[color=green][b][u]Letters to Leo the Patriotic Lion: #26[/u][/b][/color] --------- [i]Dear Mr. President: This letter is just to confirm that my brother, Bobby Ursula Jennings, is dead. It was not a happy occasion for us, though; he was still family. What we are still not sure about is where he was or how CNG got to him, but it was clear that he has become the best example of what that stuff did to him when it was still around. All he knew was a world of hate. I can tell you that he was fighting against the supreme superhero of the universe (or so my mind thinks he is), Cripto, and he ran into a brick wall. The official cause of death was heart failure, but apparently running into the wall sped up the process, because it was enough to leave him mortally wounded. That's not really the way to go, is it? I don't recommend running into walls, obviously, but I don't recommend suicide either. However, this wasn't suicide. I know CNG was ultimately planning to kill him, but the C.I.D.F. said CNG had spared him because his time was not ready yet. I thougt it wanted to eliminate the whole human race at all once. Was it waiting for the right moment? In any event, I hope 2023 is a kinder year to you than this year was, even though it was still a success, given that not since Abraham Lincoln (in my opinion) has any President truly understood what it means to be President better than you have. Bobby was a Joe Biden supporter, but the rest of us voted for you because we didn't trust Donald Trump either. I know he wants his job back. Sincerely, Nathaniel P. Jennings, age 40 (human being) Now living in Denver, Colorado, USA P.S. We moved all over the place given the history of Bobby's bad behavior, but the family eventually scattered all over the country for the sake of protecting ourselves from Bobby. But now that he's dead, all of us are planning to get back together again, but Wildcat City didn't work out for us since there weren't any job openings in that city; otherwise, we would have chosen that city. Any suggestions?[/i] -------------- Leo's reply: [color=white][i]Dear Nathaniel: On behalf of the G-52s and the Zanicchi Administration, let me extend our sympathy to you and the family. Bobby was as heartless as a heartless could get; you're right about that. It was why I declared him world public enemy number one in the individual category. (In the massed group category, number one is the AIRAF, or Advanced Irish Republican Armed Forces, so you really have to be on the lookout for those crazy people.) Death is a horrible thing, and while the world is grateful he's gone, it's still not something worth celebrating. We can breathe a sigh of relief. The C.I.D.F. (or indeed the Commander of the G-52 Organization, SuperCat) are the best ones to ask if you have any questions about CNG, how it behaved, and why it did what it did. What I do know is that it was planning the ultimate human genocide, so my guess is it was going to take your brother with it. It would have taken you with it also, because it assumed all of humanity was "too savage of a race" to be inhabiting our planet. (It also wrongly assumed the planet Kriegland, because they were so behind the times, had the perfect environment.) CNG just wanted the truly corrupt gone first before it took innocent lives, and so it made a big mistake taking out all those soccer fans in Argentina and Turkey who weren't even involved in all those riots. That was why those people came back to life, but nobody else who died from CNG did. (After the initial deaths, the teams involved have since played all their soccer game with no audience whatsoever, just to be on the safe side; it may be as late as 2029 before they start having people attending the games again (if they do), because that was how big of a scar if left on them. If Wildcat City isn't going to work for you, it depends on if your preference is for a state close to the west or east coasts, or if you'd rather live in middle America. It sounds like the latter if your hope was Wildcat City, and I know parts of the family once lived in the Lone Star State. Texas has proven time and time again why it is the greatest state in the whole union, and it has the people to prove it. (Even with his flaws, people still look up to "Callahan Cody" Belachman, the Fab 5 leader, as a role model and source of inspiration. Why? He staunchly defends everything about the state that is just, right, and good, even though he once went about it the wrong way.)My best recommendations to you and the family, therefore, if you all want to live together again, would be somewhere in that state. (You can also ask Wrangler Wolf, a cowboy-themed superhero serving in the G-52s, for more information.) Hope that answers all your questions; if not, feel free to write back and let me know what I missed. I also wish you a happy holiday season and a happy start to the year 2023. Yours truly, Leo Zanicchi, a.k.a. Leo the Patriotic Lion President of the United States of America[/i][/color]