IT'S COMPLICATED By Whitestripe "Seriously.....I mean, I know tonight is supposed to be important. But....I mean....really? The monkey suit, feeling like I just had my fur dry cleaned. I just, this isn't me." A young black labrador boy grumbled softly, as a large monkey, dressed in a fine suit, with a tape measure around his neck eyed him with what Malis could only call a death glare as he worked on measuring and fitting him for a proper suit. Standing on the other side of the opulently arranged fitting room, stood a tiger, his sky blue fur standing out strikingly against the sapphire stone stripes on his body. Lord Azure was one of the richest, most powerful citizens in all of Lunar City, some would say, he was 'the' most powerful. And he was also very, very interested in the little pup before him. As Malis liked to was complicated. "Dearheart, we have been over this. You are to be presented to the Lords and offered a seat at our table due to our status." Azure told him calmly. "And you need to be dressed and attired properly for someone of your new rank. You are no longer one of the lesser, lower-class beasts. You are a person. And people need to wear clothing, not those.....rags." He said with a dismissive wave to the simple shirt and jeans that Malis wore. Malis growled and stuck his tongue out at Azure. He'd given up his freedom, his future, pledging his life to Azure when he turned eighteen years old, in exchange for a magical contract that allowed him to change the world, to save his friends and family from ending up ordinary, mindless objects forever. He didn't regret it, not for one second. If he had to make the choice again, he'd do it in a heartbeat. But it still complicated his life tremendously. The tiger was a bonafide predator. He didn't care at all for the lesser, weaker members of the city. They were nothing to him. Nothing but food, objects, or riches to be acquired. And yet, the cat had been interested in him, and tolerated disrespect that he would obliterate anyone else for. Azure simply rolled his eyes. "Stop acting like a simpleminded animal Malis. If you act like one, odds are good one of the other lords may make you into one. And even if you are my betrothed, I may leave you like that for a while." The feline smirked at the pup. "I happen to think you would make a very cute little puppy." Malis's cheeks turned a wonderful shade of red as he squeaked and looked down. The tailor letting out a long-suffering sigh before he took a step back and snapped his finger. A sapphire glow of magic surrounding Malis's body, his old clothes dissolving into the light, before being replaced by a beautiful silk suit of darkest blue, almost black, almost a mirror image of the suit that the tiger wore. "Huh, um, wow.....this isn't as bad as I thought it'd be." Malis murmured, slowly shifting in the outfit, testing out his range of motion. To his surprise, the outfit seemed to flow and ripple, almost like water, not getting in his way at all, no matter how he moved. The monkey, noticing just what Malis was doing, gave the pup a small smirk. "I do very good work puppy dog. Perhaps next time, I can make a nice dog skin vest for my lord." He taunted before looking and bowing to the tiger. "By your leave my lord." Azure nodded his head lightly as the monkey left, Malis shooting a glare at the dig the monkey had gotten before shifting his attention to Azure. " I really gotta do this? You have to know that I'm going to want to punch all of them in their high-class faces right?" He asked. "Well, except for Alric, Alric's alright." The sapphire tiger smiled teasingly at the young pup. "Oh, I expect you to allow me to introduce you to them. For us to have dinner. And then I fully expect you to....oh, what's the word? Oh yes, I fully expect you to be yourself, Malis." He said with a soft chuckle. "I am very curious to see just what will happen." Malis stared at the feline for a few moments. "Ya. That's not ominous at all." He muttered. That night, Malis was seated in a side room while Azure was mingling and welcoming his guests into his castle. Yes, he had a castle. A freaking one of a kind castle, smack dab in the richest part of the city. Honestly, there were times where Malis really didn't regret his deal, not one bit. But now, he was stuck waiting here, dressed in his little suit, waiting to be paraded out and shown off to all of the upper crust of the city, as though he was some trophy or item to be displayed. And while it bit at his nerves, he couldn't help but admit, to be able to meet the predators that actually were the reason that this city was so hostile. The ones who literally made the laws (Or lack of them in this case) and got to choose who lived and who ended up as a stuffed animal was going to be.....interesting. Malis gave himself about five minutes before he'd try to punch someone in their perfect teeth. "Come on Malis, you can keep it together. You can do this." He mumbled softly. "You can deal with real predators without punching them. After all, you're one too." He could feel that hungry desire in himself. Even if he kept it clamped down, even if he kept it under control. It was there. The need to claim, the need to own, the desire to take anything and everything that he desired with the vast power he had. He knew exactly what he would end up if he ever gave into those urges though. A side door suddenly opened up, and a rabbit, clad in a rather fine servant's clothing poked his head in. "My young lord. Lord Azure wishes for you to attend to him in the dining hall. It is nearing time for your presentation." The rabbit said calmly. "Alrighty, presentation time. Lead the way lord bun-bun." Malis said playfully, the rabbit squeaking, a blush coming to his face before he beckoned the boy off, leading him through a series of side and back passages, built into the very walls for the servants to use and come and go as they please. And as they neared the dining hall, Malis could hear the sound of conversation going on, before a hidden panel was opened, and Malis slowly stepped out into the chamber. Malis couldn't help as his eyes widened as he stepped into the chamber. It was.....hoooboy, he knew Azure was rich but this....every single item in the room looked like it was made of some precious materials. The walls themselves looked like they were made of solid diamond. The table and plates were made from a mix of gold and silver. The floor itself looked like it was carved from emerald. And that was just the basics. A soft chuckle drew Malis