA HURT YOU!" "I WILL NOT RETREAT! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!" Hedebolge shouted down before pointing her paws towards Tsunami and shooting out a continuous beam of heat. Surprised by this move, Tsunami yelled in pain and backed away from the ship. "YOU WILL NOT STOP ME! I'LL JUST PUT OUT YOUR FIRE, YA HOTHEAD!" the leopard seal shouted as she raised her hands towards the airborne vixen and sent a stream of icy cold ocean water in her direction. Caught off guard, Reika found herself instantly drenched and began to fall downward. "HEDEBOLGE!" Nanook barked out as the Great Dane instantly created an impromptu ice slide to catch his falling wife and used her momentum to slide back upwards towards the deck of the ship. The sailors quickly grabbed the legs of the waterlogged vixen and pulled her onto the deck and quickly attempted to dry her off with many blankets. "So much for that firefly pest!" Tsunami laughed, observing the hole she made in the hall causing the vessel to take on water. "My work here is done!" As Tsunami sped off through the water, moving faster that a bullet shot out of a pistol, many of the sailors began to shout "WE'RE SINKING" in Japanese and scattered into positions to attempt to save the ship. Quickly, Nanook ran across the deck directly over the newly created hole. Reaching downward with his paws, the goggle wearing Great Dane instantly created a growing sheet of ice, making it thick enough to stop up the large leak. "That will not hold long, my friends. Tell your captain to get this vessel in dry dock as quickly as possible," Nanook said, hoping that at least one of the sailors could understand English. "Okey dokey!" one of the sailors shouted back as he ran towards the bridge. Nanook scampered over to Hedebolge. The costumed vixen was still wrapped in blankets but shivering. "Are you alright?" the Eskimo attired canine asked. "I will be ok," the vixen said through chattering teeth. "It will take time for me to regenerate my heat powers, but when I do, I will be bone dry very quickly." "Tsunami got away, but at least I stopped the leak on this vessel," Nanook informed his wife. "That creature is a menace! Why would she attack this particular ship?" "I have no idea, my love." Quickly, several of the sailors began to talk to Hedebolge in Japanese, explaining to her all about what they knew about Tsunami and her motives. "Seems this crew is familiar with Tsunami's legend," the vixen began to explain to her husband. "From what I have been told, Tsunami is a radical environmentalist who is not above using violence and destruction of property to achieve her goals." "Which explains why she attacked this whaling ship," Nanook said with a nod. "There are many whaling vessels in port now. Tsunami will be sure to attack them. For all we know, she could be attacking them at this moment." "Then I must hurry," Hedebolge said, thanking the sailors in Japanese for their efforts and asking them to remove all of the blankets from her body. Still somewhat cold and damp, the masked Ezo Red vixen closed her eyes to focus all of her energies on her heat powers. As first, her body was surrounded by a dim, red glow. "Tsunami caught me off guard," Hedebolge declared as the glow around her body became brighter and brighter. "I will be ready for her at our next encounter." "That next encounter could be very soon." Nanook said as he took out his Bureau communicator. "Another S.O.S. signal, from a Norwegian whaler at the port just north of us!" "We have no time to lose!" the costumed vixen shouted as she was instantly engulfed in flames. When the flames died down, her costume and fur were completely dry. Picking up her husband by his shoulders, Hedebolge ascended to the air as the crew of the Japanese vessel waved and cheered them on. A short distance away, at the large shipping port near Nuuk, a Norwegian whaling ship's sirens were blaring as the determined Tsunami shot through the water trying to bust a hole in the hull. "If that pathetic vixen is all the opposition I'll face here, my job will be a piece o' cake!" the leopard seal proudly proclaimed as she swam out to set up another ramming run at the ship. "There she is!" Nanook shouted as the airborne Hedebolge glanced down into the water. "We may be too late." "No, we are right on time, darling. How about stopping her with an instant iceberg?" "Excellent idea, my love, drop me about 500 meters away from the vessel." "Good luck!" the Ezo vixen shouted as she released her grip on her husband. Descending just as Tsunami was starting her latest ramming pass, Nanook pointed his hands downward and released an instant wave of ice energy. Within seconds, a huge iceberg floated into the leopard seal's path. "WHAT THE HELL?" Tsunami roared seconds before she impacted the instant glacier, striking it with such force that it cracked down the middle. "Great job!" Hedebolge