About me At the core of my beliefs lies a simple truth: a life well lived is one that uplifts others. My mom's wisdom reverberates in my soul – in the face of injustice, I see two paths: either fight to end it for everyone or become a victim to it. And my dad ingrained in me not just the dream to be a trailblazer, but the responsibility to ensure I pave the way for others. Currently serving as New Jersey's junior United States Senator since January 3, 2029, I hold the titles of the Garden State's first female, first Predator-Carnivore, and first Asian-American U.S. senator. I'm also the first fox and the first female Jewish Predator-Carnivore U.S. senator. My public service is fueled by a mission to positively impact the lives of those I serve. My journey began on September 30, 1980, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. My roots are a blend of resilience and heritage, with a mom who bravely immigrated from mainland China to escape communism and a dad proud of his French descent. Growing up in a military family, I found inspiration in their dedication to serving our nation – my dad's heroic service in Vietnam and my grandpa's patriotic fight against Nazis in World War II. The profound impact of the 9/11 attacks etched a deeper purpose in my heart. Witnessing that day's horrors fueled my determination to defend freedom and stand for America against all enemies. After earning a degree in physics from Fletcher University and two years of training at NAS Pensacola, I joined the United States Navy as a fighter pilot, becoming one of the first female foxes qualified to fly the F/A-18E Super Hornet jet. Based on the aircraft carrier USS Woodrow Wilson, I flew combat missions in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria, before resigning from the Navy in 2010. I then moved to Willowfield, New Jersey. I got a job as an airline pilot, and while working there, I successfully pushed the airline management to pay Carnivore pilots equally. I've been actively involved in the Carnivore rights movement, taking on a pivotal role as one of the founders of the local chapter of Carnivore Lives Matter, eventually becoming its secretary-general. My contribution to this cause led me to participate in a Congressional hearing addressing herbivore supremacy in the transportation industry, a moment that inspired me to run for Congress. The unsettling turn of events in 2020, marked by the election of a speciesist, sexist, xenophobic, bigoted demagogue to the White House, served as a stark realization. It highlighted the fragility of freedom and equality, emphasizing that these values are never more than an election away from extinction. In addition to my advocacy work, I volunteered for Senator Herbert Hernandez's 2022 campaign, Senator Cody Barker's 2024 campaign, and President Edith Vaughn’s 2024 campaign in New Jersey, driven by a profound belief in the importance of championing justice and inclusivity. In 2028, I embarked on a journey to the United States Senate. Despite facing formidable career politicians with considerable financial backings during the primary, I triumphed and earned the Democratic nomination. Overcoming the odds, I defeated a multimillionaire surgeon-turned-TV-personality, the Republican nominee, and I won my first-ever campaign for a political office. Yet, this triumph wasn't solely mine; it embodied the aspirations of every New Jerseyan longing for more genuine representation in the Senate. This success wasn't merely about party lines; it was about building and uniting a coalition of supporters as diverse as New Jersey and America. While my affiliation may be Democratic, my commitment transcends party boundaries – I’m an American servant first and foremost. I tirelessly work for the well-being of the people, extending my dedication even to those who didn't cast their vote in my favor. In my pursuit of genuine representation, I chose to distance myself from corporate influence and the sway of political action committees. I banned corporations and PACs from donating to my campaign, to ensure that my dedication remains aligned with the needs and aspirations of the people I serve. I find immense pride in calling New Jersey home, and it's with deep honor that I now stand as a representative of over 10 million extraordinary people in the United States Senate. The Garden State is blessed and adorned with the largest percentage of the Carnivore population in America – 41% of us are Carnivores. Since the abolition of slavery in 1865 and the civil rights movement a century later, America has undoubtedly made significant strides in advancing Carnivore rights. Unfortunately, the harsh reality remains: Carnivores are disproportionately likely to earn only 85 cents for every dollar a herbivore makes, face challenges in repaying student loans, struggle to own homes, encounter higher rates of imprisonment and police violence, and endure discrimination by banks, among