back to his body as he suddenly realized he was being eyed by over a half dozen predators. A pair of paws fell on his shoulders as Malis nearly jumped out of his skin as he turned and looked at Azure, who gave him a gentle, almost paternal smile as he patted his shoulder. "Honored guests, and friends. It is my delight to introduce you to my betrothed, and future partner when he comes of age." Azure spoke up, the tiger's voice booming through the chamber. "I apologize for him, but just as it is his first time meeting you all, it is also his first time seeing some of my more opulent chambers here. Now, before the food arrives, I believe it is time for introductions." He said cheerfully. "Our first guest is someone that you know quite well Malis," Azure said calmly as he waved a paw to a calm looking, very portly skunk dressed in a fine suit. Surprisingly, the skunk's eyes were warm and gentle as he looked at Malis, and the boy didn't detect any of the normal predator aura that he usually got around these folks, but then again.....this was also the person who had set all of this up. "Lord Alric, Peacekeeper and diplomat of the Lords. It is his duty to see to it that any problems are dealt with, with a minimum amount of fuss. You know of his contract magic." Azure said, his paws tightening on the pup's shoulders. It was Alric's contract that had saved his family and threw him into this situation in the first place. "Hey there kiddo. Good to see you again under better circumstances. I'm glad things worked out for you." The skunk said, his voice deep, but warm. "I'm always proud to have a satisfied customer." Malis gave him a small nod before they moved on, the next fur was sitting back in his seat, his feet resting on the back of a servant, an unmoving, unblinking lion that was on all fours, staring blankly ahead, as though he was nothing but a paw rest. The finely suited fur was a fox, ornate moon-like tattoos were on either cheek and on his muzzle. Though, based on the magic that pulsed inside of him, Malis was willing to bet there was 'far' more to him then what his eyes saw. He could already detect several subtle illusion spells around the fox, no doubt hiding his true nature and appearance. "And here is Lord Zenion, or, as he prefers, Lord Zen. The peacekeeper of the Lords. It is his duty to ensure that no member of our organization turns on another without word from the other members, and to deal with threats to us before they can act." Azure said casually. The fox let out a chuckle, hands behind his head as he seemed utterly relaxed, but his eyes danced with mischief as he stared at Malis. This was a gaze he recognized. The gaze of a predator, he could practically feel the fox weighing him up, as though deciding on his place in the world. "You know, he looks like he'd make a fine pair of shoes on my paws. Or maybe a chair or footstool. Heh, you sure you don't wanna give him up Azure, it'd only take me a few minutes to make something nice out of him for ya before we have dinner." The fox said far too playfully. "No Zen. I know you like teasing the new blood. But Malis here is a proper predator as any of us." Azure said firmly. "He's not like the livestock of this city. He's one of the elite and he deserves to be here." Zen simply gave a casual shrug, but his eyes never left Malis. "Whatever you say." He muttered. But Malis knew those eyes. The fox wasn't going to be told no so easily. Not when he could still steal his prize. "Moving on, here, we have the triad. The movers and shakers of the various businesses in Lunar City." Azure said, waving his paw to three massive, fat dragons. One red, one gold, and one emerald. The red dragon snorted softly, leaning forward. "I am Lord Skytherix." The great beast growled lightly. "I don't need any introduction from you Azure, I can do them myself. I run the banks of Lunar City, and I am the treasurer of this group. If you want money boy. You come to me, got it? If one of these others try and do so, you tell me." He licked his jaws. "And I'll be more than happy to show them just how hot a dragon's belly can get." He said, one paw patting his bulging gut....and, if Malis looked carefully, he could see something writhing underneath his suit, and very faint screaming. "And I am Igolidex. Or you can call me Igo little one." The golden dragon rumbled softly. Like Alric, he seemed to have an aura of kindness, however, in his eyes, Malis could see a deep-rooted madness. "I take care of the clubs and other entertainment areas in this city. Though, you know little one. You seem to have a battered soul, what do you say? Would you like me to bring you to heaven? I am a god after all, and you are one of mine. I can take you to a world where you'll never suffer again. You can be part of me." Before Malis even had a chance to answer, the emerald dragon let out a hissing laugh. His tail lashing back and forth. "It's been less than two minutes, and you're already trying to tear his soul out." He taunted Igo before looking at Malis. "I am Verdinthrax. Though I suppose you can call me Verdin. I deal with the food and restaurants of the city. I ensure that the livestock remained fed. Though....." Emerald mist began to leak from his jaws. "You do look quite appetizing. I wonder just how you'd scream as your mind and memories melted into my mist, along with your little body pup?" He taunted. Malis fought back the urge to shiver as he stared at the dragon. "You could try it. But then I'd probably punch you in the face." He shot back calmly. Verdin let out a low hiss, that turned into a chuckle. "I like him.....he will be fun to break if he becomes useless." The dragon said with a content little sigh as he sat back. Azure was glaring daggers at Verdin, before he pointed to another fur, a large hippo, that was sitting in the strangest chair that Malis had ever seen. Only to realize that it wasn't a normal chair, but a large komodo dragon, the beast resting in a crouch, his legs and his tail supporting him, as his two arms were raised, like the armrests of a chair, and his head stared forward, it's gaze empty as the hippo sat on his lap, one arm resting on the unmoving arm of the komodo. "Hello there, little one. I run the orphanage. My name is Harry." He said with a smile, reaching up and patting the cheek of the frozen komodo dragon. "And I see you are admiring my chair. You see, my own brand of magic specializes in making furniture, though, not the way you may be thinking." He said teasingly. "I make one of a kind furniture out