It was an average day for Deiser, with nothing particularly exciting going on with nothing to do. He was just taking it easy in his home, enjoying the rest and relaxation he was able to do. However, that rest wasn't meant to last when he began to hear strange noises coming from the other room. The issue was that Deiser wasn't expecting company, nor was anyone else supposed to be home at the moment. He cautiously got up, making sure to tip-toe to avoid making too much sound and alerting the home intruder he was approaching. However, what Deiser was greeted by instead was a sight he was not expecting. There was someone else there except...they were ghostly! They had no legs, their bodies cloudy and translucent in the shape of a feline woman. "Ah, I was wondering when you would arrive." the woman spoke in an elegant voice that echoed through the room. " are you...?" Deiser questioned, looking the woman up and down. "I am a gift, a gift to you." the woman spoke. "I will give you a way to spread my gift to many others. I am not able to walk this plane in time - but you can, and you can continue the tradition I started many years ago." "What tradition is that? And you didn't really answer my first question..." Deiser responded, unsure of how to feel. "I am a being of pleasure. I exist to spread the joy of it to all those who want it. Doesn't that sound lovely? To feel warmth all the time, and spread that warmth all over? That is why I'm here, so you can share this gift with those in your time." "Pleasure...?" Deiser raised an eyebrow. "What are you implying?" "Allow me, I will show you exactly what I mean." the ghostly feline figure held out her arms. Despite part of Deiser's mind telling him this was a bad idea there was something alluring about the feline. He had to admit his curiosity was getting the better of him and as such, walked forward and accepted the woman's embrace. He let out a gasp as she wrapped her arms around Deiser's body, bringing her body into it as Deiser suddenly felt waves upon waves of sensations he had never once felt. They felt foreign, but were far from unpleasant. Quite the opposite in fact, he was feeling a pleasure that he had never felt in his life. Was this what the woman was talking about? While Deiser was lost in these feelings, he failed to notice that the feline was doing more than spreading the pleasure - she was altering his body rather grandly. Deiser's ears enlarged, moving higher up his body until they rested at the very top. The shape of them altered, taking on a more defined circular shape instead as they became much more emotive. Hair started to sprout over them, completely covering them in a light shade of black fur. This same black fur started to grow over the rest of Deiser's head. It didn't take long for the hair to make his skin entirely invisible underneath the new fur coat. His face stretched outward, growing into a fairly sizeable muzzle that had a large width as well. Deiser's nose moved to the end of it, resting as it enlarged and took on a dark pinkish color. Inside of his new muzzle, his teeth would become a bit sharper, taking on more animalistic features. The changing human's hair would trickle down the back of his neck, reaching a little past his shoulders while retaining its black color. However, it became a fair bit wavier as a bit more of a sheen formed onto it. The length of Deiser's eyelashes followed in his hair's footsteps of growing, causing them to become much more noticeable on his face. Meanwhile, his eyebrows became thinner while his hazel eyes turned a piercing pinkish red, leaving his face rather feminine. And soon Deiser's voice would match. The lump in his throat became a fair bit smaller, almost vanishing entirely causing his voice to drastically rise up in pitch, gaining a hint of elegance that would lead to his voice matching the very voice of the specter's. As the black fur continued to grow down Deiser's body, his figure would alter underneath it. The black fur spread down from his head and neck, covering up both his upper and lower body, hands and feet included to completely coat Deiser in black fur. Deiser's shoulders would lose their broadness as they slimmed down, with his arms quickly following in suit to take on a more slender appearance. The size of his hands shrank as well, becoming dainty with longer, more elegant fingers. The sides of Deiser's body sucked inward, with the same happening at his backside to leave Deiser with a deep arch there. At his chest, Deiser would grow two sensitive mounds that grew to generous sizes, Deiser now possessing an ample set of breasts. Below the belt, Deiser's manhood flattened against itself, not stopping until there was nothing but a slitted opening left in its wake. Internally, his once external reproductive system altered into an eternal one, officially swapping him to the opposite sex. Deiser's hips flared outward, growing into wide, childbearing proportions as his rear swelled outward and became more pert and pronounced. This cultivated in Deiser gaining a rather curvier hourglass figure. The curves continued to grow down Deiser's legs, with the width of his thighs enlarging and his calves becoming thicker. Meanwhile, the curvature of his legs became deeper to give them more shapely tones. The digits of Deiser's feet would merge together as the toes enlarged, losing their ability to spread out as they turned into paws. Just above Deiser's backside, an entirely new appendage would grow out. It was covered in the same black fur that the rest of his body had - and had a length that was slightly shorter than