Whisper's Teammates-REMASTERED- By: Roninhunt0987 O.o remastered for m.e.g.a chronicles 4 due to the fact that one for m.e.g.a chronicles 3 was a major hiccup cuz I didn't know the actual plot of whisper's past of her teammates getting killed at the time so as a result I am remastering this of reintroducing whisper's teammates as a whole and this time I am gonna have mimic live this time and not kill him instantly and etc.... O.o anyways this takes place after the fontaine event and etc and lesson learned don't wait to post fics despite being connected and etc.. =3 anyways sit back folks.. and enjoy Characters(C)belongs to their rightful owners -living room- Whisper: -on the couch and also had a really bad night as Tangle and Lanolin comforted her last night regarding her teammates death and etc on what mimic did back then- RH: -trying to get whisper's attention- Whisper?? hey ya okay?? Jared: -knows whisper had a nightmare about her teammates once more- Rae: -knows also and mumbles as he was there comforting his wife- sigh... RH can ya come to the kitchen in the sec RH: -follows and walks in the kitchen- whats up?? Rae: -remains quiet and messes around with RH's pipboy and etc- RH: uhhh... Rae: just go to these coordinates and look to the time rips.... RH: -nods and gets going- -first location: abandoned prisons- RH: -arrives and sees the time rip at the front gates and focuses and sees the time rip- -flashback: assault on one of eggman's prisons- Mimic: There are Calculators out there with better security! Smithy: Don't get too cocky. Claire? Where are the patrols? Claire: I see... one formation on the far end of the base. Two more inside... recharging. Perfect. Whsiper? Whisper: -on comm- One Patrol, One Hundred Meters from the front gate. RH: -in his mind as he is watching the flashback: was that.. whisper- Smithy: Then Blow The Door! We'll tear everything down in here! -end of flashback due to the time rip's energy being spent- RH: okay Rae said theres another time rip in the hill side where whisper was at -climbs up the hill and such and finds the time rip and focuses on the energy- -flashback: cliffside during the assault- Whisper: Actually, looks like Eggman was expecting us Tank inbound. -fires- Tank: -blows up when the rocket made contact- BLAM!! Whisper: :3 never mind- hee-hee -inside the prison- Claire: Central Command Tower Neutralized! Mimic: I've got our Exit! Whisper how are we looking to the south? Whisper: all clear get out of there! -end flash due to the time rip energy being spent- RH: huhn... so they were the diamond cutters... strange thats the name that tangle is leading -checks his pipboy on where to go next which is the abandoned base of the diamond cutters and teleports out- -abandoned Diamond cutters HQ- RH: -teleports into the breakroom on the briefing and sees everything dusty and such and sees the lights are not working due to overtime use and such and walks and finds the time rip and looks into it- Mimic: ...and taking it down will be total blackut for his forces along the coastline! Eggman's Been Steamrolling the world with the hedgehogs M.I.A We can't pass this up! RH: -in his mind as he is looking to the flashback: wait this was during when sonic disappeared when Zero showed up back when he was infinite..- Claire: Listen... Hang back like always do, okay? Whisper: why? Mimic says we're all needed on the ground for this one. Claire: I'm... Not sure. I've got a bad feeling about this. Whisper: you're the psychic. Should we Scrub The Op? Claire: No, Mimic's Right. We can't let this opportunity pass. We'll jyst have to be extra Careful and I'll Scry really hard! -end of flashback due to the time rip's energy being spent- RH: hmmm... -checks where to go next and goes to where whisper was hiding first before going inside- -wooded area where whisper was hiding- RH: -teleported in and climbs where whisper was hiding and sees the time rip and proceeds to peer into it- -flashback: Whisper's point of view hiding- Whisper: -peeking from where she was hiding- Mimic(Disguised as Slinger): W-whisper...??? H-help. We were ambushed I barely got out alive... Whisper: -still peeking in silence- Mimic(Disguised as Slinger): She abandoned us? I mean.. She would've heard Everything... Mimic: -disengages form- If she ran the minute Things went bad, she could be a klick from here in any direction! Eggman's going to Filet me alive! Then again... I have her wispon. And he wouldn't know my mask from hers... I can turn these in as proof. that gets eggman off my back, and there's nothing to fear from an unarmed coward. Ha! It