other disparities. America is undergoing significant transformations, evident in the evolving choices of herbivores embracing a childfree lifestyle and Carnivores opting for larger families. Projections indicate that by 2100, Carnivores will constitute 40% of the U.S. population, a substantial increase from the 10% recorded in the 2030 census. Carnivores have played a vital role in shaping American society and the world, making our culture more colorful thanks to rap music and soul food, to inventions such as traffic signals and refrigerators that make our lives easier, just to name a few. Despite their impactful contributions, a stark reality persists. While Carnivores make up only 10% of the population, over 30% of those earning below the average income and 50% of prison inmates belong to this group. The tragic loss of Georgie Lloyd, a black bear, at the paws of a deer police officer during a routine traffic stop underscores the damaging impact of speciesism and prejudice within our law enforcement – those entrusted to protect and serve our communities. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the baseless rumor linking Carnivores to the spread of the virus due to their diet resulted in numerous violent incidents targeting Carnivores, tragically claiming the lives of innocent Carnivore children. Persistent negative stereotypes about Carnivores, ranging from portraying Carnivores as inherently violent to driven solely by sexual desires, continue to persist. These harmful misconceptions, rooted in centuries of herbivore supremacy and prey nationalism, have inflicted lasting damage. Despite our ongoing efforts to dispel these falsehoods, they stubbornly endure. These negative stereotypes not only jeopardize the safety of Carnivores but also inflict harm on herbivores. Just recently, the nation was rocked by the tragic story of a rabbit father who, upon discovering his daughter was dating a wolf, made headlines for a heartbreaking act of violence. This disconcerting trend reflects systemic issues within America. It's not about the people but the flawed system that allows exploitation and oppression against the unprivileged for far too long. From my first day as your U.S. senator, my commitment has been to dismantle this inequitable system, fostering a more equal and just America where the changing landscape benefits everyone, regardless of species. The looming threats posed by herbivore supremacy and prey nationalism mean another significant danger to the fabric of the United States. Our Declaration of Independence unequivocally declares "all mammals are created equal." Thus, not only do these ideologies jeopardize American unity, but they also stand in stark contrast to our very essence as the United Species of America. I believe America isn't a speciesist country. With over 400 diverse species, I'm confident that an overwhelming majority of Americans, no matter their species, stand united against herbivore supremacy and prey nationalism. Diversity is America's greatest strength, diversity is what makes America great. Witnessing the trials faced by my fellow fanged brothers and sisters ignited a deep-seated motivation within me to run for the Senate – to be a dedicated advocate and fighter for their rights. As the first Predator-Carnivore U.S. senator from the Garden State, my journey is a mission to be the voice for those often unheard, those who have languished in silence for too long. I carry a profound understanding of the needs that pulse through communities in New Jersey, and every day on Capitol Hill, my fight is dedicated to you. I firmly believe that Carnivore Lives Matter. I recognize all lives can't matter until Carnivore lives are valued. In my role as your U.S. senator, I pledge to ardently oppose all manifestations of herbivore supremacy and prey nationalism. Whether Carnivores or herbivores, we’re all united as Americans. This principle isn't just a political stance but a personal conviction to ensure these ideals: equality, freedom, and justice are present in every aspect of our nation. Inspired by the Nordic model, I embrace socialism with American values, where my priorities center around social justice, equal opportunities, and a robust safety net. My core beliefs emphasize individual liberties and the incorporation of free-market elements. I strive for universal healthcare, education, species equity, income equality, and more, all anchored in the ideals of fairness and opportunity for every American. My approach seeks a delicate balance, addressing social issues without compromising individual freedoms. It aims to foster a mixed economic system, seamlessly blending the best elements of both socialism and capitalism to create a society that thrives on shared prosperity and individual growth. Capitalism doesn't trouble me. I believe that prospering financially is admirable, but it comes with a responsibility – to contribute your fair share