[b]W[/b]omen naturally love courage, force and firmness in men. The ideal man in a woman's eye must be heroic and brave. Woman naturally despises a coward, and she has little or no respect for a bashful man. [b]M[/b]an is naturally the protector of woman; as the male wild animals of the forest protects the female, so it is natural for man to protect his wife and children, and therefore woman admires those qualities in a man which make him a protector. [b]W[/b]omen naturally love men of strength, size and fine physique, a tall, large and strong man rathar than a short, small and weak man. A woman always pities a weakly man, but rarely has any love for him. [b]Women[/b] generally love a generous man. [b]A[/b]bove all other qualities in a man, woman admires his intelligence. Intelligence is a man's woman-captivation card. . . Every man seeing woman's appreciation or love should always endeavor to show his intelligence and manifest an interest in books and daily papers. He should read books and inform himself so that he can talk intelligently upon the various topics of the day. [b]A[/b]ll women despise soft and silly men more than all other defects in their character. Woman never can love a man whose conversation is flat and insipid. [b]W[/b]omen love sexual vigor in men. This is human nature. Weakly and delicate fathers have weak and puny children, though the mother may be strong and robust. A weak mother often bears strong children, if the father is physically and sexually vigorous. . . Hence women love passion in men, because it endows their offspring with strong functional vigor. [b]H[/b]omely men are admired by women if they are large, strong and vigorous and possess a good degree of intelligence. Looks are trifles compared to other qualities which man may possess. [b]A[/b] young man, sober, honest, and industrious, holding a responsible position or having a business of his own, is a prize that some bright and beautiful young lady would like to draw. Woman admires a certainty. [b]I[/b]t is a well-known fact that women love uniformed men. The cadets of West Point are very popular in society. The military man figures as a hero in about every tale of fiction, and it is said by good authority that a man in uniform has three more chances to marry than the man without a uniform The correct reason is, the soldier's profession is bravery, and he is dressed and trained for that purpose, and it is that which makes him admired by ladies rather than the uniform which he wears.