By FatalCalamityz In Taelyr’s left hand was a big, brown meatball sitting atop a thin wooden stick. The top of the meatball was concealed with red tomato sauce that flowed down the food’s curved circumference. The meatball itself looked large enough to fit inside Taelyr’s grasp. In Taelyr’s right hand was a big cup of blue beverage that resembled tightly-packed snow. A slushie flavored with berry-based syrups. Sitting inside the cup, buried within the slushie, was a white drinking straw with red vertical stripes. ‘Ah, I love the fair for the food alone! I mean, where else do you find meatballs this big!?’ The freakishly fat flygon gazed hungrily down at the fair food held within her jet-black talons. This was the second-best part of working for a traveling sideshow troupe, being surrounded by the most extravagant food items she’s ever seen. Kinda pricey, but she could easily afford it with the money she had saved over the spring. Her absolute favorite part, obviously, was performing and hearing her fans both old and new applaud her as the Sumo Strongmon, an extremely obese flygon able to perform incredible feats of strength. After working up an appetite practicing and performing, she could treat herself. ‘Heck, if I didn’t have to hold back, I would try to eat everything over the course of a single day!’ Taelyr breathed a sigh as she felt a droplet of sweat roll down her thick neck. The summer sun was beaming down on her scales, but she didn’t mind the heat. She’d gladly sit down around the fairgrounds no matter how much she was sweating. Additionally, the sweat made her scales look shiny, and Taelyr found something alluring about that. Different pokemon took to the heat in their own ways. Fire-types walked around while showing no sign of being weathered by the heat, dashing across the fairgrounds laughing like the sun didn’t bother them in the slightest. Steel-types, on the other hand, looked visibly uncomfortable as they shuffled from booth to booth, even with the extra protection they had brought along with them. They were among the most common types Taelyr saw at the booths selling frozen treats, willing to spend some money for brief relief. Knowing she couldn’t simultaneously lug her heavy mass forward while taking big bites of food, Taelyr had found a series of chairs that spanned wide enough to accommodate her just enough. Overhead, a sheet of cloth extended outward to cover most of Taelyr’s enormous body; it only left a spot on the tip of Taelyr’s gargantuan girth exposed to the sun’s light, creating a bright-green circle in the middle of her gut. Even with the awning, the heat could still be felt on Taelyr’s slick scales. It wasn’t as severe underneath the cloth but still enough to make her sweat. Bringing the meatball to her mouth, Taelyr sank her fangs into the savory sphere, tearing a hefty chunk of meat off of the stick. A smile formed across her chubby cheeky as she ground down the food in her mouth. The combination of meat cooked perfectly and sauce well seasoned tasted amazing with just the right amount of savoriness and sweetness. There was also a hint of something slightly spicy, catching Taelyr by surprise but ultimately not leaving her complaining. As she was about to take another big bite, she was distracted by a droplet of sweat trickling down her face, falling in between her eyes. Taelyr moved the meatball away from her mouth and wrapped her lips around the straw sitting in her slushie. The inside of the straw filled with a blue beverage that quickly reached Taelyr’s mouth. Once it did, the smile from earlier returned as a cold sensation coated her tongue. The drink was sweet, too, as well as slightly sour. Whatever berries were used in the syrups, Taelyr loved them. A cycle of periodically shifting focus between snacks followed. The heat from the meatball would be followed by the cool slushie. The perfect balance, Taelyr figured. While she ate, she observed the faces of passersby as they walked past her, bearing witness to her mindbogglingly massive size. A hitmonchan scowled as he sauntered past at a speedy pace, clearly disgusted at the sight before him. Taelyr caught his glare but felt no guilt. She decided to entertain this mon’s embarrassment by playfully patting the side of her big, bloated, behemoth of a belly. The evident pride in her actions only further disturbed the disapproving mon. As the critical hitmonchan walked away shaking his head, Taelyr noticed another mon, a krokorok, stop to take a closer look at her. Although the look in his eyes made it clear her astounding size left as much of an impression as it did to the first guy, he looked rather humored by how