“So uh… human huh?” Jun asked the waiter, rubbing at the back of his head when he moved to sit down at the table. He didn’t want to seem like a jerk, he had no problems with the tiny primates at all, but this was no what he was expecting at all. Jun Fraxian was a lonely salarian for sure, despite all of his best efforts. The dating scene was fairly difficult for the amphibian who was gay and not interested in his own species, though he tried to make himself more appealing. His muscle structure was larger than most, his arms were well defined, clinging to his shirt all the way to his elbows. He was told that most other species were interested in such things, and yet he never could seem to lure anyone in, at least nobody he knew. And that was how he ended up on a blind date, spying a lone human atop the table he was being led to. Carter was in the same boat. The human was shifting awkwardly the moment that the restaurant’s host brought the little guy to a proper sized table, one for literally every other species in the galaxy. He should have seen this coming really. Kijara was not one for subtlety after all, so when she asked him if he had any preferences for species, he should have registered that as a red flag. Still he kept an open mind, and he was really glad he did. The human let out an audible gasp. The salarian made eye contact with him and he knew he was his date. The alien’s skin was a lovely shade of purple, His muscles were accented with curling markings, speckled upon with shimmering sparkles, like stars in a nebula. And of course, he was massive… more so than just the difference between a human and other alien. The colossus nodded towards the human, sliding into the booth and crossing his three fingered hands nervously onto the table. “Uhh, hi! You must be Jun?” Carter smiled up to the salarian, standing up from his own minature table across from the alien and waving at him. He was clearly enthusiastic, but then relented a bit when he saw just how nervous Jun was. Not to mention, he was certainly intimidated too. “Carter, it’s a pleasure.” The salarian extended a finger to him, and Carter took a sharp breath. He reached forward, taking hold of the finger and shifting it up and down. Clearly, Jun was doing all of the work there, the human incapable of even lifting the finger. “I’m sorry, you’re not really what I expected. I thought Carter was a turian name.” “I uh… no it’s human.” He responded. The pair of them avoid looking into each other’s eyes. “I mean, I guess it could sort of be turian?” “Hahahhh uh yeah.” Jun’s massive eyes drifted away, looking towards his wine glass and then up at the waiter, a younger turian fellow. His eyes were half open, internalizing the cringe at this beginning of a first date gone wrong. He decided to save the pair of them some awkwardness. “So would you gentlemen like some wine for the evening?” The turian asked. Carter clapped his hands together, and then reached for the wine menu, quickly going through the list and tapping on the datapad, selecting the fancy sounding one that didn’t have a high price tag. “I’ll have the… how do you pronounce that? Gartill… Grutarill…” Carter seemed to struggle to say the name, and Jun’s eyes widened a bit, realizing what the human was trying to say. “Grutarin Rosé.” Jun smiled, feeling a bit proud of himself. He turned his datapad around, tapping on the entry to show the little human. “Sur’Kesh script is always hard to read. That symbol makes an N sound there when at the end, rather than an L” Carter shrugged nervously and chuckled, shaking his head and letting out a softer sound. Jun died a little on the inside, feeling stupid. Giving your date grammar lessons wasn’t really the best idea he supposed. Jun looked away and selected his own drink. “Uhh, Thessian purple please.” “Excellent choices.” The waiter nodded, and turned away, clearly just too tired to even tell the salarian his choice was a dessert wine. … “Kijara tells me you’re a bioball player?” Carter asked, trying his best to fill the silence. Jun looked up from his wine glass, the skin under his eyes changing a hue of purple. Was the alien blushing, the human wondered. “Ahh, I was back in university. I’m a star charter nowadays. It’s easier to work at home, and it’s fun to do!” Jun commented, looking away again from the human. He felt embarrassed more than anything. He was never a good player, so at most he does it on a weekend with friends, not to mention the stigma of being a biotic. “What do you do for a living?” “Oh I’m just a… well I work on construction plans. Custom plumbing work for apartments on the Citadel.” Carter waved his hand, as if hoping to cast the