It was a joyous summer afternoon within the Crystal Empire, full of love and harmony from the previous week’s celebration. The streets were filled with crystal ponies, decadent food, and performers and entertainers from around Equestria bringing lively festivities. The collective happiness of the whole empire successfully empowered the crystal heart, ensuring the continued peace and protection of its citizens from any dangers. Everypony and creature thoroughly enjoyed themselves, but none more so than Flurry Heart. Among all the activities and food stands available, the gluttonous princess partook in everything. From the moment she stepped out of the castle, she beelined toward the first food stand out the door. What she couldn’t hold in her greedy hooves, she carried around with her magic, creating a trail of floating food following behind her. She entered haydog eating contests while still munching on corn cobs, bobbed for apples but saw how many she could fit in her mouth before swallowing, and willingly volunteered to have pies thrown at her in place of one of the clown ponies, so long as she got to eat them. The day’s eating vastly ballooned her lard laden figure. Halfway through the celebration, she was huffing with breath just to lug her abundant corpulence through the streets. She grew as wide as a carriage, barely able to keep her hind hooves planted to the ground to budge herself forward. Her forelegs swelled in size like giant marshmallows, and her puffy cheeks squished against her developing neck rolls. She eventually passed out in the middle of a pancake eating contest, trying to swallow a massive stack while chugging down three milkshakes at once; it took the castle guard pulling her along on a wheeled platform just to return her to her room. Flurry Heart grinned with pride at the impact the feast had on her body after digestion; and with her birthday coming up in a month, she looked forward to splurging herself yet again, but glutting bigger, and growing fatter than before. Waddling down the busy streets of the empire, Flurry Heart and her changeling best friend scouted around for something to do. The alicorn wore a crooked smile, relishing how much more of her belly now dragged along the ground. Feeling her haunches dig into her gut and the rolls on her back squeezing one another with each step, brought her great joy. Her gaining had made her as wide as four ponies put together; each cheek of her plot weighed just as much. “What about that?” The changeling pointed at a nearby shop. “Books?” Flurry Heart rolled her eyes, “yawn. Books are so boring.” “Okay. Then…what about there?” “The boutique? Hehe, yeah, good luck fitting a dress around these curves.” “Ooo, how about there?” “The candy shop? Hmmm.” The princess pondered for a moment. “Eh, nah. As good as a candied apple sounds, I think I’d prefer real food. Come on, Leo. There’s got to be something to do around here.” “Everyone’s so busy with your birthday coming up. What about the castle, anything to do there?” “Nope. My mom’s having stuff renovated for me. Plus she said I’ve spent too much time indoors. Told me to get out and walk for a bit.” “Heh, like you don’t do that already at the castle.” “I know, right? Like, hello? Doesn’t she know how many stairs we have? Like, sweet Celestia.” “Not to mention the distance between your room and the kitchen.” “Seriously. She won’t even let the servants bring me my food. I got to walk all the way down to the dining hall to eat. I swear, it’s a miracle I’m able to get bigger at all.” Leo smirked, playfully prodding at Flurry’s thick waist. “You planning to break some records during your big birthday bash?” “Oh, you know it,” Flurry bumped him with her hip, nearly knocking him over. “Mom totally freaked when she saw me after the celebration last week. And on my birthday, I’m really gunna let her have it. Just wait till she sees her big blob of a daughter big enough to fill a house,” Flurry sighed with bliss, “wouldn’t auntie Celestia be proud?” “Yes, she would.” Surprised by another voice, the two friends turned their to an adjacent alleyway; the two buildings surrounding it appeared derelict and abandoned. Within the alley, a large purple tent was set up with a veil of brown beads that made up the entrance. An incense burner hung below the