[color=blue][b][u]Letters to Leonce the Romantic Lion: #8[/u][/b][/color] ------------- Translations provided by the Avenger Rat, as both letters were originally written in French. ----------- [i]Dear Leonce, I did not know that our country's cultists invented tarot card reading. The people who were part of this should've been stopped a long time ago; yet this thing has been going around to this very day, where it finally is on its very last legs now. Did CNG not catch up fast enough? Not to mention, why did it take so long before the world caught up to this in about the last century? I thought God would be punishing people involved in this to put an end to it, but apparently that never happened. Tarot card readings are a scam, and that shouldn't have been around for so long. What do you think about the fact that tarot card readings were invented by French occultists in the late 18th century? Not a lot of people in France seem to know this fact, and I'm just disturbed that this has been going around for that long. Frederic Moreau, age 13 (red fox) Carpentras, Vaucluse, France[/i] --------- Leonce's reply: [color=aqua][i]Dear Frederic: Tarot cards, due to their nature, are forbidden within the G-52s; to be involved in it or any other type of fortune-telling, such as using a crystal ball, would get me kicked me kicked out from the G-52 Organization. (Ouija boards are also banned from both organizations.) The C.I.D.F., however, were able to show eviednce that CNG actually was killing a bunch of those people a long time ago, but nobody knew they were dying. My best guess, however, is this: my Armenian counterpart, Levon the Christian Lion, frequently comments about how God allows people to believe the lies if they will not accept His truth as the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. (I do that.) One way that He lets them fall for the lies if they reject His truth is the fact we had these scandals going with the tarot cards. But it wasn't just us. It was all over the globe. CNG didn't want itself to be public knowledge until the day it judged was the right day, so that's another possibility, but it had been destroying and murdering the ones it deemed "the worst of the worst" since the beginning of time until its own death in 2022. It wasn't until the 1980s that the deaths began to drastically increase, and from 2010 until 2022, when CNG finally ceased to exist, it increased to the point that for every human baby born, 19 humans were dying (although my math may be off; I don't know), because it evolved from judging which humans were "the worst of the worst" to declaring all of humanity as "too savage of a race to exist." However, humanity survived thanks to the people that were either Christian, Jewish, or both (and it is possible for somebody to do both of them). CNG was its own worst enemy with all the double standards it was attempting to enforce. I was not happy with the occultists, and they were around in my heyday; I also condemned their acts openly, but nobody paid attention to me (although CNG was killing a select number of people who openly disobeyed me). Only when I arrived in the real world were people listening to my words, although (because of CNG) they were acting as if everything I said was to be treated as absolute law, and to disobey me meant death. But as my American counterpart (Leo) always said, "There can be no justice so long as laws are absolute." In the end, the pattern remains: the dumber the world gets, the more they pay the price for it. I hope that helps; if not, let me know where I made a mistake and I'll fix it. I do thank you for writing to me, and let's look forward to a bright future, including the fact Paris will host the 2024 Olympic Games. Yours truly, Leonce Baudin, a.k.a. Leonce the Romantic Lion President of the Republic of France[/i][/color]