The Bear crime family had been quick to kick the front door in and assume total control of Jack Horner’s bakery and everything else he owned. All the wealth that was left without an owner along with the many magical items that still remained in the collection. Making use of these things and keeping operations more or less going at the barkery made the family richer than they could have imagined. All of them lived the high life but as they got older their goals started to change as well. Goldie was just as keen on taking care of the business operations along with Mama, who stayed by her side out of the motherly need to watch over her girl. But as for Papa and Baby, the older male bear sought to do more simple things while the girls handled the complicated business. The first thing he had done was find another cave close to the bakery that was similar enough to the one they used to live in. With their massive amount of capital it was no trouble at all to spruce the place up and have the interior fully decked out. Papa still kept things simple and cozy for the sake of his own tastes and nostalgia. Baby seemed to be lost for a bit. After getting to wear Jack’s clothes and helping with the cave the youngest bear of the family realized that didn’t truly have a goal of his own. For most of his life he went along with the others and let himself be guided by them. One day he just up and left, leaving a note for the rest of the family to read. He promised to return once he found what he was looking for. He seemed to have found that as one day Baby returned to the cave but he wasn’t alone. At his side was another bear, his mate, and his children. Once the surprise wore off, Baby explained why he had left and then told about his lone journey, how along the way he met someone and wound up settling down. It had all just happened and it wasn’t until he had his first kid that Baby realized that this was what he wanted in his life. Mama and Papa were thrilled to have grandchildren and so was Goldie, having nieces and nephews. “Jeez, how many litters did you have while you were gone?” Papa asked once he and Baby were outside. It was hard to keep count, with only one good eye and the little ones racing all over the place. He managed to count 2 granddaughters and 3 grandsons. “Actually they came from the same litter,” Baby revealed with a bit of embarrassment. “Well fuck me, boy. You’re outdoing your old man. I know we gave you a hard time when you were young but you’ve definitely found your talent!” Papa laughed as he playfully groped his son’s crotch. “Dad!” Baby groaned, more out of embarrassment than anything else. Papa just chuckled and then placed his paw on his son’s shoulder. “You’ve done me more than proud. I think it’s about time you change your name. I wasn’t always ‘Papa Bear’ you know,” Papa admitted. “Change my name?” Baby asked. He had gone so long being the youngest and being treated that way by his first family members that the idea of changing it felt strange. But then again, he supposed being called ‘Baby’ while being as old as he was and having a family of his own was even stranger… After some brainstorming, it was decided that his name would be changed to Daddy Bear. It had a nice sound to it and fit him best. Very much liking this name, the newly dubbed Daddy Bear held his head high. *** Many years and many bountiful litters of bear cubs later, Daddy was walking through the forest towards the cave that his parents lived in. With how big his own clan was, he had to find his own cave, one that was big enough to house him, his mate, and all of his kids that he loved dearly. The sun was high in the afternoon sky, its light and heat piercing through the treetops of the forest. The remnants of the rainy season clung to the very air around him. Even being under the shade of the trees did little to shield him from the heavy humidity that was shrouding him and everything else like a fog. His chain necklace still had the golden doorknob, a fork, and a cog attached to it. They all rattled as he walked on all fours, groaning from the hazy hotness that was seeping through his brown fur. Just ahead were the steady thumps and Daddy knew he was close. He picked up the pace and came into a clearing that gave him a clear view of the cave. Mama was off taking some time for herself and Goldie was further extending their business, always finding opportunities for growth. Agreeing to visit his father in advance, Daddy found his ol’ Papa Bear cutting some wood outside of the cave. He always liked to get an early start on hibernation season and the lingering wetness of the rainy season made the wood all the easier to cut through. That made things less of a strain for him. Still huge in every way, standing taller than his own adult son still, Papa Bear was much older now and he had to pace himself, as much as he hated it. “Bout time you showed up,” Papa said as he caught sight of his son. “Got held up by the cubs,” Daddy said with an exasperated chuckle. “Just when I’m bout to go there’s another thing they need from me.” “Your fault for having so many,” Papa chuckled back. “Oi, not my fault at least five go popping out at a time,” Daddy huffed. “Got a real gift. And you clearly can’t help yourself,” Papa chuckled. “And you take good care of them too. How’s the oldest?” “Oh, they’re all doing just fine. Out and about in the word, giving it hell,” Daddy said with a widening smile on his muzzle. “Jr’s already got his own little ones. Notice I said ‘ones’...” “Guess that makes me a great-grandad,” Papa said as he set the axe down to the side. “You’ll have them come over.” “Once they’re on their paws. You try carrying at least five at once.” Daddy then observed the wood that had already been cut, piled into a stack. “What’s all this for, anyways? We’ll be out cold during the season.” “Last few winters I’ve been paying the neighbors in advance to come back and put a couple of logs into the fireplace to keep it nice and warm. Just me and Mama nowadays,” Papa explained. “So you just let them waltz in. Aren’t you worried about them taking stuff?” “Oh they know better than that. Now, you gonna keep gobbin’ or are you gonna help chop?” Papa asked, picking up his axe and gesturing to the other that was set for his son. “Alright, alright…” He was just about to grasp the axe but stopped in his tracks, his hand hovering over the axe but something kept him frozen in place. It was a tune being whistled that he heard before, a long time ago when they were hunting for the wishing star. Even though it had been so long, the tune stayed in the back of his mind and the memories of the one who whistled it came racing back. “Dad. Is that-” “It is…” a new voice appeared and Daddy turned around to see that it was indeed Death himself. His eyes were glowing with an otherworldly presence as he stepped up to the clearing. The very air grew heavy, and silence enveloped