There is the myth of a vixen that wonders around the southern lands of the end of the world, a lady who has a shiny orange and white fur and dresses on clothes of bright colours made of fabrics that no one ever saw before. Some said to have seen her on mountains and “cerros”, others around the city, the old prison or at the port, even some of the natives, the Yamanas, have mentioned to saw her, but they used to give her a name with a word that got lost in time. The myth if this lady began on the early to mid-1800’s, when the Anglican missions on what is now the city of Ushuaia, in the province of Tierra del Fuego, Argentina, but some said the Yamanas either fear or followed her long before the Europeans came by. The storied said that she showed up with a ghostly dance, walking through the snow with her colourful clothing, some think she was meant to take you to the land of the dancing death. A few said to have heard her ask or even beg for help as she looked hopeless to her wrist. For years she was referred just the ghost of the vixen lady, but during the first years of the prison of the end of the world, one of the political interns said to have seen her appear on his cell for a very short time, she asked where she was…some say that she actually asked when, but instead of giving her a reply the intern asked who she was, she answered “Eleanor” and disappeared in the air before he could ask anything else, and so she was know as “Lady Eleanor” since that day. As a local myth and a ghost story to attract tourists sounds great, but here on my travel journals, I must break this story down…in case you dear reader, haven’t seen where this is going. On the year 2021, during one of the windows that allowed people to move from one province to another within the country, flights only from Aerolineas Argentinas (Argentinean Airlines) began to bring some tourists into the island of Tierra del Fuego and the city o f Ushuaia during the snow season between June and September, within that time frame my sister, Eleanor, and I decided to travel there, to have a chance to meet the most southern city of Argentina and the world. We arrived at the city on the last days of August, at the end of the sky season, both of us carrying our time displacement devices. At first the trip seemed to be normal, but when we were walking though the city, through one on the neighbourhoods where the Anglican mission used to be, Eleanor suddenly pooffed in the air for no reason, I supposed she just did a time jump to mess with me, but she came back totally scared and covered in snow, saying that she couldn’t see anything through a snow blizzard, not even her watch. After this incident we checked that her watch was in proper working conditions, and indeed it was, so she kept carrying it; on the other paw, I left mine at the hotel most of the trip. Apparently, the part of our time displacement devices that keep our paws on earth was not designed to be used or even taken bellow certain south latitude, and my guess would be that the same happens for the north. As they are not meant to be on the geographical location where we took them, when they are turned on, they may malfunction, as both the time and the location circuits are linked, if one activates, the other one does as well. After checking that Eleanor’s watch was apparently in working condition, she kept using it during our trip, until she poofed away again, now not re-appearing for about 10 minutes from my point of view. Apparently, her watch malfunctioned making her jump back and forth in time within the island, for her it felt like hours of jumping though time, as per the geo location device, luckily it kept her paws on the ground, but moving her randomly though this, she said to have seen different views from many different times, to have seen some people either modern or ancient. As soon as she was back, we turned her watch off, and went to get her a hot chocolate, as it seemed like she has been on the snow for hours, as we were walking to the hand craft chocolate shop, I’ve noticed a gift shop on a street corner over the main avenue, San Martín, the shop had a lot of merchandise and souvenirs, as well as a ceiling full of bank notes from all over the world and pictures from many places, but what really caught my attention were some snow gloves of a vixen walking on a bright red clothing with stripes with a small inscription on the base: “Lady Eleanor”. I looked at my sister and chuckle, as she also looked at the souvenirs astonished of what this accident have caused, take that for the rule of “Don’t change history”; At the end, it is unknown to us if we actually changed history or if this had already happened before we even went to the past form our native time, things like this makes us wonder if as time travellers from the future, we really have free will or if all of the things we do have been written, because they all happen before we even were born. Leo the Fox, 09-03-2021.