shouted down at Nanook who stood on top of the makeshift iceberg. "YOU again?" Tsunami roared, pointing up towards the airborne fox. "You should've listened to me and stayed out of this! PREPARE FOR ANOTHER SOAKING!" When Tsunami sent up a powerful jet of seawater, the agile masked vixen managed to fly upward and out of its path. "Not THIS time!" Hedebolge shouted. "I have caught on to that little trick!" "Tsunami, could we not meet on neutral ground to talk about this?" Nanook suggested. "And who the hell are YOU, mutt?" the leopard seal asked. "I am Nanook of the North, Hedebolge's partner with the Bureau!" "You two are, new to the superhero game, aren't ya?" "Well, yes," Hedebolge blurted out, "but, that has nothing to do with.." "Alright then, I'm a fair minded furson," Tsunami said with a toothy grin. "This is obviously your territory, I'll let YOU select the place. A temporary truce! No superpowers, that's me one condition, Do you agree to my terms?" "We agree!" Hedebolge shouted with a nod. "We can meet in the evergreen forest just west of the port, ok?" Nanook asked. "Very well, I will be there," Tsunami said as the leopard seal swam to shore. "Can we trust her?" Nanook asked as his wife took him by the shoulders to fly him towards the forest. "She could have simply ignored us and kept attacking ships, but she refrained. At the very least, this will buy us some time. I already sent a coded message to Morningstar." "Good thinking, my love," the Eskimo attired canine said as the airborne couple descended towards the meeting place. When Hedebolge and Nanook landed on one side of a flat, snow-covered plateau, Tsunami was already waiting on the other side. "That's close enough, chums," Tsunami said. "Very well," Hedebolge said calmly. "Could you explain to us why are you attacking whaling ships?" "Because I care about the whales, and all sea creatures," Tsunami began to explain. "Do either of you realize the impact that whaling has on the earth's whale population? Even as I speak, there are several species of whales that are near extinction, all because of our actions!" "Our actions?" "Our actions! The actions of all furkind! We're ruining this planet, destroying the environment! Our precious Ozone layer is being depleted at an alarming rate! Climate change is a problem that will affect every life on earth! Did you know that if the water level of the oceans continue their current rate of rising, entire island nations in the Pacific would be completely submerged!" "But Tsunami, progress is being made on environmental issues worldwide!" Nanook barked. "How about the Kyoto Protocol Treaties?" added Hedebolge. "There are now worldwide emissions targets and .." "And Canada withdrew from them in 1992! China and the United States are constantly violating it without even blinking an eye!" Tsunami growled. "And don't even bothered bringing up the International Whaling Commission!" "But the IWC did ban commercial whaling worldwide many decades ago!" Nanook barked. "And yet nations like Japan, Norway and Iceland still harvest whales in spite of it!" Tsunami yelled. "Treaties are just wasted pieces of paper if they're not enforced! Well you two Bureau bunglers, for now on, I am going to enforce the laws! All commercial whaling ships all over the world will be SUNK!" "Look Tsunami," Hedebolge said calmly. "I and Nanook are all for the environment and agree with you that more needs to be done. However, we do not believe in violating international law in order to achieve those goals." "Bugger off then!" Tsunami snarled. "If you're not WITH me, you're against me! I don't have time for any more of this banter, I've got more whaling boats ta sink!" "I do not think so, NOW!" Hedebolge yelled, prompting Nanook to points his paws in Tsunami's direction and fired an intense ice beam. With that ice beam, the Eskimo attired Great Dane formed a thick, ice doom all around the frightened looking leopard sea. "YES! Our plan worked!" the costumed Ezo Red vixen cheered. "That was TOO easy, my love," Nanook answered. "Better not celebrate yet." Suddenly, the instant ice doom shook and cracked in two at the impact of Tsunami's mighty fist. The pair of Bureau superfurs looked on in complete shock as the laughing leopard seal femme climbed out from between the huge fissure in the ice. "THAT was your best plan to capture me?" Tsunami laughed. "THAT was how you were going to take ME into custody? You two really are a bunch of newbies!" "You were just humoring us all along," Nanook said with a growl. "That's right, Scooby Doo! I could just go out there and blow those ships up anytime. Wanted to see if you and the flying fox had anything on the ball. How disappointing!" "Disappointing? Why you evil bitch!" Hedebolge shouted. "Do not fall for her tricks, darling. She is baiting you." "You gonna let this pooch here do your talkin' for ya? Tell ya what; let's you