thought away entirely. Construction was a joke on the Citadel, considering how much slack was picked up by the keepers. “Not all that much interesting on that end unfortunately…” “Right.” Jun complied. They both took a deep breath and then a deep swig of their respective drinks. The waiter then came up to the table once more, drumming on his notepad with his fingers. “So what can I get for you two to eat?” “Uh… I’ll have a house salad with the varren and gnocchi sou. And can I get it…” His eyes shifted down to Carter, and so did the waiter’s. Carter rolled his eyes and chuckled, a bit of a red flush appearing on his cheeks. “Go ahead, I really don’t mind.” “With extra humans in both please?” Jun closed his eyes in embarrassment. The waiter jotted it down and then turned to Carter. The human didn’t respond for a moment, his eyes instead fixated on Jun with a mixture of awe and intimidation. But, all Jun could see was a fictitious fear, one his mind conjured up and wouldn’t let go. The waiter coughed, bringing Carter back down to reality. “Seafood alfredo please.” Carter sputtered out a half thought out option as he realized his pause. He handed the waiter back the menu, setting it atop of the alien’s fingertip before he rolled it back down into his palm and stuffed it into one of his many pockets. The waiter left in a hurry, leaving the two aliens to continue their date. A silence hung over them, and Carter attempted to break the ice. “So since you-” “Hold that thought, sorry but I need to use the bathroom.” Jun said, and didn’t wait for Carter to respond before getting out from his seat. He stepped away quickly, leaving Carter there, alone with his wine. He sighed while pulling up his omnitool and began typing away at it. Jun meanwhile, stepped into the bathroom, rubbing on his face in disbelief at how poorly this was going. In a bit of a panic, he pulled up the messenger application on his own omnitool, struggling to hit the keys in the correct order. ... Kijara’Alinor hummed along with the old human song, the quarian’s foot tapping at the foot of her bed and her head bobbing with it as she scrolled through her datapad. In her other hand was a tall drink of what seemed to be a sealed canister of fruit juice. Fleet and Flotilla 4: Rise of the Dreadnaught, played in the background. She didn’t much care for the film, but it was good background noise to have at the very least. It was a moment of peace in a very busy life of a citadel dwelling quarian. That changed when she got three simultaneous messages, one from each of her friends, and a third one from her cousin, asking for an update on those plumbing renovation plans for the live ships back on the Flotilla. “Shit.” She said under her breath, and waved her hand, showing three panels. Immediately, she began typing away, first to Jun. “Hey Kiki, I’m with my date tonight, how is it you didn’t tell me he was human, but you told him I was in Bioball??? You know I sucked at it. HE’S REALLY SMALL BY THE WAY, HE MUST BE TERRIFIED OF ME! I fucking ordered extra humans with my meal too. HELP!” The message was filled with fat fingered misspellings which were periodically updated whenever the salarian on the other end would update the note. Kijara rolled her eyes and typed up her response. “I told him that because he thinks just biotics are cool. I know you can’t lift a lot, but do a little trick with him or something. Also he’s a bit of a foodie, lean in on that for a bit of fun between you two.” She typed that up and hit send, and turned her attention to Carter. “Jeez you didn’t tell me this guy was absolutely ripped. I’ve never seen a salarian like that before. How the hell am I going to impress this guy when I’m smaller than his finger? He probably eats people like me by the dozen!” The message read. The quarian rolled her eyes and groaned out another swear. She wished she could just shake these two until they calmed down and just enjoyed the night, but this was the next best thing. “Trust me, he’s more intimidated by you, than you are of him. Just relax and let him take control of the night. Maybe bring up some video games, you both like those right?” She responded to the human. With that said, she then typed up one last message and sent it to both of them. “Keelah, with one of you being a foodie and the other a salarian, you two don’t have that long to enjoy each other. Just relax and have fun, alright?” … “Just relax and enjoy the night…” Jun muttered to himself as he walked back to his booth, a bit of a calming feeling settling in over him. Was it Kiki’s advice? Was it the booze kicking in finally? It didn’t matter, he was just going to do what he could at this