[color=navajowhite][b][u]The Case of the Fugutive Assassin[/u][/b][/color] ----------- [b]Leo the Patriotic Lion:[/b] [i](narrating)[/i] Leo the Patriotic Lion here again. We pick up where we left off with some more highlights of my third year as President. This first one marks one of the first times we worked with one of my newly-discovered parallels, Lex the Brilliant Lion. [b]Lex the Brilliant Lion:[/b] [i](narrating)[/i] Except I wasn't there to witness it in person; I was working from home as I often do. Anguilla, my home nation, is now one of the world's leading nations on artifical intelligence, or AI, and so that is my primary focus. I often stress, however, that AI was not designed to replace humanity, but just to assist it. Yes, it is true that technology has replaced some human jobs; for example, telephone switchboard operators no longer exist, since that job was lost to computer technology. But the new technology creates new jobs with it, so there is a plus and minus to everything. The AI I work with can be used for a variety of tasks; here, we used it to assist American police on a case involving a dangerous assassin. [b]Super C:[/b] [i](narrating)[/i] Cases like this are where I had been getting plenty of heat from the media (and the public who hate superheroes) because they except us superheroes to be invincible masters who thwart every single crime. Well, we're also human, so to speak. We can't get all the crooks. On the other hand, we were finally able to actually do our jobs as intended now that CNG has ceased to exist; it was preventing us from saving people for the law because it thought it had to give the death penalty to all humans just for existing. It would have instantly killed this assassin if it was still around. Instead, we used the AI in the form of police drones (powered by Lex) to help us find the criminal in question. I don't understand why you criminals even bother to do those things. What is it about working an honest living that doesn't appeal to you? -------------- ------------- ------------- *Later, we return home. However, the American heroes investigate a case in Pennsylvania about an extremely dangerous fugitive as several towns enforce curfews as police gear up in SWAT gear.* *Pennsylvania, USA* [b]Jack:[/b] So the suspect is a white male human, last seen in a black hoodie, and is rumored to be wearing a ghillie suit out in the woods, and is armed with a stolen sniper rifle that uses a .22 caliber. Sounds like a skilled assassin. [b]Police 1:[/b] Yes and he could be anywhere. Anyone is a potential victim to him. He's convicted for murder so this guy is armed and dangerous. [b]Police 2:[/b] Incredibly sneaky too. He managed to crab walk his way up to the top of a building! I think it was a public library. [b]Jack:[/b] So he wants to be all sneaky. Two can play that game. [b]Police 3:[/b] You can thank Lex the Brilliant Lion for taking police drones to a whole new level since they're equipped with 360 cameras and that if they get destroyed or shot, it leaves a mark on a map in our devices through GPS of where our drones were destroyed and where the damage came from. On top of that, upon being damaged, it takes its last 360 image so we can see where the damage came from, making it easier to track the suspect. [b]Jack:[/b] Very clever. Guess he won't be able to escape Pennsylvania quietly then. [b]Juno:[/b] Don't forget additional charges for property damage against police equipment, even though the drones are cost-effective as much as they are incredibly effective. [b]Police 3:[/b] Alright lets spread out. Many of us can't get into the woods so we can only use police drones to search him out. You should be able to find him there, if he's there. [b]Zax:[/b] Just by looking at the houses with closed shutters over their windows, this guy is extremely dangerous. Basically we're dealing with a [i]Deadshot[/i] wannabe from [i]DC Comics[/i]. [b]Juno:[/b] I could suggest the Golden Shots from the G-52s to help out, but an American G-52 whose good with guns can work too. WARCAT could help too, but we're dealing with a guy armed with a .22 caliber sniper rifle. We don't know if he's using a .22 long rifle, .223 Remington, or 5.56 NATO. [b]Zax:[/b] .22 long rifle rounds are popular for hunting so they're not effective in combat. 5.56 are typically used in assault rifles and machine guns, so it's likely that he's using .223. [b]Jack:[/b] But that's assuming he's smart as the average American soldier because .22 long rifle rounds don't go a long way when you're up against cops in SWAT gear alone. If he's really like [i]Deadshot[/i] then maybe, just maybe he could be effective with a .22. [b]Police 4:[/b] Even that, he could be capable of anything and he could be after anyone for all we know. And besides, it's likely he's got a knife with him. That's not even mentioning he may be armed with handguns too. [b]Fugitive Assassin:[/b] *He's hiding in the woods and quietly mumbles to himself.* Dang it. They just won't give up. I have to flee this state before they catch up to me. [b]Civilian 1:[/b] Keep the window shutters closed at all times and don't let your kids go outside, not even in the backyards. [b]Civilian 2:[/b] This dude creeps around like a spider! I hope it's not a supervillain! [b]Civilian 3:[/b] It's been at least two weeks and he's not caught? How is that even possible?! Many of us didn't even know he was here! [b]Civilian 4:[/b] I hope it's just a hunting rifle but even that, he's still dangerous. ----------------- *The Valley, Anguilla* [b]Lex:[/b] *Is working on his AI projects from his home on his computer.