Nancy was enjoying some time to herself. She had a bit of "me time" after practically a month of being busy. She was taking a well-earned vacation from any work or worries, just her and whatever she decided to fill her free time with. Today, that was enjoying a nice stroll through downtown. It changed rather frequently, new businesses opening up and others moving and expanding into other venues. The weather had a nice breeze to it with the sun in the air. And that sun was shining to a new store that she had never seen before - a gaming one. Nancy was a big fan of video games, and it was likely what she'd spend a lot of her free time engaging with that. However, she didn't have a game to play, so perhaps a visit to the store would be able to fill that void! The woman walked in and started browsing right away. She was like a kid in a candy store with how many games they had. From the earliest days of the Atari all the way up to the current day and age. There were so many options that it was hard for her to pick just one. So she decided to go to the man behind the register to perhaps sway her one way or the other. "Hey, welcome to the store! My name is Scott. Anything I can help you with?" he asked in a friendly tone. "Hello! Yes, actually. I've never been here before and it's just like, too much, you know?" she responded with a small chuckle. "Can't decide what I want to go home with. "Yeah, we're new here but we'd love to see you around more!" Scott said back. "But it's a lot to take in, I know. Any kind of genre you're looking for? Or console?" "Maybe something handheld?" she shrugged. "Something to lay back on the couch and just enjoy, you know?" "Could always go a DS route, or Gameboy. Those are my two person favorites. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon is a good one if you've never played. "I did when I was a kid, actually! Oh I loved those games. Maybe I should play it again!" Nancy smiled, it seemed like she figured out what game to buy! "You know, if you want to have a different experience I do have this." he said, pointing into the case he was standing behind at a GameShark device. "A GameShark? Does it have like mods for it loaded in?" "Honestly? No idea. We bought it from some company called Morpheus Inc. It's apparently supposed to make you feel much closer to the game you're playing, whatever that means." Scott replied. "I told one of my employees to try it out but I never heard back from him again. Left the store unsupervised! Can you believe that? Just up and quit on me when I asked. Not answering his phone or texts." "That's a bit odd, they didn't leave a note or message or anything?" "Nope, they were just gone! So I can't tell you exactly how this thing is supposed to work since the one who was supposed to tell me vanished. But I'm just venting to you at this point, do you want that and I can toss it in with your game purchase?" "Yeah, let's roll with it! Toss it in, I have extra money so let's be adventurous!" Nancy answered with a small giggle. "I think I will get that with the Mystery Dungeon game, bust out the old DS!" "We should have that in stock in the handheld section, I'll start ringing you up then!" Scott said. After completing the transaction, Nancy said her goodbyes to Scott, telling him that she would definitely be back to purchase more and browse around. Until then though, she would enjoy her game and device she purchased to see how exactly it enhanced the experience! Nancy got home, and charged up her DS. As she did, she unpacked the strange GameShark. It looked like any ordinary one, although with a "Morpheus Inc" branding on the side. She couldn't make heads or tails of it, with the only instruction being to put it into the Gameboy slot. With her game and DS ready to go, she turned it on and was greeted by a loading screen. Rather than load up cheats, it appeared to load up...characters? The top of the page read "Choose who to play as!" She scrolled through it all, there was the main character, partner Pokemon, guild members, and guild leaders, but the one that attracted her the most was playing as an optional boss and party member. She didn't remember the game having any of those, so she was extra interested in playing content she might have missed! Nancy selected that and booted the game up. The screen was black for a while, and for a moment she thought that the GameShark was causing the problem. However, she was taken aback when a bright light flashed out from the console's screens, completely blinding her. It wasn't just that, she felt a strange daze, her body tingling all over. She was suddenly gone from the real world, the DS dropping down to the ground with no sign of Nancy ever being there. Nancy's body was being transported somewhere else, she wouldn't be in the real world but in the game itself. She would be experiencing the gameplay firsthand, the most immersive experience would be participating directly in the experience after all! However, humans didn't exist in the Mystery Dungeon world, nor did she even choose to be one if they were. She chose to play as an optional boss and party member, so her body would alter to fit into that role. Her body quickly fell down onto all fours, where she would be forced to stay as her skeletal structure was altering from bipedal to quadruped. Afterward, her body started to increase in size. The woman was originally a little over five feet tall, but now she was six and a half feet. On top of that, her weight increased a fair bit as her form was becoming heavier as more alterations were following as her weight and height enlarged. Nancy's arms and legs both became wider while the hands and feet completely flattened. During this process, both would lose the digits second to the edges, leaving only three at the ends and one at the center. The length of her fingers and toes shrank and widened, leaving only the nails of which became sharper and white as they transitioned into claws. Her head grew in size just like the rest of her body. It took on a more diamond appearance with more jagged cheekbones. Nancy's mouth opened wider and her jaw became larger, most of her teeth vanishing leaving only a small handful behind. Her ears moved higher up on her head, growing in size while taking on a triangular shape in the process. On Nancy's front side, any trace of her womanhood was vanishing. Chest, curves, all gone as her body was became much more "equal" at every part of her body proportionally. There was something extra happening with her sex, as she lost something in the nether regions that signified her original sex, gaining something that would indicate the opposite as the woman had turned male. As for the backside of Nancy's body, that would gain something rather different. Right at the center, brown wood suddenly grew out that was fairly wide. At the top of it would be what looked like a yellow crown, with pink petals emerging from that surrounding