point. He soon arrived, and grunted as he settled back into the booth “Sorry about that. I could have sworn lunch agreed with me.” This got a chuckle out of both of them, and thanks to good timing, the waiter brought over the salad, setting it in front of Jun with a clack. On it were a few humans, four in total. All of them gaped up at Jun, clearly surprised at the burly salarian for sure. Jun took this as a confidence booster, and stabbed his fork into some lettuce and an onion, not going after his living snacks yet. “It’s quite alright.” Carter smiled up at the alien, content with watching him eat for now. He enjoyed the crunch of the leaves between his teeth, and the shifting jaws as they chewed up the mouthful of greens. Each glimpse allowed Carter to get a better idea of what it was like inside the maw. Complimenting the purple skin was flesh hidden inside of the salarian colored black, and with golden accents here and there, such as along the edges of his tongue, and a few arching streaks on the inside of his cheek. “I’m glad to see you’re back though, it’s a sight to behold for sure.” The first human snack was scooped up, shoveled into Jun’s mouth without a thought. Jun swished him around, making a bit of a show of his cheeks shifting left and right as they bulged out with food. He then tipped his head up, and gulped the human down. Just like that, the man was gone, yet here all the same, trapped within Jun’s body with his digestion guaranteed now. Jun could tell that Carter was watching with great intent, thoughts flowing in the human’s head. In response, he flexed his bicep, the more loose alien skin stretching taut over his massive bulging muscle. “Yeah? You like all of this? It’s not common, but salarians can work themselves up to be pretty muscular.” “Does being a biotic make it harder? Since you have to eat a lot more than others right?” Carter asked, with not so subtle intentions there. “Oh definitely. But, that’s what the extra humans are for!” He smiled, and looked down to the remaining humans and pointing at one in particular. The woman gasped lightly, and prepared to feel a hand wrapping around her. But then a tingling sensation enveloped her body, and she realized that she began to float up. The all too familiar shimmer completely surrounded her, as well as Jun’s hand. His free hand scooped up another mess of leaves and onions with his fork, scooping it into his mouth and crunching it all up. When the mouth opened again, all of those pretty alien leaves were now shredded, spittle soaked globs inside of the alien’s black and gold maw. The woman found herself slowly drifting to the mess as Jun flexed his finger, being pulled towards it with her feet pointing at his gullet. The heat emitting from the mouth was matched by its humidity, making her skin feel moist already just from being suspended outside of the maw. Slowly, it would surround her. The lips stretched around her view of the world until they closed around her middle. She grunted, feeling the pressure of the wet, soft seal against her belly, her arms pinned inside and unable to resist. She moaned quietly, feeling herself kneaded by the lips, as well as the teeth playfully gnawing at her legs and the tongue shoveling chewed vegetables over them too. This moment was cut short though, when she could feel a tugging pressure at her legs, and suddenly, she was sucked up into the maw with a wet slurp, her face squished between the lips for a moment before the tongue scooped her up the rest of the way. Jun swallowed, sending that bite down to join the other human. “I guess we humans have some pretty good calorie content then?” Carter chuckled, finding it bizarre to have a conversation with someone eating his species right there, especially when he considered joining them. But tonight was for the date, he would give Jun that at least. “Without a doubt, that’s why you find whole bowls of little volunteers at the gym. And unlike most other meats, you guys go down in your entirety so a lot less is lost.” His three fingered hand drummed over his abdomen as it came to a rest over the belly. He murred, feeling his two treats tucked away in there. Immediately, he scooped up another human, this one lasting nowhere near as long as the others. With a shove into his mouth, the little guy was lost among the leaves as they shifted inside, Carter’s last view of the human being his head poking out of the mess before the lips closed around him. Jun’s jaws shifted up and down, but slowly and carefully. He was clearly avoiding chewing up the human inside of his mouth before he swallowed. “All the better since I never really enjoyed chewing up my humans. You