much food Taelyr was clearly enjoying the food she was eating. Chuckling to herself, she held the meatball in her mouth to free her claws, wiggling her plump digits at the passing krokorok. The humored mon chuckled back before returning his gaze to the path in front of him. It was this exact dichotomy in reactions to her extreme obesity and borderline insatiable gluttony that Taelyr reveled in the most. It wasn’t common for highly corpulent mon like herself to be out and about, and even more so to see one not only express no shame but take pride in her size. Taelyr knew that, and she knew she could exaggerate that novelty to mess with some mon’s minds. The critical mon from before was probably wondering where her personal trainer was or how she could have escaped from the clinic she had to have been taken to. It probably never occurred to him that she, at her immensely heavy weight, actually held a seasonal position there that she genuinely loved and made good money from. She felt no inner desire to consider changing herself to earn others’ approval, for she was content with the way she was. ‘If they want to be mad, let them. Not my problem.’ A subtle glance downward, and Taelyr realized that a v-shaped stain had formed on her gray tank top, soaking the fabric into a darker-gray color. Taelyr groaned after swallowing more slushie. She hadn’t noticed the stain was there until now, and now that she had, it brought her short snack session to an abrupt stop. ‘Ugh… Guess I’ll have to wash this later tonight. Can’t perform in a dirty top. For now, though…’ Nevertheless, the fat flygon shoved the stain to the back of her mind as she continued to feast on her fair food. In a matter of seconds, only a barren stick and an empty cup remained. She tried to collect as much of the meat residue and slushie bits as she could before setting the stick inside of the cup for easy carrying. A contented sigh escaped Taelyr’s mouth as she leaned back in her seat in the harmony of her gurgling stomach slowly digesting her snacks. Her stomach already felt like an inflated basketball, firm from fullness. But she felt like she could continue gorging herself. She knew she could, yet she also knew that going overboard like that - as tantalizing as it sounded - wouldn’t make the ring leader or her assistants too pleased with her. Struggling to lug an engorged stomach around the fair would have significantly hindered her ability to work well. Speaking of work, that’s what she had to get back to now that her stomach was somewhat satisfied. Pulling out her smartphone to check the time, she smiled seeing that she still had plenty of time to prepare for the task she was appointed for. She and three other performers in the troupe were to be stationed at different spots on the fairgrounds advertising tomorrow’s show. Taelyr’s size worked to her advantage there; most fair-goers could easily spot her from a mile away. Drawing a deep breath, Taelyr began to rise from her seat. She grabbed the sides of her big belly and hoisted as much of her fat as she could comfortably grab to make more room for her large legs to move without colliding with her gut much. Leaning forward slightly, Taelyr then leaned back against the back of the seat before lunging her body forward to press her feet onto the ground. She could hear the seat creak underneath her from the sudden motion. Upon feeling her feet make contact, she kept leaning forward while shifting her weight into her tail to provide more balance. Slowly, Taelyr rose, grunting with eyes closed tightly against the strain on her back and legs. Standing upright, she released the hold on her belly. A few heavy breaths left her mouth as she composed herself, smiling from feeling grateful that she was still strong enough to support all seven-hundred and fifty pounds of her. A few proud pats were made against her big belly as she stood, whereupon Taelyr winced slightly from how stuffed she felt, her stomach still desperately trying to digest all that fair food as efficiently as it could. Waddling down the path, Taelyr’s gaze shifted to the booths around her as her heavy body swayed from side to side. Several more decadent-looking food booths had lines of hungry fair-goers that wrapped around their exterior, some even spilling out into the walking area. Their infrastructures were painted in bright colors, creating an inviting vibe. Foods of all kinds were being sold in quick succession - especially the sweets. One booth to Taelyr’s right featured a sign advertising deep-fried peanut butter and jelly sandwiches on a stick. A mound of dough cooked delightfully golden-brown to hold slices of bread and layers