of furs. No magic to change then, I just need to.....convince them, that this is what they are. And then, it is." He said happily. Malis fought back his disgust as he nodded his head slowly. If it hadn't been for Leogun adopting them. He and his brother would have likely been given over to this hippo, and then, who would have known what would have become of them. For all he knew, they could have ended up just like the komodo. "And now, our last, and most important member of our group. Lord Denwell. Mayor of Lunar City, and the unofficial ruler of all of Arcada." Azure said, waving his hand to the head of the table, where a small cushion rested, and sitting on that cushion. Was the most adorable little hamster Malis had ever laid eyes on. Dressed in a cute little suit, the golden white hamster was flanked by two guards, a large burly bear, and a black scaled shark. The hamster chuckled and seemed to smile at Malis. "Welcome little pup. To the circle of Lords. We are the power behind Lunar City. Everything, everyone, exists to serve us and our needs. And as Azure has put his claim upon you as his future heir. You are now entitled to gain the title of Lord." He said warmly. Malis was quiet for a few moments, just staring at them all. "Um....right....okay, thank you....sorry, this is just so much to take in." He said softly. "Just trying to wrap my head around it." Zen laughed. "Well of course not, it's not every day that you find out that you're lord of the whole world and can do whatever you want." He said cheerfully. "Welcome to the club kid." Azure chuckled. "Now that we are done with introductions, come, dinner is about to start, and we have quite the collection of snacks." He said as another side door opened, and a group of quivering, terrified looking people were being guided into the room. Malis went very still as he stared at the people, various furs, some children, some adults, and ranging to all different species. A couple of humans, a few felines, and avians, and even some more unique ones, like a hippogriff, and a kitsune, were being pushed into the chamber. "What...what is this?" Malis asked Azure softly, the feline chuckling as he reached down and stroked Malis's ears, as though he was nothing but his pet. "This, Malis? This is dinner? What, you didn't expect us to eat ordinary food? Oh no, that's for the animals. It's animal feed. We eat real people food. Aka, other people." Azure said as he licked his jaws. Malis went very, very still, like his heart had turned to stone as he stared at these various people. He could have everything he'd ever wanted. He could be a god among the citizens of Lunar City. All he needed to do was sit back and watch a couple of dozen furs be eaten.....and do the eating himself..... His eyes flickered and widened even more as he saw two of the figures in the back of the group. Calvech and John. Calvech looked half beaten, but unbowed, but his arms and legs were heavily bound together, and he had a collar etched with runes around his neck. No doubt to try and restrain his symbiote and keep it under control. John seemed to be unharmed though, he was scared, but he saw his eyes were focused, looking for something he could use, a way to escape from this. He hadn't given up yet. He was still looking for a way to turn this around. Malis slowly looked away from his friends, and his eyes flickered to each of the Lord's. The Triad, Denwell, Azure, Alric, and that overweight hippo. None of them seemed bothered at all. In fact, they were just eyeing the gathering fur's like one would look at the meat at the local grocery store. These were the heavyweights though. The top predators of the city. Any one of them could probably wipe his face in the dirt several ways to sunday. He'd dueled Azure several times for practice and to pass the time. He'd lost. Every. Single. Time. Badly. If any of them were even half as powerful as the tiger. He'd get put six feet under before he even realized he was in a fight. Especially if they decided to all just gang up on him. He stood no chance of fighting them. He should just stay seated, eat John and Calvech, and leave and reform the two. Then all three of them would get out of this. He'd keep his standings, his friends, his family safe. It was the best of both worlds. He could have everything he wanted. His eyes flickered, and he saw Harry looking hungrily at a young husky boy, licking his lips. He didn't see a terrified little boy, alone, without friends, without family. He saw meat. Meat to pack his guts and to make him fatter. Malis let out a slow, deep breath, his eyes closed as he bowed his head for a moment. "Well fuck all kinds of ducks," Malis muttered under his breath. "Dad's going to freaking kill me for getting myself killed. But what are you gonna do." He mumbled to himself. The black lab gave a soft snort before climbing to his feet. "I'm sorry everyone. But I'm afraid that dinner's going to be canceled." Malis said as he tapped his foot against the ground. "Greater Mass Teleportation." He intoned, every fur in the room vanishing. The normal wards within the manor that prevented the prey from using their magic not working on Malis due to being keyed in by Azure. In a flash of light, the Lords, Malis, and the future food fur's manifested outside on the front lawn of the manor. About thirty feet from the fences to freedom. Denwell stood in the grass, the hamster snapping his fingers as his bear bodyguard reached down and he hopped up onto the bear's open palm to be lifted up. The hamster's paws resting behind his back as he frowned at Malis. "Boy, what in blazes do you think you're doing, hmm? You are interrupting dinner. And I for one, do not enjoy my dinner being interrupted. Now, you're new here. So perhaps your family lets you get away with this. But we will not tolerate it. Now, take us back. Now. Or you will be.....punished." He growled. Malis growled softly. "Ya, how about you go fuck yourself you overweight gerbil. I'm going to have to give that a big fat no." The canine snapped calmly, sheathing and unsheathing his claws. "There isn't going to be a dinner. I'm not letting you eat any of these people. Understand?" He snarled. Harry let out a low growl before he looked at Azure. "You're going to let your uppity runt talk to us like this? He's yours, what are you going to do about this Azure?" he hissed out. Azure simply smiled serenely, lifting his paw as a large armchair manifested in the grass. The tiger sitting back in the seat with a smile. "What? This?" He