[color=black][b][u]Letters to Dark Wolf: #1[/u][/b][/color] ---------------- [i]Dear Dark Wolf: I could have sworn that with a name like Dark Wolf, you'd come off as a villain or an anti-hero, but I see now that this is not the case. But my question is actually this, and I'm sorry if this is a forbidden topic of conversation: I hear the C.I.D.F. frequently use the term "Invisible CNG 2.0." What are they talking about? I thought we were done with that stuff. Sincerely, Jorge Ivan, age 18 (ocelot) Iowa City, Iowa, USA[/i] ------------- Dark Wolf's reply: [color=silver][i]Dear Jorge: The fact my codename is Dark Wolf actually comes from the fact I can hide in the shadows and manipulate those shadows to throw the enemy for a loop. I come like a thief in the night; no one ever sees me coming. That doesn't apply to you, though; don't worry about it. As for "Invisible CNG 2.0," it's not actually CNG. The C.I.D.F. just call it that because they don't have a better name for it yet, but it refers to the supernatural forces that have picked up where CNG left off when it died in 2022. Well, sort of; it still allows humans to remain as humans. It doesn't permanently turn them into animals. All it does is kill the humans it thinks is worthy of death, just as CNG did. It acts as if the littlest mistakes deserve the biggest of punishments, when you and I both know that is not true. No one should die if they make a simple mistake that isn't worth stressing over. Yet we see this happen all the time. The other thing that hasn't changed is the fact we members of the animal kingdom are dominating the following categories: politics, show biz (at least in the game shows if nothing else), sports, and most bizarrely in the U.S., college marching bands, just to name a few. (The players are still humans, but the band is all animals.) I would rather us live in peace with the humans, but as our religious friends have explained to us, the Lord's intention was to have humans have dominion over the Earth. The humans are making a comeback, thank goodness, but they still have a long way to go. Hope that helps; if not, feel free to write back and let me know where I made an error in judgment. Yours truly, Dark Wolf[/i][/color]