The first ring came within the classroom. The kids then made their way to their desks, though few others lingered so they could keep talking with their friends as much as they could. No matter what, there was energy within it that no one could truly describe exactly what it was. Chester himself simply sat in his place quietly, unusual even for him. But then, the silence was broken once the opened to reveal their homeroom teacher, and her ever so grating voice filling the room. “Good morning class!” Said Miss Souffle. Chester scrunched his muzzle finding her stupid friendliness ever so annoying. Sadly for him, the rest of the class would not share his opinion at all. “Morning Miss Souffle!” Rang out throughout the room. The squirrel lady gave her biggest, brightest smile showing her buck-teeth in all of heir glory to the class, as she moved to the front in her similar biggest, brightest colored dress. “I hope to hear everyone were in their best behavior in the past weekend! And I hope that everyone – and yes, everyone….“ she eyed directly at Chester as she punctuated the last word, “-were doing their homework!” The kids all began to pull their papers from backpacks. Some already had theirs ready on the desk. Others were asking their classmates some last minute advice. And few more were adding final touches. Chester barely moved from his seat, something that Ms. Souffle saw clearly, despite him being at the far end of the classroom. She gave him a raised eyebrow, but waited until all of the kids carried their papers to her table. Once done, she happily placed the papers in her bag, opened the blackboard to start her lesson. “Alright, today we are talking abo-“ She cut herself off as soon as she saw the full blackboard clearly, more specifically whatever was drawn on it. What seems to be a crudely drawn squirrel with huge buckteeth (even larger than her already noticeable ones) giving a largest inhumanly wide smile while throwing flowers saying “I’m miss soufly, I am so purdy”. It took her second, however, to notice that the squirrel in the picture was also falling down a ravine. Whilst no response came from Miss herself, few kids started snickering and some even went “Oooh!”. Here’s my homework! Chester wore a smug smile. She turned around to meet with his face, only to give her own, rather bemused smile. “I see some kids have a rather open sense of humor! With that said, this picture does remind me of once well-known Sir Amadeus Luckifeet, whom despite his name, never came to be so lucky, as he did end up falling down a cliff too. Which brings us to our today’s history lesson!” Miss has erased the crude picture, stealing a glance with the hedgehog boy. Chester hated history lessons, and she probably knew it, which is why they have another one. Amadeus Luckifeet was a well-known folk hero of the town of Valiant. Born of the parents during the height of the Gold Fever, he was sold off by his parents to pay off the debt they accumulated to one of their fisher friends. By the time he grew up as a full-time fisherman himself, despite sucking at his thing he lost touch with them. Later in his life, he decided to leave that marine-life and try to find the current whereabouts of his parents, based on the map coordinates left to the fisher by his father. They say he stumbled upon the town by a complete accident and was enamored by how beautiful it was. Soon after, he became the town’s chief of police, after which many of the more outrageous stories with him were made. The last one concluded with meeting his parents again. That one happened to be Chester’s favorite. The bell soon rang. “Alright kids, try not…” And the class emptied before she even finished her speech. Standing there alone, the squirrel lady sighed and placed her hands on her hips. “Oh well, who doesn’t like a break.” Miss Souffle began preparing for her next class. … Out of all of them, Chester was first one to get out of school. Walking outside for lunch, when he saw two boys, a bear and a weasel, pestering a poor cat-boy with orange fur. “C’mon do the homework for us! You like spending time on this more that we do!” The bear cub spoke while shoving his binder to the latter. “Yeah, it’s not like you care about having friends!” The weasel added to his bear friend, snickering to himself. “Leave me alone! I’ll tell on you!” The cat-boy tried to push away from the two. The bear, without a second given, aggressively pulled his arm and put him back in place. Despite his efforts, the poor kitten was unable to get himself out. “We didn’t do nothing wrong, why you gotta be such a jerk about it!” The weasel suddenly said. “Stop fidgeting and do it already!” The bear exclaimed. Chester passed by the scene, ready to ignore everything happening. You should just accept this already, he thought to himself, would save ya a lot of trouble. He then heard an audible crying sound. You’d choose to do naught about his plight? Surprised by the adult male voice, Chester jumped backwards in fear. The boy kept looking left and right, but no one was around. The voice, he noted, sounded distinctly like the one from the morning. Is someone stalking me? He wondered. “Are you beholden by fear? Cowardice? Apathy, mayhaps?” The voice spoke again. “AAAGH!” Chester yelped, only to find once again, there was no one around. Getting freaked out, he immediately started running towards the outside of school grounds. As he ran, he started to hear the voice again, “Why do you run, young one, there isn’t a need for that I assure!” Chester was starting to panic. Not only there was someone following him, but he could not see them either. “Get out of my head you demon!” He shouted, running on his feet as if his life depended on it. So much so, he wasn’t aware he was about to bump into a fawn-girl until it was too late. When he did, he stumbled, but the girl dropped her and landed on her tail into a small, nice-looking puddle. “ARGH!” The fawn screamed. “Watch where you going you-“ He wouldn’t stop to listen and continued running. In his mind, he should not get caught first. Also, he’d rather not get screamed at for doing exactly that. “How vulgar. You should apologize for what you did!” The voice turned stern. Chester tried to look around as he ran, finding himself more and more convinced that he was being followed by a ghost. If a demon can be real, why not a ghost as well? “Even more, why would you call that girl a demon?” “Not her! You are! Get out of my head!” Chester yelled. “What?” There was a short pause, but voice soon returned carrying a different tune. “No! I can assure you, I am not a demon!” “Then what are you?” “The spirit inhabiting the dagger!” Chester was starting to slow down in his steps. “I have been freed from the shackles of my container, and you were my savior, young one!” Chester had no real words to describe the situation. Instead, he stopped by the forest, now being much far off from the rest of the school. Suddenly, he found a large figure forming right in front of his eyes. “It’s a pleasure to make acquaintance with you, young one.” The figure spoke. “My name is Azure.” Chester took a long look at the figure now named Azure. A tall individual, he seems to be wearing a somewhat ornamental armor on his person, with a sword holstered to his hip. His top was more or less bared. “So, are you a ghost then?” Chester asked, eyeing him from all directions. The figure definitely wore something very old-looking. “I am a spirit yes,” Azure spoke with calm and collected voice, “although to be precise, my soul became a part of the dagger you carried, before I myself, died.” Chester eyebrows started to furrow. “Before you died? Somebody killed you then imprisoned you?” Azure shook his head. “There was more to my imprisonment. Furthermore, my compatriots have been imprisoned as well, and they await to be freed just as much this moment!” Chester remembered about the bag under the bed. “So you want me to free your…friends?” Chester wanted to learn more before going further. “Why?” “To shield this world from evil greater than any you could ever face before or now! We had laid our lives before to stop them, and have imprisoned ourselves in order to once again, to do battle.” Ancient warriors, from old times, returned once again to battle great evil? That sounded far-fetched, but not crazier than fire breathing monster. Chester, however, still felt cautious. “Well, what do I get for freeing you? You got something valuable?” Azure face suddenly shifted to puzzlement. “What is more important than protection of your loves ones from the evil that shall come…” Chester raised his hand causing adult spirit to stop. “You can’t expect me to do, whatever you are thinking I should do without offering me something more concrete. Or, as some would say, rewarding.” Azure was becoming more and more bewildered by the action of the boy. “Do you wish for a reward? Mayhap that we could make a wish of yours come true?” Chester rubbed his chin and eyed the spirit with a smirk. “Go on…” …