the otherwise lively forest. “Papa Bear,” Death began. “Your time has come.” Papa assumed as much. He just stood there, meeting the wolf’s gaze when his hood was pulled back, revealing his face in full. Based on how it looked, Papa seemed to accept that the end had come for him. But Daddy stepped forward in front of his father. “No!” he roared, his voice echoing through the quiet forest. “You’re not taking him!” Death looked at the older bear and then the younger one. He was only meant to take Papa and if Daddy got his life taken in the process of protecting him that would cause some problems to the balance. A chuckle came from him and there was an amused glint in his eyes. “Very well. I’m not one for senseless bloodshed. So how about a deal? If you manage to impress me I’ll give your dad a few more years but if you fail I’ll be taking you both with me.” He could get away with it if Daddy willingly offered his life. “Fine then!” Daddy agreed. “But there’s going to be some terms.” Their terms were that there would be no weapons. Once Death agreed they were set to begin. Even with two opposing him and the lack of his weapons, the wolf was just as confident. The bears with their massive bodies and fierce determination, squared up against Death, ready to fight for Papa’s life. The sun had been shining bright but all of a sudden the light from above was gone, replaced by eerie shadows, setting the stage for the battle. Standing side by side, the father-son duo steeled themselves. Unlike most that he came for, neither of them had the scent of fear coming from them. But he could sense something. A primal strength that seemed to pulse through their very being. They charged at the same time and Death positioned himself to block their strike. He managed to do so but was taken aback by the sheer force of the blow. Papa Bear, grizzled and experienced, led the charge. Daddy was no slouch either. He was raised by the older ursine that had been in scrapes his whole life and along his own journey of self discovery, Daddy had earned himself some new stripes, most evident by the notch in his other ear that matched the first. Keeping himself close behind, the two struck with unexpected coordination. Death found himself reaching for his weapons out of reflex but they had already been tossed aside. The fight should have been over in an instant. That’s how it usually was for him. But from the quiet clearing came the echoing booms of the bear’s roars and Death’s snarls. It created a cacophony of animalistic noises that traveled outwards through the rest of the forest, keeping the creatures in hiding. Fighting two at the same time proved to be a greater challenge when they weren’t blindly throwing themselves at him. Papa would come in with pure strength to break the wolf’s guard and from the side Daddy would land a strike that would actually make Death stumble or even wince. It made Death realize the gravity of the situation. The bear’s were fighting for not only Papa’s life but for their family’s sake. Daddy had just promised to show Papa his great-grandchildren and he wasn’t going to deliver them the news that he had passed on before they could meet him! With every blow, every growl, they were showing their resolve and strength. Death’s arrogance began to wane as he struggled to block their punches and received one to the gut. Reminding himself that he was Death itself, the wolf went on the offensive, charging headlong at the bigger mammals. Papa and Daddy stayed where they were and let the wolf come to them. With a fierce punch from Papa that made Death stumble back, Daddy finished it with a strong kick to Death’s side, making him fall to the forest floor. The pair of ursines stood over the canine, their chests heaving and their fur even damper from the exertion. “I’m not done yet..!” Death growled. “Not even close.” “Oh we figured,” Papa panted with a smile. “What?” Death asked as he sat up. “Yeah we never planned to ‘impress’ you by fighting,” Daddy said with a chuckle. “We just needed to get the ol’ blood pumping beforehand.” “For what?” Death asked. At the same time the bears nodded and brought attention below their waists, making Death gasp with wide red eyes. They had gotten accustomed to wearing pants and it came with the benefit of covering up their groins. That kept what they had out of sight; neither the father or son tired of pulling their pants down and showing off what they had, always getting a big reaction and seeing Death himself react like this as well brought the ultimate satisfaction. Even while just semi-hard, both bears had huge and heavy cocks. Humanoid, uncut: long and thick like logs of flesh. Both were greatly hung and yet Papa seemed to have some more length while Daddy had more girth. He was on his knees in front of them, watching their cocks inflating further, seemingly growing even more before their eyes. They proved themselves to be growers, their already prominent manhoods practically doubling in size. Death remained on his knees, just staring with his mouth hanging open at the unbelievable sight. And then his sense of smell was suddenly struck by it. The full brunt of wild, pungent bear musk. Even if they were wearing pants, the ursines still lived mostly as their wild brethren did, prowling through the forest, sweating under the hot sun, and using water as a means of drinking rather than bathing. They were used to it, even wearing their strong scents like a badge of honor as it helped with marking their turf. Between the humid days of the retreating rainy weather and the high sun of summer, they had done a lot of sweating and their scents were kept strong on their bodies, roused even further by the effort put into just knocking Death down. The wolf found himself stuck in place. Able to smell someone’s fear, his nose was especially vulnerable to their musk. It was unlike anything he had experienced before. Wild and untamed, masculine with dense earthiness from the forest along with sweat both fresh and old. They were steeped with it and standing side by side, it was like a thick miasma of funk that kept him stuck. He should have been grossed out by the rich reek of their hardly washed bodies, especially their cocks. Their cocks and balls were visibly shiny, not just with sweat but also a film of general body grime. Their heavy balls were dotted with perspiration and could be seen churning even from where he was kneeling. “Looks like we’ve got Death speechless,” Daddy said with audible pride. “I’d say that counts as being impressed.” “He looks more than impressed,” Papa said with his arms crossed. “The boy looks hungry. Like a dog slobberin’ for a bone.” Death didn’t even notice that he was indeed drooling a bit. He didn’t understand why. Their dicks were so swollen, their foreskins so thick and greasy…the smell coming from their crotches in particular was so sharp, making the end of his nasal passage burn