[color=white][b][u]Letters to Icebreaker: #2[/u][/b][/color] --------------- [i]Dear Icebreaker, If the first G-52 from the group of villains who turned over a new leaf wasn't you, who was it? I know there's been quite a few stories about villains doing this, and I am ever grateful for it. Sometimes I just get confused because there's so many G-52s. Also, what was the turning point for you? By turning point, I mean the moment that made you say, "Okay, that's it. I'm done being a villain." In any case, I hope you're doing well, and I thank you for letting me write to you. Sincerely, Samantha Carter, age 21 (white tigress) Christchurch, South Island, New Zealand[/i] -------------- Icebreaker's response: [color=snow][i]Dear Samantha, I think it was Rampage Raccoon who was the first supervillain to defect to the G-52s after Bendraqi had an accident with his own laser weapon against himself, but that was a long time ago. When that accident happened, we assumed that an evil force worse than his previous evil self would take his place. As for what made me want to defect to the G-52s, asides from witnessing that accident, I saw opportunities and potential in the G-52s. I wanted to bring something different to the table for them to get them better prepared for the unpredictable, especially against the GSAF, which I believed took the place of Bendraqi, when he was evil. Having left the F5 Terror Force, I felt more comfortable being a G-52, especially when political leaders turn bad, with Uganda being a recent example when Museveni not only basically legalized mass murder of the LGBTQ+, but also encouraged his people to engage in such violence. I just hope me being a G-52 helps keep darkness at bay from taking over this world. I hope my answers are helpful. If not, feel free to respond back. Sincerely, Icebreaker[/i][/color]