Fear constrained within a fragmented reality Wallowing within the broken crevices of a failed society Upon the throne of the Apostle's misdeeds The overburdened table of crucified dreams. We give our righteous grace to the souls above Unaware of the plight of angels falling from grace As a slight moment of frivolity is to sin in His name To be damned to spit in the face of your creator's throne. To sin against the realm of God brings unspeakable punishment To be thrown within the ever-cleansing fires of Hell To witness in awe of all the pain that brought distraught To never again hear the grace of the bell. Imagine that this life brings you to your knees As time flows around you like a bittersweet breeze As you come to resent your creator in all of His manifestations Forever to come to despise all of His ill-fated adulations. This is your life to live and no one elses No longer able to feel the grace of the anomalies Sent forth to conquer your place in this world Or to experience suffering upon this distinguished road. God allows this reprehensible malice to run free Only for it to burn His children with perpetual glee To abandon the creation that He once adored For long this path remains to be unconcerned.