asked, extending his arms in a wide, sweeping gesture. "This is a thing of absolute beauty. I would not dare to interfere with it. Malis, the sweet little predator with a heart. Following his convictions, into what may as well be certain doom. Planning to blaze brightly like a star for what he believes in." He let out a dreamy sigh. "Such a beautiful sight. I would not interfere with it at all." He said warmly. As he spoke those last few words, he lifted a paw and conjured a chair and Alric cheerfully came over and sat down. "I'm neutral I'm afraid. According to young Malis's contract. He was to continue to burn brightly, according to Lord Azure's wishes. As what he is doing now follows the law of his contract, I am forbidden from interfering with such a thing. So, I will be sitting this out and just observing." Skytherix let out a low growl, eyeing the dog boy. "So, neither of you will interfere if we were too......punish the boy for his mistake?" He asked, licking his jaws lightly. "Or am I mistaken?" "Oh no, I simply wished to see what would happen to Malis. If he is doomed to burn out here. Then I simply wish to witness it." Azure said calmly. "Do as you all will." Zen let out a low chuckle, the fox cracking his knuckles, flicking his hand out as his tail split into nine swirling tails, bits of blue fire blazing at each of the tail tips. "Now those are words I love to hear. I do hope you won't bore us boy. It seems like your going to be our entertainment instead of joining us." "Ooooooh, you are never going to stop screaming when I'm done with you boy. You'll burn for all eternity. Just like all the others." Verdin rumbled, green, acidic mist leaking from his jaws, searing and melting the grass into more, swirling mist where it touched. "Such a poor, misbegotten boy. Worry not. Your god is willing to show you paradise." The golden dragon, Igo rumbled. "Come, let me have your soul." Harry glared, their meal clearly forgotten. "I see someone is in need of a firm belting. I think a few years as furniture ought to do you good, boy, for showing you who your betters are." He growled low in his throat. Denwell glared. "You made the last mistake you're ever going to make runt." He said, before waving a paw forward. "Deal with this dog. Get him out of my sight." Malis shifted, turning and flinging a pair of glowing white daggers at Calvech, the blades cutting through his collar before twisting in midair to cut the bindings on his arms and legs. "Get all these people out of here. I'll buy you time. Run." He yelled. His hands flicked down to his waist as he focused, a glimmering silver belt, inlaid with a beautiful sapphire blue stone-forming at his waist. The stone seemed to start spinning just as Verdin threw his head forward and unleashed a blast of acidic mist at the pup. A sleek white shell formed over the canine, before it shattered outwards, dispersing the mist as Malis took to the air. Clad in a sleek white, bone-like armor, a pair of long, feathered wings flapped and propelled him skyward, trying to put some distance between him and his opponents so he could unleash his armor, Marrows, long-range weapons on them. "You really think your little wings are going to give you a chance?" A deep, rumbling voice spoke out, Malis's head shooting up to see Skytherix above him, the dragon's large, outspread wings glowing with a faint red light before he flicked a paw out dismissively towards the canine. Arrows of searing red light raining down at the armored canine. Malis throwing up his paws as a wall of bone manifested in front of him. The rain of searing fire leaving visible divets in the hastily conjured wall. However, before Malis had a chance to breathe, the dragon's massive fist plowed through the wall and grabbed him around the neck and with a mighty roar, Skytherix hurled him and sent him crashing into the ground. Malis groaned softly. His armor had shielded him from most of the damage the fall would have inflicted. But it still hurt like a son of a gun to be thrown around like a rubber ball. He slowly pushed himself up, two long bony rods extending from his right arm, starting to form into a longbow, before he was thoroughly interrupted with the sudden pain as a pair of ghostly, swirling blue scythes, sheared through his bone wings. The canine let out a scream as he tumbled forward onto his hands and knees. "Now now. It isn't nice for the rest of us if you use those pretty little wings to stay in the sky." Zen said, several other ghostly blue blades all hovering around his tails. The kitsune starting to pad towards Malis. "Normally, I'm not one for physical violence. It can be so messy and wasteful. But something tells me that silly little armor of yours is going to keep my normal tricks from working. So what do you say that we just crack open that can hmm?" Malis let out a soft his, his eyes shifting and locking on Zen. Well crap, now how was he..... Wait....the fox was being way too flashy and showy with his abilities. Why didn't he just hit him when he was down from his wi- Malis whirled around. "Maximize magic, diamond wall." He yelled, slamming his fist into the ground. A wall of solid diamond rising from the earth as a battering ram of a hippo hit the wall. The aura of violet magic that surrounded the hippo's body flared up to almost blinding levels, before the diamond wall shattered as if it had been spun out of weak glass. The hippo charging on through and he threw his belly forward, Malis letting out a yell as it struck him with all the force of a fully swinging wrecking ball and hurled him backwards nearly twenty feet, to roll along the ground. "You think that kinda magic is going to work?" Harry said, snorting as he dusted himself off from the remains of the wall. "I have hundreds of children at my orphanage, and even more as my permanent furniture. All of their magic. Every single drop. Is mine to use. I'm a one-man army boy. Nothing you do can stop me." Malis whimpered in pain, his whole body ached and hurt. If he was just fighting one of them, or better yet, had his brother here. They could watch each other's back. Give them some breathing room. But with him being alone, and the quality of his enemies. It was nearly impossible to keep up from one attack to the next. "Such a poor, suffering little soul. In so much pain, so much agony. Here, let me help you." Malis's eyes widened as he whirled around, before grunting as absolute pain washed through his small body. His eyes drifting down to see the massive golden dragon's claws piercing