of peanut butter and jelly together. Taelyr imagined both the jelly and the peanut butter had to be similar in consistency now that they had spent some time in hot oil. The booth right next to that was handing out plates of red velvet funnel cakes. A series of red, squiggly stretches of batter fried to hold a distinct shape. Cream cheese frosting and chocolate sandwich cookie crumble were offered as toppings for a few more poke. The fat flygon already knew that she would have done her best to drown her funnel cake in frosting to create a plate with an equal amount of both elements. Taelyr realized the pokemon inside the food booths were staring at her as she slowly waddled by. She stopped to return the look, waving at the workers inside. They would either retreat into their kitchens or respond with frozen looks of horror, sometimes the latter before the former. A few shaky motions were given back to Taelyr’s own friendly waves, yet the mischievous grin spread across her chubby cheeks clearly still put them on edge. Taelyr chuckled, finding their coy behavior cute. They obviously knew who she was, and they knew just how much she loved to stuff her face. ‘Oh, don’t worry, boys. I’ll be back! Just gotta take care of something real quick.’ In the distance, Taelyr spotted a large, long platform. A thick-looking, rectangular block built with wood and held together by metal, supported on four cinder blocks. A mattress sporting blue and white stripes going the opposite way of the platform completely covered the top of its surface. Two machoke stood by the platform. One was walking around the left side, and the other was standing on top. They were observing the placement of a sign hanging off of the front which said, “Meet the Sumo Strongmon!” in big, bold text. “Yo, Danny! Zack!” Said Sumo Strongmon herself called out to her fighting-type assistants as she waddled closer. Both machoke turned their gazes to spot the advancing flygon, her gigantic, green gut wobbling wildly in front of her and her thick tail trailing behind her. “Well, well… if it ain’t the star of the show!” Zack quipped in a jocular tone. “Glad you didn’t supernova from all that fair food!” “Ahahaha!” Taelyr laughed loudly as she nodded. “C’mon, I didn’t eat that much, guys. Just a meatball and a slushie.” She stopped in front of the platform, and Danny accepted the meatless stick and empty cup. “Find the nearest trash can for those,” she told him. Danny just nodded once in understanding before jogging away. Turning her attention back to Zack, who stayed on top of the platform, Taelyr asked him a question. “Did you wash this before adding the mattress and sign?” “Of course I did,” Zack replied. “Hosed the top with soap and water, and let it dry in the sunlight.” Taelyr waddled around the platform to stand at one end, facing the mattress vertically to inspect its quality. The tip of her big belly squished softly against the platform as Taelyr leaned forward to rest her talons on the platform’s edge. Applying pressure, the platform didn’t budge. She grinned, filled with confidence that it would not only be comfortable but also sturdy enough to support her. Satisfied with the state of the platform, the fat flygon took a few heavy footsteps back. Zack, as if knowing what she would request of him next, already hopped off of the platform. Danny returned with hands free and got right behind Zack. “Danny! On my left!” Taelyr ordered. “Zack! On my right!” Both machoke immediately stood behind their flygon boss. Positioned behind Taelyr’s large legs, Danny and Zack squatted down with hands outstretched and cupped. Several deep breaths escaped the fat flygon’s mouth as she mentally prepared herself to feel awkward - maybe even a little uncomfortable - for what should hopefully be a quick process. Her stomach gurgled, still digesting her snacks from a few minutes ago. Although she still didn’t regret stuffing herself, a new wave of nerves came over her as she hoped her fullness wouldn’t make her assistants’ jobs tougher than usual. “On one!” Taelyr’s gruff voice declared, raising her voice so the pokemon behind her could hear her clearly. Communication was crucial in this situation. Taelyr couldn’t see Danny and Zack. All she had was her voice and the trust she put in the two of them. Danny and Zack braced themselves, looking at each other and nodding. “Ready!” they both called back. “Danny! Three… two… one!” Taelyr grunted as she raised her left foot off the ground as high as she physically could. About a foot of space sat in between the sole of Taelyr’s boot and the dirt down below. Danny moved quickly to slip his hands in between the space, catching