Uto Story ideas Struggles of creation Harry suffers from an art block has to find a way out of it. He tries desperately to gain his artistic ability back yet can’t figure out what to make it work. After many tries he decides to simply throw paint on a canvas. An idea sparks the flames once again. Sometimes life is a bit abstract rather than realist. Winters arrival (The Cold Front) idea of how the history of what was happening in Russia in the universe will UTO and how the Russian military met the soldiers UTO. how about a report UTO on the Russian people and their use of old Soviet tools and transport Beware the quiet one… A few uto soldiers notice how one human it far more quiet then the others. Gossip gets around and the rumors are too far fetched. One guy had been through quite a lot. Only one Lupari is foolish enough not taking warnings seriously from his human friends. The story that unfolded from the practically mute human would terrify any rational being… Ludicrous speed In a spacecraft training simulator two young inspiring pilots pull a grand stun on their instructor. Overriding the speed limit they set their plan into motion. Ridiculous speeds are reached. The instructor tries to stop them but is already too late. The two have hit… ludicrous speed and somehow by personal design, they’ve gone plaid! (The two scream the reference at the end) nearly giving their instructor a heart attack, new lock code is put in place. Unknown training (make laser tag sequel) A few UTO soldiers and some human buddies attend a kid’s birthday party. Out of everything the new video game becomes the most fun thing. A beautifully done first person shooter. The uto soldiers seem a little shocked and awed by the war game. One of the soldiers ask about the game and if it could be training. To the humans it’s just for fun. But to the soldiers it seems more as unknown training under the name of recreational games. Just another human thing not making sense, or too much depending on their history… More lasers A human engineer adds more smaller lasers to the rifle which succeeds with deadly results. Blasts right into the current light armor they use. Finale warning A lupari General shows a few raynar ambassadors how much power humanity holds in rage and hate Covert A human squad infiltrated an enemy base Battleship The uns clover - painted with one green stripe, done for good luck Awoken A man was placed comatose at the start of the Raynar invasion waking up as it ends. He finds an old friend who tries to help him adjust to his new life coexisting with new alien allies. Psychology- about the adorable psychology of Lurpari Circle circle circle Henry has an artistic strike of painting circles for a short time when questioned by his larger friend does it make sense. The circles being a cycle, of being trapped yet also progress. Mask A human veteran is going to be made to wear a holo mask to cover up his war scars Peacetime transgressions: when humans realize the Raynar never formally signed a peace treaty means the war is still on, and humanity it about to call this into play turning one of the biggest deals in inter galactic history. Stand up comedy “You know, for a human I’m considered short? So everyone made fun of me for it. Then the whole invasion of Earth happened; And that was horrible no doubt. But also everyone realized, that’s what it felt like! It sucked and everyone either is cruel or badly over the top nice. It’s alright but I was like ‘YES! That is how it feels to be a short loser!’. Everyone was a short loser now so that was interesting for me. Enterprise A human pizza chef teaches a uto soldier how to make pizza and start a business together Wrong ship Space pirates attack a uto military ship B52 bombers are used during the rynar invasion Painter A painter paints his dreams and nightmares about the war torn past which plagues him. Lost love Eric finds out that his wife is alive and goes on a long search for her for weeks. He gets into an accident which he is reunited with his wife as she is the first responder of his accident. Fluffy puppy! Eric and Shara meet up again with their new families enjoying the reunion of fun and lovely times. As one of Jackson’s daughters becomes very close to one of the fluffy lupini. Window of Opportunity title Cult following A group of human friends well there sissachian buddy join them. They peer pressure him to wear the camouflage jacket with them as a bonding tool. Line:I find It is comfortable but I do not like it’s cult designation Musical insanity A lupiri tries peanut butter for the first time A few soldiers go enjoy a joyride in a tank around the base Some human soldiers play around with nerf guns and chaos plays out Dirty cover A uto human soldier was sent a