Too Sweet By: darkwolfswordsman65 / Kane Fenris Description: A thief sent to steal another candy factory's secret recipe finds himself stumbling onto totally different. The night air was warm and humid from the summer day. The entire candy factory before him was dead silent and the only lights on were the parking lot, and a few entrance ways. Sitting on the roof of a neighboring building the wolf sat in black clothes watching and surveying the area before he felt a buzzing in his pocket. He reached into it to pull out his cellphone before putting it up to his ear. “Go for Wolly.” He said in a quick and serious tone. “Good you answered. I assume you have fully agreed to our terms?” His boss's voice came over the phone. “Yeah, yeah. Of want me to steal the samples from testing room 432. Easy. Get in and get out.” Wolly replied while he fiddled with his claws and smirked slyly. “Yes. I have arranged for one of our interior spies to get you a master code. Be warned that after one hour it gets ghosted and is no longer active, and I can’t get you another one. Once you use it to enter the building the clock starts. Understood?” The voice explained in a deep and serious tone. The wolf sighed and nodded while stretching now. “Yeah, I got it. Just send it to my phone. I will get into place to use it.” “Good! Now Wolly, be careful...those specimens are very crucial to undermine the competitor.” “Yeah...I got it.” Wolly grumbled before hanging up the phone. “Geeze. He just doesn’t stop yammering. Time to get to business...” He smirked to himself before he jumped off the roof and started to jump from ledge to ledge across the parking lot before he made his way to the roof of the target plant. Once on top, he found that roof was open save for a maintenance door. He made sure to keep his body as covered as possible and avoid any cameras which there only seemed to be a few on the ground floor. He made his way towards the door only to find a rather high tech-looking digital keypad. He took a deep breath before looking at the message on his phone with the information. He quickly keyed it in while holding his breath. It blinked a moment before it turned green and unlocked. He quickly tapped his watch to start his timer before he rushed through the door. Inside the plant was rather quiet and void of people. There was a holiday this week so the entire plant was shut down for several days. This gave him plenty of time to spy and make his move for his boss. He slinked down the hallways following the building's blueprints that he was given. They were almost a perfect match save for a few doors and windows that were added later. He continued to rush downstairs and walkways making it towards his target. He would check his watch to check his time before he would keep moving. After about 20 minutes he found his target. A locked door labeled ‘Research and Developmental Testing’. He panted as he walked up to the door finding the same type of keypad as the roof door though this one had one for key-cards to be swiped. “Let's see if that code still is good old man,” Wolly mumbled to himself as he reached over to tap the code in. The keypad flickered and blinked red a moment before turning green and the door unlocked with a hiss. “Hmm...guess it does...” He stammered before he pulled the door open and walked through it while it closed behind him. He looked around quickly noticing there were several hallways and paths he could take. He remembered his target was at the end of the main hallway and to the left so he made his way down there. He found room after room with different numbers or letters before he found his door with the same keypad. “Alright got plenty of time to spare.” Wolly grinned to himself as he quickly entered the code into the keypad with it flickering red once more before turning green and the door hissing and unlocking. He swung the door open and found a large clean room with a pedestal holding a glass case. Inside the case were several glass tubes of a granular substance. Wolly entered the room as the door closed behind him. He looked and saw there was a handle that he could use to leave and that there was also an air vent near the ceiling. “Hmm..looks like this is what the boss wanted.” He mumbled before he moved to the glass case and opened it. He reached inside and started to grab the glass tubes that had a metal cap to them. They were each labeled ‘Sugar – G013m’. “Huh...interesting name...but got ya now for the boss.” He grinned before he grabbed the last vial of the substance and turned to head towards the door. He felt a sudden pain and pressure as the vial in his hand exploded sending the powdering substance all over his paw and all over his face and side of his body. “The hell!” He yelled out as he shook his paw looking at himself quickly. He noticed the sandy substance seemed to stick to his body but he didn’t appear hurt or cut. “Phew...not hurt...but...why does it burn?” he grunted as he watched the substance starting to embed into his skin and fur. He tried to wipe the substance off only to feel the same burning feeling in that hand making him pull it away. “The hell is in this stuff...the..the..he..” He stammered out while his eyes started to widen in horror. He watched as his paws started to look dry and pebbly in texture before small grains of sugar to fall off until his claws started to fall apart completely like sand. “! This can’t be happening!” Wolly whined out frantically. He looked around the room desperately before he rushed towards the door. He brought his paw hands to the door handle only to feel them explode and fall apart like a dry sandcastle. He could feel his hands falling to the ground in heaps of sugar as he yelled out in terror. “This can’t be happening! Make it stop!” He yelled out for anyone that might be listening. He could only watch and feel as his arms continued to fall apart and dry out in his sleeves. He could feel the sand sugar that was now his