can’t feel their squirms afterwards if you do.” Carter blushed at this, wondering how many people had taken such a fall, sliding down Jun’s gullet to be added to dinner. They were all alive while they were smelted down to their nutritious components in his sweltering belly… As much fun as he was having pondering the subject, he needed to shift topics fast, or he’d end up going down there before the entree arrived. “So uhh, you play videogames?” “Yeah! Nebula Seven is what I’ve been playing lately.” Jun responded, finishing off his salad finally and setting it to the side with a clack of his fork against ceramic. He spoke in between bites, the jaws shifting as he struggled to continue talking. He raised a hand, clearly having something to say while he swallowed the last bite and washed his prey within with another glob of wet chewed vegetables. “But there’s this exploit with the asari characters in it where they just run around wayyy too fast if you deploy their barriers while vaulting or anything like that. Their default movement speed is too fast to begin with!” “God I know that, I’ve been playing the game since launch and that kind of bug always keeps popping up here and there. Three damn years you think they’d have figured out how to patch that out.” Carter laughed, sipping at his wine confidently and comfortably. It was then that their food arrived. The turian waiter first carefully set the massive bowl of soup down in front of Jun, and then daintily pinched up Carter’s plate between special tweezers, lowering it down to his table with a well practiced hand. Both of the patrons were keeping an eye on Jun’s meal though. Inside of it was a delicious, creamy soup, with various vegetables like celery and carrots floating about, adding color to the white substance, while the gnocchi added some appetizing lumps to the soup. Inside the bowl though there was also a group of five… six humans? It was a bit difficult to count since a couple of them were floating here and there in the soup, covered in the substance. Others clinged onto the dumplings, while some sat on the rim, admiring their smiling predator above. “So, what other games do you play?” Jun asked, dipping his spoon into the soup and scooping out a large pool of the stuff, a dumpling, and one human. The human’s name was Shane. He clung onto the dumpling, his arms sinking into its soft starchy surface. He had long since abandoned his glasses, tossing them out from the soup bowl and into the trash as they were carried to the table earlier. Still, he could see the approaching maw perfectly clearly. The alien’s jaws parted wide, accepting the spoonful of food. He gasped as it surrounded him completely, and then again when he felt the inner side of the lips push up against him, spilling the contents across the tongue. Immediately, a wet squelching surrounded him, and a gush of soupy mush flooded the maw when the salarian’s molars chewed down on the dumpling. Shane struggled to stay afloat in it all, tossed here and there inside of the maw in a blissful trance. The jaws worked around him, stuffing the human into the cheek as the alien spoke, his voice booming from the perspective of someone in that mouth. Shane would watch the lips flex and shift from the inside with each word. “Mmmmhh, that’s really good! I’ll have to get this again.” Shane balked at this for a moment, stunned at the display of power here. Again, he said. His own flavor pairing with the soup was enough to condemn another group of his kind to slid down this alien’s throat, and vanish forever as part of him. It was a lovely thought to the human, who would barely notice himself shifting with the bolus into the neck. A surge of black and gold muscle pulled him down, and down, and down again. Shane took a deep breath, admiring the fact that he was being pulled down through Jun’s well defined chest, before being deposited into the stomach. For those already inside, they would be treated to a sputtering upper stomach valve, dribbling first soup, then a splatter of chewed gnocchi, and then Shane himself, falling a short distance before landing at the base of the oddly shaped alien stomach. It was spherical, with the exception of a small bent nook off to the side. In it were a pair of humans, two of the men from the salad, hugging onto each other, simply talking between themselves. The next thing that Shane noticed was the smell. The sour odor of the lifetime of digestion was pungent, and potent. The sourness from the onions, vegetables, vinaigrette, and bubbling oils here and there made his eyes water. He rubbed at them, fumbling his way over to a stomach wall and leaning up against it, before