dictionary then opens it to find dirty magazines. He then smuggles it around letting the base of human soldiers to enjoy his own book for good times. He also is almost caught by his suspicious guardian who soon realizes one big thing about humans. Humanity’s weirdness - boredom Lair lair A old human soldier once in the UTO is asked to take a lie detector test. Due to just how much the man says seems utterly ridiculous. The paperwork he provides is nearly scared that room to death. Teacher A human teacher has a history class in a high school. Soon problems pop up as these students are more than they show. Can’t EMP a slug thrower Handy and dandy - two old friends find each other in the strangest of life Combative arts Humans introduce the UTO to imagery and symbolism on gear as an act of expression An Expression The squad took looking for their targets slowly becoming tried. This squadron’s human was bored beyond belief letting his sliver tongue slip. “Ugh, You might as well foot me in the foot!” Eric remarked to his Guardian as she tired to comprehend what he had said. Once it was in motion it happened fast. Shara already had her laser pistol aimed at his foot. The beam shot out, he screamed quickly covering his mouth. Eric silently cursed himself getting too comfortable with the aliens he served with. Shara nearly bursting into tears realizing her own stupidity cupping her face. “Oh stars! I’m so so sorry Eric! I… I never meant…” She was silenced by his hand. “I know, I know.. Damn me and my big mouth!” He hopped around holding his injured foot. The pain sting hard trying not to yell out in pain. A sudden laughing startled them all. “Did you shoot yourself in the foot Eric?” Jackson coming out of the tree line mocking the injured man. Eric shot him a deadly scowl. “Oh can it stupid! I’m hurt it all!” Eric would’ve charged his friend out of anger only stopped by his foot. But he knew one thing that would annoy Jackson worse than anything. Jackson laughed on while his squad came out seeing Eric hopping around. Soon they too were laughing, Shara was eyeing them down even if she was tearing up. Very quickly Jackson was the only one laughing. “Oh ok Jackie!” Eric yelled grinning at Jackson. Jackson dropped his laser gun now running straight at Eric screaming. “NOW YOUR DONE FOR!” He screamed. The two full grown men now were rolling fighting each other. Both squadrons looked on afraid and unsure of what to do. Eric kept on calling Jackson Jackie while Jackson kept kicking Eric’s injured foot. Eventually the two worn themselves out now became a slow slapping match as the two tried to kept fighting each other. “Surrender!” Jackson yelled at his foe. “Never!” Eric’s stubbornness would never surrender to him enemy. Shara carefully stepped between the two sides. She looked down at them with a scowl of her own. “You two are childish and pure embarrassment for humanity and the UTO.” The two looked at her then each other. Eric slapped Jackson as Jackson slapped Eric back. “Truce Jack?” “Truce Eric.” The two shook hand sealing their word. Jackson got up helping Eric onto his good foot as Eric leaned against him. Shara picked up her laser pistol holding it in a strong grip. “So happy now? We made up and everything afterwards.” Jackson joked to Shara hopeful to lighten up her mood. “Might as while just shoot me in the foot.” Jackson laughed, Eric smirked. Shara griped her pistol shooting Jackson in the foot. “It was just an expression!” He yelled trying to hold his now burned boot. Shara smiled with her teeth near a snarl. “Actions speak louder than words.” Eric and she laughed together at Jackson’s own stupidity soon exiting the simulator still humored by the moment. Shell shock A new young private once a child during the rayner invasion must finally face his past. As he slips into living nightmares his bed is the boy's only safe place. He always runs under his bunk, always wearing his gas mask during his episodes. Someone always shakes him out of those nightmares. But a doctor suggests they let it all play out. They all realize how hard reality can be cruel to a kid. Death paid A ship docks into an old outer system shipyard. The captain heads to a bar enjoying a drink and telling a story to the bartender. As the tale goes on the bartender starts to realize who this captain was and his ship. Then as the captain pays, he leaves a single small bag of golden coins. The bartender is frozen in shock then later reports what happened. Another strange tale that spreads around the universe. Dirty paws Soldiers try not using their tails to balance as a challenge from their human soldiers Commander! “Medic! We have a live one here!” A dirty faced man shouted out of the rumble filled buildings. Chicago had seen far better