front of the tent, with two burning sticks secreting the lip-smacking aroma of cinnamon and vanilla glaze. A shadowy silhouette could be seen behind the beads; the voice of the mysterious mare beckoning to them like a siren’s call. “Come in, come, come. Let Madam Ruby, tell your future while on your search for fun.” “Ooo, a fortune teller,” Leo clapped his hooves, “can we Flurry?” Flurry grimaced at how narrow the alleyway appeared. “I don’t know, Leo. Fortune telling? Isn’t that like…a scam or something?” “Come on, this is the one cool thing we’ve come across so far. Just one quick fortune. Pleeease?” Flurry murmured with disgruntlement, “ugh, fine. Gosh, she couldn’t have picked a bigger alleyway at least?” With Leo entering the alley first, Flurry Heart had to rely on her blubbery back legs to squeeze through. Taking her first few steps, she nervously mumbled to herself as her waistline brushed against the surrounding walls. The rolls on her back squished together, followed by her pair of corpulent flanks which she could barely wiggle in such a confined space. Trying to muffle her grunts, she got half of her body into the tent before stopping for breath, blocking off all light from the outside. The inside of the tent consisted only of a single round wood table, two wood chairs across from each other, and a crystal ball that gave off an ominous purple glow that lit up the room. Leo sat on his stool, eyes bulging and fixated on the glowing ball. The purple mare wore a black hooded cloak that concealed her face, with only her horn visibly poking out. She caressed the crystal ball with her hooves, rubbing in circular motions. “Now then…before we begin. 2 bits. Each. One telling per creature.” The mare grinned upon receiving payment. “Excellent. Now, your names if you please.” “Coleo,” said the changeling, “but everyone calls me Leo for short.” “Leo,” said the mare, “a nice name. I know our princess needs no introduction, but if you’d please tell your name all the same. For the spirits, of course.” Flurry Heart scowled, wiggling her hips and waist for some semblance of comfort in such a tight space. “It’s, *hnng*, Flurry…Heart.” “Thank you, my dear.” Waving her forelegs in a conjuring manner, the mare’s horn emitted a purple and green glow. The crystal ball glowed even brighter, with curious black and green flames circling within it. “Oh spirits from the beyond,” wailed the mare, “we beseech thee! Grant me sight and reveal to me the fates of Coleo and Flurry Heart!” Dark shadows appeared to dance along the walls of the tent, resembling malformed versions of ponies and other creatures. Flurry Heart felt unnerved by the spectacle, trying to wiggle herself out of the tent but unable to budge an inch. Meanwhile, she scowled at Leo who giggled and clapped his hooves together, awestruck by the dark parade. With a spark of the mare’s horn, the shadows were suddenly sucked into the crystal ball, mixing with swirling black and green flames to create a new flame of purple, its fire calm and rippling as if burning underwater. “Hmmm, yes, I see,” said the mare. “The visions are coming in clearly. You, young changeling. Watch out for falling pies. As for you my princess, I see a great deal of revelry in your future. A future, filled with food and…fat. S-so much…fat…” Flurry Heart suddenly found herself intrigued. “H-how fat are we talking?” “Goodness. Your appetite becomes boundless, as well as your size. I see a grand feast that awaits you, the greatest you’ve ever witnessed. Your vast size taking up all of Canterlot; your wanton gluttony siphoning food from all over. And today, you’ll have but a taste of the large fortune that awaits you. So long as you remain on the correct path, you will at last attain your ultimate goal of being the fattest princess in Equestria’s history.” Flurry swallowed some of her spit, wiping perspiration from her brow. The pit of her stomach writhed with butterflies as she imagined herself as a Canterlot sized blob taking up the adjacent mountainside. Feast after feast, gorge after gorge, the thought of it caused her blubber to anxiously tremble. “W-what path? What should I do?” The flame within the crystal ball doused out, returning to its original purple glow. “Sorry, sweetie,” said the mare, “one fortune per creature, and per day. The