if he breathed too deeply. And yet…he just couldn’t stop himself. One inhale came after another and Death could feel himself becoming lightheaded and oddly…excited. His pants were becoming tight from his erecting cock and his tail was starting to wag back and forth. “Oi, Wolfy!” Daddy called, getting the lupine’s attention. “If you hold up your end of the deal, then we’ll let you get a taste.” He made his meaning clear by gripping his extra fat cock, waggling it back and forth like it was a bone. It swung with visible weight and when he let go it dropped and audibly smacked against his balls. Death still felt that he had some fight in him but his nose wouldn’t stop twitching. His mouth just kept watering. With his eyes focused on their groins, he couldn’t think of anything else, just this odd desire to indeed get a taste. He felt strange for actually wanting the clearly smelly and grimy father-son duo. But his body was making his wants clear even if something in the back of his mind was still resisting. “F-Fine!” Death snarled. Slowly he rose to his feet, stepping back just so he could think clearly enough to mutter something under his breath. He seemed to be chanting something, closing his eyes as he really focused on his words. Then he opened his eyes and sighed. “It is done, oso.” “Good boy,” Papa said. There hadn’t been any grand gestures or magical flare but Papa knew that it had worked. For the last few days there was this feeling of…finality that had been looming over him, growing all the stronger until the wolf showed himself. It was gone now, Death had given him more time. “Now for our end of the deal. You earned yourself a little treat.” For some reason those words made Death’s heart skip a beat and he was back down on his knees before he even realized it. “Ah, ah,” Papa taunted. “Gotta work your way there.” His words made Death look up. The canine nearly whined from being deprived of what had been agreed upon. He saw the older bear lift up his arm and point to his pit. You can start here. If you do a good job on me and my son, then we’ll let you slob all over our logs.” Death groaned from the idea of putting his face, let alone his tongue anywhere near there. But then again he seemed keen on shoving his muzzle against their cocks. There was still a part of him that was protesting, telling him that he was better than this, but it was being drowned out by a much louder voice that was urging him to do it. His nose was twitching more as he inhaled harder. Being struck by the sheer force of their aromatic masculinity kept it hard for Death to think rationally for more than just a moment. Just as much as it flooded his lungs, lust and a need to submit was fogging up his brain as more of the musk was carried to him by the forest’s light breeze. Death managed to rise to his feet, really taking notice of how much bigger the bears were. Every part of the older and younger bear was bigger than him in so many ways. Death thought that he was getting used to the scent and dared to take a deep and long breath. But he was proved wrong, coughing harshly from the raw bear funk that stormed his nasal passages. Of course the smell was getting more intense the closer he got to the lifted underarm. A part of him was still disgusted but his mouth was watering and his cock was throbbing hard in his pants. “No backing out now,” Papa said with amusement in his voice. He reached his hand out and pulled Death in, all but shoving the wolf’s head into his swamped pit. Death’s muzzle was immediately slathered in the excess sweat and the thick reek was all that he could comprehend. Death continued to breathe but his nose was already being pushed into its limits. He was wincing, groaning, and whining the entire time. His body was fighting to withstand the full force of the older bear’s essence. Papa was pushing his head in even deeper, making sure that his nose was shoved into the wet, hot, and extra dense fur of his pit. Rubbing the canine’s head into it, he made sure to smear more of his sweat onto the other male’s sensitive sniffer, making it impossible to ignore. Death continued to sniff, getting lost in the musk. It was consuming his senses completely. With his nose he could discern the great amount of perspiration and grime that was just in that area alone. It was just the pure aroma of a large male that worked hard day in and day out, sweat on top of sweat that just amplified it. Channeled through his keen nose, Death was hit dead-on and overwhelmed. But he kept inhaling, letting it take over like a drug. With every breath inwards he would exhale and gradually there was more enjoyment that was heard. “There we go…” Papa soothed as he kept rubbing the canine’s head into his armpit. This caused Death’s nose and lips to be further smeared by the musk and the taste of it wound up on his lips. He got a taste of it, finding that it was just as strong as the smell. Another sound came from him, this one clearly pleasant and Death wound up openly groaning, parting his muzzle enough for his tongue to actually touch the pit’s surface. With it already out, Death went ahead with swiping his tongue over the pit before really thinking about it. His broad tongue swept over the hot, muggy space, collecting even more sweat along the way and the taste was of course much stronger as a result. It was bitter and made Death recoil but it also wasn’t as bad as he had expected… It was still sitting on his tongue, the taste remaining just as strong. Meanwhile, Death’s nose was still twitching, sniffing and taking in the musk continually. With his nose still pushed in deep, Death’s apprehension and shame had faded entirely by this point and he allowed himself to just revel in these elements, of dense bear musk and the sharp flavor of sweat that remained on his taste buds. The strength of it was still enough to keep his nose burning if he breathed too deeply but it was also rather calming. By keeping it up he was able to handle it better and he was starting to want more of it as well, breathing in all the deeper and for longer. “Come on. Show me how much you want it,” Papa said. Those words compelled Death to put more effort into his actions. He shuddered and openly moaned against the bear’s underarm. Having his body so close, the wolf groaned as his tented part of his pants was grinding against the bigger male, the front being clearly wet and slimy from leaking precum. The canine wasn’t the only one with a strong sense of smell. Both Papa and Daddy could smell the other male’s rising arousal and smirked. With greater confidence, Death went in for another lick. It was firmer this time, more pressure being applied and the bear certainly felt it. The very next moan was muffled by Papa Bear’s pit as he kept his tongue moving, performing multiple licks after each other. Lapping, twirling, and grinding against not just the sweat-soaked fur but also the skin