[color=red][b][u]Letters to Lenarth the Naval Lion: #2[/u][/b][/color] --------- Translations provided by the Avenger Rat; both letters were written originally in Danish. --------- [i]Dear Lenarth, Denmark is one of the most civilized countries on Earth, so it's obvious that at the minimum, we share a universal view about nudity, which there are places appropriate for that and places inappropriate for that. Europe in general has a much lax view on this subject matter than, say, the Americans. And here's a fun fact that most people within Denmark don't even know about; Denmark has no laws about nudity. But does that mean public nudity is legal in Denmark? Well, it's in a gray area because while there are some places in Denmark that allows this, such as small beaches, Denmark is also (ironically) one of the worst places for outdoor nudity. Why? Outside of summer, our weather sucks and we are notoriously a cold country. We don't even get much sun, since weather tends to be cloudy here. However, we do have an obscenity law that prohibits the display of behavior that is offensive or obscene to others, especially children. But that also falls in a gray area because according to this law, if a person harasses a nude sunbather on a beach in Denmark, the person doing the harassing gets in trouble and is charged for disturbing the peace, not the nude sunbather. These days, especially after COVID-19, it is rare to see anyone nude in Denmark, be it human or furry, out in public, unless you really make an effort to go to a private park or something, but even that, it's rare. I noticed nudity tends to be an uncomfortable topic to the G-52s in general; yet at the same time, many of you know how back in the days of Adam and Eve, the concept of clothing was not known to them, hence the European paintings and modern animations depicting them as nude. In other countries regarding illegal public nudity, they call it indecent exposure. Here in Denmark, we don't have that. And besides, what's the point of having such a law when our weather wouldn't allow much of this anyways, if any? Now that I told you about a unique fact about Denmark that most of us Danes don't even know about, what do you think about the fact that unlike many other countries, Denmark does not have any laws regarding nudity? Jørn Nordskov, age 23, (red fox) Aalborg, North Jutland, Denmark[/i] ----------- Lenarth's reply: [color=white][i]Dear Jørn: What you have to bear in mind about Adam and Eve is that while they were indeed naked to start with, they did not know about the concept of clothing until they sinned by eating the forbidden fruit from what the Bible calls the "tree of the knowledge of good and evil." After they ate, they became embarrassed about being naked, so they sewed fig leaves together. In a way, they invented clothing. So my guess is that the paintings show them as nude because it was before they sinned. (Fortunately, the Lord saw this coming, and so from the start, He promised that he would send His only Son, Jesus Christ, to the world, born of the virgin Mary, to live a perfect, sinless life, and yet what happened? He still died that graphic death on the cross, ensuring all the sins of the world were paid for, and when He rose again and came back to live on the third day, death was conquered, and the doors of heaven opened. All we have to do is accept God's free gift of salvation and enter those doors; if not, then we still go to hell. Such is the true meaning of Christmas and Easter Sunday.) The topic is a sensitive topic that the commanding officer of our organization (Super C) does not want us discussing in public because of the laws of other countries that classify this as indecent exposure. You also have to bear in mind that the anatomy for humans is different than it is for specific furries; thus, you can see characters such as Tony the Tiger, or on a different note, the former head of state of the planet Leonine, His Mightiness, King Lionel XVIII (a.k.a. Monarch Major), parading around in the nude, and not being penalized for it. (In the case of the latter, he's always playing the drums naked, although when he plays his marching drum, he still wears a shako, or parade hat, when marching. However, even he has cut down on this and is usually clothed, although he likes to do things barefoot because he and the other lions of Leonine lived on their paws. The males, anyway; the females were more likely to wear the appropriate footwear. Besides, the point is to listen to his drum music, not stare at his body.) Your question, however, was this: "What do yo uthink about the fact that Denmark does not have any laws regarding nudity?" Well, this does bother me to some extent because I do not want to see the imperfections; nor do I want our children seeing all the imperfections. I also do not want them being exposed to this on television, and several European nations are guilty of showing nudity on television. (The British G-52 tell me there was a television game show called "Distraction," where players had to answer trivia questions or do certain tasks while various distractions were going on, most of which were unacceptable by both Biblical and G-52 standards. One such task involved nude people; I will not say what it is, or else I will be fined and given a demerit by the Commander (Super C). In fact, I had a discussion with him on how to answer the question without violating anything, because not all questions can be answered; if we do answer the question sometimes, we risk violating the G-52 Code of Conduct. But he did allow me to answer this one. It shows, however, that even game shows can be unbiblical, and the G-52s, Cripto especially, have a history of being involved in game shows. Even my Swedish counterpart, Lennart the Viking Lion, once hosted the Swedish version of "Jeopardy!" We have that show, too, you know; it's all over the world. However, when CNG was still alive, it had killed a fair share of our own people that did go around in public naked (although just as an excuse to kill humanity altogether because it was "too savage of a race to even exist"), but as you said, the weather we have is otherwise preventing that, and COVID-19 gave our people a wake up call to use common sense and put some clothes on, since it does get crazy cold. Thus, in the end, that should not be an issue with anybody, G-52 or otherwise, and because CNG itself ceased to exist back in 2022, the public is safe again. All I ask of them is to behave themselves and use common sense; in the context which we are discussing, that means to put some clothes on. I hope that helps answer the question; if not, feel free to write back and let me know where I goofed. Yours truly, Admiral Lenarth Guldbrandsen, a.k.a. Lenarth the Naval Lion Royal Danish Navy[/i][/color]