to society, ensuring that those less fortunate than you can also find success and prosperity. It's not just about making money; it's about creating a more compassionate and inclusive society for everyone. Unlike my opponents, my stance on crucial issues hasn't needed any "evolution." I am, and always have been, a dedicated progressive democratic socialist. From day one, my tireless efforts in the Senate have centered around: ✅ Cutting taxes for working people, families, and small businesses ✅ Ensuring the rich and big corporations pay their fair share ✅ Lowering health care costs and making Medicare for All a reality ✅ Upholding and championing LGBTQIA2S+ and Carnivore rights ✅ Defending and expanding access to reproductive health care ✅ Advocating for a federal minimum wage of $15/hour ✅ Balancing environmental preservation with economic growth via the Green New Deal ✅ Stopping the military-industrial complex from dictating America's foreign policy ✅ Ending the gun violence epidemic while respecting Second Amendment rights ✅ Proposing Congressional term limits and banning members of Congress from trading stocks I've been working hard to hold the Wilfred-Buckley administration accountable. This includes casting my vote against the confirmation of two radical, far-right Supreme Court justices, standing firmly against the repeal of the Vaughn-Hopper administration's executive order that permitted small-sized species to serve on the front line, delving into investigations surrounding the administration's corruption in the Raytheongate scandal, among other crucial issues. My fight for accountability stems from a deeply personal dedication to ensuring equity and fairness for all. I felt a surge of pride when I stood up during President Wilfred's 2030 State of the Union Address and shouted, "Elyse Wilfred doesn't care about Carnivores!" It was important for me to speak out because it was the truth. I couldn't remain silent while the president misled millions of Americans. Despite facing boos and threats of censure from my Republican colleagues, I stood firm for what I believed in and spoke the truth. I embrace collaboration across the aisle while maintaining a 100% Democratic voting record, driven by the desire to find common-sense solutions and deliver real results for everyone. My aim is to demonstrate that our democracy remains a powerful force for the people. In the 122nd Congress, a significant 72% of the bills I co-sponsored were forged through bipartisan efforts. Teaming up with my Republican colleagues, I pushed for Big Pharma to reduce the prices of life-saving drugs; I dedicated myself to safeguarding our children's well-being online and urging Big Tech companies to respect our privacy and protect our data; I took a stand to hold China accountable for their mammal rights violations and reckless actions in the Indo-Pacific and I visited Taiwan with a bipartisan delegation. When Hurricane Julie wreaked havoc in the Tri-State area, I engaged in negotiations with the Wilfred-Buckley administration to secure crucial federal aid, recognizing the urgent need for support in the hurricane's aftermath. America's deep polarization isn't just about blaming the other side; it's about the division itself weakening us. To truly heal, we need a movement that unites us all – left and right, Carnivores and herbivores, urban and rural, young and old. Even those at the top can join us. While I have clear stances on divisive issues like abortion and guns, I understand that everyone's concerns are valid. No one is beyond redemption. Let's focus on our shared values: freedom, liberty, justice, community, opportunity, and democracy. I lead by listening, fostering dialogue, and promoting forgiveness. I believe in appealing to our better nature – not exploiting fear and division. In my current role on the Committee on Armed Services, the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, the Committee on Foreign Relations, the Congressional-Executive Commission on China, and the Joint Economic Committee, I make it my mission to prioritize your needs. As a member of the bipartisan Bridge Builders Caucus, the Congressional Carnivore Caucus, and the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus, I strive for collaboration and understanding. In 2030, I collaborated with former President Edith Vaughn, Senator Iman Umar of Minnesota, and six female Predator-Carnivore members of Congress to establish Fang Sisters for Change (FSC). This nonprofit was born out of our commitment to increase the participation of female Predator-Carnivores in all levels of government and to support candidates dedicated to advancing Carnivore rights. As the Director of Political and Social Outreach for FSC, I played a pivotal role in overseeing the establishment of FSC's local chapters in 26 states. Since 2032, the FSC has proudly endorsed 40 candidates, and every single one secured their party's nomination, with 