the size of his legs itself. It had an even width all throughout the new tail, ending in a circular tip and ended off Deiser's transformation into a panther woman. Deiser's outfit would drastically alter as well. His glasses de-materialized as his vision suddenly drastically improved. His black coat shrank to near nothingness, most of it gone save for the collar, of which would wrap fully around his neck and tighten, turning silver as it became cold - the material becoming metal with the insignia of a cat at the center of the new chocker. Deiser's shirt rode upward, stopping just below his new breasts while the collar dipped down until it was halfway down them. The front of the shirt turned into two cups to house his new bosom while the back became a simple strap to ensure the new bra stayed in place. The white coloration of it formed color - that being a bright pink as a silver pendant formed between the cups with a silver heart locket hanging down from it. His pants befell a similar change, with most of the pant legs vanishing entirely, leaving only fabric in front of the crotch and covering his rear end. The waistband became a bit more defined and turned a slightly darker pink than the bra, with the remaining fabric turning pink as it became a loincloth that did little to hide his legs - his hips very much visible. This was connected to silver heart pendants at his hips. Deiser's shoes vanished entirely, leaving the man turned panther woman donned in a very revealing bra and loincloth combination. The feelings of pleasure were strong enough that his mind was foggy on its own. However, these feelings never quite cleared - making it much harder for Deiser to think - and to fit back against the ghostly figure. Instead, she was doing more than giving him the sensation in the first place - she was replacing him. The figure started to merge into Deiser's fully transformed body - whom now had her body. With how lost in the feelings Deiser was, it was almost trivial for the feline to take over. And that's exactly what she did. She fully overwrote Deiser's mind, now but a memory for the new feline woman - one who was a part of the cycle of pleasure that had to be continued if the gift of it would continue to be spread for generations. He was Deiser no more - but Trinity. She was a being a pleasure, a spirit who while ancient, always found a way to return - often my possessing someone and turning them into her vessel. Of course that vessel had to be perfect - so her form always remained the same; a panther woman donned in an ancient get-up. Despite that being her "default" look, only those who were worthy of the gift of pleasure would see her dressed in it, otherwise they would see her dressed appropriately for the time. Trinity had but one goal - to spread the feeling of pleasure all throughout the world. It was something to be cherished, to be shared. And she would be the one to share it with all those who were deemed worthy to be given, those who would appreciate her gift and spread it to others. "Ah...didn't that feel magnificent~?" Trinity said as she stretched out. "While I may have your body now, you will feel that eternal bliss, it's amazing, is it not? And now you get to share those feelings with many others, all through me. It truly is a gift, you should be honored you were chosen. Not everyone is so lucky to become a spirit of pleasure, it's reserved for a select few in our lifetimes." Trinity looked around, walking over to a full body mirror inside Deiser's house and admiring her reflection in the mirror. "We look as good as ever, I must say your body was quite malleable - it made things quite easy, and I am happy we were able to share that moment between us. But now it is time for me to go. You can't be the only one to experience this gift. Pleasure is meant to be shared, there is no reason these amazing feelings should be kept away from others. That is why I am here, and why I have taken over your shoes. Let us depart, and spread the gift of pleasure with your town, so that they may spread our gifts. The cycle must continue, or else the world may never know the joyous feelings we bring." And with that, Trinity left Deiser's home, a spirit such as herself had no need for housing. She would travel all around town, noticing when someone gave her a strange look since they could see her proper outfit rather than the disguise that those who would not spread the gift of pleasure saw (which would be a rather basic outfit). She enjoyed sharing the gift - there was no maliciousness in what she did, pleasure was meant to be enjoyed, and to spread that pleasure sometimes she would have to transform those to give her the magic to share in Trinity's gift - to give them a part of herself within them so that the eternal bliss she felt could be felt by all those who were touched by the spirit of pleasure. Although Trinity had replaced Deiser during this time, he was now a part of a long cycle from before civilization was even recorded. He was not the first, and he certainly wouldn't be the last. Pleasure was meant to go forward, be experienced by everyone, and so long as there would be people, it would be there - and Trinity would be the spirit to ensure that the cycle kept on. Though her form would always be temporary, he spirit would continue to live on through people throughout time, with Deiser just one of the many who were victim to it - though the feeling of bliss was one that was truly unforgettable, and just like all those Trinity had transformed into her before, would never forget the transformation and the pleasures they shared.