[color=crimson][b][u]Letters to Super C: #23[/u][/b][/color] ------------------ [i]To the mighty Cat of Steel, Super C Dear Sir: I heard the C.I.D.F. say that while CNG is now dead, there are other supernatural forces picking up where it left off. Do you know why that is? I used to think CNG doing what it did was God's way of punishing sin, but was it really? I first knew about the stuff when it got to my son, and all we were trying to do was go shopping at the mall for various items. I guess the smugglers were trying to use it to rob all the stores in the mall; it's amazing nothing caught on fire that night. Anyway, they died (as did everybody who smuggled that stuff), and he's stuck as a sand cat now. I didn't even know there was such an animal; there are so many kinds of cats out there I've never even heard of, but it must be because they're all wild animals and cannot be tamed. I have the G-52 app, so if you and the C.I.D.F. need more information, I can contact you if need be. Sincerely, Gina K. Parsons, age 46 (human being) Tomball, Texas, USA[/i] ---------------- Super C's reply: [color=orange][i]Dear Gina: There are many things about this subject that the C.I.D.F. consider top secret, and because of that, I cannot speak about it in detail. But I am allowed to tell you that there are indeed other supernatural forces out there picking up where CNG left off. They are nowhere near the level CNG was, however, but they are out there, so I encourage you to stay vigilant. I can only guess that they weren't happy with CNG's demise, but they weren't happy with CNG to begin with, because it had its own civil war going on. It is true that the stuff got stronger and stronger in its quest to eliminate humanity and make Leo the Patriotic Lion the real Galactic Emperor of the Universe, but it also concluded it had to reward the good as well as punish the bad, and not all humans were as bad as it assumed they were. In the end, the only thing that could beat it was itself, and it did. It did so quite spectacularly. Our world is full of amazing creatures. I did not know what a sand cat was myself until I recruited Sandstormer, whose family came to the U.S. from Morocco. (He lives in Pearland, just like Wrangler Wolf, but I'm sure he's been all over the state of Texas.) As far as the regular kind goes (and not the anthro animals), I believe you can find them primarily over parts of the top half of Africa. The desert dunes help contribute to their ability to camouflage themselves. The C.I.D.F.'s policy is that because I am also Caticonian, they tell me all their discoveries, and so I do keep records whenever I can on the cases of CNG's transformations. Now that it is gone, humanity can be assured it is here to stay. Still, do keep in touch with me. If your son got superpowers, he'll require certain training on how to use them once we figure out what it is. (I do this with all the ones who got superpowers; not everybody can be a G-52, but even the ones who don't become G-52s can still benefit themselves and our world if they don't do anything rash with their superpowers.) If you don't have the C.I.D.F. app, get it; they have their own separate app so that T2 isn't constantly having to update both sides. I hope that gave you the answers you wanted, and thank you for writing to me. Yours truly, Simon Corrineson, a.k.a. SuperCat, the Cat of Steel Commander-in-Chief of the G-52 Organization[/i][/color]