* So Pennsylvania has a sneaky fugitive assassin on the loose. Let's see if he can outrun the power of AI in police drones. -------------- *Pennsylvania, USA* [b]Leo:[/b] WARCAT doesn't usually leave Wildcat City, especially since his group, the Gunsquad, had a merger with the police department. Now they're regular police officers for the city. He usually just carries one standard service revolver. Still, he doesn't miss. [b]Tom the Patriotic Tiger:[/b] *softly* You might want to call the Golden Shots, then. That and the fact we got the police drones up and running. They might even be Lex's drones. [b]Zax:[/b] They're not Lex's drones, but his work with AI does help police drones. Lex works on many AI projects from the comfort of his own home in Anguilla, making him one incredibly lucky lion to have such a job. Basically improving the world without leaving home. [b]Marshall:[/b] *He uses the G-52 app to send the following text message to the Golden Shots.* [i]We have a fugitive on the loose for at least two weeks and is probably hiding in the woods of Pennsylvania. Several towns are enforcing curfews over this and this man is armed and dangerous. All we know is that he had stolen a hunting rifle from someone and has murdered someone before.[/i] [b]Tom:[/b] Oops; sorry. *Marshall gets a reply text on the G-52 app.* [b]Captain Crossbow's message:[/b] On our way; we're having Cripto summon the portals for us as we speak. ---------------------- *later* *The Golden Shots arrive through a portal. Cripto enters through a different one.* [b]Captain Crossbow:[/b] Hi; we got here as soon as we could. [b]Sure Shot:[/b] What does the killer look like? *The police show a photo to them.* [b]Sgt. Bullseye:[/b] Got it; thanks. [b]Corps Coon:[/b] Do you know something? I think I've seen that man before; I could be wrong. But there was a guy who looks like that who tried to disrupt a DCI competition I was judging. Yet the corps just kept on playing without missing a beat; yay, them! [b]Zax:[/b] They're not Lex's drones, but his work with AI does help police drones. Lex works on many AI projects from the comfort of his own home in Anguilla, making him one incredibly lucky lion to have such a job. Basically improving the world without leaving home. [b]Marshall:[/b] *He uses the G-52 app to send the following text message to the Golden Shots.* [i]We have a fugitive on the loose for at least two weeks and is probably hiding in the woods of Pennsylvania. Several towns are enforcing curfews over this and this man is armed and dangerous. All we know is that he had stolen a hunting rifle from someone and has murdered someone before.[/i] [b]Zax:[/b] Well, we're dealing with a killer who seems to be a professional in stealth. Let's send the drones out first. *The police deploys their drones to search the woods.* [b]Jack:[/b] I think we should follow the drones. What do you say? [b]Captain Crossbow:[/b] Yes; let's do that. *Phantom Cat arrives.* [b]Phantom Cat:[/b] I can add to the stealth by turning invisible if I must. *The police sends out a police dog to sniff out the area. The fugitive begins to panic.* [b]Fugitive Assassin:[/b] *He fires his hunting rifle at the drones, downing them and runs. He hears the police dog barking.* Oh, darn! [b]Police 1:[/b] There he is! [b]Police 2:[/b] *through megaphone* We have you surrounded so you might as well put your hands up and surrender! [b]Jack:[/b] It's him! [b]Fugitive Assassin:[/b] *He runs as he shouts at the police dog.* Go away, or I'll shoot! *The Golden Shots manage to fire the hunting rifle out of the man's hands without injuring him. Super C then speaks through the same megaphone.* [b]Super C:[/b] You might as well do as you are told; this is the law speaking! [b]Fugitive Assassin:[/b] How did you guys find me so fast? I didn't think you'd notice! [b]Zax:[/b] Not bad for sneaking from the law for two weeks after being arrested for brutally murdering your girlfriend. [b]Juno:[/b] That hunting rifle's caliber is too weak for combat. [b]Fugitive Assassin:[/b] Not that it would matter because a jail in Huntsville, Texas, was burned down, so some of the fugitives are on the run longer than I am. Well, you got me. I thought my outfits would protect me from being noticed. [b]Juno:[/b] Drones and police dogs won't be fooled. Now you know what to do. [b]Fugitive Assassin:[/b] No fair man! *He surrenders to the police and let's them arrest him before they put him in the back of the police car.* [b]Police 1:[/b] Suspect is in custody. We found the fugitive. [b]Police 2:[/b] Whew it's finally over and nobody got hurt. [b]Zax:[/b] Huntsville... Everybody living there is on high alert with a curfew there. [b]Jack:[/b] No doubt a number of those fugitives in Texas are hiding in Houston, where the bounty hunters there are ready. ------------ [b]Cripto:[/b] [i](narrating)[/i] We include Cody and his posse, the Fab 5, when mentioning the bounty hunters. Doing this job also allows Cody to maintain his ranch. The difference now is that the weather that the state was experiencing made it impractical for him to live off the grid. He's back on the grid now, but thankfully, the man he was able to sell his ranch to does live off the grid, and he had the means and resources to keep it that way. Cody still, however, resides in his hometown of Hicksburg, Texas. -------------- [b]Super C:[/b] That includes Cody and his posse. [b]Phantom Cat:[/b] Nice job, Golden Shots. *The Golden Shots do a victory pose.* [b]Zax:[/b] Good work team! Mission accomplished, over and out. ------------ ------------- [b]Super C:[/b] [i](narrating)[/i] So that one's out of the way. We later met at G-52 HQ to add some more updates to the app. After we established the Yuxi test, where the app detects discomfort resulting from a conversation involving religion (particularly if someone shoves religion down one's throat, or just flat-out tells someone they are going to hell), and saw the success of its effects, we added some more tests to the app. We tried them out here. --------- --------- *Later, we gather in the G-52 HQ in Wildcat City to do a variant of the Yuxi Test, known as the Anguilla Test, but the subject is technology.