32 going on to serve in federal and state governments. In 2031, I announced my historic candidacy for president of the United States, guided by three pillars: empowering the middle class, championing justice and equality for all, and advocating for progressive policies nationwide. Though falling short, I introduced fresh ideas in the Democratic primaries. Perhaps most importantly, the mere fact that I, a Jewish Asian-American female fox, could pursue the presidency reflects the enduring truth from President John F. Kennedy's inaugural address: "in America, anyone can be anything.” If I had been elected president, I would have had the honor of being the first fox, the first Asian-American, and the first Jewish president, bringing diverse perspectives to our nation's highest office. And I would have been the first president in 40 years with combat experience. I would have also been the third Predator-Carnivore, the third Generation X, and the fourth female president. In 2034, New Jerseyans bestowed upon me another term in the Senate. Running against a candidate with a 99% voting record aligned with the Wilfred-Buckley administration, I made it clear I'll stand against any of the administration’s wrongdoing, but I'll remain open to collaboration for the greater good. This time, I garnered an even greater percentage of votes, proof that my messages resonate among the people. My proudest Senate achievements involve crafting two impactful bills. One grants additional tax cuts and incentives to Carnivore-owned small businesses, and the other establishes a national hotline and website to report discrimination and hate crimes against Predator-Carnivores. Both bills were signed into law by President Wilfred in 2033 and 2034 respectively, marking significant strides toward a more supportive, inclusive society. Every year, I conduct town hall meetings in all 21 counties of the Garden State, fostering a direct connection with the community. Last year, more than 10,000 people showed up for my 6th annual county meetings. Embracing innovative approaches, I'm among the pioneers in using the metaverse and augmented reality tech to engage with constituents. Social media is another avenue, where I personally read and respond to messages, making a paws-on approach rather than delegating to my staff. My daily commute from Willowfield to Washington aboard Amrail's Aclera Express holds a special place in my heart, as it brings happiness from connecting with new people, making every day excitingly enriching. I take great pride in my Jewish faith, and I find solace in being part of the Temple Beth-El community in Jersey City. However, when it comes to legislation, I make a conscious effort not to let my faith influence my decisions. I understand the crucial need for a clear separation between religion and the state. And during my swearing-in, I chose to swear on a copy of the U.S Constitution, symbolizing my dedication to the principle of maintaining this essential separation. Outside politics, I happily embrace the role of a mom to four wonderful children: Jerry, 30, Alexa, 25, Ellis, 20, and Ronnie, 11; and I'm a proud grandma of two. My twin sister Lina is the governor of New Jersey, she adds a unique dimension to my personal life. I'm a New Jersey Devils fan, and in my free time I find joy in the art of cooking, immersing myself in sci-fi literature, working out at the gym, participating in triathlons, practicing yoga, playing ice hockey, and exploring the world through the lens of amateur photography. I authored two New York Times bestsellers: United Against Hate: How to Preserve Our Union, where I outline my holistic approach to combat herbivore supremacy and prey nationalism, and From the Henhouse to the U.S. Senate, my autobiography chronicling my groundbreaking path as the first fox U.S. senator. I also host a monthly podcast: Our Thoughts, a platform where I discuss topics significant to Carnivores. I bring voices from diverse political perspectives to discuss matters crucial for our community. These little things help enrich my perspective and fuel my dedication to public service. Endorsements Here are testimonies from some of the many incredible individuals and organizations who endorsed me: “Judy Reinard brings not only a fresh perspective but also a dedication to the progress America so desperately needs. Her devotion to critical issues like healthcare, education, and social justice mirrors a forward-looking vision. As the first fox elected to the Senate, Judy exemplifies America's growing commitment to equality for all. I’m honored to endorse Judy Reinard for the Senate, confident that her leadership will pave the way for a brighter future for the people of New Jersey.” - President Edith Vaughn “Judy Reinard is a courageous champion for justice and equality. She has also served her country on the battlefield. Judy is very effective at tackling crucial issues and she tirelessly works