the heel and firmly holding it in place. Normally, a pressure as strong as this would have sent somebody right back down to the ground with Taelyr’s foot crushing their fingers. But as somemon who had experience carrying objects that far exceeded the great weight of his boss, Danny didn’t even flinch from the strain. Taelyr repeated the same instructions on Zack’s side, counting down from three to lift her foot off the ground for Zack to catch. “Zack! Huff… Three… two… one!” She now had both feet off the ground, supported by her machoke assistants. Taelyr’s breaths became heavier as she focused on remaining upright while balancing atop her machoke assistant’s hands. Although their grasps were firm, it was nonetheless a small amount of surface to stand on. Huge and heavy-looking arms were extended at either side of her to try and prevent herself from falling. If she did, she risked crushing her trusted assistants. By agreeing to help her, they accepted the risks that came with being in close proximity to somebody who loved to literally throw her weight around. But she wouldn’t even fall on top of Danny and Zack on purpose; she was a better boss than that. “Huff… Heave!” Taelyr managed through a heavy breath. At Taelyr’s call, Danny and Zack rose from their squats to stand up. They brought their clasped hands closer to their chests, still supporting Taelyr’s weight. Amazingly, neither machoke’s legs shook. Taelyr added some leverage of her own by flapping her rhombus-shaped wings. From her perspective, the mattress got further away from Taelyr as she was raised higher into the air. “Nnng! Closer!” Taelyr felt her body move an extra inch, far enough for her belly to brush against the platform again. Seeing that as her cue, Taelyr fell forward onto the platform, practically rolling on top of her belly as it spread out from underneath her. Her rolling stopped just short of the opposite edge of the platform, her head resting close to dangling off of the side. The contents of her stomach still churned, eliciting both a groan and a chuckle from the freakishly fat flygon. Yet the process wasn’t over. Taelyr knew she couldn’t advertise like this, flat on her belly. She couldn’t look her audience in the eye from this angle. There was one maneuver left to make; one that, luckily, she knew she could do on her own. All she had to do was shift her weight into her tail, just like she had done when she was standing up from sitting down, and push herself to one side. The platform shook underneath her as her broad backside slammed against the platform’s surface, subsequently causing a lot of motion across Taelyr’s blob-like body. One hand supported her thick neck, her arm bent at an angle to keep her head upward. The other hand lay atop her big belly, playfully patting and rubbing it. Taelyr’s antennae-like ears hung off of the side of the platform. “Huff… Washcloth! Huff…” Taelyr demanded. Danny was quick to supply Taelyr with a blue piece of cloth for her to apply against her forehead, chubby cheeks and neck rolls. She set the cloth to her side within her reach. “Gosh… so hot out!” “You’re tellin’ me,” Zack muttered to himself, looking up at the sun with a hand casting a shade over his squinted eyes. “I almost feel bad for you, Taelyr. That increased insolation can’t be doing you any favors in this heat.” “Eh… Huff... Well, at least the shine on my scales makes me look sexy. Wouldn’t you agree?” “Uh… I-I’m not going to answer that, f-for the sake of staying professional.” Zack held in his gray arms several thin pieces of paper which he gestured outward for Taelyr to take. On the paper was a picture of Taelyr holding a loaded barbell above her head. Two red plates, one blue plate and one yellow plate sat on each end of the bar. Her mouth was open, like she was yelling, and there was fire in her eyes. She wore the same tank top, black vest and combat boots like she wore now. Taelyr’s girthy body was illuminated by the glow of a giant spotlight that Taelyr fell perfectly within. Zack hoped that the subject matter of the poster would distract Taelyr from the pink blush faintly visible on his gray face. Taelyr couldn’t help but chuckle at the way her gargantuan girth was highlighted in the flyer. It was the first thing her eyes were drawn to - and secretly, what she hoped would draw viewers’ attention first, too. Drifting her eyes upward brought her to her huge arms, highly plump but hiding a lot of muscle, strong enough to lift heavy weights about two-thirds of her already heavyset physique. “And to think this isn’t even me at my heaviest!” Taelyr commented, looking back up at Zack. “Oh, we know,” Zack said as memories