and me grapple, female to female, one on one in the middle of this plateau. I'm sure the ruddy Bureau gave ya combat training. Why not put what ya learned to the test? Unless, of course, you're a big COWARD!" "I am no coward!" "I would not do this.." "What's the matter, dogface? No confidence in your partner? Hey fox! When you grow a backbone, I'll be standing right here waiting. Maybe ya need a bit of liquid courage first; there must be a pub around here. If your dog friend's a St. Bernard, he might have a barrel of booze tied around his neck, right?" "He's a Great Dane and does not drink!" Hedebolge roared. "Apologize at once!" "MAKE me, MAID MARIAN!" Tsunami laughed hysterically, prompting a furious Hedebolge to charge at the mocking leopard seal. "HEDEBOLGE! NO!!!!!" Nanook barked as the red costumed vixen took a flying leap at Tsunami, causing the laughing seal to dodge effortlessly out of her way. After Hedebolge landed on the frozen ground, Tsunami came up behind her, pulled her up while holding the vixen in a half nelson. "Now rookie! Breathe in the full power of Tsunami!" the leopard seal shouted, her foul smelling breath and fishy body odor causing Hedebolge to cough and choke in her grasp. "LET HER GO!" Nanook barked. "Stay back, bow wow, or I'll snap her neck like a twig!" Tsunami laughed. "I'd rather not kill her, she's more valuable to me alive. I'm gonna use this little fire fly for a fast energy boost!" "HEDEBOLGE! WAKE UP!" Nanook shouted from the distance as Tsunami began to unhinge her jaw, getting ready to swallow the nearly unconscious vixen up in order to drain her body energy. "WAKE UP! FLAME ON NOW!" Her eyes flickering open, Reika could feel the powerful fish breath of the alien DNA infused leopard seal as she felt herself starting to slide down Tsunami's greatly enlarged mouth. "It is now or never," Hedebolge muttered while summoning every ounce of her heat energy as Tsunami's expanded mouth began to close. Suddenly, red-hot flames engulfed the body of the costumed Ezo Fox, heat so hot that the insides of the leopard seal started to glow with small wisps of smoke escaping from her mouth. Instantly, the furious Tsunami spit Hedebolge out of her mouth with such force, the glowing costumed vixen flew through the air and landed in a large snow bank near the tree line of the forest. Reika was so exhausted, she could only lie there on the ground as the snow melted all around her. "Hedebolge!" Nanook barked turning his back on Tsunami while glancing over at his wife. This allowed the swift leopard seal to zoom up behind him and place him in the same kind of half nelson hold as she employed on the Ezo Fox. "You let your guard down, rookie!" Tsunami laughed as she squeezed the masked canine harder. "Now it's your turn to inhale my grand aroma!" "You think THAT bothers me?" the parka wearing Great Dane asked. "I have lived in Greenland for over a decade! I have eaten fish for supper that smelled worse that you do now!" "Is THAT so?" Tsunami growled, purposely breathing in the face of the costumed canine. "Ever had mattek before? It is a dish made with narwhal or white whale meat. I have witnessed the locals here butchering a whale. A rotting whale carcass makes YOUR odor smell like fine perfume." "Stupid mutt!" Tsunami roared. "I'll have ta handle ya the HARD way!" Instantly releasing the powerful hold she had on Nanook, the leopard seal spun the stunned canine around to face her, then she landed a strong right hook to his jaw, dropping him to the ground in a matter of seconds. "Since I couldn't get the fox, I'll have ta settle for the hound!" Tsunami laughed as she once more unhinged her jaw and prepared to swallow Nanook whole. As Hedebolge awakened and slowly sat up, she screamed at the sight of her husband being slowly maneuvered into the gaping maul of the leopard seal. "WAKE UP, NANOOK! SNAP OUT OF IT!" she screamed. When she attempted to shoot out a heat ray from her paws, there was only a slight fizzle. Hedebolge soon realized that she was too weak to generate her fire powers. "PLEASE WAKE UP! NANOOK!!!!" The sounds of his wife screaming finally caused the masked Great Dane to open his eyes. As he looked above and spotted a row of Tsunami's teeth, he instantly started to summon up his icy powers. "I will give this monster too much to swallow," Nanook muttered as he formed layer upon layer of ice over his entire body. Soon, the leopard seal's huge mouth slammed on the ground by the growing weight of the ice covered Great Dane. Pushing the towering ball of ice out of her gaping maul, Tsunami gave it one final mighty push to roll Nanook far away. "Get away from me, ya icy wanker!" the leopard seal screamed. "Well, with the dogsicle out of the way, time for me ta finish YOU off, ya firefly fox!" A look of terror came upon Reika's face as the weakened Ezo Fox tried to crawl away from the onrushing livid Tsunami. "They'll