for the people of New Jersey. It brings me great pride to endorse Judy Reinard for the United States Senate. ” - President Doe Wyden “Judy Reinard is a devoted public servant driven by a profound passion for progressive values. A true trailblazer, her story is an American story, and she has inspired so many Predator-Carnivores. I believe Judy possesses the capacity to usher in positive change for New Jersey and America. Let's unite behind her for a future that is better and brighter for us all.” - President Barry Ohana “Senator Judy Reinard stands as a genuine friend of the hardworking people of New Jersey. She possesses a deep understanding of the challenges ordinary Americans encounter and is devoted to advocating for health care, education, species equity, reproductive health care, LGBTQ+ rights, and economic justice. These are now threatened by the Wilfred-Buckley administration, but Senator Reinard has a plan to keep fighting back. I proudly extend my endorsement to Senator Reinard, together, we can forge a future that caters to the well-being of everyone.” - Sen. Ernie Sandberg (I-VT) “I know Senator Reinard personally, and our collaboration in Congress has been truly remarkable. She is a courageous and forward-thinking leader, with a mission to bring about transformative change. Her quest for species equity, environmental justice, Medicare for All, and empowering marginalized communities embodies precisely what the American people need." - Sen. Alexandre Constanza-Orazio (D-NY) “Senator Judy Reinard, much like myself, is a trailblazer, fearlessly shattering glass ceilings. Her character embodies the very values of justice, equality, and compassion that we hold dear. Her remarkable devotion to end systemic speciesism and elevating the voices of the underrepresented is truly inspiring. She addresses issues that neither party is willing to discuss, such as the truth of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. She is also a bulwark against President Wilfred’s disastrous far-right agenda.” - Sen. Iman Umar (D-MN) “The NAAPC is honored to endorse Judy Reinard for the United States Senate. She is an effective representative of the underrepresented. And as America changes, our government must reflect that change. Senator Reinard has been a leader in that change. Her deeply personal fight for Carnivore rights, social justice, and equality is in line with our vision of achieving political, educational, social, and economic equality for all. Senator Reinard is a tough fighter for a more just and equitable society. Since Carnivore rights are never more than an election away from extinction, we need her more than ever in the Senate.” - National Association for the Advancement of Predator-Carnivores/NAAPC “Judy Reinard has the endorsement of Planned Parenthood for the U.S. Senate. Senator Reinard, with a 100% PP Congressional scorecard, has consistently fought for reproductive rights, health care access, and gender equality, which have been under relentless attacks by the Wilfred-Buckley administration and Republicans. She is a powerful advocate for reproductive justice, and we encourage the people of New Jersey, especially women, to stand by her in the upcoming election.” - Planned Parenthood “Everytown for Gun Safety stands with Senator Judy Reinard. She knows the importance of common-sense gun safety measures and she has a strong commitment to safeguarding our communities from gun violence. This is why we gave her an A+ score, while the NRA gave her F-. We’re confident that Senator Reinard will continue being an impactful leader in the pursuit of sensible gun laws.” - Everytown for Gun Safety “The AFL-CIO endorses Judy Reinard for the United States Senate. She always stood with workers, advocating for fair wages, workers' rights, and a just economy. Senator Reinard boldly reminds CEOs that she works for the people, not them, and emphasizes the importance of fair treatment for workers. Senator Reinard’s commitment to strengthen labor protections and create an equitable workforce is proven by her actions in the Senate.” - AFL-CIO Lies and Facts In the face of lies spread by my opponents, I want to openly share my stance on key issues: Lies: Judy is a communist! Fact: I firmly reject communism as a failed system incompatible with the American way of life. On the other paw, socialism mixed with capitalism works, just look at Nordic countries. My principle of socialism with American values seeks shared prosperity while preserving individual freedoms. I embrace capitalism while being in favor of a fair share from the wealthy. In the Senate, I've actively worked with members of both parties and independents to limit the influence of the Chinese Communist Party, address China's mammal rights abuses, ban Chinese land ownership in America, stand with Taiwan, and hold China responsible for its provocative actions in the Indo-Pacific, unfair trade practices, and intellectual