Aurora was enjoying some time off. After a lot of events she had to take care of, the vixen was happy to be able to have some downtime to unwind and not have to worry about anything. To celebrate, Aurora was taking a stroll around her city's downtown. She noticed that there was a handful of street closures, which confused her and raised her curiosity. She hadn't heard of any event happening unless something less fortunate had happened? The vixen followed the blocked-off roads, eventually turning into the block where all the closed roads lead to, and what she saw was a big festival! There were tents filled with vendors selling various foods, drinks, and collectibles along with clothing. Upon entering, apparently, it was a special event she hadn't heard of called "Chalk Walk." She wandered around, eventually bumping into an owl woman who was standing around enjoying a drink, though luckily nothing spilled. "Oh, I'm sorry!" Aurora hastily apologized. "Are you alright? I was distracted by well...everything!" she gave a weak chuckle. "Nothing spilled, no harm no foul!" the owl woman laughed and waved a hand. "Never been to the Chalk Walk before?" "No, never. I didn't even know this was happening! I just kind of stumbled into it so I'm still taking it all in. Oh, where are my manners? I'm Aurora!" the vixen held out a hand for the owl. "Genevieve, nice to meet you. I love your fur pattern." she complimented Aurora. "Oh, thank you!" Aurora gave a friendly giggle at the compliment. Your feathers are beautiful too!" "Now we're just complimenting each other, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy it~!" "So what is this Chalk Walk thing about? I never heard of it until well, today!" Aurora got the conversation back on track. "It's a time when community members all create chalk art! That's why all the roads are closed, so no one runs over the chalk art until it's time to judge them." "So it's like an art festival? That's fun! Are you one of the artists?" "In a sense of the word." Genevieve nodded as she took a sip of her drink. "Come, let me show you." the owl nodded and started walking, stopping to make sure Aurora would follow. "Sure, let's go see it!" Aurora smiled as she followed the owl woman through all the tents, reaching the back of the festival where there were several squares with thick lines to make it easier for patrons to walk around the area without stepping on the chalk art drawn onto the ground. Genevieve guided Aurora toward the back where there was an empty square. "Is this where your art is supposed to go?" Aurora asked, curious as to why Genevieve had brought her to a blank canvas. "Yes, this is my square. Someone was nice enough to become it for me, extend the grid a little bit." she looked down at it with a smirk. "So someone gave you their square? That was nice of them!" Aurora commented. "But if the festival started, where's the art? You haven't done it yet?" "No, the right muse never came along to motivate me to fill it out, here I thought turning that snow leopard into the square would have been a waste of time. But then you came along! Those bright colors, lovely outfit, it was almost too good to be true!" "Thanks...I think...?" Aurora said with a raised eyebrow, starting to get confused at the owl's words. "Is this your way of asking if you can draw me for your piece?" "Oh no, nothing of the sort." Genevieve shook her head. "I'm no artist, I know my limits. But what I do know is how make some realistic art. If you may, step right here." Genevieve pointed to the corner of the square. Aurora, unsure of what exactly Genevieve was doing decided to play along. She seemed nice enough, letting her see the chalk art before it opened to the public. Maybe the view would be better in the corner? "Now just stand still, and loosen up, don't tense your muscles at all or else this next part is going to hurt." Genevieve instructed. "Okay, but what does this have to do with AH!" Aurora's sentence was interrupted when she was suddenly shoved down. "Don't worry, it won't hurt!" Genevieve said before giggling to herself. As Aurora hit the ground, she was surprised when there was no pain, though that surprise turned into fear when she realized she couldn't move on her own. "Wh-what the heck!? What did you do to me!?" Aurora shouted back to the owl. "I told you, I needed to fill my square and I'm no artist, so turning you into the art is just much easier. Don't worry, I'll make sure no one scuffs you up for as long as I'm around~!" she cooed as more of Aurora's body moved around. It was uncomfortable having her muzzle pressing against the pavement, which the one lucky part about the whole situation was that her body forced her to fill over, facing the sky flat on her back with her tail flopped over to the side. This moment of relief would be the only one, as her body was pressing deeper against the payment as she felt a suction feeling forming underneath her. The sky moved slightly farther away, as her form was starting to merge in with the pavement itself. As this was happening, more of Aurora's body was moving on its own. One of her arms went above to the back of her head, where it rested underneath her hair. Meanwhile, her other arm went down and rested on her left hip with an outstretched elbow. As for Aurora's legs, they pointed inward with her knees touching and her paws spread out. Aurora's panicking face was starting to be locked into an expression as well. Her eyelids lowered, covering