through the glimmering blue gem of his belly, the beast twisting his claw violently, before ripping it to the side, shattering the belt and sending Malis crumpling onto his back, his armor dissolving away as he shook in agony. His own magical core had been the cornerstone for manifesting Marrow. And the shock of having the belt, the stabilizing agent for his power suddenly broken was having a tremendous backlash through his body, both physical and spiritual. "You know, I'm almost sad. I expected this to at least take a bit of effort. But you were really nothing special. Just like the screaming, pleading prey you're going to be." Verdin rumbled, licking his jaws as he padded forward. "But don't worry, you'll only be suffering for eternity for your foolish mistakes. Malis quivered, the agony rippling through his body as he touched his broken belt, his eyes closed as he waited for that acrid smoke to engulf him. "Canis......daddy....I'm sorry....I'm sorry I wasn't strong enough....I....I love you guys." Across the city, Canis stuck his tongue out as he was putting the finishing touches on a present he'd been making for Malis, a little present to say 'sorry for blowing up your whole room, please don't tell dad'. You know, normal brother things. He was ripped from his thoughts though as a searing pain suddenly lanced through his chest, right over his heart. The dog shuddering as he nearly fell out of his chair, as around his waist, without him bidding it. His belt formed, the sleek silver metal, with the large, ruby-like gem set in the center. The gem flashing and starting to spin in place. "Malis.....damn it bro.....what the fuck did you do?" Canis hissed softly. He could feel it though, the twins had always been close, had always been able to tell when the other had needed help. And right now, he felt like his body was on fire, a pain he'd never felt before him stabbing through his nerves. "I'm coming, Malis. Dad damn it. Here I am, making you a present, and you get into a fight without me. I am sooooooo telling dad." He growled under his breath. "Greater teleportation." He hissed before vanishing from the room. Verdin rumbled, licking his jaws. He couldn't wait to hear this runt start screaming. To start begging and pleading as not just his flesh and bones melted, but his memories and his very sense of self as well. He let loose a monstrous belch of green mist as it went streaking towards the downed dog boy. A flare of ruby light suddenly manifested around Malis as Canis appeared above his brother. Reaching down and grabbing him before quickly leaping up into the air, using the fly spell he kept constantly active to avoid whatever that green mist was as his eyes roamed over his brother's battered, almost broken body. His eyes lingering on the shattered remains of his brother's belt. Canis came down for a landing, his eyes roaming over the gathered enemies who were watching him with more curiosity than anything else. The same sort of curiosity a child might have when regarding a bug and deciding if they wanted to crush it or not. Denwell snorted. He'd enjoyed the show of watching the boy being battered and tossed around like a rag doll. It was a fitting punishment for daring to interrupt, and worse, free their dinner. "You're his twin brother, aren't you. Your brother made a very, very stupid mistake and crossed us and let our food go." The hamster called out at the canine. "We don't have a problem with you though. You drop the pup and leave now. We'll let you live another day." Canis hardly heard Denwell's words, staring down at his twin, his arms shaking, as he fought back tears. His brother's was broken. He could feel Malis's body was hemorrhaging magic. Their belts weren't just pieces of them that conjured their suits for them to fight with. It was a manifestation of their very magic, the gems set within being their cores themselves. With the gem shattered, Malis's inner core was in the exact same shape. His brother was dying. Malis's eyes slowly opened up and he smiled weakly up at Canis. "Hey bro.....ow, sorry to pull you all the way out here. I.....I got in a bit over my head.....sorry." He murmured softly. Canis shuddered, looking up at all of the gathered predators that were watching, seemingly in amusement at their suffering than anything, before he looked down at his brother. "It's okay. We're going to get out of this. You hear me. You and I are a team. We've always been, since we were little kids. We aren't going to break up the dream team now. You hear me?" He hissed. Malis let out a quiet little laugh. "My core broke.....we both know what that means Canis. Both of us do. I'm dying. We can't change that. You try and magic it away, it'll only make it worse." He hissed softly. "I'm a dead kid walking, and nothing you say is going to change that." Canis was quiet for a few moments, staring down at his twin brother and fighting back tears. He couldn't imagine this. Life without his brother. Without his twin. They had already lost one. He couldn't lose Malis too. He stared down at his shattered belt, reaching out with his paw, and with an effort of will, the silver metal began to flow and repair itself, good as new Everything that is, but for the sapphire blue gem. Only small shards of it remained within the belt. Canis stared at that empty void, his body shaking as he struggled to control himself. He couldn't lose his brother. His mirror. He couldn't go through life without him. They were like part of each other. Canis's eyes widened for a moment, his eyes floating down and looking down at his own belt. At the glimmering red ruby set into his own belt. They were twins. Their bodies, their magic. They both had the same abilities, the same powers. They were identical in nearly every way. Which mean. Maybe.....maybe he could..... "You aren't dying. You hear me, Malis. You won't die. I refuse. I refuse to let that happen, and if I have to fight death itself for you. Then that's what I'm going to do." Canis whispered, reaching down and gently grasping the spinning ruby in his own belt, and with a yowl that sent untold agony through his body, he pulled the gem from his belt. His vision spun, his body convulsing as he tore the very essence of his magic from his body, and not in a safe, slow manor like what Fenrir and his son had done. This had been quick and violent. "We're twins, you and me. Which core, should work for you too. Same magic, same powers. We're alike. So what works for me......should work for you." Canis panted out, shoving the ruby