* [b]Zax:[/b] Alright Lex. Before you were born, Leo used to rant against modern technology, such as the television. He would even go as far as to rant against robotics, but that's the old him. Today, he's changed. So anyways, here's T2, who is responsible for updating the G-52 app, but of course with your help, you bring big changes. So anyways, for the Anguilla Test, named after your homeland, the subject involves technology. So for this test, any negative comments and statements against technology, especially followed by comments and statements of wanting to return to the past, will trigger the Anguilla Test alarm. The punishment for this is a week of vacation in Anguilla. [b]Wrangler Wolf:[/b] So if I whine about technology, I get a week of vacation in Anguilla? How's that punishment? [b]Zax:[/b] It comes with a catch; you are randomly assigned to a hotel that you must stay in for a week, and you cannot leave the hotel grounds. You will have everything you want and need there, so don't expect much interaction with tourists in the party zones. Also, don't expect the hotel to have a private beach for you, and if they do, it's most likely going to be small and very quiet. A week where you cannot leave the hotel resort is boring, and boredom will catch up to you quickly. [b]Wrangler Wolf:[/b] Yikes! So basically jail, but disguised as a hotel resort in Anguilla. [b]Zax:[/b] Exactly! [b]Chuong:[/b] All right; I'll volunteer! Who wants to join? [b]Jack:[/b] I think I'll do it! [b]Chuong:[/b] Okay; let's start the Anguilla Test! [b]Jack:[/b] So what's the new meme you're into now? [b]Chuong:[/b] It's a Chinese one called My Surname is Shi. It's lyrics are nonsense but the tune is catchy. [b]Jack:[/b] The one where you're singing and your friend is dancing like an idiot in the background? What has the world gone to with technological advancement these days? I just wished we stuck with radio only back then, since television shows more garbage. *The app's buzzer goes off signifying the Anguilla Test has picked up negative comments about technology.* [b]Chuong:[/b] And of course, if this was real, you'd have to spend a week in a hotel resort in Anguilla, chosen randomly for you, but you can't leave the hotel resort to do the actual fun touristy stuff there. [b]Mechayote:[/b] Okay, for those who don't know, the Yuxi Test detects comments that criticizes people, countries, and cultures that do not follow a Christian faith. This refers to a very large area of Asia, where at least a third of Earth's population lives at. In most of that area, Christianity is not practiced there. [b]Shadow Hunter:[/b] For the Yuxi Test, if it picks up negative comments directed at non-Christian people, the offender would have to choose a country in the Yuxi Circle to spend a week in, but The Philippines is not a choice because it is a Christian majority nation. The list of countries would depend on what the context of the offending comment was, if there were any specifics. But otherwise, generally speaking, the offender must spend a week in a country of their choice from the list. Now, we have another variant of this known as the Vatican City Test, or the Vatican Test. This one involves negative comments about Catholics. For example, if I say "The Pope is a man and real Christians should not put their faith in him, but in God directly instead.", the Vatican Test will pick up the comment and trigger the buzzer or alarm for that. The offender of the Vatican Test must spend a week in Rome, but is required to visit the Vatican City daily. And here's a special twist to this; before the offender can return home, they must schedule a confession with the Pope, in front of his cardinals, at his throne. [b]Zax:[/b] Yikes! No private confession in the structure with two rooms? [b]Shadow Hunter:[/b] Nope! The Pope and his cardinals must listen and you must be prepared for an earful from them. They will make you learn why Catholicism exists. [b]Chuong:[/b] Being creative on punishments is one thing, but to make a confession with the Pope directly in front of his cardinals because you made a negative comment about Catholics? That's nerve-wrecking with there! [b]Shadow Hunter:[/b] It's supposed to be. We can test the Vatican Test later. Let's test out the Anguilla Test, by making negative comments about technology. Leo, would you like to give it a run? [b]Mechayote:[/b] This is a controlled environment, so you won't be getting any demerits, since you're just helping to test the G-52 app out. *Levon the Christian Lion is also present, as is Bendraqi.* [b]Levon:[/b] *to Shadow Hunter* Duly noted; being a priest myself, I regularly preach that the one and only somebody people should put their faith in is the Lord. But I think I see how Catholics would object to those kinds of comments. [b]T2:[/b] How's it hanging, bro? [b]Lex:[/b] Pleasure to meet you, too. [b]Leo:[/b] There's so many things the old me would say. I think I'll test it out with this one. *clears throat, then does a mock impression of him bellowing but at soft volume* You unbiblical morons! You mean to tell me you are encouraging people to put their private information such as their credit card number and phone number into these new apps like the Taco Bell app? You people are just begging to have your identities stolen! I told you idiots time and time again that machines cannot replace people! The Lord made human brains for a reason! The safest people in this world are the people who write things down with just pen and paper, memorize it, and then put it in a safe deposit box at the bank! Do you want to know why the poorest in Africa have it so good? They don't have this stuff, so they are safer than us! And while you're at it, get rid of television! Purify your minds of that garbage! Roald Dahl was right to write his book so that the Oompa-Loompas call it the most disgusting repulsive invention ever made! Your minds should be God and God alone! *The app buzzes in multiple pitches.