days. Commander Collins couldn’t believe he had survived his first encounter with the alien enemy, a huge lizard like monster in white armor. He tried to lift his right arm. When nothing moved he looked over at the limb. Only a bloody stump was what remains of it. “I’ll… I will kill those… those bastards…” Collins weakly spoke to the cloudy ash sky above not realizing he was being dragged out of the ruins. A hazy moment of the lizard towering over the jeep then stepped on it like a toy. The thing picked him up then stomped the rest of his men into paste. The commander watching them die all as this monster laughed at it. Then looked into his very soul licking it’s teeth. “You are going to be a tasty one…” It spoke to him. Collins didn’t know or care how, he wanted revenge. He spat in its face. “GO TO HELL!” He screamed pulling out his side arm and then shooting till the lizard came in with its other hand. The pain, it was too much for him as he screamed. “Then you’ll go first vermin!” It taunted him chuckling enjoying every minute of his pain. Then Collins pasted out only seeing a shot of energy go through the helmet of the lizard. The fall seemed to last forever till he woke up again. ‘What?’ He thought inside his head opening his eyes slightly before being blinded by sterile white lights. A hospital? How was he even alive? Collins then thought about those men who died for nothing, he had led them to their deaths. Collins eyes soon got used to the bright lights as he looked around seeing it was indeed a hospital room. It looked good considering humanity was trying to fight off giant aliens. The water bottle laid in front of him as a glorious thing. He went to reach for it, only part of his right arm moved, a stump. His right hand was gone and nothing more than a stump! Collins wanted to choke the idiot that saved his worthless life! Why couldn’t he just die with honor, with his men together. Guilt filled his heart as he looked at his right arm, a permanent reminder of his own stupidity. Then a doctor finally came into his room looking at him cheerily somehow. “Ah! Commander, good to see your awake after that mess.” The doctor paused for Collins as the man was likely puzzled from such a dramatic change in scenery. “I think I’m gonna kill you for saving me.” Collins meant every word he spoke. The doctor didn’t seem phased at all likely hearing it all the time. “Well, I guess it could a worse reaction. Third guy today who said that.” The doctor checked the clipboard sitting at the end of the bed flipping past some of the paperwork. “Commander Edward Collins?” He asked knowing the answer. Collins liked to yank peoples chains sometimes. “No, Mel Brooks and I’m late.” He joked sounding sarcastic. The doctor laughed at his joke and smiled at him. “Good to see your sense of humor is intact. Now, what do we do about your arm?” He seemed to be more serious about the arm. “What the hell can you do?! It’s fucking gone! Ripped off my those damn lizard aliens!” Collins volume went up and up while the doctor listened on. Once Collins got a hold on his anger the doctor began. “We have some new allies with us that can build up a new arm for you and…” The doctor started as he was cut off. “And what’s the damn catch?” Collins was annoyed by this mess. “Also what ‘new’ allies? Isn’t everyone fighting for humanity now?” The doctor seemed to be hesitant about going into the details. “We found out another group of alien like NATO, the UTO are helping us fight against the Raynar or the ‘lizards’ as we call them.” “And what can they do about my arm?” “They can build you a new one if you agree to sign up for the integration program.” There was the catch, some program. Collins didn’t want to do anymore service but he couldn’t stand to look at the stump sitting on his right side. It pained him to look at it. “Where do I sigh doc?” Collins gave in, having his right hand was better then being useless for years. Four more years wouldn’t killed after all this had happened. The doctor got a nurse called for the paperwork and the commander filled it out. He forgot to ask about the new ‘allies’ they had now. “Who are these new allies of ours?” Collins wanted to know who they were talking to. The doctor smirked. “Look out the window and you’ll see them!” It said like it was to be funny, but it seemed to fall flat for Collins. He did finally look out the window seeing the the new allies, the UTO themselves. Giant aliens in black armor guarding the area. Collins didn’t want to think if the lizards were playing a game with this new group but he felt sick seeing them. “Please tell me I’m dead or crazy doc.” He couldn’t believe his own eyes of what he was seeing. “Their pretty nice once you get to know them.” The doctor said with a wide