body falling towards the ground. His heart raced as he looked around frantically and with a jerking motion felt his waist give out along with his legs. He fell towards the ground to see his legs ‘broke off’ when in fact he was no longer attached to them. His pants quickly fell in as his legs lost shape and turned to sugar sand. “ no!” Wolly panicked as he felt like crying but his whole body was so dry. He tried to move but only could feel his body crumbling more into his shirt. He could feel his ears starting to fall apart as his senses were quickly dulling. He tried to yell out for help but his muzzle started to collapse and before he could do one more act he succumbed and fell into a pile of sugar sand inside his clothing. The room fell silent as all movement ceased. Only a pile of clothing and sugar sand could be seen. A hidden camera in the corner of the room caught everything as it continued to study and watch. Eventually, the sound of the door fully locking rang through the room as the master code used to open it expired trapping the thief inside. After about another hour the sand inside the clothing started to undulate and move. At first, it was just several grains trying to bind together but then they fell to the ground. Then they moved again gathering more and more of the other grains. Slowly but surely they collected into more and more shapes. First fingers, then a whole paw started to form, then another. They slowly started to push out of the piles trying to pull into a larger form with a head forming and seeming like it was yelling before the whole thing fell into a pile of sand once more. Then the movement seemed to stop. After about another hour the sand started to move again and this time started to push up into the clothing as the body started to take a more solid shape but as soon as the clothing lifted the figure fell apart into another pile of sand. This only seemed to frustrate the remains of Wolly as it started to form and thrash around in the piles of sand until slowly it lumped itself together and slowly started to grow and push out of the clothing. Pile by pile the figure managed to push and get out of the clothes until there was just a massive pile of sugar sand. Another hour passed and the pile remained still before it started to reassemble and grow up into the wolf-like form that Wolly used to have. The figure seemed to just stand there a moment before it tried to move only to feel its joints crack and fall apart before pulling back to its body. It then tried to take a step only for its body to fall apart again and tumble towards the door. This time it seemed to be able to reform its body rather quickly as it moved closer to the door. It tried to form its paw-like hands and grab at the door handle only to feel it pass right through the sand sugar making it fall to the ground. It tried to growl and yell which only made it fall apart quickly to the ground. Hours started to pass as the figure grew tired from trying to hold its form letting itself fall into a pile of sugar sand. Then hours slowly pressed into days as hope of being found were quickly diminished that the plant would be closed for several more days. The whole time Wolly realized this was all a setup and that he was being watched. He found the camera and would try to growl at it when he reformed. His only path of escape was the air duct which was high off the floor. He spent a few days trying to stretch and reshape his body to try and get into the air vent only to feel his body crumble and fall back to the ground from the air being pushed into the room. He was left there to languish in his torment of being unable to escape or even move without being torn apart. Time continued to tick by and he continued to practice holding his form and trying to make himself more solid or try to move better around the room. Though his actions did not go unnoticed. Eventually, his watch which was lost on the floor with his clothes showed it was the day the plant was to reopen. He tried to prepare himself for someone to come back into the room as he heard the plant coming back to life. He could even hear the voices in the hallway. “Ahh yes, he is still in the room. We are about to collect him now.” Came his bosses' voice from outside the door before a small window opened in the door. His smug face looking at the sand sugar wolf before him. Wolly tried to growl and lunge to the door hoping to get through the opening but felt himself fall to the ground just as a powerful suction started to emanate from the pedestal. It lifted off the ground a few inches as air whipped around the room and started to pull his sand sugar into the base of it. He tried to hold onto his form but it was too weak and he quickly dissolved and was sucked into the pedestal. He could feel his grains being pushed into a container and before he could react he was being sealed so tightly that his sugar grains could not move. However, he could still see and hear from anywhere his form was. He watched as the pedestal was moved and soon his boss came in and picked up the large jar of sugar wolf sand. “Thank you, Wolly for being a great test subject for our Sugar Golem formula. It worked great. Now we get to experiment with you...maybe bake you into something to see if you can take on that form!” The man laughed evilly before he took the jar and left the room. As he was carried towards his future Wolly could see just how diabolical this place was. Rooms he passed he caught glimpses of other tortured test subjects. One was with a fox made of cake, while another was a poor sad gummy bear, and another was of a chocolate rabbit that seemed to be laying eggs. He tried desperately to try and escape but found his body could not move from the pressure he was being kept in. He could feel his container being set down in another lab before his boss left and shut the door. His entire world turning dark as he felt like he was just put in a large pantry.