* [b]Leo:[/b] *normal voice* Oh, dear; I'm starting to sound like that Clements lady. She's dead now, of course. Sorry, Cripto. [b]Cripto:[/b] I forgive you. You nailed it, though. That is exactly what my grandma would have said. She was born in 1943. She says it should have been 1843. Then she wouldn't have even lived into the 1900s. But she hated everything about modern life, and I do mean, everything. She refused to use a credit card if the total was $10 or less, for crying out loud! [b]Super C:[/b] Except that doesn't count because we are testing it. That was two violations for the price of one, though; that violated the Yuxi and Anguilla test. [b]Bendraqi:[/b] The robots I made are not intending to replace human beings; they are meant to works with them side-by-side. [b]T2:[/b] That also helped what I wanted to test; if you blow it on more than one test; it will buzz in multiple pitches like it did. [b]D.W.:[/b] Awfully irritating buzzer, though. [b]Leo:[/b] Too much? That's the point, isn't it? [b]Cripto:[/b] Yes; I believe so. [b]Chuong:[/b] So what's the punishment for this? [b]Mechayote:[/b] Usually the worse one, which would be spending a vacation in Anguilla, but you can't leave the hotel resorts ground for a week. Now we do have a variant of this test, known as the Wittenberg Test, named after the German city where Protestantism originated. I do want to reassure you that nobody is promoting their beliefs against the other. At the same time, we must be respectful to each other. The Wittenberg Test detects negative comments about Protestantism. I understand people have their opinions, but being respectful goes first. Who wants to test the Wittemberg Test? [b]Chuong:[/b] Zax and I will! [b]Zax:[/b] Okay; let's go! [b]Chuong:[/b] Hmm... What is this Protestantism? I'm not so sure of this. [b]Zax:[/b] I'm Protestant. [b]Chuong:[/b] But you're gay. [b]Zax:[/b] There are gay Protestants out there. [b]Chuong:[/b] Meh... I don't like Protestantism. Did you see what happened in Uganda? They're going to destroy our cultural identities and force us to be something we're not. I don't like Protestantism or Christianity. They do so much harm and it scares me. You should reconsider your faith. *The buzzer goes off.* [b]Mechayote:[/b] In this situation, your consequence would be a week vacation stay in Wittemberg, but you must visit landmarks about Protestantism before writing an essay about what you learned, before you're allowed to return home. The essay must include how your experience personally affected your views on Protestantism as well. [b]Chuong:[/b] Seems like we understand how we say things now. Don't berate technology, don't proselytize, and don't criticize religion. [b]Mechayote:[/b] Pretty much. Anyone have comments or questions or want to test the app out? [b]Super C:[/b] I'll add to that by stating I have to judge the essay and approve it before you're released from that punishment. [b]Cripto:[/b] Levon, you're an Armenian Orthodox Priest. What would we call the test done against somebody who offends you? [b]Levon:[/b] That's a good question. There should be one of that. However, I also try to tell it like it really is. After all, faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. [b]Super C:[/b] I think we can just cover all religions in general with these tests. What is your hometown again? [b]Levon:[/b] Yereman. Wonderful city; if you haven't visited it, please do so. We'll always have a place for you. [b]Super C:[/b] I'm glad to hear that. I'm also proud of all my recruits for behaving very civilized through all these trouble times. The general public, for whatever reason, want to see me excommunicate somebody out of the organization; it is why we had the fan mail crisis. [b]Cripto:[/b] So glad that's over; the rest of my rock band was also wanting to file a complaint about those people trying to dig up dirt on them. [b]T2:[/b] Me, too. But I have another test I just call the G-52 Harassment test. This would happen if one of us criticizes another one for the same reason. [b]Cripto:[/b] Too bad we didn't think of doing that before all this happened. [b]Doughty Dog:[/b] So are you referring to if one of us were to glare Cripto in the face and scream at him? [b]T2:[/b] Yes. [b]Parkour Panther:[/b] What if the public does it? [b]T2:[/b] Then it shouldn't buzz, because that's on the public. [b]Parkour Panther:[/b] I didn't think so. [b]Leo:[/b] So suppose the old version of me was to glare at Cripto and bellow, "Some role model you are, playing the devil's music; you're leading all of us to hell!" *The buzzer goes off in multiple pitches.