smile. His signature sloppy done in black ink now bleed permanently into the paper. The doctor took the paperwork out of his lap, Collins reached out to stop the doctor. His stump of a right arm lifted and he shut his eyes truly realizing it’s loss. “Then again, I’ll take any chance getting my arm back.” Collins felt defeated yet was still wondering how they would replace his arm. The doctor seemed to know his pain to some degree. He nodded lifting up his pant leg. Collins saw the lower half of the man’s leg was metallic brown matching his skin tone. It worked perfectly. “How the…” Collins was amazed by it. “A gift for signing up as a doctor to help them out is all. It’s worth it commander.” He left the room letting Collins stew in his mind. Collins had so much loaded onto his plate it seemed insane, yet he had fought back giant alien monsters so it wasn’t too bad. At least he would get his arm back… Friendly duel A human unit challenges a former Raynar battle group to a duel and the reality of who’s truly powerful comes to light. Ghoul A human serviceman is asked about his disfigured looks by two young alien kids and tells them his story. How he first survived the orbital bombardments then the enemy giants all while aiding fellow survivors and resistance groups. How he fought against impossible odds for his survival and people. Three days of horrors then to endure a whole new warning year till humanity finally won gaining a new loyal ally. Commander! - Pairing up Collins gets sent to pairing at basic with a high command’s youngest son. He his a snow white lupri with brown eyes. The two discover that they both have something more to offer the other. They soon become paired well. But most are still wondering who is the guardian and the charge in that pairing. Luke Warren Who are you? “I’m the guy they warn you guys about in basic training.” The baby face nerdy human spoke with a dark serious tone. Of course Mandi thought this human was bluffing but then again that lesson was taught for a reason. The lupri just had to push why this little nerdy kid of all people was even remotely scary. The little guy make a door in the simulator they were all in talking and exploring together to build trust. Mandi laughed hearing about this fresh recruitment before hearing how scary a human civilian could be. Mandi stood there before a worn brown oak door, paw gripped the scratched gold finished door knob. “Are you sure you’re one of those people? You seem alright to me.” Mandi didn’t want to be rude as he still doubted him. “Enter and find out.” He said pointing to the door all whilst he sat in a leather chair of his own. Mandi opened the door having a flood of emotional pain roll onto him like a steamroller. The smells like blood along with fear coating the air so thick he almost couldn’t breathe it. But all the damage he was with his own two eyes wasn’t new other then red crosses covered most walls or vehicles. He stood in the ruins of a hospital. It made him sick realizing he just sat there watching doing nothing froze in place by shock and fear. Mandi had only opened the door for seconds feeling as if hours. He looked at the nerdy human now understanding. “You’re… how?” Mandi couldn’t grasp how someone could live with such horrible ways. “You don’t have to know.” The human smirked. It made Mandi shiver with fear. The guy laughed at his expression pulling something out of his pocket. A small shining lighter. “Boom. Is all you need to know.” That human was the one who used explosives and incendiary ordnance to get vengeance for those who were killed in the hospital attacks. Mandi was just one of many who doubted humanity’s ability for revenge and death. Soon they weren’t seen as a joke when they were able to show their own memories. Many took on a new view about humans and their complex insanity. The Blue suit I worn a blue pinned striped suit graduating from High school and college. I worn that suit on my own wedding day. Even managed to bring it with when I have my first son and my own daughter two years later. My life was the dream of anyone. Nothing fancy mind you. A simple nice home, green lawn and lovely car of my own in dark blue. My life as a pilot was great even if I traveled from home far too much. I worn that suit when the world was coming to it’s believed end. That suit survived as so did my spirit and family. But those months of hell haunt us all. That is why I am passing it on to the next generation, the new ones lost in space but not alone. You new kids have some great allies guiding you to the star together. That is what I fought for an am very proud of to see. Today is now the chance of making history not being just known as a name but as the ones who gave the future it’s chance of existence. I