underneath, Death found himself entranced by the wonderfully spicy smell and the persisting deep taste that got him all the more addicted. The more he licked and sniffed, the more that he grew to love it all. The smell was becoming imprinted into his nasal passages and the taste became something very much desirable. He couldn’t stop himself from working his tongue to clean away the musk. This served to make the pit even wetter from the remaining sweat and his own saliva that was being smeared all over. Just as he was getting full lost in it all, Death felt the hand holding the back of his head pulling away and pulling him from the pit. Even the fresh air around him was tainted, even more than before, by the bears’ combined body odor. The smell coming from Papa’s pit was just as strong despite the fresh tongue-cleaning. “Oi! My turn!” Daddy said, being so obviously eager to have his turn. Death was still a bit dazed from the musk turning his mind to mush. All but shoved into the other bear’s direction, he collided with the large, brown body and was again snatched up like he was some powerless puppy. Daddy didn’t hesitate to shove Death’s face under his arm as well. The wolf didn’t struggle and instead embraced this similar but different brand of musk. It was just as strong as Papa’s but carried its own unique tones that Death quickly grew to appreciate. “Give me some of that tongue action,” Daddy demanded. Death managed to nod while his face was buried in the thick pit fur that was actually sweatier than the older bear’s. Between the walk through the humid forest and the fight against him, the young adult bear had worked up quite the sweat and he felt that the canine’s fur and tongue was the perfect thing to clean it away with. With his face being marked all over again, Death was taking deep breaths as if his life depended on it, getting himself hooked on the especially spicy and forest-y musk that was coming from Daddy. There was so much sweat for him to sniff out, both fresh and old. Having his nose shoved into it kept him drooling heavily and breathing in for as deeply and for as long as he could manage had his nose and lung both burning in the best way. He kept doing this, testing himself to take in as much as he could all at one time. All over again, the wolf was submitting himself to the wonderfully potent reek of a large bear. Coming from him were slightly pitched moans and whines as his fur was getting ruffled by the mixed layers of bear sweat that was getting soaked into his face. He willingly rubbed his face into it, wanting more – wanting all of it! Daddy felt the rubbing and hummed from the pleasant tickle of the smooth grey coat against his rougher and wetter fur. Quickly making his pit feel all the damper were the steady pants of Death’s warm breath. At this point that he clearly was loving this, a newly minted musk-slut in the bears’ eyes. “Make with the mouthwork!” Daddy growled impatiently. Doing as he was told, Death rolled his tongue out in time with the next rub of his muzzle. He ran his tongue along the musky surface, using full force from the very start. The flavor was stronger than the other bear’s but maybe that was because he had gotten used to Papa’s taste. It was especially salty, leaving a sharp tang on his tongue that oddly left him craving more. “Now we’re talking,” Daddy said with a satisfied chuckle. The tongue started lapping at him right away, really digging into his thicker sweat-logged armpit fur. Death was going directly for the place where the sweat was the most abundant and he was rewarded with the full flavor of it along with the spicy grime that his tongue also dragged away. His moans and sounds of enjoyment were let out freely, heard clearly and his shaking was felt clearly by Daddy. In addition to rolling his tongue all over the pit, Death pushed his muzzle in closer so that he could even suck on the musky skin. “Alright, I think you’ve done enough...for now…” Daddy said as he let Death go and allowed him to step back. “Give him back to me,” Papa said firmly. When the wolf was back in his grasp, a dark grin was on his muzzle that left Death himself feeling a bit uneasy. He was then on the forest floor, flat on his back and shielding him from the light coming from above wasn’t the towering trees’ leaves but the older bear’s large and plump ass. And just like the rest of him it was clearly sweaty and Death could already smell the sharper, deeper tone of musk that was coming from this part of the ursine’s body. Papa went ahead with plopping himself down on the other male’s face the same way he would when settling down on his rocking chair. All but smothered beneath the rough brown fur, the wolf felt that he was pinned from the lower chest up. The bear’s butt sweat was already seeping into his already marked fur and clothes but his main focus was on the winking muscle that was directly pressed to his lips. There was just enough weight kept off to keep him from being crushed but more than enough for the end of his muzzle to be smushed right in between the large furry mounds. “While you’re down there,” Papa said, getting the pinned male’s attention. “How about giving the ol’ mud-maker some polishing?” Death didn’t leave much room for anticipation, closing his eyes and stretching out his tongue. Even if he was getting more and more lost to the musk and was becoming more willing, the wolf still had pride and his face felt hot from embarrassment when hearing Daddy’s snickering. His tongue made contact with the hole and aside from the muggy flavor of sweat, Death was relieved to find only that as the warm muscle explored along it the rim’s circumference. “Not as bad as you were expectin’, huh?” Papa asked with a chuckle of his own that quickly turned into a deep hum. Death’s licks became more confident and with them came the tingles of pleasure. Being done slowly as he was still exploring this new area, the broad surface was smearing its warm saliva over the already wet rim, adding a whole new layer on top of the perspiration that was clinging to the pink skin. Now that he was really getting himself acquainted with it, Death took notice of how Papa’s butt musk was purely earthy and the purest musk from him that he had experienced so far, directly punching the deepest part of his nose right away, even with just a light and quick whiff. At this point he was immediately drawn to the aroma instead of being put off, even while knowing what part of the bigger male’s body he was licking. Feeling it all, Papa was feeling comfort spread all throughout his body. Death had submitted himself to becoming an ass-licker rather quickly and was already drinking in his musk. He could feel not just every lick but every inhale both short and long, and puff of breath that was exhaled. “No slackin’. Put that dog tongue to work,” Papa grunted as he shifted his hips, grinding his ass against Death’s muzzle, smearing