* [b]Super C:[/b] Don't let the old you come back. [b]Leo:[/b] No. [b]Super C:[/b] That doesn't count, though. But that's another case of 2 for the price of 1. That wasn't just aimed at my number one on a personal basis; that's also shoving your religion down one's throat. [b]Leo:[/b] Indeed. I wouldn't want to see that either. [b]Super C:[/b] I think you can go back to being the new and improved real you now. [b]Leo:[/b] Understood. [b]Chuong:[/b] Even though most people in this world are Christian, Catholic to be more precise, I don't think many people know about Armenia being the world's oldest Christian country. At least not yet. [b]Juno:[/b] That and unlike the countries of Europe, Armenia did not have the technology and the resources to colonize the world and spread their religion overseas at the time. So the chances of a foreigner criticizing the Armenian Orthodox Church is nearly nonexistent mainly because they don't know anything about it. [b]Chuong:[/b] Also something to note that even though the Yuxi Test typically does not apply to Lazaro the Bolivarian Lion mainly because in his country, he, as President of Venezuela, is allowed to preach his Catholic beliefs to his people, Article 119 in the Venezuelan Constitution states that the Venezuelan government must respect the cultural practices and rights of the indigenous people in the country. In other words, Lazaro and his government are not allowed to preach directly to the indigenous. If the indigenous in Venezuela are interested, they will come to the local Catholic church there. If not, that's fine. Basically the same here. [b]Zax:[/b] That and like other Latin American countries for the most part, Venezuela is not only allowed to have Christian holidays as federal holidays, they're also expected to keep it that way there. Big difference is that because of this Catholic tradition, Lazaro, as President of Venezuela, is required to report to the Pope when needed. Leo, on the other hand, is not required to do that, even though we do maintain strong relations with the Vatican City. [b]Chuong:[/b] I guess we covered everything in what can be said and cannot be said. Sounds straightforward. [b]Zax:[/b] Yup. Even though Lazaro can contact Levon for moral and spiritual guidance, he will get better resources from the Pope because he's Catholic. ------------ -------------- [b]Lazaro the Bolivarian Lion:[/b] [i](narrating in English)[/i] This is fact. I'm now the dictator of Venezuela, although at my suggestion, the title was changed to President, since our Constitution was amending itself to follow the example of the United States, but without losing the cultural parts about us that make us unique. So far, so good, but we still have a long way to go. We'll get there in the end; I have faith in everybody. All the while, our friends up in North America took on more damage from the weather that was Hurricane Lee. It's those type of disasters that once the old Leo to describe weather as "the one terrorist that will never be beaten." This is due to the fact people tried to use CNG to control the weather for various reasons. [b]Len the Outback Lion:[/b] [i](narrating)[/i] In the end, they all died, but CNG liked to rub it in by giving them what they wanted after they died. This is why Australia had heavy torrential rain that led to a new record last year. But it failed to destroy us; our Sydney Opera House lived to fight another day. ---------- --------- *Later, we return to our homes. The Canadian and American heroes visit the areas affected by hurricane Lee to assess the damage before helping to clean up the mess.* ------------ *Augusta, Maine, USA* *The American heroes help clean up the mess from the tropical storm.* [b]Mechayote:[/b] Just tree branches for the most part. Not a lot of damages. Easy to clean up this place. [b]Civilian 1:[/b] Thanks for helping out! We shall have lobster rolls together after this! [b]Civilian 2:[/b] We get snowstorms, but never tropical storms. This is news to me. My boat got damaged, but everything else is fine. [b]Civilian 3:[/b] We're fine here, though I do feel shaken after this. It was a powerful one! [b]Zax:[/b] Sounds like you're new to this. Maine typically does not get tropical storms, but here we are in September. [b]Civilian 3:[/b] It's just so unusual. I never thought it can happen, but it does. [b]Civilian 4:[/b] It's Leo the Patriotic Lion! I thought things would be worse here. So many broken tree branches everywhere. I never thought I'd be lucky to survive through this and have my home but here we are. [b]Civilian 5:[/b] Could've been worse because the news folks talked about how bad this was going to be. We got some flooding, strong winds, and broken branches, but that's about it. Barely any structural damage, if any. [b]Dawn:[/b] I think the state of Maine is more resilient than I expected. Sounds like your natural disaster plans are excellent. But we will help you assess the damages. ---------------- *Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada* *There's flooding on the streets but they're draining well. However, there is heavy rain.* [b]Rainier:[/b] I'm indoors in downtown. No crazy damages or anything. Just flooded streets and a few broken tree branches. I thought it was going to be worse than this. [b]Courtney:[/b] Yes, but we're still here to help the local authorities to assess the damages. [b]Kirk:[/b] You still need superheroes with you in this situation because it's a natural disaster, and even if they are minor, you still going to need them. [b]Maple Marcher:[/b] A drunk person could be wandering off to the wrong path and we have to pull them out before they become a death statistic. Or a broken tree log or debris out of nowhere could be floating and heading towards someone. Luckily, that's not happening, but we can't drop our guard in this. [b]Wind Master:[/b] Don't forget that we got some pretty strong winds here, which typically doesn't happen. [b]Noel:[/b] With the world getting along more thanks to leaders like Leo, we have to focus more on natural disaster preparation. Nature is a force so powerful, it takes the people, not the military, to come up with plans and ideas to withstand it. [b]Civilian 1:[/b] I slept well at home through this and this didn't really bother me one bit. [b]Civilian 2:[/b] All I see are flooded streets but that's about it. Nothing crazier than that. [b]Civilian 3:[/b] I don't have much to do today because of this weather. At least my home is safe and comfy. [b]Civilian 4:[/b] Guess we'll just bounce back stronger than ever in seconds. It's going to take way more than this to even rattle our spirits. [b]Civilian 5:[/b] Don't jinx yourself on this. ----------- *Augusta, Maine, USA* [b]Leo:[/b] Anything can happen at any time; I'll never forget a story about a Texas house that got crushed by a tornado on Christmas Eve. The only thing still standing was the tree and all the gifts underneath it, so the kids got their presents after all. [b]Cripto:[/b] I remember that day. I think I even paid for all the repair bills. *A previous donation Cripto had made before the act of pulling money out of thin air got him in trouble goes into effect.