then finding himself tripping over another eaten human. “Oh jeez sorry!” Both of them said in unison. Shane pulled himself up and out of the mess, while shaking it off of his arms. The woman he tripped over laughed and shook her head, scooching over and patting the wall next to her. “Don’t worry about it, comes with the territory of being food. Shane, right?” She asked him. Shane blushed, and sat down next to her, shifting a chunky glob of what he assumed was lunch. He sat down, feeling the gooey mess seep over his legs up to his waist. “Yeah, and you’re… Barbra?” He asked, pointing to her as he shot in the dark, trying to remember the name to the face when their names were called from a list back in the kitchen. “It’s Brianna, buuuut I guess ‘meat’ is more appropriate now for both of us.” She shot back, chuckling. It was certainly a crazy thing for her to admit but not inaccurate. “I guess… The only person who is going to be around after tonight certainly won’t be calling us by our names.” He took a deep breath at that thought, shifting his legs through the stomach mush as he finally took in his surroundings properly. The stomach walls were beautiful. A deep black ordained with shimmering gold patterns all about the place some of it crimping and folding along with the stomach ridges. It seemed almost like the gold was inlaid, bearing a slightly different texture of flesh than the black insides. The muscle itself never seemed to stop moving. The constant flex and shift of the organ around them pulsing in various ways to keep the food inside agitated, and easier to work on. This was all lit by a pair of drones floating at the top of the stomach, shining a dim glow over everything inside. They were clearly from one of the devoured humans inside the stomach. “So uh… listen. We’re food now, and we won’t be alive in a few hours so...” She tentatively set a hand on the human’s lower thigh below the surface of the chyme. Shane blushed and smiled, wrapping an arm around her shoulders and taking a hint. “Wanna cuddle?” He asked. She nodded, wrapping her arm around his waist and settling in with her new stomach partner. The organ seemed to groan out in approval, and churned powerfully, the muscles squeezing down on all of them inside. The two humans gasped, feeling a fresh glob of slime seep over their shoulders. A gulp then sounded out above and they looked up, seeing another spoonful of the soup, and one more person splatter into the stomach. It sent a small wave that gently lapped at their abdomens while they sat down in the gut. They looked at each other and smiled warmly. “Won’t be long before things get pretty crowded in here.” … “Urrff, I don’t think I can pack another bite in here.” Jun commented, slapping both of his hands on his abdomen and giving a rub to the ridged surface. His stomach groaned audibly, agreeing with the alien as it churned in on the meal. Still though there was a small pool and a lone human in the soup bowl, with a shred of carrot draped over his shoulder. He seemed a bit disappointed by this development, looking downwards. Jun gave an apologetic look to the human. “Sorry little guy, those dumplings were more filling than I thought. I wouldn’t want you to drown in their either.” “Would you like a to go box sir?” The turian waiter asked, raising a brow as he looked at the remaining human. Jun pondered for a moment and shook his head. “Nahh, there’s just sooo little left. I’d rather not waste a box for it.” Jun declined. He turned on his omnitool, as did Carter, and they both tried to pay for the whole meal. Carter was the one who got it first, digitally sending his credits across to the waiter, who nodded at the generous tip and smiled. At least one good thing came out of watching this weird date. Jun smiled at Carter, feeling humbled. “Thanks little guy… if you ever go out again, I’ll get the next one.” The turian didn’t interject. Instead, he picked up the plates, with the leftover human simply enjoying the sight of the turian above him now. Jun sighed, and then looked to carter, drumming his fingers on his abdomen and sighing out contentedly. “So uh… I know this is a bit forward bu-” A wet gurgle could be heard coming from the salarian’s middle. He belched out, his mouth opening wide and small traces of spittle being shot out. Most aliens wouldn’t see the spittle, but for Carter, it was a small drizzle that smelled wonderful. “Urrf, excuse me. Yeah, a bit forward but do you wanna come over to my place tonight?” “I thought you were saying no to leftovers.” Carter chuckled, resting his chin in his propped up hands as he admired the giant in front of him. Jun smiled and jutted a thumb towards the dishes being carried away. “If I couldn’t eat that last guy, I’m probably not gonna eat you.” “Probably?” “You never know what can happen.