be no escape for you THIS time!" Tsunami snarled. "WHY NOT FIGHT SOMEONE YOUR OWN SIZE, TSUNAMI?" a booming voice echoed from a shimmering smoke filled portal as a towering masked bison cow clad in a Native American styled dress costumed emerged from the smoke. "Morningstar!" Tsunami growled. "Stay out of this, buffalo gal! This is just between me, the flaming fox and the frozen dog!" "You know I will not allow you to harm them anymore. If you want a REAL battle, take on ME!" "Though I'd love ya grapple with you, Big Bertha, I have other pressing matters to attend to, like THIS one!" Tsunami shouted as she pulled out a remote control unit and pressed its large red button. Suddenly in the distance, the loud sounds of explosions rang out. "What have you done!" Morningstar mooed. "At this very moment, three whaling ships in the distance harbor are sinking! You can either chase after me and let those boats drop to the bottom of the sea, or you can be heroic by trying ta save'm while I bid you adieu! Your choice, rawhide, make it fast!" Tsunami laughed as she darted towards the shore, entered the water and took off like a shot. Morningstar glanced off into the distance and using her mystic powers, could see the three ships the leopard seal had bombed in peril. "There is no time to pursue that fiend, I must act quickly but I will need help," Morningstar said as the mighty masked bison cow zipped over to the huge ice encasement that held Nanook in its center. "I must strike this ice ball at the precise place to save and free him." Quickly calculating the exact center of the ice structure in her mind, the super strong bison cow struck that area with all her might. Instantly, the ice formation started to crack until it split down the middle. Nanook, the trapped Great Dane immediately took a huge breath of fresh air as his former self-made icy prison broke in half. "Thank you, Morning, Star," Nanook panted as he pointed to his right. "Help, my wife." "On it!" Morningstar mooed as she zipped over to where the nearly exhausted Ezo vixen laid. As Hedebolge slowly opened her eyes, the towering masked bison cow was knelt down over her. "Are you alright, Reika?" Morningstar asked. "I am, but I will need time to recover my strength," the costumed Ezo fox confessed. "There is no time! Tsunami has attacked three ships in the harbor and they are sinking fast! If we do not act quickly, many lives will be lost!" As she spoke, Morningstar grabbed Hedebolge by the waist with one arm and then moved over to grab Nanook with her other arm before flying upward into the sky, zooming over to the harbor. "Those three whaling vessels are sinking! Each of us will rescue one ship. I will take the one on the far right, it is listing the most. Nanook, you will help the vessel in the center while Hedebolge, the ship on the far left will be your responsibility. Speed is of the essence, good luck!" Dropping down to a lower flight range, Morningstar quickly left Hedebolge on the deck of one whaling ship and then Nanook on the deck of another. The airborne costumed bison cow instantly communicated telepathically with all of the crew of the vessel on the far left, warning them to get inside the ship and batten down all hatches. As the crew scrambled to get off the deck and into safe positions, Morningstar dove into the water, positioned herself underneath the sinking vessel and then began to lift it upward. "Must, get, this, ship, to drydock," the bison cow muttered, lifting with all off her super might, causing the whaling ship to slowly rise upward. Morningstar was careful to lift up slowly, so as much of the water that had flown into the ship could drain out of the blast hole before she proceeded to fly the ship over to a bay in the drydock a half mile away. Meanwhile, on the deck of the middle vessel, Nanook quickly accessed the situation. Though he didn't speak Norwegian, he was able to relay his instructions with gestures to the frightened crew. "Hold on, everyone! I must create an iceberg!" he barked as Nanook leaned over one side of the railing and aimed the palms of his paws towards the water. Instantly, ice beams radiated from his palms and started to form a huge iceberg that touched the bottom of the harbor. Expanding upward, the makeshift iceberg soon lifted the sinking whaling ship up and above the waterline. Meanwhile, the Japanese vessel that Hedebolge was assigned continued to sink. The costumed Ezo vixen tried to think of a plan of action while the panicked crew ran all over the upper deck. Shouting for them to calm down and secure to general quarters in Japanese, Hedebolge leaned over the ship's railing and took flight. "I have to keep this vessel afloat! I could spot weld the breaches if I could just get that part of the ship out of the water. I have to think of something. I HAVE IT! Heat bubbles! I read a thesis from Dr. Ji-Lin Hue of Union University