the mixture of sweat and spit, marking the canine in another layer of strong but intoxicating musk. Right away, Death put more effort into his licking, covering more area at once while applying more force to make sure that Papa could really feel it. And doing this earned him some deep grunts that proved he was doing a good job. Papa wasn’t the only one making noise. They could hear him in return, the flicks of his tongue and his muffled groans and whines. But the most obvious thing was the wagging of his tail. Death’s tongue managed to get the entirety of the bear’s rim wet with his saliva, leaving it feeling even warmer as well. The bear’s groans kept getting louder as the canine was applying more pressure, providing increasing amounts of stimulation. He kept himself sitting on the other male’s face and whenever he felt like it, Papa would again grind his hole over Death’s muzzle. This seemed to suit the canine just fine as he was still completely dedicated to worshiping the other male. He pressed his lips as closely as he could to the rim and this time more than just simple licking was done. Again completely lost to his own desires of the musk and Papa Bear himself, Death willingly started to kiss the rim, having his lips firmly pressed to the winking rim. In addition to more licks he was sucking and mouthing against it, getting even more flavor in exchange for his efforts. And more effort was put in than the last the time as he continued, using his own strength to push his muzzle deeper into the pair of heavy rump cheeks. His mouth being so close along with his tongue pressing with so much force caused Death’s tongue to slip past the rim. It was done mistakenly but Papa’s groan of pleasure was a clear sign for him to keep going. He couldn’t deny that there was a desire of his own to proceed. Using Papa’s reaction as a reason, Death proceeded to feed more of his tongue inside. It was his first time doing so but he seemed to be doing a good job as Papa’s groans continued, only getting deeper the further the wolf’s tongue slid in. “There we go!” Papa huffed, he felt his prostate being touched and it sent a rush through him, making him growl in approval, much to Death’s excitement. Now that his tongue was inside, Death proceeded to explore the snug and warm passage. The thick stink of the bear’s backside was still pouring into his nose as he lapped at the walls, introducing himself to the new taste of the other male’s slightly grimy tunnel. The dense flavor of the unwashed hole was enough to make him moan. His cock was straining even more against his pants and the wet spot was much bigger, precum was freely bleeding through the fabric, shimmering in the sunlight. “Put it all the way in and pick up the pace,” Papa commanded. He was very much enjoying the tongue inside of him and wanted the wolf to work the muscle to its fullest capabilities. It was more than long enough to swipe over his prostate along with multiple other sweet spots. They were both enjoying this in different ways. Death was compelled to lick faster and harder, wanting to taste more of that musk and in exchange, Papa was receiving even more direct pleasure that was coursing through the rest of his body. This caused the older bear’s huge cock to throb and leak as well, spilling his already thick and musky fluids onto the wolf’s body as well. Huffing deeply and clenching his tailhole against the wolf’s tongue, he felt himself becoming all the more aroused and eager for more but there was also a certain satisfaction that came from being rimmed by someone who was clearly inexperienced, feeling him gaining more experience in real time. As the movements of his tongue became smoother, the pleasure was rising all the higher for him. He let Death get his fill, feeling the layers of saliva that were slathering his walls and especially his rim. Knowing that his son was standing close by, groping at his own leaking dick, Papa felt it was time to let him have a turn. Slowly he lifted himself up and felt the tongue being tugged from his slightly stretched hole. Death seemed surprised to be pulled away from the task set for him. “Don’t worry, pup. Here’s another one waiting for you,” Papa said, gesturing to his son. With his presence known, Death focused on the other bear and he was still clearly addicted to the smells and flavors of the older ursine’s rump. So he was more than willing to accept the other bear’s approach and lowering of his backside. Just like his dad, Daddy sighed deeply when he sat himself down on Death’s face. As he felt the canine’s muzzle slipping in between his damp, musky cheeks, he groaned and so did Death. “Should have guessed a mutt would be into sniffing rears. Get a good whiff, then,” Daddy said as he proceeded to grind his butt over Death’s face with greater intensity than his own dad did. With a grin on his muzzle, Daddy made sure that his sweaty, winking rim was sliding right over Death’s nose and lips. It was giving him light pleasure and Death’s muffled moans were easy and clear to hear. Daddy continued to rub his smell all over the other male, adding his own musky mark to the mix that was already slathering Death’s facial fur in layers. When he could, Death inhaled directly from the firm ring of muscle, letting the aroma take hold. It was safe to assume that he was completely willing to huff the strong stink without second thought, fully embracing it and its effects. Coming from Daddy Bear specifically was an even stronger rump musk than what his dad had. Sharper with stronger tones of going a while without a good washing. That was specific to him as he had never been very good at cleaning down there. Death wasn’t deterred by this and without being told he not only shoved his muzzle in deeper, pressing himself firmly to the rim but he also proceeded to sensually draw his tongue over the grimy, almost greasy pucker. This was felt by Daddy and he wanted more of that right away, communicating that by pushing himself back and grinding his hole against the lapping tongue even more. “Didn’t even need to smear it with peanut butter,” he laughed and then groaned. Death didn’t hear his words, entirely focused on the rim. He kept licking at it, tracing over every part of it, feeling every clench and wink. The taste of sweat was always there, biting and intense, but he was really starting to love that, desiring even more of that extra bitter flavor instead of recoiling from it. Even if it was making his nose wrinkle and itch, Death just couldn’t stop himself and he put more effort into his actions. Much sooner than he did before, Death pressed his tongue against the rim itself. Applying more pressure against the rim, Death chose to slowly expand it, knowing that it would bring steadily increasing pleasure. It eased past the muscle and Daddy let out a moan that made the wolf’s ears perk. Feeling instantly emboldened, Death proceeded in