* [b]Civilian 3:[/b] I remember that. I think the fact your wealth is infinity is ensuring we are in the second era of baby boomers. I'm one of four kids, and I've got a fourth one on the way. This storm is not helping that, though. [b]Cripto:[/b] Oh, really? What have you got? [b]Civilian 3:[/b] I have a 13-year-old girl, an 8-year-old boy, and a 5-year-old girl. [b]Leo:[/b] So what are you hoping for this time? Boy or girl? [b]Civilian 3:[/b] A boy! I can't fit another one in! *Some laughter.* ------------- [b]Cripto:[/b] [i](narrating)[/i] While she meant that as a joke, we saw that she was telling the truth. Her house managed to survive undamaged, but it wasn't a big enough house to hold all four of her kids. ------------------ *Canada* [b]Levi the Mountee Lion:[/b] Nature is the unbeatable, undefeated champion of the universe. We're seeing proof of that here. ---------- *Augusta, Maine, USA* [b]Politician 1:[/b] That's why you pay your state taxes here. If you can't fit another child in your family, then we will help you. [b]Politician 2:[/b] This is also why construction technologies evolved. We have prefabricated building parts and buildings are modular. We'll give you the resources to add another floor to your home. [b]Politician 3:[/b] We have a growing tourism industry but we don't have enough people to catch up with it. [b]Jack:[/b] It's why we are more generous with tax credits for children than before as long you stay married and have no history of divorce. [b]Politician 4:[/b] We don't have enough people in Maine these days. It's a beautiful state, but we always have more room for people. [b]Civilian 3:[/b] Oh? [b]Mr. Letterman:[/b] I'll hold a fundraiser for your fourth child then here. [b]Dawn:[/b] I'm the House Speaker of Congress and since we're in fall already, I'll use my congressional salary to help you out. How does all of this sound? [b]Civilian 3:[/b] I don't know what to say! I'm...I'm speechless! *to Jack* There's no reason for me to divorce; the Lord led me and my husband together. *She bursts into tears, but they are tears of joy, not sadness. People take turns giving hugs to the woman.* ---------- ----------- [b]Leo:[/b] [i](narrating)[/i] No doubt the Lord was going to bring many blessings down to that woman and her family; they were all devout followers of Jesus. This next highlight is just something done out of boredom; my philosophy has held true that if you've got to lead the country, you've got time for music. The others decided to add to that statement by the act of dancing to memes. [b]Liu the Confucian Lion:[/b] [i](narrating)[/i] This was a clean meme, thank goodness; I can't stand the dirty ones. The song is a nonsense song entitled [i]Wo Xing Shi[/i] (or [i]My Surname is Shi[/i]), so the Canadian raccoon's idea was that if he and the staff danced to the song, it would spark possible tourism interest in Canada. And I must say, I was impressed with the video they made and posted to YouTube. -------------- ------------- *Later, cleanup work has finished early and people quickly return back to their lives.* ------------ *Washington D.C.* [b]Zax:[/b] Wow. Maine is super lucky that their damage was basically minimal. That state is just going to bounce back like nothing has happened. [b]Juno:[/b] So far, the Zanicchi Administration has done way better than any of the past administrations even against all the odds. Anyways, just for fun, I'm going to do this. Liberty! How would you describe Lex the Brilliant Lion? [b]Liberty:[/b] Lex the Brilliant Lion can be described as one with the wisdom of Alan Turing, the cunningness of Bill Gates, the imagination of Steve Jobs, the morals of Isaac Asimov, the curiosity of Sam Altman, the excitement of Elon Musk, and the perseverance of Jeff Bezos. [b]Juno:[/b] Wow! So basically he's composed of Britain's most influential historical scientists and America's top CEOs. [b]Liberty:[/b] That's because he is. Without American companies like Google, Lex would not be Leo's parallel from Anguilla. [b]Juno:[/b] Lex really lives up to his name and is very visionary. --------------------- *Hanoi, Vietnam* *The Mid-Autumn Festival has begun as Chuong visits a bakery.* [b]Bakery Employee 1:[/b] *In Vietnamese* Mooncakes are seasonal items so they're normally not mass-produced in factories due to the costs of maintaining one. So we use small machinery and tools to make them instead. [b]Bakery Employee 2:[/b] *In Vietnamese* In this freezer walk-in, this is where the mooncakes with ice cream go. We sell them fresh within 12 hours after they are made since ice cream tends to melt in this weather, even when its raining outside. [b]Chuong:[/b] *In Vietnamese* Well, I learned something new today. -------------- *Beijing, China* *Rainier gets his fellow Canadian embassy staff to make a video of him singing and dancing to a Chinese clean nonsense meme song, [i]Wo Xing Shi (My Surname is Stone/Shi)[/i], as he has two of his fellow staff dance behind him with their hands behind their heads as they shake their hips to the song. After the brief stint, they go back to work.