into his twin's belt. The darkened gem pulsing, once, twice, before slowly, the gem began to start spinning in place, blazing with light. Malis let out a gasp, where just moments before, he'd felt like his strength was leaking from his body with every heartbeat, now, he was feeling rejuvenated, the aches and pains of what he'd just been through fading away as he looked down at his belt and up at his brother. "Damn it Canis. What did you do?" Malis muttered. "Saved your ass, that's what idiot." Canis sniped back with a weak smile. He reached out and touched the gem. "You needed a you've got one." He muttered. Malis whimpered softly, shivering as he looked down. "It's your core too. Without it....." He muttered. "I know....we'll figure out body is in better shape than yours was....I have a few days at know....if we survive the next few minutes...." Canis mumbled softly. Malis shivered. This wasn't right. He was the one who had been an idiot. He had been the one who had caused this. It should be 'him' who should suffer for his mistakes. Not his brother. Not his family. Not his friends. Him. He had made his choice, he accepted the consequences. Even now though. He didn't regret what he'd done. Those people, his friends. They were alive because of what he'd chosen to do. And he'd do it in a heartbeat again. The ruby set into the belt began to spin faster and faster, almost as though responding to the dog's thoughts, before a blazing red light lanced out from the gem, shooting up into the air, before spiraling down and striking the empty space within Canis's belt. Canis shuddered, the sudden weakness he'd felt, it wasn't going away.....but he wasn't draining him anymore. "Malis....what are you doing?" Canis muttered softly, staring down, his eyes widening as he saw he saw his silvery belt around his waist, and his own brother's belt starting to twist and change. The sleek silver belts seemed to shift colors, rather than being all silver, they seemed to split down the middle, On the left side for Canis's belt, and the right side of Malis, they were gold, while on the opposite side, they were jet black. A single, dark gem, split into three facets glimmered in the center of both belts, power pulsing off of the stones as though waiting to be unleashed. "Heh....look at us.....would you call this midseason power-up, or final form?" Malis joked weakly. "Final form, totally. Just look at it, big, a bit showy. Totally final form material." Canis murmured, letting out a quiet chuckle. He wasn't feeling good. Oh no, far from it. But he didn't feel like he was bleeding magic with every beat of his heart anymore. So that was something. From around them, the gathered predators snorted. "You boys do know, your little tricks won't work. We gave you time because you were entertaining. But you gotta know we can crush you like gnats." Zen said calmly, the ghostly weapons floating around him swirled and spun around him as though to punctuate his point. "But the moment either of you think that you can fight us. We'll crush you both like the insects you are." Denwell growled. The hamster glaring at the two from where he stood in the hand of his bodyguard. Canis and Malis shared a look with each other. "You know, what do you say Canis? Would you like to test that theory?" Malis murmured. "Eh, I don't have anything planned for today. I think my schedule's cleared. Plus, that little overweight gerbil is annoying." Canis said with a small smirk. The two boys slowly pushing themselves to their feet. The gang of predators all narrowed their eyes as Canis and Malis reached down together and tapped the stone's set into their belt. Glimmering amber light starting to radiate from each facet, jumping from one to another, as it spiraled between the three slots of the stone. "Unity Driver On. Pilots, are you ready?" Came a robotic voice of the belt itself, speaking in tandem. "Pilots?" Canis murmured. "You don't think?" Malis asked, eyes widening. "Hell ya, we're ready." The boys called out, bringing their paws down as one onto the top of their belts. The left and right facets of their belt starting to glow, leaving the top one empty. That amber light flared around the two dogs as they reached out and bumped their fists together before they were drawn together, enveloped in a swirling white light, blinding all who were looking at it. A moment later, the shell shattered, revealing a single canine standing where once were two. He wore a sleek suit of silver armor, with little embellishment or way of decoration. The only part that stood out was the helmet, shaped like that of a snarling wolf. The warrior grinning down at his new form, as though testing it. "Best. Armor. Ever." Came both Canis and Malis said at the exact same time, both voices coming from the helmet. Far away, within the temple of the future God of Time and Space. A feline made his way through the passageways of the temple, on his way to visit his Overlord, and the rest of the members of their little team. They were so close. Only four more apostles were left to gather, and they would have the power necessary for when the time of the ascension ritual came. The ritual, when his lord, Razor would ascend to become the god of Arcada, and strip them of their magic and save the world from itself. The cat, Paradox, froze up, a shudder running through his body, as the fur of his coat began to rapidly change and shift, as though someone had just started blasting him with a rainbow of paint. His age rapidly flickering, from old man, to young kitten, to middle-aged, then teenaged. It seemed even more chaotic than normal as he stumbled to one knee, shuddering as he dropped the large tome he always carried with him. The tome given to him by his God in the future. The book that foretold everything that would come, and to ensure the timeline remained on track. The same tome that was now engulfed with golden fire, eating away at the magical book and searing it away. "Nonononononononononono." Paradox shuddered, staring at the book with an absolute lost, and terrified expression on his muzzle as he stared at his prized book going up in flames. This should have been impossible. Utterly impossible. His book was created from his God himself. It was immune to any mortal magic, as well as any natural damage that could happen. The only thing that could cause this was..... Paradox threw himself to his feet and took off sprinting as fast as his paws could carry him to the main chamber. The only thing that could cause that is for his glorious overlord's