spirits need their rest too. But feel free to visit Madam Ruby anytime, princess. I’ll be here when you want to know more.” “Wait, that’s it?” Leo scowled, “how come my fortune was so short?” The mare didn’t answer back, walking through a shroud of purple curtains behind her into more tent. Leo pushed at Flurry Heart’s front, helping to inch herself out of the alleyway before making contact with the wide street. The changeling walked with a huff while Flurry contemplated her fortune. There were plenty of events, parties, and celebrations throughout the pony calendar, but none of them seemed big enough for the grand feast the mare spoke of. “You were right, Flurry. What a total scam.” “Hehe, yeah,” Flurry wryly smiled, “what a ripoff.” “I mean, what kind of fortune was that? Watch out for falling pies? There’s about a dozen different bakeries in the Crystal Empire. Am I supposed to watch my back whenever I’m around them?” “Yeah…so silly.” “And what about your fortune? A grand feast? That could be like…any time you end up eating a lot.” But only the grand feast could make me as large as Canterlot, Flurry thought to herself. “It’s all just based on coincidences. Everypony knows I enjoy eating and being big. She just told me what I wanted to hear.” Her stomach grumbled, enticed by all their talks of eating and feasts. “Anyway, I’m starved. Let's go grab a bite someplace.” Traveling down the empty road of old shops and houses, the pair took the left road to livelier streets. Flurry licked her lips at the sites of snow cone and ice cream vendors pulling their carts along, but with only eighteen bits left in her coin purse, she would prefer to eat more filling food than sweets. Turning another street corner, she nearly bumped into a mare hauling a cart. Upon noticing her, the mare’s expression lit with joy. “Princess! What a surprise, I was just on my way to the castle to see you.” Flurry was taken aback by her excitement. “Uh, hey, Mrs. Hazelnut. What’s up?” The earth pony removed her yolk, circling to the side of her cart. She produced two baskets from underneath a white cloth tarp, presenting them to Flurry. “With your birthday coming up, I wanted to get your opinion on which cookies you thought were better. These are double fudge, and these are candied oats.” Drool dripped down the corners of Flurry’s lips; the warmth of the cookies brushed against her face. She held a basket in each hoof, using her magic to sample them. Her eyes lit up with glee at the decadent chocolatey flavor of both the fudge and chocolate coated oats. Shoving her muzzle into one basket at a time, she guzzled the cookies down, licking her lips of any remaining crumbs. “Mmm, wow Mrs. Hazelnut, both of them were so good. It's…honestly hard to decide which I liked more.” “Oh, that’s no problem, dear.” The mare tossed off the tarp, revealing multiple pink boxes with stickers of fudge and oats on them. “I figured you wouldn’t be able to decide from just two baskets, so I brought plenty more for you to sample. Anyway, I need to go down to the market for more supplies. Take your time, dear. I’ll come back for the cart when you’re finished.” Flurry Heart stood speechless in front of the cart, watching the mare walk down the road and out of sight toward the next street. She looked to Leo who was equally baffled. Her stomach growled, turning her attention back to the cart. With dozens of cookie boxes suddenly at her disposal, the reality of the situation made her well up with excitement. She leaned onto the cart, grabbing her first box with both hooves and opening it. Shoving her muzzle inside, she greedily munched away, sifting through the box like a hog at a trough. The soft-chewy texture of each cookie fell apart in her mouth, molding into wads of dough and chewed up oats. She’d fill her cheeks to the brim before swallowing, licking any remaining crumbs from her lips before moving on to the next box. “*Mmmf*, you should try the, *hmmf*, candied oats,” said Flurry Heart, “come on, *nmf*, grab a…box.” Leo walked up to the other side of the cart, picking up a box of cookies, but with apprehension written on his face. “Uh, Flurry? Don’t you think this is kinda…weird?” The princess made no reply, entranced by her cart full of desserts. Guzzling down box after box, her once peckish stomach began