Tales of Destruct Chapter 11: The Enemy named Jin! Rin’s Awakening! A voice yelled out “Dang! I missed!” Rigrom and Rin looked around and Rin yelled “Where are you?!” Rigrom asked “Who are you?!” The voice chuckled and said “I would tell you, but where’s the fun in that?” Rigrom looked at the ground and clenched his fist and looked back up and yelled “Where are you?!” suddenly, someone fell from a tree that was near Rin and Rigrom. The person got up and rubbed his head and said “Ow. . .I’m such a mess.” He got up and they both saw a young fox with a blue fur and white fur on the tip of his ears, the tip of his tail, and around his cheeks. He had on his waist a long scabbard and a sword to go with it. Rigrom looked at him and asked “Who are you?” The Fox gave them a smile and put his paw on his waist and said “I’m Jin. The one who will destroy the World Annihilation Front.” Rin had a shocked look on her face and moved back only to fall to the ground, she said “You name is Jin right?” Jin looked at her and gave her a evil smile and said “So you’re Princess Rin. I love to see that look on your face.” Rigrom looked at in and crouched down, he then asked “What’s wrong?” Rin manage to point at Rin and said “H-He’s the one who killed my parents that day” Rigrom looked surprised and looked back at Jin and said “What?!” Jin chuckled and said “So you remember me? I should’ve killed you when I had the chance. Oh well, guess I can do that now.” He pulled out his sword and said “Well then, shall we begin?” Rigrom got back up and said “Yea bring it o-” But then, he was pushed back by Rin and said “No. I’ll be your opponent!” Rigrom looked surprised and said “What?!” Rin turned his head back to him and smiled and said “It’s ok. I’ll be fine.” Suddenly, A purple aura started to emit around her and then he clothes changed into a maids outfit. Jim charged at her and said “Let’s see what you’ve got then!” Rin jumped into the air and then slammed her leg down onto Jin’s head, but saw that he had put his sword on top of his head and jumped back in mid-air. Once she landed on the ground, she then moved her leg to his side, but then stop when he saw that he had put his sword on the side that she was about to hit. She moved back more and looked at him with her purple eyes and said “Man, it seems like I can’t get to you.” Jin put his sword on his shoulder and said “Then just die then.” She giggled a little and said “But then where’s the fun in that?” She then rushed over to him and then tried to kicked him a lot of time, but he just missed every time. Jin then grabbed her leg and then threw her to the other side only to see that she got her balance back when she put her feet on the side of the tree. She jumped straight towards Jin and then kicked his side, which made him fly sideways and hit the ground away from them. Jin got back up and let out a sigh, he put his sword back into his scabbard and looked at them and said “You seem really strong, but not strong enough for you to be a threat, so I won’t kill you yet.” He turned around and walked away into the darkness of the night, but once he was right next to the darkness, he turned his head around and looked at them and said “But, I will kill you and your little team once I get the chance.” Then , he turned back and continued to walk. Rin turned around and walked back to Rigrom, who looked surprised, and said “Hey, are you alright?” Rigrom calmed himself and said “Yea I am, but are you alright?” Rin smiled at him and said “Ha! Like he could beat me in this form.” Rigrom tilted his head and asked “Oh yea, what happened to you?” Rin gave him a smile and said “IT seems like I’m a guardian of destruction.” Rigrom got even more confused and asked “Who are the guardians of destruction?” Rin gave him a smile and said “The guardians of destruction are the ones who are destined to help Destruct destroy the world.” suddenly, they heard a girls voice say “Hey there they are!” They both looked at the side of them and saw Kina, Kinto, Ken and Karin running to them. Once they were all together, Karin looked at Rin and smiled at her and said :So, it seems like your also a guardian of Destruct.” Rin gave her a big smile, but tilted her head and asked “Are you also a guardian?” Karin rubbed her head and said “Yea, I’m another guardian.” She shook her head and said “Never mind that, we need to go to the headquarters of the Annihilation Front!” Rigrom looked at her and asked “Why?” Karin looked at him and said “It was said that they found another guardian!” Everyone got surprised and Karin yelled out “Everyone! Off to the Headquarters now!” Everyone let out a sigh and then started to walk to the direction out of the village.