future to not be confirmed anymore. For it to be thrown into flux. And for the future to no longer be set, but rather, be turned into a chaotic sea of possibilities. He burst into the main chamber and stared at his overlord. "Find those brats, right now. What are they doing?" He roared. Something was changing the future. And it wasn't a minor change, like the horse surviving. It was large enough that it could prevent his overlord's ascension at all. Back before the Manor, Canis and Malis couldn't help but marvel at their shared form. Their power felt like it didn't have a limit. And in their mindscape, they could see each other, standing in a darkened void, looking at the world together. They raised their arms together, getting ready as the predators began to prowl towards them before a voice yelled out, in a voice that could be heard halfway through the city. "PROSTRATE YOURSELVES CRETINS, FOR YOU STAND IN THE PRESENCE OF THE SAVIOR OF THIS WORLD. HE WHO WILL STRIKE DOWN VILLAINY AND ENSURE THE FREEDOM OF THE WORLD. NOW IS THE TIME FOR A NEW TIMELINE TO BE BORN." All eyes shifted as a sapphire blue cat seemed to walk out of nowhere, his arms raised dramatically. Chrono smiled to himself as he moved over and stood beside the armored canine. "YOU STAND IN THE PRESENCE OF THE SAVIOR, AND HIS NAME IS SALVIN, HE WHO WILL BRING SALVATION TO THIS WORLD." Canis and Malis both blinked within their mindscape, staring at Chrono as their arms slowly dropped down. " I guess...." Canis said slowly. "Even Chrono does the whole rejoicing thing too," Malis mumbled. The gathered predators just stared. More.....shocked than anything. Out of everything they had expected today to have. Not in their wildest imagination did they imagine....well....whatever this was. They weren't even sure what to call this. Chrono turned and bowed deeply to the pair. "My Savior, truly it is an honor to finally be in your presence." He said humbly. Everything he had done, or rather, his lack of action, had been leading up to this point. Subtly guiding, manipulating events to ensure that this exact moment would happen. To create something that could oppose Razor and his apostles. Whatever the cost might be. The armored canine, Salvin just stared at Chrono for a few moments. "Chrono, explain, now, before we get mobbed." They spoke quickly. "You now carry your combined powers together. As well as your secret weapon. The Unity Driver, your belt, allows you to bond with others, that is their facet in the gemstone that powers your belt. And it will allow you to work with them and channel their powers, even if their own magic has been rendered unusable or stripped away." Chrono said brightly. Wait, they could......ooooooh.... Ooooooooooooh. They looked over as they could see the last of the fur's getting over the fence. "Oi, John, think fast," Salvin yelled as he went sprinting, the armored canine moving so quickly, it was like he was a streak of silver. John whirled around, raising his fists as he saw what he supposed was Canis....or Malis, he couldn't really be sure, Salvin? Ya, that was what that overboard cat had yelled. He blinked as he saw the canine extending his paw to him. "Um, alright, I have no ideas what you guys are planning. But I'm here, whatever you need." He said as he reached out and grasped their paw. The stone within his belt suddenly flared as John's form vanished, the armor being surrounded in that shell of light. And when it shattered, the silver metal of the armor had changed, looking more feral and wolf-like, streaks of marble white and a deep dark brown covering it, shaped almost like the fur of a wolf emblazoned in the metal. The figure slowly clenched and unclenched his fist. And within the mindscape, John blinked as he suddenly found himself floating in a void of darkness, Canis and Malis on either side of him, staring out at the world through a massive screen of glowing light. "Oh, um, hey boys. Um, what's going on?" John asked. "Code fusion, unknown grade level, ability and skill spamming are in effect though. Full powers are back to use, you may fire when ready." Canis said cheerfully. John blinked for a moment, his mind processing that. The two boys had come up with a massive amount of code phrases that they had forced all of their friends to memorize, (Or, in John's case, spend time as an inanimate statue if he couldn't remember one) And based on what they had just said there. Even with his magic gone, he should be able to channel it through their shared body. Combining his magic and knowledge of it, with the boy's skill and prowess in combat. Oh, sweet Leogun. He pitied these assholes right now. "Enough of these theatrics. I am not going to be denied my prize." Verdin let out a hiss, drawing in a breath and unleashing another wave of his acidic mist. Canis and Malis dropping into a combat stance as they assumed shared control of the body, while John manned the 'big guns' focusing his magic as the armored canine charged forward. Without missing a step, a large pillar of stone shot out of the ground, propelling them up into the air. Zen responded almost instantly, flicking his tails up as a half dozen spectral weapons went soaring up at the airborne figure, fully intending to shred him into dog meat. With Canis and Malis controlling the body though, John had his whole mind free to focus only on channeling his magic, to craft and create what he wanted. His eyes took in the paths of the weapons, predicting where they would go, which ones the boys likely wouldn't be able to dodge, and with a flick of his paws, small pillars of stone formed out of thin air, the weapons smashing into, or being deflected by the conjured stone shields, as the armored canine landed gracefully and kept up its charge. "Don't underestimate us, just because you have a shiny new trick, brat." Harry roared as he came charging forward, his body being cloaked in that shell of violet magic. John smirked, he'd already seen what had happened the last time someone had tried to block him. He'd gone right through a solid diamond wall. And so, as Canis and Malis continued their charge towards the emerald dragon, john threw up a massive wall of stone behind them, right in the path of the charging hippo. The hippo snorted at the sheer disrespect of these whippersnappers. They thought something as pathetic as this would stop him? Please, he would shatter right through it and crush them under his rotund belly. However, mere inches from impacting the wall, John flicked his wrist and the whole stone