wear this suit to prove to you a great suit never goes out of style and that nothing is impossible if you work together. So, I’ll wish you all a grand old time exploring the stars. You all now live the dream of countless before. Do not waste a moment in fear, we in the past have already got that burden on our shoulders. Now the stars await you! Go on! It’s yours to explore forever and the future will carry on with us together. Now dawn your suits and enjoy what you shall experience! (Exert from: Father of Catherine Collins, Steven Collins former member of the Union exploration committee - graduation of the third year of the exploration academy.) Smoking embers Wishel sat bored waiting for awhile in the waiting area of the military clinic for a quick immune shot. He was a (horse) sitting and tapping his hoof repeatedly impatiently. He failed to notice a human sitting on the table in a smaller fitting chair. Only the man’s click of lightning his cigarette drew any attention to his small form. Wishel couldn’t help but look down at the human quite literally due to the size difference between the two. Finally one broke the growing silence. “What the hell are you looking at?” He asked annoyed. Wishel crinkled his snout smelling the nasty smoke which came from the little rolled cancer stick. The human waited for his answer then taking another puff blowing it out into the etiquette’s face deliberately chuckling about it. “Why do you humans still smoke those cancer sticks?” Wishel was genuinely concerned about it and disgusted too. The human just laughed and smiled taking another puff. “Well, maybe stop shaking the damn table pal.” Wishel stopped his nervous hoof nodding. “Sorry there, um uh…” Wishel stumbled trying to guess a name as his head returned the gesture back. “It’s Trent, you’d be who exactly?” Trent had a very thick accent from what Wishel’s translator called ‘Texas’ within the Americas. Wishel felt his tongue sticking to the top of his snout. “I’m Wishel.” He felt his nervousness returned full force over what his mind told him was nothing. “So you want to know why I smoke even after all the medical reasons against it?” Trent took a long dragged out inhale exaggerating his point. “Well, yes I’d like to know why.” Wishel felt like Trent wanted to tell whatever story he had ready at his tongue to show off his own life. “Because of how shitty the UTO truly is.” Trent was bluntly honest without remorse for anyone’s opinions. Wishel was applauded by his rudeness and crude way of insulting the UTO, the one military he is apart of. Trent smirked seeing the horse’s mouth gap open in stunned silence. “How.. how dare you of all species to insult the very military that saved your own planet!” Wishel almost shouted only stopping short of it with such little control. Trent took a good long stare into Wishel’s eyes. The sharp brown eyes boarded into him like daggers. Wishel had seen a version of that state glazed onto dead and livid humans before knowing what it meant. “YOUR military was UNDER TRAINED! YOUR military was POORLY MANAGED, YOUR military was HORRIBLY STRATEGIZED and FAR TOO LATE!” Trent shouted at Wishel in pure hellish anger likely bottled up for some time. The etiquette moved back shocked mostly from how painful it sounded to his ears turning around to lower the noise. “You know we tried and…” with that Wishel was cut off by the angry little human. “YOU WERE TOO LATE! THREE MONTHS TOO LATE FROM MY TOWN SO YOUR MILITARY LEFT US TO DIE!” Trent shouted over the stumbling horse’s lips. He took a deep long drag of his cigarette before taking a deep breath out. He shook his head shaking his memories away. “My trauma is why I smoke, That DAMN HELL is why I smoke. It was a full on slaughter of innocent people.” Trent sat back down pulling another cigarette out to light as Wishel just watched on mortified by his own stupidity and ignorance . What most humans didn’t see was that very same guilt of being late, being so stupidity naive then. They weren’t now but ignorant to some great bitter truths. Wishel did what he knew as a medic, comforting the wounded around him as any decent being would do. Wishel pulled out a small human sized book, it’s dulled yellow cover still had the same sliver words. “I got a joke book from a man I consider a great friend nearly family even. A doctor who also made his patients laugh as that was his gift for them. I’ve seen that same slaughter as you, is was that and worse. That is what I hate about propaganda.” Wishel did his best using is own gift of understanding on his temporary patient. Trent took a longer drag of his cigarette looking at the book the grabbing it flipping pages smiling at the worn ink inside. All these old jokes paired with handwritten notes and jokes along with it all. “Who gave you this?” Trent seemed amazed by it. Wishel laughed. “A supposed doctor going under the name of Benjamin Franklin Pierce or as most called him ‘Hankeye’.” Encounter with a goddess part 2 Maxin knew this moment out of nearly very sci-fi horror, being thrown out the literal airlock fighting to stay alive. He metal grip wasn’t able to grab anything as the cold vacuum of space gripped his mech outside. “No! No no no no no no! NO!” He had this irrational fear now deeded very real now. “Maxin! Stars no!