"I wish I hadn't thrown my glass into the fireplace," Hauke thought to himself. Unexpectedly forced to stay in a simulation while the determination of whether a crime had been committed while still being a bit too polite to just guzzle wine straight from the bottle, he folded and unfolded his fingers and looked around for unclaimed cups of water or other unused wineglasses that he could commandeer. Was FromTheDead really dead? Was it just a mannequin or some other surrogate? Was it the true avatar of the living writer that had just idled out for some reason? "Use mine," said Lu-Man as he pushed his glass across to Hauke. "They glitch through your beak when you drink, did you know that? It's cool to watch." He watched the questioning of Walt, and wondered "Will an interview with each of us really take that much time, if it's an AI? Couldn't it do some parallel processing?" "I was busy trying to look at people," Hauke answered. "It's kind of funny-I noticed the clipping, did you see that dragon over there? With the tail that sticks through the chair?" "I'm not really a dragon," SpottedHyeness said shyly. "I'm a Deh-" "If our body models clip through physical objects, do you think this simulation bothered to give me any sort of special deadly abilities? Please." He raised his empty glass toward a certain pig who was giving him a look from the bar, and then filled up his glass with wine. "I'm not sure if I'm actually getting a buzz from this but it tastes great. "In any case," he continued, "it'd be a relief if that guy took a break from writing. I'm ashamed to admit this but I'm not really caught up on what everyone's been uploading. I try to read all the prompt submissions and I try to read other stuff people upload, but...I mean, it's hard enough to keep on top of all the stuff Vixxy and Walt upload, and at least a lot of theirs are short. FromTheDead uploaded a few things that were 11 or 12 pages just in the last two weeks!" "Quite an output," said Walt. "I'll say. So if he's 'offline' for a bit, maybe I'll finally be able to catch up! Or..." Hauke tapped his wattles thoughtfully. "Or, do we have some sort of built-in idle animation if we happen to be holding really still focusing on something else? I'll bet he's writing something new right now and just sort of idled out here." "Let's worry about being idle later," a certain someone oinked. And I swear, that's all I remember!