wall suddenly turned liquid. The hippo running into what amounted to be cement and being coated from head to toe in the substance. The massive hippo stumbling forward, before another focused burst of magic instantly rehardened the cement coating, flash petrifying the hippo into a stone sculpture of himself. "Dragons, to the air!" Skytherix yelled, flaring his wings as all three dragons took to the air, fully intending to rain down hell on this uppity brat. Canis and Malis exchanged a glance before they turned as one back towards Calvech, who had crept closer but had stayed back, waiting for his chance to join the fight when it would matter. "Oi, Cal, tag out." The two boys called out, extending their paw towards him. Calvech blinked, before starting to run towards them, a black flowing tendril creeping down his arm before he swung it forward. The coiled liquid lashing out and wrapping around the armored canine's arm, as the stone flared with light, and John was suddenly standing where Calvech had been just a moment later. The armor swirling and shifting, taking on more horse-like attributes, as the armor shifted to a darker, black and purple color scheme. Calvech blinked as he suddenly found himself in the mindscape. "Your manning the guns, full magic power back. Go wild, go nuts. We got you covered on defense. Go pure offense. Punch them, Cal, punch them like you punched out that whole girl scout troop." Malis said quickly. Calvech had the decency to blush a bit, though, to be fair, said troop had been trying to make him into a box of cookies. He'd been defending himself. Everyone had seen that. "Sounds good to me boys. Let's go dragon hunting." Calvech rumbled. Strands of black goo began to flow down his arms, shaping into crossbow bolts on either arm as he lifted them up and began to fire them, one after another at the trio of dragons. All the while, Zen moved forward, sending his weapons hurtling at the canine, though he always seemed one step ahead, Canis and Malis working together only on defending themselves, while Calvech focused on their offense. Skytherix snorted softly. Honestly, where these children trying to insult him. He hardly even needed to put any effort into dodging those black arrows as they flew past the trio. He flared his wings, willing his magic into them, before letting out a yelp as his wings were suddenly locked up. Shrieks and shouts coming from both Igo and Verdin. The dragon looked over his shoulder, to see the arrows that had flown past had extended strands of black goo that were currently flowing over the joints of his wings. And as more arrows flew by, more strands lashed out from the projectiles, to ensnare the beasts, even as they struggled fitfully as they were sent plummeting down into the earth with a crash. "Woohoo, take that you fucking scaley fuckers, how do you like that?" Calvech roared, pumping his fist. The trio shifted their attention to Zen, before a loud clapping cut through the air. "Bravo, bravo, Magnifique. Truly, a show of exquisite beauty, unlike anything I have seen before. And not just from you dearheart, but you, Canis was it. You were blazing like the sun itself. It was truly moving." Azure spoke up as he stood up from his chair, applauding as though this had all been a stage show for his entertainment. Denwell was livid as he looked at Azure. "What are you clapping at, look at what they're doing." He snapped. Azure frowned. "I can see exactly what they are doing, and I approve. You all needed to learn your places. Do you think I did not know of the whispers you were plotting to overthrow me, to steal this city from me? You may be mayor Denwell, but I, am king of this world. And I decide what does and doesn't happen." The tiger growled softly. "My sweet betrothed though was more than enough to show you your place though." "You knew," Malis spoke softly through the helmet, staring at Azure for a few moments. It wasn't a question. "About what would happen, yes, I had informants. Though I did not know of this particular outcome." Azure said calmly. Malis whirled on Chrono, his rage bubbling. "You set this up, didn't you, all of this, to manipulate me to deal with your problem for you." He snarled. "I could have died, Canis could have died, and you didn't care." Chrono gave a small shrug. "It was a sacrifice I was willing to make. This needed to happen. This exact moment. You need that armor. You need it if you want to fight against Razor and his apostles and actually put them down." He said softly. "If you want this world to still have magic, then put on your big boy pants, and stop Razor. You know how this world can be. I'm just trying to save it, same as you, my savior." The armor began to glow before vanishing, the three furs stumbling, Canis and Malis both falling over, as the twins began to hack up blood, their whole bodies convulsing. Chrono watched them, almost sadly. "Using Salvin is rough on your bodies. You only have one core to maintain a three-way state." He lifted his paw and pointed to a pair of bracelets, one on each Canis and Malis's wrists. They were shaped like an hourglass, filled with red sand, and some of the sand began to slip from the top to the bottom. "That's the base form for Salvin, it's binding you two together. While you are wearing those, you are, for all intents and purposes, one person. So having only one core shouldn't impact either of you." Chrono said calmly. Canis and Malis stared at the hourglass bracelets, as Calvech looked ready to start pummeling Chrono then and their, "The hourglasses tick the sand down, though way slower than a normal one I'm guessing. What happens when they run out?" Malis asked slowly. "I'd say you would have two, maybe three months left before that. Though less time with each use of Salvin that you unleash." Chrono said as he turned and started walking, calmly adding. "What do you think will happen when you run out of sand. You're one person right now. You both die. Do try and stop Razor before that, my Savior." He said before vanishing. "Punch him, I'm going to pummel him," John growled as he came stalking over. Canis shuddered. "He's trying to push us into a corner. To get us to do what he wants. No doubt he has a carrot for all this, something to help us live. And it's probably going to involve killing Razor." He muttered. Malis let out a tired sigh before looking at the tiger. "We're going to have a very, very long talk about this." He muttered. "Of course....once we clean up this mess," Azure said as he looked at the other lords.