The Sonic Costume By Eunacis Part 5 The Costume I was Espio. Damn, I can't believe I'm saying this. Oh, I guess I was lax (or mum, again for our friends across the pond) on certain points with the exposition during our first meeting. I would tell you, but I don't want to spoil the fun. Besides, you'd think I'm making it up. But no, I can't make this stuff up, it's real. Oh yeah, back to story. I walked up to the mirror to see myself. I wasn't dissapointed, the ads were true (as if the thousands of Shadows weren't enough). I was, completely, Espio the Chameleon. "My name is Espio," I monologued to myself, "Espio the Chameleon, I am a ninja trained in the art of stealth and deception." I continued my sililoquy. No. Espio's sililoquy. But, I was Espio, or so I thought. "I am not, have never been, and never will be, a human." With those words my brain got a wake up call from reality. I immediately slaped myself in the face to bring myself to terms. "Earth to Seth! Your name is Seth! Not Espio! You are a human being in a costume of Espio! You are not... a..." I looked back at the mirror, my head was starting to feel light. Was it the costume that was doing this? If so, wouldn't it have just come alive while I was putting it on like it always does in fanfiction? "But this isn't fanfiction," I thought out loud. "This is real, not DeviantART." My eyes were starting to play tricks on me because for a moment I thought I saw my-No, Espio's tail move. But slowly in due time, I realized that I was, in fact, able to control it. My jaw droped in realization. All of this was shocking me so much I was out of breath. I needed fresh air. Yeah, I'll just go outside. Things had just gone from kickass, to weirdass.