~” Jun teased back. He then stood up, offering a hand out for Carter to climb up onto. “Buuut actually I wanted to just see if we could play some Nebula Seven. I can show you a couple of diamond level strats.” Carter smiled, and stepped between the fingers and onto the palm. One hand reached out, holding onto the finger as he was lifted up rapidly. He took a deep breath, finally getting this close to the alien’s face. The massive eyes looked down on him, while he arched his neck to look up, in awe of Jun’s vastness. “Well I can’t say no to an offer like that.~” Jun smiled, and walked away from the table, with his date in hand. … “Cheer up little guy, it’s all luck of the draw sometimes you know?” The turian said to the remaining human in the bowl. He transferred the money from the tip into his personal credit chit, happy to finally have some time to wind down now that people were finally leaving the restaurant. “I knowww. I just really was hoping to slide down into someone today.” The little man said, slumped down, still waist high in soup as he rested in the bowl. He shrugged and pushed at the floating bit of carrot near his foot. “Well, how about me? Boss doesn’t mind us snacking on leftovers as long as we wash our hands.” The turian said, wiggling his eyebrow at the human suggestively. The little guy looked up, blushing at the alien and chuckling at that. He certainly was pretty handsome, he had to admit. “Uhh, isn’t that against some kind of health code?” He nervously responded, clearly trying to bounce back a bit of banter with the alien. The turian laughed and then leaned in, showing off a sultry expression. “Probably. All the more reason for me to eat you now. Can’t have you telling anyone about these violations.” The turian then lifted up clean spoon, wiggling it near the rim of the bowl as he waited for the human to decide. “Well then… I guess there can be no witnesses.” He replied, climbing up into the spoon. The turian chuckled, and shifted the utensil under his new treat, getting a healthy amount of the soup too. He then lifted the spoon, not even waiting to eat the human any longer. With a rush of motion, he found himself spilling into the alien’s mouth, surrounded by blue flesh from the blue blooded being. He wrestled with the tongue, feeling it shift left and right as he was tasted by it. “Hmm, soup’s a little cold buuut…” He spoke around his mouthful, before swallowing it all down. He groaned in pleasure as the familiar weight of a living person shifted down his neck, and soon into his belly. “Pretty tasty overall.” The turian gave a pat on his plated belly, sending a reverbing thunder around the meat inside. The human sputtered as he felt himself squeezed into the belly. All around him was an amalgamation of a mouthful from almost every dish served at that restaurant. All of it was at varying degrees of digestion. There were unidentifiable mounds steaming mush that spread their scent throughout the gut, and then there were mostly solid objects like a whole pasta shell half buried in stomach mush. He also wasn’t the only human in here, but he would argue he was the only living one. A couple of vague outlines of human bodies could be spotted here and there in the stomach, long too digested to really be identifiable as male or female, let alone if they were still breathing or not. The human nestled down, sinking up to his chest in the mush while the turian continued to work around him. Each step sent a relaxing, rocking sway throughout the stomach, the alien’s mind not even drifting to the living person inside of him as he finished out his work day. … “Oh that’s a nasty angle!” Carter commented, watching Jun defeat an enemy with a single shot across the map, spying him through what seemed like a sea of blown open holes and doorways. Carter shook his head, chuckling at all of this. He was poised on Jun’s abdomen, the alien kicked back on his sofa as they watched him play some games. Though, the entire time he was watching, all he could think about was the vibrating grumble behind his body. It had been an hour since dinner, and from the irregular shifting squelches, it was clear that everyone eaten was still alive in there, though things were certainly slowing down. “Yeah, the only problem is it leaves your ass out in the ope-shit!” Jun was immediately silenced as the rapid, loud crack of gunfire and an explosion rang over the vid screen, and he watched as his character, a Salarian STG operative of some sort, fall over dead. The couple laugh this