[color=firebrick][b][u]Letters to John Revolution: #1[/u][/b][/color] ------------- [i]Dear John: You can jokingly say this is a "Dear John" letter, but the question I have for you is this: the tiger playing drums for your band, J.R. and the Rebels, which I am a huge fan of, was originally Krieglandonian. I thought they hated everything from the 1950s onward as far as music is concerned. What was your reaction to discovering that there was a Krieglandonian that actually didn't go with what their society said was right and what was wrong? Wouldn't he have gotten the death penalty for having that sort of personality? I'm hoping to see you guys in person one day. Sincerely, Jack Saltzberry, age 24 (English bulldog) Idaho Falls, Idaho, USA[/i] -------------- J.R.'s response: [color=goldenrod][i]Dear Jack: I get a ton of fan mail, and so I get that joke a lot. No worries; I know how to laugh along with it and move forward. I think Corey the Tiger would be the better one to ask if you want a better perspective on this, but the story he told me was that his planet, due to CNG's influences, had a severe fear of the music due to the fact CNG allowed them to know everything about what was going on here on Earth, but Earth wasn't aware of any planets in any solar systems outside our own. As a result, the expression "sex, drugs, and rock 'n' roll" made them sore afraid. Sex and drugs would have gotten you the death sentence on Kriegland, and so it was assumed that rock music would have done the same thing. Corey settled for being a military drummer while he was still on Kriegland as a result; it was only when he got here to Earth that he could live out his dreams, since he knew he wasn't going to be looked down on for it. But as you've seen with us, and most notably, with Furry Fury and with Rock 'n' ROAR!, you can have rock and roll without the sex and drugs. However, the first time I met His Majesty, King Leo V, I asked him about it, and he said there was no law that actually condemned that music. It was a cultural assumption that turned out to be false. The king wanted to see forward progression, so rock music eventually would have made its way to Kriegland, I do believe. CNG was plotting to kill him as a result, but it got distracted by its quest to eradicate humanity for being too savage of a race. It seems only appropriate, therefore, that Corey would play drums for a band known as "The Rebels." In a way, he was a rebel. But my guess is that he wasn't going to be put to death for it, becaue he wasn't actually playing the music back on Kriegland. Hope that helped, and thanks for writing to me. I love talking to the fans, and we're not far from our touring circuit stopping by Idaho Falls. We'd love to have you rock out with us! Yours truly, John Revolution Frontman for the hard rock/heavy metal band J.R. and the Rebels P.S. You might have guessed, but that's not my real name; that's just my stage name.[/i][/color]