to burble from the added sweets. Her waistline gradually expanded, squishing further against her limbs. The rolls on her back grew thicker, bunching up more against her shoulders and plot. Her belly and chest pressed deeper onto the cart, causing the wood to creak whenever she leaned over for another box. Finishing half the boxes, Flurry let loose a satisfied belch. Leo ate only a few cookies from his box before putting it back, preferring to watch Flurry glut herself with abandon. His cheeks flushed a bright red as she poured an entire box of cookies into her open mouth; her multicolored mane partially squished by her growing neck rolls. A portion of her blorping gut poured into the cart, filling it further with each box she finished. It was a joy seeing how happy she was over gorging herself and swelling up, piling on heaps of beautiful blubber to praise and admire. Using her magic on the last remaining boxes, Flurry levitated them all above her head. Magically opening each one, a tornado of cookies swirled directly into her mouth. She gulped them down like she was taking a drink, sloppily grinning while her mane covered her eyes. The small cart groaned as her gut filled up the interior, crushing all the empty boxes of cookies within it. Her hooves rubbed at her glorping belly, deeply caressing the soft-furry flab the more it grew. With one final gulp, Flurry’s belly filled the entire cart. Its immense weight became too much for the tiny wheels to bear. Wood snapped as the cart fell flat on the stone pavement, buried under Flurry Heart’s wobbling tub of fat. “Hehe, oops. Guess I own Mrs. Hazelnut, *bworp*, a new cart.” Leo squished her belly with a hoof, blushing at how deep it sank. “How many boxes was that?” “I don’t know, a few dozen I think,” she gave her gut a playful wobble, “I wasn’t, *orp*, keeping count. The candied oats were definitely my favorite. *Uff*, that was a nice snack, but I still want to eat some real food. Come on, *urp*, let's keep looking around. I want to eat someplace fancy.” Placing her front hooves back on the ground, Flurry delightfully murmured, feeling the added blubber padding her body. Leaving the cart in shambles along with the flat empty boxes, the pair continued down the road in search of a nice restaurant. Flurry smiled with her head held high, muffling her giggles from her fat pleasurably jiggling with each step. Though Leo enjoyed how much larger her stomach had grown, he couldn’t shake the strange feeling the cookie situation gave him. “Uh, Flurry? About your fortune earlier?” “Yeah? What about it?” “It’s just, do you still think the whole cookie cart thing was just a coincidence?” “I mean, it was a surprise, sure. But like, yeah, it was. Mrs. Hazelnut was going to deliver those cookies to me anyway, you heard her.” “Yeah but, with a whole month until your birthday, why’d she choose today specifically to deliver them?” “I don’t know. Maybe she wanted to get a month's head start or something? Relax, Leo. I’m sure that’ll be the only coincidence we run into today.” “Princess! Hello! Princess!” Flurry and Leo looked toward one of the buildings they had passed. A green changeling stood at the front of a juice shop waving at them. “Princess, Flurry Heart, yoohoo! Come inside, I have something I want to show you.” “Hmm,” the princess tilted her head, “I wonder what Ms. Tera wants?” “It’s probably just another, ‘coincidence,’ eh?” Flurry wryly smiled, the normally cheerful look in her friend's beady eyes now showed no amusement. Waddling to the front of the shop, both of its doors were pushed open to accommodate Flurry’s wide girth. However, her added weight from her last feast now made squeezing through a challenge. Much like the alleyway, the doorframe clenched at her waistline. Her blubbery belly filled in every gap with bright pink pudge. Leo pushed against her flank from behind, flapping his wings to help her spindly hind hooves to push through. With much wiggling and grunting, Flurry Heart collapsed onto the floor at the center of the establishment. The room was open with no chairs or tables for her to crush. There was a cash register at the front, along with cups and multiple hanging barrels with different flavors of juices labeled on their fronts. Ms. Tera entered the room through a walk-in closet on the