off, dumbfounded by the timing of it. “Ahhh well you win some you lose some.” “Heh, yeah.” Carter said, nestling a bit deeper between the ridges of the abs. Jun smiled down at the human while the game raged on in the background. Carter would find some fingers wrapping around his body. He gasped as he was lifted up, watching the other hand pull the shirt off of the alien’s body. Carter ducked as the fabric flowed over him, soon spilling out onto the floor, and set back down onto his spot, this time with the alien’s belly bare. He gasped out warmly, and looked up at Jun, who smirked at the little human. “Hope you don’t mind me getting a bit more comfy. You can listen to me process down your kind a little more easily this way anyways.” Jun commented, his free hand drifting towards the human, gently stroking along his body, holding him in place. Carter moaned a bit, enjoying the smooth, supple texture of the amphibian’s skin. He felt like he was practically sinking into the flesh. Carter buried his face in it, enjoying the warmth radiating out from the stomach as it digested all of the people within. … It was a long, grueling but lovely process, being digested down by the alien. The humans inside were barely holding on at that point, the sweltering steam being part of the limited air inside. The survivin humans struggled to keep their heads over the surface of the soup, now turned into a stew. Hunks of slime and semi-digested food decorated the surface, falling apart with disgusting noises each time. It was clear some humans could handle the digestion more easily than others. Some clearly didn’t want to last long, allowing themselves to sink below the surface, and never come back up, the only thing emerging being a bubble or two splattering chyme in the gut. The only relief that the living hunks of meat would get would be the occasional splash of cool water into the gut. They would sputter, and have the air refresh, reminding the doomed morsels trapped inside of the stomach that there was a world free of this putrid and short existence of food. One that they would never experience again, and they were enjoying every second of that fact. They had all sacrificed their bodies to be at the mercy of the alien’s stomach, knowing it had no mercy or reprieve to give them. Shane pushed on the roof of the stomach, much to the delight of his devourer who enjoyed the sensation of the humans, enjoying their last moments as much as he was. Shane’s feet pushed up against something, he couldn’t tell what, but his mind drifted to the idea that it was someone else’s body. It seemed to… solid to be any of the soup’s contents after all. The occasional pulse from the kneading stomach would push his head under the surface, dunking him down in the acidic mixture. He looked over to his partner, the woman clearly tired and exhausted from being digested over these hours. Her arms were melting before their eyes, with the fingers on one of her hands dribbling down and plopping inside of the pool. She gave Shane a tired, happy look, before closing her eyes and resting her head on the stomach wall, seemingly content in finally submitting. Shane smiled, and did the same, hugging onto her as they both passed out, floating in the pool for a moment before sinking below the surface. Their demise went unnoticed by Jun, who simply rubbed at his newfound boyfriend’s back. … “God, how many people did you end up eating tonight?” Carter asked, in awe at the unrelenting, indifferent processing power of the organ just beyond all of that muscle. He pawed at Jun’s stomach, and looked up at the salarian who smiled back down on him. “Sorry, was I supposed to count?” He asked in a joking manner, though there was a hint of truth to it. The gut groaned and growled, churning at the mush inside of it. “If you think that’s impressive, just remember that was all for one meal out of three I’ve had for the day.~” “Very impressive actually…” Carter said. He then stood up gesturing to himself and looking excitedly up at Jun. “How long do you think I’d last before you do the same to me?” “Well… I don’t know really. Depends on how long before you ask me to eat you up.” Jun retorted, plucking up the human and bringing him over to his face. The salarian looked over Carter, the black and gold tongue sliding between the lips and along the purple surface of them/ “Because I could definitely cram you in there right now, and if you asked, I wouldn’t say no.” “Well, I don’t think I’d say no either actually.” Carter admitted. Jun’s expression turned surprised, but only for a split second, before his charismatic, predatory smoulder took back over. He chuckled and brought Carter