up much more of her eyes while remaining open, her eyelashes becoming a bit more prominent. Her muzzle's nervous expression would betray how she was feeling as it went into a seductive smile. Her pose becoming much more inviting overall, giving off "sexy" vibes amplified by her "bedroom eyes." While her pose was locked in place, the vixen's body continued to be sucked into the pavement. Everything on her body flattened into it, her limbs, muzzle, chest, and clothes, all flat on the pavement. The volume of her body was all gone, though her curves and such were still present on the drawing thanks to how she was sucked into the pavement. Once she was two dimensional and a part of the ground, her features became a bit less defined. She was rather colorful before, and while this was still true, the coloration became a bit more faded, with parts missing entirely since there was no way to perfectly color her in her new form. Aurora's body was just like the square it was encased in - chalky - because that's what her body had converted into. No limbs, no muscles, no blood, no anything. She had been fully converted into simple chalk drawn onto the ground - stuck in a seductive pose. Her ability to properly think was lost when she converted, after all, there was nothing inside chalk that would allow her to keep her senses. "Hm, you came out nice, but not perfect..." Genevieve squinted before shrugging. "Eh, I'll call it good enough for a chalk drawing. After all, they'll never come out perfect. Still, for chalk, I have to admit it's pretty solid. I'll *chalk* it up as a win!" she gave a hearty laugh and shook her head. "Tell you what, if you win the art contest, I'll take you out of the pavement, on me. And if not, well, best hope they find a way to keep you around or else I'd hope the hose doesn't come your way~!" the owl cooed before walking away until the festivities were underway. And so the show went on, chalk artists going through final touches on their pieces making sure everything was going right, though if no one was around Genevieve would try to "improve her chances" by turning them into water and causing some of the chalk to get messed up due to it, though always made sure to keep Aurora safe from any of the outside forces to make sure her chances of winning were as high as they could be. Soon, the judging phase would happen where they wandered around and examined all of the pieces in all the squares. There was no announcement on any opinions until they had looked through all the pieces. Some were disappointed at the messes some of them were - some due to Genevieve and others due to accidents. But the owl liked her chances! However, those chances didn't quite work out, when it was announced that she had only gotten third place while two other artists had won the second and first place prizes. All Genevieve wound up with was a $50 gift card to a local art store. As the commotion died down and everyone left, Genevieve returned to where her "creation" was. "Well, you didn't win and a deals a deal." she said, kneeling down. "But still, third place isn't the worst considering I had to make you on such short notice. To leave you or free" she mockingly thought out loud. "I think I'll just leave you in there. You didn't win, and it'll just be such a hassle to try and get you out. I don't want to get my hands alchalky. Do you know how hard that would be to deal with? No thank you, I'm not dealing with it. But that's something you'll never have to worry about! Can't have chalk stuck in your fur when you're ALL chalk!" she gave a grand laugh. "Here, I'll leave you with this gift, it's the least I could do." Genevieve kneeled down, pressing the gift card down into the pavement as it was being converted into chalk as well, the gift card now lying just a little bit to the left of Aurora's form. "There, you can keep the prize. Like I said, I'm not an artist so I don't have a need for it. Maybe you can make use of it in that lil' chalk world of yours. Granted, I doubt you can move much. Though I would hurry up and try to figure out if you can, otherwise they'll be coming along to clean up the pavement of all this chalk. You'll just be chalk dissolving in water along with all the other art pieces. Some of them are transformed just like you, others are what people drew. Maybe the ones who used to be animate like you can bond! You'll all be one glop of water after all. Nice and rainbow colored." Genevieve taunted. "Well, that's Chalk Walk, thanks again for helping out, maybe things could have been different if you came out better. Ah well, it's trial and error with these things. I'll try my hand again next year, maybe someone can become art that can win. Maybe if I bring two people along for a group scene..." she laughed and shook her head. "But that doesn't matter now, good luck with the water. Maybe someone will come along to undo the transformation, if anyone even knows that chalky water used to be a person. I doubt! Probably just step over you and move on with their day not even thinking about it. Toodaloo vixen, hope you enjoyed Chalk Walk~!" Genevieve said with a wave as she laughed and left the scene. And with her leave, the only person who knew Aurora's true situation left with her. And with the next day's arrival of the cleanup crew, the water spraying from the hose would make it even harder to undo the transformation if the water reached Aurora, and it was progressively looking more and more likely it would!