left side of the shop, rolling in a barrel, with many more stacked behind her. “The market was loaded with a ton of tasty fruits today,” said Ms. Tera, “I couldn’t help myself and snagged as much as I could. I was just so inspired today and kinda went crazy with all these different flavor combinations. Then I saw you walking by and thought, of course! Who better to taste test all these flavors for me than the princess herself?” The changeling stood the barrel up in front of Flurry, removing the top cork and sliding a hose inside of it. Flurry anxiously accepted the hose, looking over to Leo who, like her, was still trying to process what was happening. “Um, Ms. Tera? Wouldn’t it be easier to pour a glass instead?” “Oh, it’s fine. I know how much you enjoy the drinks here. Drink as much as you like, drink all of it even. This is an apple and peach cider, with a pinch of blueberry. Just one of a dozen unique flavors I’ve made so far.” She leaned on the barrel, wings flapping as she stared at Flurry Heart with beady eyed anticipation. The alicorn reluctantly put the hose in her mouth, casually slurping up the barrel's contents as if drinking through a straw. Cider dabbed at her tongue like a trickling stream. Sweet flavors of apples and peaches caused her to murmur with mirth, savoring their delectable flavor sloshing between her cheeks. The gassy fizz bubbled against the roof of her mouth, tickling her gullet after swallowing the pristine liquid. She blew a contented sigh through her nostrils, relishing this exact type of cool drink she would undoubtedly have while lounging on her reinforced lawn chair on a heated summer day. “I think somepony likes it,” Ms. Tera smiled. Gripping the hose with both hooves, Flurry slurped the barrel’s contents with much more vigor. The hose itself swelled with apple sized bulges of liquid shooting straight toward her muzzle. Her cheeks expanded like water balloons fit to burst as she chugged the cider down, tilting her head upward and revealing melon sized orbs trailing down her throat. Drinking up the barrel’s last droplets, she removed the hose from her mouth, smacking her lips. “*Aaah*, that was, *bwooooooorp*, *mmf*, so good. You really outdid yourself with that barrel, *orp*, Ms. Tera.” “Oh, wonderful. Thank you, princess. I’ll send you a barrel for your birthday. Along with these other flavors as well.” The changeling flew back to the barrel closet, pushing out two more barrels. Flurry grunted trying to shift her body toward the closet, feeling the barrel of cider slosh with the cookies in her stomach. “This one’s watermelon with a hint of orange, and this is strawberry lemonade.” She handed Flurry two hoses from each barrel. Sipping each individually to start, the alicorn stuffed both hoses in her mouth, chugging down both barrels at once. Ms. Tera grew ecstatic by Flurry’s gluttonous approval, while Leo sipped away at a glass of sweet tea offered to him. He watched as Flurry’s stomach spilled further across the wood floor, squishing deeper into her thighs and forelegs. All the while, Ms. Tera rolled out additional barrels for Flurry to drink right as she finished. As Flurry’s voluptuous form grew, it became more difficult to keep all four of her hooves planted on the floor. Her forelegs soon rested on her robust chest, while only one of her hind hooves touched the floor depending on which direction she leaned. Her belly blorped with enough liquid to fill a hot tub, giving her corpulent figure a more liquid-like consistency. Content with feeling her body stretch larger, she gave the side of her gut a hearty smack, murmuring with pleasure from its soupy sloshes. Before Flurry could give a review for each flavor, Ms. Tera immediately stuffed another hose into the alicorn’s mouth. Flurry found herself drinking three barrels at a time, then up to four. Her gluttony came in full swing, swallowing watermelon sized portions of liquid with each gulp. Her body swelled at an alarming rate, engulfing the entire floor in her pink undulating flab. Her hooves and those of Leo’s sank into her lard like melted butter, with Leo choosing to sit on her back. Ms. Tera siphoned her barrels from inside her drink closet until all the shelves were empty. Finished at last, the princess nestled her fat face against her abundant neck fat, moaning