should be criminal to be this smooth. -hums a tune from michael Jackson's smooth criminal walking away- -end of flashback as the time rip's energy been depleted- RH: seems like were beyond the looking glass now... the final piece of the puzzle is from inside -teleports out- -Abandoned Eggman base: Shadow android labs- RH: -teleports in as he sees a giant time rip in the middle of the room- is that what ya want me to see Rae... -focuses all energy and peers into the giant time rip- -flashback: Shadow android labs: the fall of Whisper's teammates- Smithy: it's way too quiet. Claire? Where is the security? Claire: I'm.. Having trouble seeing anything. Eggman must be projecting alpha waves -outside- Smithy: -on comm- Whisper? Anyone inbound? Whisper: All quiet out here -back inside- Slinger: I don't like this. Eggman's ready for us this time. Mimic: After all we've done to him, You think he wouldn't adapt? Who else can take this place down? The Resistance? Pfft! Smithy: You're Both Right. Mimic, Scout Around For an ambush we'll push ahead. Mimic: -as an eggbot and thumbs up as he proceeds to sneak away in secret- -heart of the labs- Claire: The Alpha-waves are strongest here. Whatever Eggman's hiding it's most likely in there. Smithy: Lock and load, Diamondcutters. Lets cause some property damage. -walks up to the tank- What in the world? I've heard of metal sonic. Is this. Shadow Androids: -starts to awaken from stasis- Smithy: WHOA!! Door: -closes- Claire: WE'RE SEALED IN! Smithy: FIRE AT WILL!! -proceeds to fire- Slinger: -firing and yells into the comm- MIMIC! WHISPER! WE NEED EVAC! Claire: MIMIC! WHERE ARE YOU?! -mimic's POV- Eggman: Well Done, Mimic! I wasn't Sure you'd deliver, But I'm Delighted you did the smart thing Mimic: By My Estimate, You'll have ninety-nine percent f the planet in a month, and I perfer to the play for the wining team.. i'm free to go correct? Eggman: yes-yes, i'll pardon you for your crimes against me. Go out there an do.. whatever it is you do Blue wisp: -yells at eggman- Eggman: GAH!! Blue Wisp: -goes into vent to find where whisper is at- Mimic: I guess i'll be moving on without my wisp Eggman: They're more trouble than they're with, believe me. Now, lets see here -looks at his monitor- -brief silence- Eggman: My Shadow androids report three targets down. There were five of you Mimic: W-whisper S-stayed outside as lookout. She's only a scout, no threat to... Eggman: finish the job. Or I finish you. -time rip goes forward in time of whisper hugging all the wisps seeing her comrades dead and also mimic fleeing- Whisper: -hugging blue but also crying that her teammates are gone- eggman... mimic I will not forgive you for this.. -leaves with her teammates masks and etc as smithy, Slinger and claire's bodies was no where to be found as it was possible they were turned to ash and etc- -time rip end as the flashback ends- RH: -breathing erratically and etc on what he witnessed- whisper... was this the nightmare... ya teammates dead and ya former teammate a traitor -controls his breathing and stands up and leaves the area in silence- -at the house- Whisper: -sitting on the couch- Tangle: -sees RH coming in and etc- RH: -has the look of though he has seen a ghost- -insert between worlds: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EbftqekNkVY - Whisper: -sees RH knows what really happened to her as she breaks down as she is no longer able to hide it- RH: -hugs whisper and doesn't let go- Whisper: -crying into rh's floof- Jared: -joins rh hugging his daughter- Tangle and Lanolin: -leaves the room as they did see her breakdown when tangle reestablished the new diamond cutters team- -later on- Whisper: -asleep on the couch- RH: -thinking on what he has to do- Jared: now ya know.. but judging what ya thinking ya want to do something RH: -stands up has a plan in motion- jared... call sepreme kai of time and Trunks... I need the dragonballs to bring back folks to life Jared: as ya wish -later at toki toki city- Sepreme kai of time and Trunks: -chatting until the sound of the door opens and sees RH- RH: -look of being serious- -brief silence- Trunks: RH?? RH: I need ya help... Trunks: jared sent word on this.. its already set up... go to the center of town RH: take me there this is my first time here Trunks: -does so- -center of town- -insert sonic 06 Wishing upon the chaos emeralds: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KpXwvKVB0vU - RH: SHINRON RISE AND GRANT MY WISH Shinron: -rises and etc- I am the eternal dragon... state thine wish and- -sees Jared- RH: -glares at shinron- Shinron: state