[color=green][b][u]Letters to Leandro the Revolutionary Lion: #2[/u][/b][/color] ---------- Translations provided by the Avenger Rat; both letters were written in Spanish originally. ----------- [i]Dear Leandro, Since our country just joined Singapore in the fight against diabetes and obesity by promoting stevia to replace sugar in products that can use sugar substitutes, our federal government is coming up with an unusual plan that makes sense; providing subsidies for video gaming equipment that promotes exercise. For example, [b]In The Groove[/b] can be played at home on a soft dance pad, which provides hours of fun to children and adults alike, making them excellent for families today. This is excellent during days of heavy rainy weather, where it is impossible to go outside. This innovative idea became so popular among our politicians from across the political spectrum, they're even encouraging our schools to acquire such equipment to encourage their children to exercise. Personally, I hope the Americans take note of this more, then the Canadians, and soon, the world. I'm obsessed with [b]Dance Dance Revolution[/b] and their variants so much, that every time I get the lucky chance to visit Japan, one of the first things I do is play that game. In Korea, they have [b]Pump It Up[/b], but that's becoming commonplace around the world in today's family entertainment centers. Part of my obsession with those games is that I've been learning Japanese, Korean, and of course English. The gym may not always be for everybody, because people like me get bored easily. Some also do not like to do hard exercises, such as weightlifting, and that's fine. The people who thought arcades are dying are wrong; they're evolving instead to accommodate games like [b]Dance Dance Revolution[/b]. With the popularity of these dance games taking the world by storm in every nation, our government has increased the number of diplomats in America, Japan, and Korea for the sole purpose of encouraging them to sell video gaming equipment that promotes exercise to Mexico, in which our government will provide tax subsidies for us to help us end diabetes and obesity. There's been talks about getting the country of Czechia to promote [b]Beat Saber[/b] more in Mexico, which involves sending more of our diplomats to convince the Czech government to support us on this. Mariachi and marching bands are nice, but then many of us prefer dancing music, especially with these kinds of games. I'm blessed to have a dance pad at home to play my dance games. To me, this is the future of home entertainment right there. I'm sure you'd rather have that than people sitting down, eating food, and watching TV all day. So what do you think of our government's uniquely innovative idea on using our tax money to provide subsidies for dancing games and their equipment to promote them throughout our country to help end diabetes and obesity? What do you think about our government encouraging our schools to provide dance pads for their students to have fun with during free time to help them exercise? I think these ideas would inspire other countries to follow suit to help create a healthier future. Servando Castillo, age 26 (red fox) Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico P.S.: I just got hired by our government to serve as a diplomat to serve our embassy in America, so my current job as a physical therapist assistant is going to have to be put on hold. I never thought I'd have such a privileged job, since it's not easy to be a diplomat. Not to mention, you're our ambassador to America, so I will be working for you there. This will be no problem in you convincing Zanicchi in exporting exercise video gaming equipment and technologies to Mexico more easily.[/i] ------------ Leandro's reply: [color=white][i]Dear Servando: Congratulations on becoming a diplomat to the U.S., especially since my major American counterpart is running the country right now. (Leo is the major parallel because there are those other lions from the same country who are also parallels, but since all of us started appearing through the time warps into the modern world, and thus, preventing a time paradox instead of causing one, it began with Leo.) I know you will do us all proud in that position, and I look forward to seeing you when you do arrive in the States. When you arrive, let us mention to Leo your idea about the dancing games, since Leo is big on his people being healthy. You may (or may not) have heard of the very famous "Combat the fat!" campaign, the motto of a movement known as MAD (March Against Drugs), founded by the current Vice-President of the US, Tom Wilder (Tom the Patriotic Tiger), and one of the greatest living Forsythians of all time, military drum major John O'Malley (John the Tiger). Its purpose is to keep kids off drugs and alcohol by playing musical instruments, and other ways of exercise (the marching bands of America get a lot of exercise when they do those shows on their football fields; mind you they play gridiron football, whereas when we say football, we are usually talking about the association variety; Americans call the game soccer.) By using these video games that require exercise, it will allow them to enjoy their games while burning calories at the same time. I would rather see my people up and moving instead of just sitting down all day, eating, and watching TV, although I've met my share of people who do exercise on the treadmill or exercise bike while they are watching TV. That also counts. I therefore support the idea that the government is proposing, and I think the Americans can benefit from this as well. Hope that helps; if I mised anything, let me know, and I'll fix the mistake. I thank you for writing to me, and have a wonderful serving us as a diplomat to the U.S. Yours truly, Gen. Leandro Vives, a.k.a. Leandro the Revolutionary Lion[/i][/color]