* [b]Rainier:[/b] Trust me, it's appropriate and it helps to get more Chinese to be interested in Canada, even as simple as visiting us for tourism purposes. [b]Canadian Embassy Staff 1:[/b] So you're not worried about Levi if this goes viral with the other videos in this? [b]Rainier:[/b] Not at all. Government officials are people too, and with this whole new era of Leo and his parallels slowly taking over the world one way or another, we want to prove to people that government officials are people too and that we can relate well with our people. We serve our people in the end because that's what taxes go into. [b]Canadian Embassy Staff 2:[/b] So you're saying dancing to memes help in that? [b]Rainier:[/b] Absolutely! Chinese people really want to join the world in memes, world peace, and fun, so why not join with them on this too. After all, they peacefully disposed Jinping out of power so they can show the world what China really is so they can get all of us to form and strengthen our diplomacy with them. -------------- *Dallas, TX, USA* *In typical Dallas fashion and tradition, everybody has their Dallas Cowboys flags and banners up on their personal properties.* [b]Civilian 1:[/b] This time, it will be our year! [b]Civilian 2:[/b] We are America's Team! [b]Civilian 3:[/b] We smoked New York! They're history this season! Who's next? [b]Civilian 4:[/b] I bet the Chiefs won't make it to the Super Bowl this season! ------------- *Detroit, MI, USA* [b]Civilian 1:[/b] The Lions don't suck anymore! We can finally prove to Leo to believe in us more! [b]Civilian 2:[/b] We will win his heart over the Chiefs! [b]Civilian 3:[/b] Leo has always believed in us. [b]Civilian 1:[/b] But we got proof! He will hear us roar in the NFL! [b]Civilian 4:[/b] Go Lions! Get yourself a Lions flag and raise it on your home high with pride! [b]Civilian 5:[/b] This will be a long journey for us... But we can do this! ------------ *Washington, D.C.* [b]Leo:[/b] I'm very happy that Lex is my parallel. He helps ensure we have all things old and new covered. [b]Tom:[/b] I wonder what Liberty thinks about the other G-52s? [b]Leo:[/b] We can try. Hey, Liberty! Super C is our commander in the G-52s. How do you describe him? --------------- *Vietnam* *Luong the Hidden Lion also visits the bakery.* [b]Luong:[/b] *in Vietnamese* It's always good to learn something new. Even I didn't know about this. *to the staff* How many do you think you produce on average? ----------------- *China* *Liu happens to watch the staff dance, but he doesn't mind.* [b]Liu:[/b] Well, that is one way to get some exercise. ------------- *Canada* *Levi learns about Rainier dancing.* [b]Levi:[/b] He's having a good time, no doubt. I have enough troubles as it is trying to remember how to do the Macarena. I know that was a 90s dance. But sometimes I see people do that today. *Outside the government buildings, there is a flash mob that dances to the Macarena.* ------------ *Washington D.C.* [b]Liberty:[/b] I would describe him as stoic, staunch, one who always takes initiative, and really looks after his fellow Caticonians and G-52s. [b]Juno:[/b] Sounds about right. [b]Zax:[/b] Hey, guys! There's a new meme going around and it's called [i]Wo Xing Shi[/i], obviously a Chinese meme. [b]Marshall:[/b] It got popular in China, then in Europe, and soon, the world. [b]Shadow Hunter:[/b] Crazy idea for that! I'll set up the camera, you dance and sing in the middle, and Juno and Zax can dance behind you. [b]Zax:[/b] Okay; let's go! *Marshall sings and dances to the Chinese meme as Juno and Zax dances behind him as Shadow Hunter records the stint.* -------------------- *Vietnam* [b]Bakery Manager:[/b] *In Vietnamese* These are seasonal products, so the numbers can vary. For the weekdays, we produce between 200 and 300 a day. For the weekends, we can produce up to around 500 a day. But that's just with the snow skin ice cream mooncakes alone. For traditional style mooncakes, we produce about 20% less compared to the snow skin mooncakes because they're not as popular as the snow skin mooncakes. [b]Chuong:[/b] *In Vietnamese* So, about no less than 160 a day with traditional style mooncakes on the weekdays. [b]Bakery Manager:[/b] *In Vietnamese* Correct because that's around how many customers we get that want to buy that particular product on a weekday. [b]Chuong:[/b] *In Vietnamese* And for the weekend, about 400? [b]Bakery Manager:[/b] *In Vietnamese* Yes. Thanks to AI and advanced data collecting, we keep our waste as minimal as possible. No waste would of course be ideal. [b]Chuong:[/b] *In Vietnamese* Which is vital for business. Not bad for this small bakery. [b]Bakery Manager:[/b] *In Vietnamese* We produce other pastries, not just mooncakes. Macarons are still extremely popular here, as with anywhere in Vietnam. There's a reason why it is more profitable and sustainable to build a factory that produces macarons than with mooncakes. ------------------- *Canada* *Shadow Lord Whitefoot sings and dances to [i]Wo Xing Shi[/i] as Kirk and Courtney dances behind him.* [b]Civilian 1:[/b] At least we all can have a good time together. [b]Civilian 2:[/b] The world is getting better, and so is Canada, so let them dance. [b]Civilian 3:[/b] That flood from Hurricane Lee was basically nothing! No major damages despite the flood. ----------- *Italy* *The government reduces funding for tourism to help combat overtourism and to protect their vital landmarks, especially the city of Venice.