of how encapsulated heat energy could theoretically be used to lift tremendous amounts of weight! I must concentrate my powers to create them so I can save this ship!" Focusing her mental and fire producing energies, Hedebolge pointed her paws downward. Slowly, random glowing bubbles of heat force started to form all around the vessel just above the waterline. The bubbles grew larger and larger, like small balloons filling up with helium. Soon, the ship shook violently as it slowly rose upward. The masked Ezo fox watched the hull of the ship inch upward, until she spotted the huge hull rupture moving above the waterline. While she watched seawater draining from the breach, Hedebolge began to focus on the next part of her task. "Those heat bubbles will not hold long, but they must hold long enough for me to finish my spot welding of the hole," she thought to herself as she positioned one paw, aiming it at the breach. Shooting out a concentrated heat beam from that paw, much like an intense laser beam, the determined Ezo vixen started to weld the huge hole in the hull of the vessel. "I cannot get this precisely right, but if this weld can hold watertight long enough, the crew should be able to sail this ship into the drydock," she thought as the welding continued. As she was finishing the initial weld, some of the heat bubbles started to burst, causing the ship to inch downward again. "Just, a little, longer," she grunted as Hedebolge used the last of her heat energy to put the finishing touches on the hull weld just as the last of the heat bubbles popped. "I did it!" she shouted as she felt herself begin to pass out. As the Ezo fox descended towards the sea, she was instantly scooped up in the arms of the airborne masked bison cow. "Great work, Hedebolge!" Morningstar mooed. "Your actions saved that ship!" The masked vixen was awakened by the sounds of the Japanese crew who were now on the ship's deck cheering her. "I believe your ship can sail safely to the drydock now," Morningstar said as she placed Hedebolge on the deck among the cheering crew. "I will have to tow Nanook's vessel, I mean, iceberg there. You rest now, enjoy the ride." Hedebolge was soon surrounded by the grateful crew of her whaling ship as Morningstar flew to one side of the iceberg and started to push and steer it out to sea. One hour later, the trio of Bureau operatives stood on the pier near the drydock facilities. "I will see that you each receive an accommodation for your heroism here today," Morningstar proudly announced. "But we failed you, ma'am," Nanook said sadly as the Great Dane lowered his head. "Tsunami got away," added an equally dejected Hedebolge. "True, but between the two of you, your efforts saved three whaling vessels and over two hundred sailors. I would say that THAT is worth celebrating." "But you do not understand," Nanook explained. "We had her on land, but she tricked us." "If we had been more alert.." "Please do not feel bad. You are both relatively new to the superhero trade. Tsunami is a veteran super criminal who has tricked and deceived many. We all must accept our mistakes and learn from them. This is how we grow, as fursons, and as Bureau operatives." "Thanks, Morningstar," Hedebolge said. "Yes, many thanks, Morningstar," added Nanook. "You are quite welcome. Now that all of this has ended, I am quite hungry. May I come to your home for supper?" "Of course!" Hedebolge cheered. "Yes, we would be honored!" barked Nanook. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "And I remember that supper well," Hans said as he closed the scrapbook and sat it on the coffee table. "You prepare her some fresh Suaasat, she had never tasted the traditional soup of our land before." "But she did enjoy it," added Reika. "I imagine Morningstar has tasted cuisine from all over the world, in her capacity as North American Bureau Director." "Indeed, my love. Speaking of fine dining, is your soup ready to eat yet?" "According to my watch, it should be ready now," Reika said with a smile. "Wonderful! After that trip down memory lane, I am hungry!" Hans barked happily as he took his place at the small dining room table. "Perhaps we should invite Morningstar back to Greenland for supper sometime." "I agree, it has been many years since her last visit," added Reika as she brought a pot of steaming soup over to the table. "I hope you will like my improved version of Suaasat. I believe the Miso noodles will compliment the pieces of reindeer meat and other seasonings." "It smells amazing, my love," Hans said with a wide grin. "Do you think Tsunami will ever come to Greenland again?" "Who knows, Reika, but there is one thing for certain." "What is that, Hans?" "If Tsunami arrives tonight, she can join us for supper!" The happy married couple laughed together and they started to dine. THE END ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------