full. His tongue was sliding in further and it was squeezed by the bear’s strong anal muscles. Just as he expected, the taste of the other male was just as strong as his scent, just as irresistible. Taking more deep breaths, letting his nose and lungs be flooded by the wonderfully potent rump musk, taking in so much that it was actually making him feel dizzy. While riding that high his tongue was going to work, flicking and twirling within the hot and still squeezing passage. Powering through that added tightness, Death was determined to get as much of that flavorful musk and grime on his taste buds, cleaning the bear up from the inside with his hot and smooth muscle. Having his muzzle again shoved firmly between the pair of large cheeks, Death’s lips were pressed snugly to Daddy’s tailhole. His tongue plunged deep, his lips were working to kiss and even suck on the ring of flesh. He had gained a lot of experience in the short amount of time and as a result, his licking was clearly much smoother and was bringing more pleasure right from the start. By moving his tongue faster and harder, he was bringing the bear more pleasure and got to hear more moans. Finding that he was unable to stop, completely submitted to the musk, Death was savoring every deep inhale that hazed his mind further and he was flicking over the prostate over and over again. And doing so was making the bear shake on top of him. Able to reach his tongue in deep, Death was able to touch more than just the prostate and simulating those multiple spots at once earned him more clenches that also increased the intensity of the flavor. While Daddy was basking in the feelings that were coming his way, something caught his own nose. That “something” was Death’s crotch. It was soaked from the precum that had leaked through and his arousal was so obvious to see. So Daddy took it upon himself to reach out and pull the wolf’s pants down while still sitting on his face, just enough to expose his erection. But he didn’t do anything with it. Rather, he basked in the pure satisfaction from knowing that his own thick musk kept the other male throbbing and leaking so much. That’s when he felt he had enough for now, easing up and leaving the dazed figure panting and gazing up at the forest floor in confusion. “Up here, dog,” Daddy directed. Death focused his gaze on the pair and he saw them standing on either side of him, both holding their heavy cocks. “Up. On your knees.” Doing as he was told, Death did get up and on his knees. With the way the bears were smiling down at him, the wolf knew he was in for something and it didn’t take a lot of guessing to figure out what that would be. With both brandishing their fat, meaty poles, Death gulped from the sudden dryness in his throat. Looking at the thick streams of precum drooling from their tips was leaving him feeling suddenly parched. “Now that you’ve gotten the hang of working that tongue, it’s time to really do some polishing,” Daddy said as he squeezed his musky dick and got more precum to spill forth. The sight made the canine pant and he nodded eagerly, behavior that was most unbecoming for someone of his status. But he didn’t care about that at all. His sights were solely set on the father-son duo that were in possession of something he wanted. “Ready?” Papa asked as he stepped forward. When Death nodded again, he found himself suddenly shoved down on the older bear’s huge unwashed dick. More than half of its total length was jammed past his lips in one go. With wide eyes he took a moment to process what happened before he whined and proceeded to lick at the shaft. “Mmm… Trained already,” Papa said as he continued to push his head down, enjoying the laps and suckles that were given to his cock at the same time. Death’s licks became more fluid once that was said. Papa took advantage of that, making a sudden shove that Death whined against but he didn’t fight back, not even pulling his head away from the bear’s firm grasp. Instead he endured the jolt of discomfort and kept working his tongue while the tip and inches behind it were really feeling up his muzzle. Papa guided him into bobbing his head back and forth, a simple task that he quickly got the hang of. Doing this earned him not just a groan but he felt the cock’s throb directly against his lips and could taste the precum’s heavy flavor. With his throat finally being penetrated and his chin pressed against the pair of heavy, sweat-covered balls, Death could feel them churning hard and just knew that a big load was being readied for release. He wanted it just as much as he wanted to keep licking the sweat from every inch. It seemed that every part of these bears tasted good and he was dedicating himself to tongue bathing them, marking himself with their cloying stink. “Not long now…” Papa grunted. Between the rimming and the stead bobbing of the canine’s head, he felt himself already getting close to his limits. Every suck, lick, and squeeze of the throat was just a step closer to Death getting a reward. After a few more sucks and firm hump or two from him, Papa wound up arching his back as he groaned deeply, keeping a firm hold on Death’s head to ensure that every drop would be taken. From his perspective, Death could feel the shaft swelling even further within his mouth before the first spurts of rich bear cum were being fired directly down into his stomach. There was so much of it and the substance was coming out with so much force. What wasn’t being blasted down into his gut right away had to be swallowed. Some managed to splash back and he savored the taste, his tail wagging from the deep bitter tang. “Good boy…” Papa hummed when he pulled his still-erect shaft free. “He’s all warmed up for ya.” Daddy was quick to step up and he presented his dick to Death and was very pleased by the licks that he was already receiving. It wasn’t just the tip that was being lapped but the tongue went further, dipping beneath the foreskin and exploring in between the thick folds. Death shuddered from the intense salty taste but kept going, cleaning away the fluids that had been left there and doing this was making Daddy growl pleasantly. Another hand was on the back of his head just before the pushing started. His head was being pushed and the cock was sinking past the tongue that had slipped free from the foreskin. With a bit of experience in taking big cocks, Death managed but it was still a challenge because Daddy was even thicker than what his father possessed. But it was getting through and he was given more of that delicious flavor while Daddy was panting from the warmth and silkness of his otherworldly maw. From there Death was made to bob his head and service the bear, a duty that he performed eagerly, loving every sound that came from the other male. Going down to the halfway point he was treated to a thick gush of precum that slathered the whole of his mouth. Instantly