[i]'Who am I...?'[/i] The thought echoed through their heads as three figures sat around a bonfire in the dark. They all knew each-other, they'd known each-other for years, but they didn't know who they were, who any of them were. The oldest, a bipedal copperhead snake was leaning forward with one leg tucked under the other, an arm resting on his knee as he leaned toward the flame. The youngest -- yet more serious -- was a black-scaled cobra, her naga-like lower body coiled up beneath her as she rested her chin on folded arms. Between them in age was a dragoness, hir blue scales glinting against the firelight as the moon shone down on the golden streak running down hir spine. There wasn't any way to explain it, really; they might've been separate, but they were all the same person, and they all struggled with their own demons. They had to find a way to share their burdens, but when those shadows arrived, the best they could do was pick up their weapons and fight them off. It was working, at least for now, but it could only work for so long. They needed help... ...but they weren't ready to reach out yet.