This story is about two mouses and they're called Mickey and Minnie as they were camping around the camp fire as well as they roasted marshmallows while enjoying each others company in the midnight sky, that's until Minnie heard the clicking noise somewhere in the woods. "Is everything okay Minnie?" asked Mickey, "I don't know Mickey." as Minnie replied back to Mickey. So Mickey took out his flashlight and started going into the woods to see what was going on, he knew there is nothing in the woods to be afraid of until he heard a growling noise far away. Mickey could have know that it might have bin his stomach growling or that it might have bin a bear roar, but according to him it was probably nothing so he went back to the campsite but there was a big shocker. Minnie wasn't there anymore and the only thing left of her was her bow with a bite on it. "OH NO!" said Mickey, "Minnie is missing and I got to find her." So just like what Mickey said he went back into the woods to find her as he searched for her from near and far, but there was no luck but as he heard the same growling noise, he probably thought a bear must have got her and went looking for her everywhere. But as soon as he saw the foot prints on the floor, those foot prints were too small and too narrow to be a bears paw and the smell of it smelt nothing like a bear's scent either. But to his surprise it was a wolf there and Mickey was confused about it. "Wolves don't roar, they only howl and growl." said Mickey, so he followed the wolfs foot print as it turns out it wasn't any old wolf after all, but a wolf from the story of "Peter and the Wolf" and it had surrounde Minnie near the wall of a bolder with no way to escape. "Minnie, don't look into it's eyes." Mickey shouted at her, "Why not Mickey?" as she replied to Mickey back, "If you look into a wolf in the eyes, they'll think your wanting to fight it." shouted Mickey back at her, "I think I already have Mickey." replied Minnie. Mickey had no other options but to get the wolf distracted in order to save her life. "Hay you!" as Mickey shouted at the wolf "Come and get me instead." The wolf chased after him as Minnie made her get away on time and Mickey loward the wolf off the edge of a cliff. As the wolf fell of the cliff, Mickey watches the wolf fall off the cliff and Minnie ran to Mickey as she hugged and kissed him everywhere. "Come on Minnie." said Mickey "Let's get back to camp." So as Mickey and Minnie walked back to camp, the wolf climbed back up the cliff and made an evil look on his face knowing he will be back to get revenge on those two mouse even if it were the last thing he'll do while is eyes glows yellow in anger. (The End)