Imagination Persona asks: For the current members of the Wolf Team. If you were to spend a holiday in the city of Lunar VII, would you stop by Patricia's Bakery to see what pastry treats are being offered and to meet up with Silas? Kisa: I do try to watch what I eat, but the odd pastry here and there is always good. So I'd certainly be more than happy to drop by if we ever did come to Lunar VII! Anna: As long as there's cakes, of course I would! Especially if Patricia sells iced fingers. I love those! Amy: Of course, Anna has to think of her sweet tooth. But I'm the same boat as Kisa. I have to watch my diet, but I do enjoy the occasional sweet or savoury treat every now and then. Anna: Hey, I like sweets. I can't help it... Kelly. Sausage rolls are the best. Fight me. Amanda: I'm more into savoury stuff than sweet myself. I'm sure Patricia sells things like Cornish pasties and steak and onion slices, yes? Ben: Wait, what about Silas? Wasn't the other part of the question about whether or not you would want to meet up with him at the bakery? Anna: Oh. Yeah, I guess so. Kisa: Oh come on. I think he's kind of cute... Kelly: Uh... You have a crush on him or something? Kisa: Maybe. Maybe not. Maybe in another time and another place...