as a pond’s worth of juice sloshed inside her. “*Ooooooorp*, *guh*, so…bloated.” Flurry caressed her waterbed of a body, barely able to move her bulky forelegs. “*Oof*, that was…a whole lotta, *buuuraaaaap*, barrels.” “*Whew*, it was,” Ms. Tera whipped sweat from her head, “and I was right, you actually managed to taste test everything. So…what you think?” “*Hilp*, they were all, *hic*, so good.” “Wonderful. I’ll bring them all for you on your birthday. Though…I might have to start tomorrow…once you’ve trimmed down enough to leave the shop, hehe.” “No problem, *bworp*, Ms. Tera. Mom’s been, *hic*, teaching me this spell, *hilp*, at times just like this. Let me try it out.” Ms. Tera stood back while Leo flew above Flurry’s head. Magic sparks emanated from her horn as she groaned with exertion from the strength of the spell. She clenched her teeth, droplets of sweat dripping down her face, while the orb of pink magic around her horn grew larger. In a sudden flash of magic, Flurry’s blob-like visage vanished in a mist of pink sparks. Appearing outside the shop, she hovered above the ground before crashing down onto her stomach with a thunderous squelch. Flurry moaned from the impact, feeling her abundant rolls of fat squish against her limbs, back, and behind her head. “*Ooogh*, I need to practice that, *hic-hilp*, spell some more.” “Thanks for the help, princess!” Ms. Tera waved from her doorstep before reentering her shop. Leo rejoined his friend’s side, biting his lip over how gelatinous and huge she had become. With her hind legs now resting atop her massive belly, Flurry was forced to haul herself along with her forelegs. The momentum of her sloshing fat helped to push her forward, but only after using what little muscle was still left in her chunky legs, which were wider than Leo’s abdomen. The citizens of the Crystal Empire watched as their princess moaned, belched, and hiccuped down the street; some of them uneased and averted their eyes, while others were pleased to see her out in public. She enjoyed the attention, grinning as she showed off what a hedonistic spectacle she made of herself. Stopping for a breath at intervals, she gave her wobbling mass a shake to those who stared, smirking as they turned away, unable to appreciate her blubbery visage as she did. Turning another street corner, Flurry blew a relieved sigh at the first actual restaurant they came across. The small-humble shop wasn’t the fancy establishment she originally had in mind, but at this point, satisfying her palette with a few sandwiches was better than nothing. “Lets, *hic*, eat here,” said the princess, “I’m not, *huff*, gunna pull myself, *hnng*, across the whole, *hilp*, empire.” Flurry parked herself on the shade side of the building, pushing herself off her belly and into a sitting position. Magically passing Leo her bag of bits, she waited outside while he ordered their food. Able to better see the vastness of her corpulence, she squeezed at her ample curves, huffing with pleasure at what the afternoon’s eating and drinking had done to her figure. Her flanks and plot rubbed against the rolls of her waist and back, and her belly reached up to her wide chest, shifting to and fro like waves crashing on a beach. She murmured with pleasure cradling heaps of her lard laden gut. The softness of her fat and the roiling of all her drinks created a pleasant sensation in her stomach. “*Mmmff*, sweet, *hic*, Celestia.” Flurry wobbled her massive gut with her left hoof while rubbing as much of her right side as she could reach with the other. “Ooh, so much, *hic*, wonderful blubber. I didn’t expect to indulge myself, *hilp*, so early before my birthday. But I can’t complain, *hmmf*.” Jiggling her belly and smacking her flanks, her cheeks burned a flustered red. After Mrs. Hazelnut’s and Ms. Tera’s assurance of providing plenty of sweets and drinks for her on her birthday, she began to imagine which other food service ponies would also surprise her with carts and wagons full of gifts. Along with the desserts her royal staff would provide on behalf of her parents, and a visit from her favorite aunts Celestia and Twilight, it would undoubtedly be the largest feast she had ever enjoyed. The fortune teller’s prediction would have come true, however, no pony needed to consult with