* [b]Politician 1:[/b] *In Italian* We will not take anymore risks with troublesome tourists who refuse to respect our landmarks and harass our people. We are putting an end to this. [b]Politician 2:[/b] *In Italian* As everybody in the world knows, Venice is a city where the rivers are streets. Despite massive improvements in the city's foundation, Venice is also an environmentally sensitive city. We can't have too many people in Venice and we have to protect our landmarks there. [b]Politician 3:[/b] *In Italian* I can't believe this has to be emphasized enough because this one is common sense on a global scale. Female tourists, please, for the love of all things holy, do not wear high heels when traveling. You could damage the landmarks that way or worse, injure yourself when those high heels get stuck in the cracks! [b]Politician 4:[/b] *In Italian* I told Leonardo about why we have to reduce funding for tourism and invest more into our children and families. We want Italy to be more of a home for us, which also means peacefulness and mindfulness. [b]Politician 5:[/b] *In Italian* This is not like America, where they can let in as many tourists as they want with no problems. Here, our resources for tourism is limited. As much as we appreciate the world's love for us, we also want to be respected. This is for the benefit for all of Italy, not just the places with the major landmarks. It's nothing personal, but we must do what it takes to save Italy, even if we discourage tourism. [b]Politician 6:[/b] *In Italian* Leonardo won't mind. He does want us to do what it takes to protect and improve this country, even if it means discouraging tourism. We're a beautiful country, and the world can see us through our public cameras. People don't have to come to Italy to see Italy, you know, thanks to technologies. ------------------- *Venezuela* [b]Politician 1:[/b] *In Spanish* If Italy doesn't want tourists, then we'll take them! [b]Politician 2:[/b] *In Spanish* We're also perfect for weddings as well! We'll serve American couples seeking to get married! [b]Politician 3:[/b] *In Spanish* As well as other couples from around the world! [b]Gloria:[/b] *In Spanish as she peacefully relaxes on a skyscraper.* The world is so much better. This is the future we needed. Hopefully it stays that way. *There's an influx of American tourists throughout Venezuela.* [b]American Tourist 1:[/b] *In a joking tone.* All hail Dictator Zevallos, also known as Lazaro the Bolivarian Lion! [b]American Tourist 2:[/b] It's my first time being in Venezuela, and this is what I'd imagine this country to be more like. [b]American Tourist 3:[/b] Everybody is chill and they're diverse as we are! [b]American Tourist 4:[/b] And the way people here act, they don't seem much different than us. They also love baseball too. [b]American Tourist 5:[/b] Too bad we suck in soccer. Venezuela would hand our tails to us if we tried to take them on in soccer. [b]American Tourist 6:[/b] Ladies and gentlemen! We finally found heaven on Earth, which is beautiful and glorious Venezuela! This country is the opposite of Australia, where it is hell on Earth, where their wildlife can kill you! But like here, Australia's people are diverse and nice. Big difference is that Spanish is the official language here. [b]American Tourist 7:[/b] This country is like Miami everywhere! I love it! ------------ *Washington, D.C.* *Leo and Tom watch the dance.* ------------ *USA, elsewhere* *Meanwhile, in response to Italy's choice to reduce tourism funding, all the major American game shows stop giving away trips to Italy. If any episodes show somebody winning a trip to Italy, they were filmed in advance.* [b]Contestant 1:[/b] I guess it's a good thing I lost the game. I don't have a passport. [b]Contestant 2:[/b] When you consider the taxes you have to pay, it's really better to go on a game that offers nothing but money. It's why I'm trying out for [i]Jeopardy![/i] [b]Contestant 1:[/b] That's true. I was on [i]The Price is Right[/i], but I didn't pick the One Right Price. If I had, I would have gone to both Italy and Greece. [b]Contestant 2:[/b] Greece? I have family from there. ------------------- *Vietnam* [b]Luong:[/b] *in Vietnamese* Sounds about right. I always did like the snow skin kind best. ------------- *Venezuela* *Lazaro greets the tourists.* [b]Lazaro:[/b] *in English, adding to the jokes* Thank you. And welcome to our beautiful nation. How do you like it so far? ------------ *Washington D.C.* *After the dance, Zax uploads the video to the internet.* [b]Zax:[/b] The world needs more dancing furries. ----------------- *Venezuela* [b]American Tourist 2:[/b] Oh my goodness! It's the dictator himself and the star of Venezuela! I love this country! [b]American Tourist 1:[/b] If there is a country worth being the star of the show, it is Venezuela! Pure beauty and love here! [b]American Tourist 3:[/b] You also got some incredibly beautiful churches here as well! [b]American Tourist 4:[/b] The food here? Don't tell Leandro this, but Venezuelan cuisine blows Mexican cuisine out of the water. No wonder why your people have so much national pride. [b]American Tourist 5:[/b] Arepas beats tacos, hands down! Life will never be the same after experiencing this country's culture! -------- *Washington, D.C.* [b]Leo:[/b] I have to second you on that. Old and new dances; the last time I ever remember voluntarily dancing, it was the Charleston. [b]Tom:[/b] A dance from way back when. ---------------- *Venezuela* [b]Lazaro:[/b] Yes, thank you. I hope you're enjoying yourselves; we're going to have a marvelous time together. And your secret is safe with me. *some laughter* Leandro's a fabulous lion, though; I'm thankful to be his counterpart. ------------- ------------- -------------- [b]Leandro the Revolutionary Lion:[/b] [i](narrating)[/i] And I am just as grateful to have Lazaro be my counterpart as well. [b]Leo:[/b] [i](narrating)[/i] And so are the rest of us. We thank you as well for continuing to tune in; do you want more G-52 adventures? Of course you do, so keep it right here, okay? Good night, America. ---------------- [color=snow][b]THE END[/b][/color]