[color=crimson][b][u]Letters to Super C: #10[/u][/b][/color] [i]Dear Super C, It's a pleasure to write to you. I know you're working hard to keep your Code of Condcut fair and square, but suppose a recruit of yours watches something your code might forbid, such as the film "Spaceballs." Do you still ding them for it, or does there have to be a specific case? I ask because the kangaroo I live next door to is one of your recruits: Sir Beat-a-Lot. He was talking about the Code when my son was asking about it, because one scene from the movie uses dramatic timpani, literally: there is a live timpanist on the ship in question performing the music when the other characters panic over the Mega Maid. He has no plans to watch the movie, but he wanted to arrange the soundtrack's music for his drum and bugle corps. How do you react to certain things? Sincerely, Harvey Platterson, age 29 (human being) Denver, CO, USA[/i] ------------ Super C's response: [color=orange][i]Dear Harvey, I don't want to make the mistake of being Big Brother on my recruits, if you know what I mean. As I said to the UN1024 commanding officer, Chuong Cho Soi, "If you share a bunch of memes, and I don't know about it, that's not going to be a problem. What you do is none of my business." I based the Code on the Bible's principles. As such, I have no intentions ever to watch the film "Spaceballs." But I wouldn't ding somebody if they were watching it in private. There are some exceptions, though; for instance, mentioning the name of the fat man in the "Austin Powers" franchise gets you a demerit, no questions asked, because his name contains a profanity. (What is so special about that franchise, anyway? Mel Brooks's material also gave me problems sometimes, but we should not be disrespectful to the man for what he does or writes.) I also do not ding people if they just listen to the soundtrack of certain films of video games, since those are some of the best music ever written in this modern era of our world. Sir Beat-a-Lot has the talents needed of an arranger to write stuff like that, so if he wants to do it, I'm not going to stop him. Hope that helps, and thank you for writing to me. Yours truly, Simon Corrineson, a.k.a. SuperCat, the Cat of Steel[/i][/color]