of him and Danny helping a nine-hundred pound Taelyr up to her feet replayed in his mind. It was a feat from them that certainly required more effort and teamwork than lifting Taelyr off the ground by her feet at seven-hundred and fifty pounds. That was a size she could only achieve in the winter months when she wasn’t performing. “If you could perform at a size bigger than this, would you?” “Oh, abso-friggin’-lutely!” Taelyr replied. “If I didn’t have my stupid contract holding me back, I’d gladly give ‘em a show at eight-hundred pounds! Maybe more!” Taelyr’s words were rich with indignation at having a limit enforced upon her size. The rationale was that additional strain on her joints would make performing some of her most iconic stunts even more difficult if not outright impossible. There was an additional aspect about ‘advertising purposes’ in her restrictions, as well, and that somehow meant her belly couldn’t exceed a certain circumference. Seven-hundred and fifty was her ‘sweet spot.’ The Sumo Strongmon supposed she understood, but she still hated it very much. “But then you wouldn’t be able to move so easily, right?” Zack said in response to Taelyr’s boast, quick to remind her of why the restrictions were necessary. “I mean, what kind of performer of incredible feats of strength needs the help of two getting out of bed?” “Yeah, fair point…” said Taelyr, agreeing begrudgingly. “All the more reason to put in your best effort now so you can… celebrate a month from now, right?” Taelyr nodded enthusiastically. It was tough to resist the urge to splurge on all the tasty temptations that surrounded her. The kind of food she’d shove down her throat without a second thought under any other circumstances. But by enduring those thoughts during the summer, she could fully appreciate finally getting the chance to let her inner glutton and gainer go wild on those same thoughts. If anything, that somehow made the food taste better to her, like she had earned the right to feel doubly proud of herself. Of course, she’d eventually have to start training to lose it again four months before another traveling season would start, so she had to savor every last morsel and pound she could pack into her flygon body. She didn’t have to worry about becoming too heavy to fly if she didn’t have any responsibilities. Taelyr’s eyes fell back down to her hugely fat form on the poster, and a smile spread across her chubby cheeks. ‘Damn… I still look good, though…’ Realizing that Zack was saying her name, Taelyr lifted her gaze back up from the fat flygon on the sheet of paper in her talons to look up at the machoke standing right in front of where she lay. “If you’re good to go, we’ll be taking our break now,” Zack stated with Danny nodding his head behind Zack. “As comfy as a fat flygon can be!” Taelyr said happily in reply, smacking the side of her big belly with a free hand. “See you later, boys,” she wiggled her claws to the two as they walked away. “These things,” she said, holding up one flyer copy, “Might be gone by the time you get back, though!” Taelyr shifted her giant mass slightly to get into a more comfortable position. It was just an extra inch, but it was enough movement to make her belly shake out of the corner of her eye. Taelyr chuckled at the sight, poking its soft surface with a claw. Looking up, her attention was drawn to how high her leg and boot were propped up by her girth, the undone laces left hanging loosely. With a grunt, she kicked in the air once as hard as she could with the raised foot, an action that caused a wobbling effect to spread across her borderline gelatinous form as the laces swung back and forth. Her stuffed stomach continued to make noise. Taelyr’s laughter was louder this time. She could spend hours being mesmerized by the way her body shook and sloshed with the slightest of movements if she could. But she couldn’t do that for long while working. She had to make it obvious that she cared about passersby who could become potential fans more than she did about admiring her own bigness and beauty. So Taelyr turned her attention back to the fairground and the mon walking by. Just like when she was eating, the expressions on mons’ faces were a mix of either humor or disgust, but Taelyr didn’t mind too much. A middle-aged flareon was approaching the platform from afar, his eyes quite wide at the sight of a flygon as humongous as she was. He looked to be reading the sign on the front, shooting subtle glances up at Taelyr’s belly. Taelyr readily grabbed a flyer while sporting her signature cocky grin. “Sup, pup? Wanna get your mind blown for a thousand pokedollars?” - FatalCalamityz