property theft. Lies: Judy will increase everyone's taxes! Fact: I advocate for cutting taxes for the middle class, working people, families, and small businesses. My focus is on ensuring the rich and corporations pay their fair share, fostering bottom-up economic growth, and dispelling the myth of trickle-down economics. Lies: Judy hates herbivores and is a Carnivore supremacist! Fact: I value all species equally. And I'm proud to be the first member of Congress to have an all-Carnivore staff. Believing in Carnivore Lives Matter doesn't imply hatred for herbivores. I strive for unity through equity, asserting that all lives can't matter until Carnivore lives do. Some herbivore supremacists falsely claim that advocating for Carnivore rights equates to promoting Carnivore supremacy. This couldn't be further from the truth. Supporting Carnivore rights simply means advocating for equal rights for all Carnivores, without suggesting that Carnivores are superior over herbivores. Lies: Judy's minimum wage plan will bankrupt businesses! Fact: Numerous studies show a gradual increase to $15/hour will not lead to bankruptcies. Higher wages boost consumer spending, benefiting businesses in the long run. Additional income for the lower-income bracket will stimulate the economy by creating increased demand. Lies: Judy's Green New Deal plan is unrealistic! Fact: The Green New Deal addresses environmental and economic concerns, fostering sustainability, creating jobs, and stimulating economic growth. It's entirely funded by green initiatives and investments. The Green New Deal will pay for itself. Lies: Judy's Medicare for All plan means federalized health care! Fact: Medicare for All aims for universal coverage without federalizing health care decisions. It focuses on affordability, efficiency, and equitable access, without giving the government the power to decide your health care choices. Lies: Judy wants to take our guns away! Fact: As a gun owner, I believe in responsible gun ownership. I aim to address gun violence without compromising Second Amendment rights, by expanding background checks, closing the boyfriend loophole, investing in mental health support and smart gun technology, and encouraging the use of less-lethal tools such as tasers instead of guns for self-defense. Lies: Judy is soft on crime! Fact: To tackle crime within New Jersey, I support community investments in addition to social programs and development. This includes a focus on prevention through community policing, reforming our criminal justice system by reducing incarceration for nonviolent offenses and supporting reentry programs, and addressing root causes like poverty, spesies inequality, and substance abuse. I support genuine changes and enduring reforms in law enforcement to ensure fairness for all, regardless of species. I'm firmly against defunding the police, as it doesn't solve the issue and will cause additional trouble. Lies: Judy will make America weak on the world stage! Fact: I believe that America's foreign policy must serve the 99%, prioritizing the needs of everyday people over the interests of the wealthy and the military-industrial complex. I'm dedicated to ensuring America wins the New Cold War against China, placing emphasis on diplomacy and global collaboration to prevent it from escalating into World War III. I'm committed to championing mammal rights across the world, combating climate change, shifting the paradigm from the outdated doctrine of "peace through strength" to the more promising approach of "peace through understanding," and actively working towards a two-state solution for Israel and Palestine. Lies: Judy used campaign donations for Botox and breast implants! Fact: This is completely untrue. I've always had a larger build – just take a look at my old photos. My chest size is due to a condition called macromastia. Maintaining good furcare and skincare routines is my secret to looking youthful, without any use of Botox. It's disheartening and sexist that people and the media choose to focus on my appearance rather than acknowledging the impactful work I've dedicated myself to for the people of New Jersey and America. Lies: Judy is a millionaire! Fact: Actually, this one is true. I was fortunate that my parents were financially comfortable. I also had investments in stocks, which I sold before announcing my campaign. That, in addition to your generous contributions, enabled me to self-fund this campaign. I promote transparency through my annual tax return disclosure. And I want to pay my fair share and give back to the community, so I donate the entirety of my $180K/year senatorial salary to charities and organizations committed to uplift people from poverty, provide free food, shelters, legal help, and support compassionate causes. I'm also the first member of Congress to sign The Giving Promise, vowing to donate a majority of my wealth to charitable causes after my passing.