wanting more of it, Death worked his mouth faster and kept his tongue moving in an effort to really clean away the clinging perspiration, getting the strong smell of it all over and inside of himself. Daddy was watching as the wolf was servicing, his muzzle cleanly sliding back and forth. Every drop of his essence was being swallowed and some of his musk was being cleaned away by the dutiful tongue work. With time Death’s motions were becoming more intense and that was causing Daddy to pant and groan. Grabbing the wolf’s head again and thrusting, Daddy treated himself to the kneeling canine’s throat, making him gag from the thickness. With his own fat and full balls churning, Daddy managed a few more pumps into the snug passage, all while Death was licking and sucking as best he could. This made Daddy cum much harder than he expected to, roaring out as he blew his load down the already seeded throat. It wasn’t just his cock that was thick. Fat ropes of his seed were all flying out at once, nearly being too much for even Death to handle all at once. Taking big gulps and feeling it all running hot down his throat, the trained canine just basked in the satisfaction. But that was cut short when the cock was yanked from his throat and mouth. Daddy tugged at his own tool, shooting the last of his spunk all over the kneeling canine, slathering his already sweat-stained muzzle and neck with his fragrant jizz. “Oooh… Don’t get comfortable yet, runt. That was just the warm-up!” Daddy said with confidence. His cock was still rock hard like his father’s and the two were visibly on the same page already, both moving in to lift him up. Standing on either side of him, Death quickly found himself sandwiched between the pair of big and sweaty ursines; their bellies and pecs pressing firm to his front and back sides. Their persisting smell was all that he could register as he panted and moaned, his cock throbbing against Daddy’s soft belly. What got his attention after that were the pair of hard cocks both pressing at his tailhole. That was the thing to finally snap him out of his musk-daze. “W-wait. I’ve never been…” “Never been stuffed, eh?” Daddy asked, cutting him off. “Then you’re gonna love this.” Working in tandem with each other, Papa Bear and Daddy Bear acted at the same time, rocking their hips and pushing their cocks against the tight virgin hole. With their strength and using the abundance of precum as an effective lube, the pair of shafts were starting to stretch the wolf much wider than what he could have imagined. “Gaah!” Death cried out with a mix of pain and pleasure, feeling himself being penetrated down there for the first time. With not just one but two huge cocks at the same time. They were spreading him so wide; both so hard and hot too. He could feel them throbbing directly against his walls before another joined spurt of hot precum would fill him up, leaving him panting and shaking even more. Rushes of heat and pleasure were surging through his body as the extra abundance of fluids allowed the cocks deeper and his prostate was being flattened as they slid by. As he was hotly panting, the pair of bigger males were groaning and growling deeply from his virgin tightness. “Damn! He really is a virgin! It’s gripping me like mad!” Daddy huffed. “He’s definitely a keeper!” Papa agreed. Keeping the submissive canine pressed in between them, they were basking in the hot hole that was keeping their fat dicks squeezed against each other. Every throb and drip was felt by the other and that emboldened them to proceed with thrusting, shoving their remaining inches inside as their hips pushed forwards then pulled back. Death was given some relief as they held back enough to not instantly split him in two. Their thrusts were rather controlled, allowing their shafts to smoothly move along his walls and against each other. They didn’t stop when they bottomed out, still going steady and Death gasped as he felt his stomach stretching from the pair of tips that were rolling back and forth, always one making his skin and fur bulge outwards. It would get much bigger when they would thrust in sync, shoving their huge phalluses into his overly stuffed guts. There was hardly any time for him to process what was happening. There was always some kind of jolt or rush that came from the shafts moving this way or that way. Just one would have been enough to keep him moaning and shaking but two plowing through him at the same time was more than enough to keep him crying out and squirming uncontrollably. Papa and Daddy’s actions were becoming smoother but also stronger, meaning that there would be no relief given to him. More pleasure was forced into him but there was also more strain from his passage being made to expand even further and the protrusion from his stomach was much larger as well. “How’s it feel?” Papa asked, getting the wolf’s attention. “Being stuffed full?” “It feels…a-amazing…” the lupine whimpered as he felt his distended stomach rubbing against Daddy’s. “Don’t get too comfortable, mutt!” Daddy huffed with a large smirk on his face. “We’re not done yet! In fact we’re just getting started!” With that being said, the two proceeded to jam in even further, proving that they had been holding back this entire time and it was only now that they were really starting to get serious about fucking the howling lupine. While fucking him harder they were also pressing their bodies closer, keeping him pinned and further smushed in between the hot, damp pecs and guts. The only thing keeping his inexperienced hole from being ripped apart was the excessive amount of precum that was still flowing from the fat tips, further lubricating his passage all the way through and beyond. With both cocks oozing so much, all of that excess was either further inflating his stomach and leaking out from in between the pumping tools. The feeling of this, along with the direct pleasure and the heavy musk still hanging thick in the air like a fog…all of these elements were keeping him under their complete control. He just couldn’t get enough of how they were stimulating his senses in so many ways. “Keep working that hole!” Daddy grunted, making Death realize that his tailhole was clenching down firmly on their cocks. Death could only just nod in response. He could hardly comprehend and keep track of everything that was happening. If it weren’t for the bears holding onto his body, Death was certain that he would have already collapsed into nothing, just a panting and trembling heap at their feet. His excitement was made obvious by the throbbing of his cock and how much it was leaking against the younger bear’s belly fur. He was just about to slip into another daze but he didn’t get the chance for that to happen. Daddy suddenly pushed his head forwards making their muzzles connect. “Jeez, your mouth stinks,” Daddy said with a chuckle before he proceeded to shove