Tales of Destruct Chapter 15: The New Kinto! Rigrom‘s Promise! Kinto’s eyes started to opened and heard someone say “Hey, he’s waking up!” Kinto looked to see everyone was around him and they all looked ok. Kinto saw that he was in a bed and had bandages around him. Karin gave him a smile and said ’Welcome back, sleepy head!” Kinto looked at her and asked “Where am I?” Rin gave him a smile and said “You in the infirmary.” Rin then said “we all saw you passed out when everyone woke up.” Ken looked the other way and said “I had to get you over here.” Rigrom only looked at him, but didn’t say anything. Kinto looked at everyone and said “Thanks for helping me.” Karin looked at his right paw and asked “Hey, where you get that sword?” Kinto got confused and looked to see the same sword that he had beaten Destruct with was in his right paws, looking surprised, he saw the same black glow on one of the stars and said “This sword, but how. . .” Everyone got confused and Karin said “Everyone was in here when we saw the sword just appear out of nowhere.” Kinto looked at Karin and asked “Really When?” “Only a couple of seconds.” Rin said. Kinto looked at Rin, then at his blade and heard Karin ask “So, tell us where you got that sword.” Everyone but Rigrom gave him a smile, he smiled back and was about to say it until he was interrupted by Roland “Everyone! We have enough time to know where Kinto got that sword, but for now, were all going to be going to a Inn this time!” Everyone except for Rigrom had a huge smile on their face and heard him say “We’ll be at the Inn in a couple of hours, in the meantime, you guys go and get ready.” Kinto got out from the bed while everyone else but Rigrom had ran out. Kinto was about to run out until, Rigrom had stopped him and asked “Hey, can you follow me somewhere, I have to talk to you.” Kinto looked up at him and saw he was serious, he shook his head and said “Ok.” After that, Rigrom started to walk out and Kinto followed. “Hey, Thanks for letting me have a talk with you, Kinto.” Rigrom said while he was looking out at the sun setting. Kinto also looked out at the sun setting and said “Don’t mention it. Besides, why did you want to talk to me?” Rigrom continued to look out at the sun and said “Kinto, promise me, that’ll you’ll never leave Karin’s side.” Kinto gave him a confused look and asked “Why do you ask that?” Rigrom let out a smile and said “Cause one day, I might die.” Kinto had a shock look on his face and said “What?!’ Rigrom looked at Kinto and said “Look, you know that I’m not going to live forever, and I’ve seen how Karin likes you. I want you to promise that when I die, you’ll be the one who helps Karin get through it.” Kinto looked at him with a calm look and said “But your also saying that you’ll die, and soon.” Rigrom gave him a smile and asked “Now why would you think of that?” Kinto touched his sword that was in it’s scabbard and said “Cause my sword can see the truth, and it tells me that your going to die soon. Am I right?” Rigrom looked back at the sunset and said “Yes, I’m going to die soon.” Kinto looked worried and asked “But why? Why are you going to die?” Rigrom looked up at the sky and said “That I cannot tell you, but I can tell you that nothing will stop it.” Kinto looked at the ground and gripped his fist, he then said “But. . .but. . .” Kinto then looked back up and said “But what if you can?!” Rigrom got surprised and heard him continue “What if you can?! We could help you not die!” He then saw Kinto starting to cry and heard him say “Besides, your like a big brother to me, I don’t want to see you die. So please, promise me that you won’t die.” Rigrom looked at him with a worried face, but then smiled and then took his scarf off, he then crouched down and put it around Kinto. Kinto stopped crying and looked up at him to hear him say “Don’t worry, I promise that I won’t die. Ok, Kinto?” Kinto sniffled and wiped some of his tears away, he then said with a smile “Ok. It’s a promise then.” Then, they heard a huge horn go off and heard someone say “Were here!” Rigrom looked at where he heard the horn and looked back at Kinto with a smile, he then said “Ok Kinto, let’s get going.” Kinto gave him a big smile and said “Yes, Big bro!” Rigrom patted Kinto’s head and let out a chuckle and said “Ok Kinto, but don’t call me Big bro.” Kinto giggled and said “Ok, Rigrom.” After that, they both started to head out to the exit of the huge boat. Kinto, Ken, and Rigrom had dropped all of the bags when everyone got into the Inn. While Roland was checking everyone in, Rin, Karin, and Kina were all chatting with each other somewhere else while Rigrom, Kinto, and Ken were all panting. Kinto the looked at them and asked “Tell me why did we have to get the bags?” Rigrom then sat on a chair near them and said “Because, Karin asked you while kina asked Ken and Rin asked me. We all know we couldn’t say no so, this happened.” Ken let out a sigh and said “This really sucks.” They all looked at each other and then started to laugh. After a while, Roland came over to them and said “Hey guys, I just checked us all into 4 different rooms.” Kinto got surprised and said “You mean?” Roland shook his head and gave them all a smile, saying “Yep! 1 guy and 1 girl in one room together while I have a one room bed.” All of them were shock out of their minds, but Rigrom asked “But wouldn’t it be easier just to have 3 boys in one room and 3 girls in one room?” Roland looked at him and said “Then were would be the fun in that?” Rigrom looked like he was about to disintegrate while he heard Roland say “Ok, so here are the people who you are going to sleep with: Kinto with Karin, Ken with Kina, and Rigrom with Rin.” They all looked at him with a blank look and he just smiled and said “Ok guys! Let’s go and get some sleep.” Rigrom looked surprised and asked “Oh Roland, I have to do something outside for a while.” Roland just said “ No problem.” Rigrom then bowed his head and ran out of the door, having Kinto getting a worried face. What did Rigrom need to do? How does Rigrom know that he’s going to die? You’ll have to find these out in the next Chapter!