and provided some shade to her back. These petals also formed light pink sunspots on them. There were six of these petals, all rectangular in shape and equal in size. At the base of the tree that had grown on her back, leafy grass merged out from it in a similar pattern, with cuts at equal segments on it. These leafs were as large as Nancy's body itself. Nancy's skin would be the last to change. It was becoming more bumpy as the color of it was shifting into a greenish blue. Her eyes turned a piercing red with warts forming onto her four legs. With these final changes, Nancy's transformation came to a close. No longer was she a human woman but a Venusaur man. Notably, she was a bit larger than a "traditional" Venusaur, having a bit extra weight to her. While Nancy would normally be panicked about the transformation, she didn't have time to think about it. Instead, she was quickly forgetting all about the human world, and the concepts of humans at all. Now, he only knew about Pokemon. He was a Venusaur named Suarez. He wasn't afraid to speak his mind and was no stranger to picking a fight with whoever he thought looked strong. If there was one thing he wanted, it was a good fight, something he never found in any of the Pokemon he challenged. He was a scrappy bruiser, and certainly full of himself! Where Nancy, now Suarez now found himself was no longer a home at all. Instead, he was in a cave where he was hoping some of the Pokemon there would put up a fight, purposefully getting into a horde fight to see if that would prove a challenge - it didn't. He sighed as he looked at all the fainted Pokemon. He wasn't tired, he didn't even have a scratch! He had heard this cave was dangerous, but was this the best they had to offer? Suarez was getting ready to leave when two Pokemon entered into the cave, meeting the Venusaur face to face. "Excuse me, have you seen a lost orb? We need to bring it back to the guild!" the Fennekin asked the Pokemon. "Yeah, they said someone stole it from a helpless shopkeeper and hid it here for someone to find! You're not the thief are you?" the Buizel next to him questioned. "No, I am not familiar with a petty theft, no do I care for it." Suarez answered after a moment of silence eyeing the two up. "Okay, we'll just scoot on by you and keep looking then." the Fennekin said as the two began walking, being stopped by the Venusaur who held out one of his legs. "Not so fast." Suarez said with a smirk, getting into a ready stance. "I'll let you continue, but you're going to have to get through me first." "W-what!? Why? We don't want to fight you!" the Buizel jumped back in surprise. "Because I want to fight you! And if you want to get that orb back to the guild you'll need to go through me or tell them you couldn't handle a Venusaur. That'll look good for you two." "He's right, we can't just abandon our quest when the going gets tough!" the Fennekin said as she got into a fighting stance of her own. "Right, we'll see this through! Don't worry, we got this!" the Buizel reassured his partner to boost morale for the big fight. "Cute, two against one, let's see how much of an advantage that is against me though!" he roared, lunging at the Pokemon. The fight went on for a while, Suarez getting good attacks in but the two partner Pokemon were no strangers to combat. It ignited something inside the Venusaur that he hadn't felt ever since he evolved from a Bulbasaur. He was...challenged! He was having to push himself! Suarez never held back but he thought these two Pokemon would be quick work, neither were even evolved! But...he wasn't just struggling to keep up, he was losing! With one final team attack of a tornado of fire and water, Suarez was knocked back against the walls of the cave. He tried to get up, and while he managed to, it was clear that he was no longer a threat. He wouldn't be able keep fighting unless he wanted to get seriously hurt. "Not bad kids..." Suarez said with a chuckle. "You ready to let us through? We didn't want to fight you!" the Fennekin said as she was catching her breath. "What's your problem anyways?" "I just wanted a challenge. Something to make feel...excited again!" the Venusaur admitted. "And I know when I'm bested, I had almost forgotten what this feeling feels like. It's been years since anyone was able to stand toe to toe with me. You two make a good team." "Oh...w-well thanks." the Buizel rubbed the back of his head. "We shouldn't stick around for too long, we have this quest to finish! If the orb isn't on this floor it's got to be somewhere! Let's get moving!" "Right, then maybe we can sit next to the Guildmaster! Ooh I've always dreamt of that!" the Buizel nodded as the two Pokemon went deeper into the dungeon. "Those two are something else...I wonder..." Suarez said to himself, allowing himself to rest after a battle well-fought. ***** "Okay, we got it! That wasn't too bad. Good job Mikey!" the Fennekin smiled. "Yeah, shiny too! And we found the entire stash! Once we tell the guild they'll send someone to get it back and set up a surprise attack to capture the thief in the act. We did good Kate!" the Buizel said looking at the orb in his hand. However, they ran into one final obstacle standing at the exit of the cave - the Venusaur from earlier! "You again! Are you going to try and stop us?" Kate got into a ready stance. "We're still high up on energy from clearing this dungeon out, we can take out another obstacle! We did it once before and we can do it again!" "No, that's not why I'm here." Suarez shook his head, though the idea of a rematch between the two was welcomed, he was in no condition to fight again. he had took a beating last time. "I'm here because I want to join you two." "J-join us...?" the Buizel was surprised. "After what you did to us!?" "I wanted a good fight! And you gave me the best fight I could have asked for. And judging by this, I think you're going to have plenty of more promising fights ahead, and I want to be a part of those, on the winning team. I had never felt as energized and motivated as I did fighting with you two, and fishing alongside you we'd be unstoppable to the threats out there!" "Well...the Guildmaster DID say they'd give us harder quests if we did a good job with this..." Kate said. "And we could use a strong evolved Pokemon to fight alongside us." "'re right." Mikey nodded and gave a stern look to the Venusaur. "Alright, you can join our team but let's make one thing clear, no more of that fighting us because you want a fight! A battle will come when the battle comes!" "You have my word." he gave a nod. "But don't expect me to sit around while you two have all the fun. Any time a battle might happen I will be in that party with you!" "It's a deal. Now come on, I bet the guild is worried sick about us, let's get back there!" With that, the trio left the cave, returning back home to the guild where their journey was only just beginning!