thine wish and I shall grant it RH: bring back 3 fallen members who died during the forces war... Slinger, Smithy and Claire voyance... Shinron: -does so- Smithy, Slinger and Claire: -brought back to life and breathes in first breathe of air and looks around and then looks to shinron- Shinron: your wish has been granted... now I must go -gets going as he is dismissed and etc- RH: -looks to all 3- Smithy, Slinger and Claire: -looks to RH- RH: come with me... an old friend is waiting for you... Smithy: whisper is alive?? RH: she always been for a while... now please follow me I will explain what ya missed -teleports himself with all 3 as the music ended- -at the house- Whisper: -on the couch head to her knees and arms around her knees- RH: -walks in- Smithy, Claire and Slinger: -looks to see whisper in a fragile state- -insert Ivan torent Crystaline: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Guo7gR0XyaU - Claire: -walks over to whisper- Whisper?? Whisper: -ear twitches and then slowly looks and surprised in shock- Slinger: hehe ya all grown up... Smithy: whisper ya okay look like ya seen a ghost Whisper: -tears up in joy and hugs all 3 as she is crying- Kate Barlow: -couldn't believe her own eyes- SLINGER!!! Slinger: -hears a familiar voice and sees Kate Barlow- Kate Barlow: -hugs slinger not letting go- Slinger: kate.. -hugs his childhood friend back- Everyone: -walks in and watches this touching moment- Claire: -wipes Whisper's tears- hey its alright were here now.. see.. no more tears alright?? Whisper: -sees everyone looking- Aimi and Airi: -approaches the former members of the diamond cutters alive as they hard stories- Rae: -walks over with the others- Whisper: everyone.. these are my old teammates... the original diamond cutters.. my family I held close... Everyone: -nods and bows as they honor their presence- Whisper: -walks to RH and then proceeds to hug RH and not let go and quietly- thank you RH: -petting her- ya welcome kiddo -as the song ends as the diamond cutters was brought up to speed on what have they missed from the incident of driver of gunslinger dying and etc to the events that occurred such as the fontaine op and etc- Whisper: -relaxing outside as she is reading and also her light getting blacked out- hey get out of my- -sees its mimic as the song sneaky snitch is playing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a3mxLL7nX1E - .w. ohh.. its you... =w= what do ya want dirtbag Jared: -sees thats the traitor whisper spoke off and walks outside with his electro powers active and holding on his deathmatch polearm(spear)- =w= Smithy: man ya have a lot of nerve crawling ya way over here traitor Slinger: =w= Claire: -not amused- =w= Kate Barlow: this the dickhead that left ya for dead Slinger: .w. sure as hell is Merrick: .w. -holding a glass if iced tea- RH: .w. Xai: ._. ya joking right.. thats mimic I was expecting him to be more intimidating ya nothing but a discount TF2 Spy recolor or something Mimic: OKAY NOW LISTEN HERE SHORTY I- Risai: ._. correction Lord Xai... he is basically an octopus that can mimic people and by that I mean be a copycat fish Mimic: ._. what?? RH: .w. okay guys enough talk... -looks to whisper- .w. permission to kick his fishy ass Whisper: .w. granted RH: thats what I want to hear.. GET HIM GUYS!! -jumps- the others: -same- Mimic: OH SUGAR HONEY ICED TEA!!! -gets jumped- AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! Multi: .w. well least everything went good at the end Multia: you said it Zizzy: -taps on RH- RH: yes whats up?? Cryo: uhm... RH: before ya ask yes I am fine specially after getting frisky back home so whats up Cryo: dad ya might wanna know too FFU Starline: whats up?? Zizzy: i'm pregnant dr. seraph said its gonna be a boy and girl.. and uh ya Cryo: basically ya gonna be a grandpa dad RH: -smiles- ^^ YAHOO!!! FFU Starline: w-wow.. ^^ hehe thats great news Surge: whats going on?? Kitsunami: ? Shadow: well ya lil brother is gonna be a dad Surge and Kitsunami: -looks to their other dad FFU Starline- FFU Starline: its true ya gonna be uncle and aunt to twins later down the line Surge: wow Kitsunami: Cryo this is great news hehe you will do great as a dad I know it Cryo: -smiles- thanks guys Mimic: -offscreen- AAAAAAAAAAAAA -at the hospital- Mimic: -full body cast- =w= I hate.. mondays permissively Bag of nickels: -thrown at stupid mimic- Mimic: OH SH- Scene: -blacks out as the bag of nickels hits his balls- WHAP Mimic: -insert shrek ow noise when shrek got the arrow yanked from his butt- owwwwwwww TFS Nappa: .3. the end -XD END XD- -RH0987 PRODUCTIONS 2023-