… Maxin!” She guardian tried to reach out to him. He saw her face fearing it would likely be the last. He couldn’t think like that! Maxin had survived a lot in life and wasn’t going to surrender even to the cold void of space! “I’m coming! I’m not done yet!” Maxin tried to keep hope in his voice while is conscience kept nagging him with the dark truth. He was going to die in space alone in a tin can, why did these things always seem to happen to him?! He tried everything hastily but every option was useless in space. Thrusters were down with air, he couldn’t grip anything and now out of everything he was going to die in space since his heater was on the fritz. Maxin’s mind starting to panic knowing he was almost completely out of comms range. He breathed hopefully not his last breath readying himself. “Delia! I… I don’t know how much of this will get to you but I’m not sure if I’m going to make it. Know I care for you! Keep going on! Don’t let these bastards win! I’ll find you Delia! I swear!” Maxin yelled out loud to be heard over static blanketing out few of his what could be last words. He had to stay strong then and keep his guardian Delia stronger yet. Then all the alarms went off now signaled how worse things could happen even now to himself too. The grayish blue mechsuit now floated deep into space from the forced exit drifting on. Thankfully fate had much more kinder plans then even Delia could hope for. A crumbled green bag So many years had gone by for the two since their glory days. Once soldiers fighting the fronts of space warfare now laughably unskilled yet good parents trying to survive their personal urban life. It was strange how everyone went about their days not fearing anything or one coming down upon them. The two brothers (both adopted), youngest being human and the oldest a Lupari like their mother. The two running around as their parents weren’t home from their work. Both having fun chasing the other under and around the empty house running room to room. Eventually each of the boys got tired enjoying snacks from the fridge. Boredom came back quickly as the two explored the house searching each room for fun maybe to find some loose change or other treasures around. Almost every room had been triple checked by the two and nearly covered very inch of the place. All that remained was one last room, the forbidden room they weren’t allowed in. “Well we haven’t checked out mom and dad’s room…” Adam suggested. Alan his little brother (quite literally) shock his head at the thought. “No, that’s their only big rule man. We’d both get grounded for a month or our whole life.” Adam chuckled thinking how crazy a lifetime grounding was. “It’s not funny Adam! They’d be SO mad as US! It wouldn’t be worth it!” Alan was scared of what dangers could arise from such a quick trespassing. “Well, what if it is? Then what?” Adam did have a valid point even if Alan didn’t want to get in trouble. “Mom and dad would kill us either way! There’s no point to it!” Alan didn’t want to know why his parents made such a simple rule yet enforced it so strictly, but there had to be a good reason for it to exist. Floater in the void Everything was routine enough for the crew of the uss dogma, a simple response and rescue ship patrolling the void between systems in case of anyone needing help. Thankfully not many people needed help these days but a little action after a boring month would’ve been nice. Stories were about one of the only forms of entertainment that made it out this far. The crew of all being close for fourteen years Al dying of good old fashioned boredom. The simulator was another good idea to kill the time, yet it had malfunctioned and lately needed a need chip and some other advanced components. Book both digital and solid copies were great too but interaction was what most of the crew wanted, something fun and hands on. Something exciting like a grand adventure… Then the scanner went off suddenly signaling a very noticeably large vessel Was near them now. “Um, Captain?” Trent nervously called for his captain keeping his eyes on the screen thinking it could vanish at any moment. “What’s the matter Trent?” The large lion like alien walked to the small work platform of Trent’s.