spirits to figure that out. Still, Flurry couldn’t completely shake off being fed by not one, but two creatures in the span of the same afternoon. Leo returned with an armful of small boxes, flying up to Flurry and spreading them out across her gut. The majority were plain cardboard boxes with the restaurant’s logo on them, but one was particularly colorful and in the style of her mane. “A princess meal?” “Yeah,” Leo sat at his table, “they’re having a special promotion inside. Each princess meal has a sticker on the box that you peel off. Whatever’s under the sticker, you check it on this card they gave me, and you might win a prize. I got a cup so…ooh, looks like I won a free drink.” Flurry floated the meal closer to her, peeling off the sticker. Her heart skipped a beat in awe of what looked like a golden sandwich on the box. Removing the princess sandwich, she floated the empty box down to Leo. “That has to be, *hic*, something good right? Like, an extra large princess sandwich or something.” “Let's see. A golden sandwich gives you…” Holding her princess sandwich midway in her mouth, she paused at the sound of Leo spitting out his drink, coughing and beating his chest. “What’s wrong?” The changeling cleared his throat, regaining his composure. “You-you just…won the sweepstakes.” Awestruck, Flurry gasped for breath halfway through swallowing her sandwich. Partially choking, she pounded at her squishy chest just to force it down. “I-I what?” “You won the promotion, all the sandwiches you could eat while supplies last.” Flurry’s stomach audibly gurgled; stars shined in her eyes at the thought of eating all the sandwiches she could stomach. Leo re-entered the restaurant, followed by the owners, a pony couple, coming outside to congratulate her on winning the promotion. Knowing who she was and what she was capable of, they gulped in unison when she asked for every last scrap of food they had available on the menu, down to the last leaf of lettuce. Unnerved by her wobbling massive belly, they returned inside to fill out her order. They wheeled out two trolleys loaded with dozens of sandwich boxes and snacks. Flurry levitated them all with her magic, stuffing the sandwiches in her mouth, including the ones resting on her belly. Using a hoof, she pushed against the clump of bread, hay, flowers, cheese, and veggies. It filled the back of her throat, slithering down her gullet like she had swallowed a boulder. She winced just to keep it down, groaning as her stomach stretched outward several inches with a loud blorp. It felt good to finally have actual food enter her stomach, even if it were simple foods like sandwiches, cookies, chips, and salads. The liquid-like swaying of her body became less vibrant, in place of sloshing even louder. More food shifted through the currents of juice and cider, brushing against the inner lining of her stomach in a most pleasant internal massage. Flurry was pleasantly surprised how quickly the restaurant couple worked, bringing out another batch of sandwiches and other meals just as she finished the last one. Pushing a sandwiched tower down her throat or piling everything into a huge bowl of salad, she needn’t wait too long for more food after swallowing. After a few minutes, she had already become well sated with her gorge. But being a proud glutton, glutting herself beyond her capacity was the true thrill of overeating. She glutted herself with great relish, rubbing her hooves across her vast corpulence just to feel her indigested gorge shift underneath her touch. As her plot and haunches grew thicker, her spindly hind hooves sunk deeper into her flab. Her forelegs similarly plumped up to a point she had difficulty physically stuffing food in her mouth, feeling her arm flab constantly brush against her neck rolls and cheeks. Her expanding waistline and hips grew her as large as a wagon, while her growing belly continued to spill outward, dangerously tipping her back while she remained oblivious. Groaning with intense satisfaction, Flurry sloppily grinned between squished cheeks. Barely able to reach much of her belly due to her lusciously wide chest, she heartily patted what she could reach of her gut. The symphony of thick sloshing and roiling was like music to her ears. Such rich tar-like bubbling could only be achieved