his fat tongue into the other talking animal’s mouth. Death was again stunned by sheer surprise this time. He assumed that being penetrated would be enough but he was wrong. The first sensation that came his way was an encompassing warmth that was quickly flowing through the entirety of his being. It took him some time to actually respond to this action. That response was him working his tongue in tandem with the bear’s all but copying his motions as he was also inexperienced when it came to kissing like this. Just as he was starting to melt, Death felt himself being pulled away, his neck turned so that he could be kissed by Papa as well. He wanted in on the action and did some showing off by pushing his thick and long tongue in so deep that Death was actually gagging on it. Feeling stuffed from both ends, the wolf was again putty in both bears’ paws. While moaning against the plunging tongue, Death felt his cock rubbing even more against the fur of Daddy’s belly. Its roughness was offset by his warm and sticky precum. Having his cock grind against it brought more stimulation than he expected and in time with their thrusting and kissing, Death felt himself getting close to his limits. His anal walls continued to be relentlessly rubbed, while the relentless pounding of his prostate seemed never-ending, intensifying the pleasure to its maximum potential, much more than what Death could withstand. Shaking harder than ever and howling out in ecstasy, Death experienced a blinding climax as his seed shot out from his cock. The sticky ropes splattered across Daddy's stomach, creating an even greater mess on his rugged fur. The overwhelming pleasure of his climax was magnified by the unyielding thrusts of the two bears. They were forcefully plunging their thick shafts into his depths, going as far as they could reach every time. They used the greater tightness of his ass, pumping in time with the increased squeezed, amplifying their own pleasure to new heights as well. Daddy's hips were suddenly moving with urgency, pounding into Death with a ferocity that left them both breathless. His face buried in the wolf's fur, Daddy's hot breath ruffled the already cum and sweat-marked white fur. But it was the slick trail of saliva dripping from Daddy's mouth that told of how much he was loving this. “Fuck! Can’t hold back anymore..!” Daddy panted. He managed another hard slam, all of his inches being buried as far as it could and his balls smacking against Death’s underside and his own father’s heavy pair. While doing that, the younger bear’s mouth came back up and it was shoved against Death’s when his paw pulled the wolf’s head back to him. While aggressively kissing the canine the bear growled as he came, giving Death his first experience of being seeded. Making his stomach balloon out even further and bringing a new wave of clinging heat, Death could only moan against the bear’s tongue as he was filled in an entirely new way. Daddy made sure to keep his cock plugged all the way in while he was shooting his cum and Papa was still going strong, keeping Death’s ass stuffed as a whole. He too could feel the throbs, swells, and gushes of his son’s especially thick bearhood shooting its rich, musky essence. Still feeling the extra tightness from Death’s climax and the added slickness and warmth from his son’s orgasm, Papa thrust in much faster, his grunts growing deeper as he got all the closer to the end point. He roared out upon getting to that point, joining his son in expelling huge waves of spunk all at once, making Death’s already plump stomach expand even more. Blowing their immense loads at the same time, they were further filling the wolf’s ever-expanding stomach. What didn’t reach his stomach was spilling freely onto the ground, splattering loudly and adding to the musk hanging in the area. They were both still cumming so much, shooting such large ropes that went on for so long. His stomach was three times its regular size and was straining to hold it all in but neither of the bears were giving him any leeway. He groaned as his stomach gurgled and for a moment thought he would burst. But what actually happened was his throat expanding and his mouth being forced open. Bursting from his muzzle were torrents of mixed bear cum. It first blasted into Daddy’s mouth before he recoiled from the shock. He and Papa watched as Death more or less became a cum fountain, their pearly and strong smelling essence being released into the open air and splashing down onto the grass around them. More and more of it just kept blasting out from the lupine’s muzzle and he could feel more spurts of seed going into his ass, traveling through his system before coming back up. He knew their balls were big but he never would have assumed something like this would happen. While he was groaning and gurling from the sheer amount, the bears were still groaning and reveling in their bliss of draining their plump and swollen balls. As the bears unleashed their final load, the stream emanating from Death's lips slowly subsided, allowing him to seal them shut and swallow the remnants lodged in his throat. He exhaled with a mixture of relief and pleasure, his belly now burdened with an overwhelming amount of weight, audibly rumbling from the copious amount of seed that still remained within. “Who knew Death was such a slut?” Daddy asked after they had dropped the wolf to the ground. “I’m not a slut!” Death protested. His sense had returned to him and his pride was wounded as the realization of the things he had done hit him hard. “Oh really?” Papa asked as he gripped his cock. He dragged his hand across it and collected some cum. That hand was presented to Death and the wolf instantly melted and began to lick the seed from the bear’s paw. Death didn’t understand why he was doing it. There was just something about that scent that made him feel…weak and needy. “Well, you’re a bear slut at least. That’s true enough,” Daddy chuckled. “Y-you got what you wanted. But we will meet again,” Death said, doing his best to sound tough as he slowly rose to his shaky feet. “Oh, we’re not done with you yet,” Daddy said as he snatched the wolf from the back of his hood. “I could use a little toy when the wife’s not in the mood. What about you, Dad?” “I was thinking the same thing,” Papa said with a devious grin. He followed his son, who was dragging Death into their cavern. The next day Death was finally leaving for real but he was wearing a collar and his tail was tucked between his legs in a futile effort to stop the heavy leaking from his gaped hole. The stench of bear sweat, cum, and even some urine from being marked were all heavy on his body and though it was very easy for anyone to smell, Death wasn’t compelled to find a place to wash it off just yet. As they had given him a collar, he had left something with them and he was very much looking forward to their meeting…