by a cavernous gut filled to the brim with gluttony. She squished at her flab, murmuring as she felt each roll of her body rubbing against one another after each husky hiccup. “*Hic-hilp*, *mmf*, so full. So much, *hic-hilp*, good feasting, *huff*. So many, *orp*, drinks. *Hmmf*, lots of food. Gosh, I love feeling, *hic-hilp*, huge.” Enamored by her massive wobbling gut, Flurry leaned back a bit too far. Her sloshing gorge suddenly tipped her over, rolling her onto her back. She moaned upon feeling her gluttony violently churn within her stomach. Her hind hooves kicked into the air, while her belly rolled onto her chest and muzzle, burying her face in her flab. She pushed back against her avalanche of pink blubber, cooing with bliss at how doughy she felt. Her belly’s undulating momentum rolled it back between her colossal thighs, towering over her like a mountain of lard. When offered assistance, she politely denied, remaining flat on her back, running her hooves through her soft fur. As the afternoon sun lowered further toward the western hills, Flurry thoroughly enjoyed a few hours of gorging before supplies started to run low. Once the sliced bread ran out, the sub sandwiches came. With their final ingredients, the restaurant couple created a long-connected train of subs for Flurry to devour in one go. Still on her back, she willfully opened her mouth, allowing them to guide the subs down her gullet like pushing fabric under a sewing machine. Everyone including Leo watched in shock as Flurry grew with each gulp, blorping ever wider. More of her thick waist overwhelmed her hips, and her widened chest bared her forelegs from reaching her belly. Her numerous neck rolls pressed against her cheeks; her head barely managing to stay on top of the quicksand of flab attempting to devour it. Taking her last gulp, Flurry groaned with triumph at having cleared out the humbled restaurant. Thunderous sloshing echoed down the street as she rolled onto her side, sloppily grinning with her large cheek smothering the right side of her face. Her enormous flank reached up to the building’s bottom roof, while her amorphous blob of a belly poured several feet outward onto the street. Unable to reach her belly with her densely lard coated arms, she languidly squished at what she could with her nearly enveloped hoof. “What a, *hic-hilp*, perfect day.” Leo walked into her view, bashfully squishing at her blubber with a hoof. “So, still think all your meals today were a coincidence?” “*Hic-hilp*, okay…maaaybe they, *ooorp*, weren’t. And the fortune teller, *unf*, was right.” “Then, if that’s the case…guess I’m not visiting any bakeries anytime soon.” “Hehe, don’t worry. If any pies try falling on you, I’ll just hork’em down, *hic-hilp*.” “So…your mom’s not going to be too happy with you getting so big so soon.” “Eh, that’s okay. Not like I wanted to leave the castle, or make everyone feed me against their will. Who knows, *hic-hilp*, maybe the Crystal Empire wants me to get fatter?” She playfully wobbled her body, bumping against Leo. “*Mmmff*, imagine, a whole kingdom of creatures feeding me into the, *hic-hilp*, mountainous blob I was meant to be. Oooh, I can’t wait for that day, the grand feast.” “Uh…should we…tell your parents about that…maybe?” “Haha, no way, *hilp*, they’d flip. At least my mom would. Nah, I’d rather surprise her. Show her I’m twice the glutton Auntie Celestia ever was, with a stomach big enough to fill the whole castle. *Hic-hilp*, *huff*, it’s gunna be awesome.” Her stomach glorped in agreement, bubbling as it digested the day’s eating. Leo provided some comforting belly rubs and massages across her blubbery visage, helping to lull her into a relaxing nap. Momentarily thinking of the grand feast, her thoughts suddenly shifted to her younger years, on the days she visited Celestia in Canterlot. The soothing nights in her aunt’s study, listening to stories of joyous times with herself and Aunt Luna. Her favorite stories were always of the feasts they held, and how the two sisters managed to engorge themselves to such lengths they would each fill up half of the throne room. Her aunt’s gluttony served as a huge inspiration for her growing up. If the grand feast were to indeed become a reality, she couldn’t wait to make her favorite princess proud.