close to his face, taking a deep breath to smell the soon to be eaten human. His belly then grumbled, clearly unhappy with the presence of food on the outside of Jun’s body, when it could be inside. “Sounds like you just made sure that you’re not going to survive the night with me, Carter.” Jun commented. The salarian brought the human to his mouth, and Carter thought he was going in immediately. Instead though, the purple lips puckered and planted against his body. Carter could feel a sharp suction on it, and realized he was being kissed. Jun pulled back, letting his treat get one last look at the body he was going into. “Any last words sweetie?” Carter smiled, his face now a bright red. He fumbled a bit, hoping to find some words, something at all. But, he eventually settled on one statement. “I had a lot of fun tonight Jun. I’m glad I could be your boyfriend for the night.” Jun gave him a genuine smile, feeling warmed to his heart by the comment. But Carter was food now, and he knew what he had to do. The buff salarian opened his wide mouth, gaping it for Carter to see inside the flesh as he was lowered down into it. Carter’s moans grew quieter, and then muffled when the maw closed around him. The last thing anyone would ever see of the human would be his hand between the lips, before it was slurped up. Jun took his time, swishing Carter around inside of his maw, pushing him against the soft cheeks. An outside observer would be able to see an outline of the human, but there was only Jun left now, and he savored his newly acquired boyfriend. That is, until he decided to finally end it. Jun swallowed, once again after many times today, with Carter being the passenger now. With a wet, rhythmic pulsing motion, the human was deposited into the stomach, splattering down amidst dinner. He let out a grossed out noise, wiping the chunky chyme from his face and taking a look around the stomach. It was certainly a grim place, with hunks and chunks of meat which were definitely from the people he saw earlier. He shuddered in pleasure, knowing he would now share the same fate. A thundering pat rumbled around him, and he looked up to hear Jun’s voice. “I had a lot of fun too dessert. You get comfy in there alright? I’m gonna sleep you and your friends off.” And Carter felt things begin to move now. He swayed, with the salarian’s step, feeling the stomach’s contents splash and slosh around him. The shifting surface would reveal more vile piles of digested food below in the stomach, substances that the human’s legs would be forced to sift through. Carter hummed excitedly, noting that the stomach seemed fairly inactive. Perhaps its working more slowly since the alien is tired and Jun had just finished processing a meal? Whatever the case, one thing was certain. This stomach was his tomb, and he couldn’t leave now even if he wanted to. … Morning came slowly, with Jun yawning loudly as he emerged from his bed. He looked around his apartment, the events of yesterday floating pleasantly back in into his frame of mind. It was then that he felt a small bit of motion. He looked at his belly curiously his eyes widened. Carter was still alive. Barely though. Likely after the whole night of marinating in there, he was not in a repairable state. Jun took the chance to rub his fate in a little more. “Heyyyy there dessert. You still moving down there? Don’t worry, you’re about to feel a nice hot wash in my morning coffee, that should finish you off.” Jun pulled himself out of bed, deliberately accenting the movements of his massive body, reminding the mess that is Carter that he was trapped inside of a living being, who had things to do with his day. And he was rapidly approaching the coffee maker. After a few minutes of tinkering, and pushing buttons, and a smooth pour of the dark drink, the coffee was finally ready. Jun blew on the surface of the mug, helping it cool down before taking a large swig of it. One hefty swallow later, and he could feel a warm sensation spreading through his abdomen, and then finally a stillness. Jun sighed, and leaned on the counter, taking idle sips of his drink while watching skycars pass by outside. He was mostly through his beverage when a vidcall rang out on his omnitool, he pressed it to reveal a quarian, the friend who set up his blind date. “Kiki! It’s great to see you. Your advice really helped me out last night.” He said warmly to the quarian. She seemed to smile back at him from under her mask. “Glad to hear it! Did you end up taking him home last night?” She asked Jun, who nodded as he took another sip of his coffee. “Oh yeah, we played a bunch of Nebula Seven all night, it was a lovely time.” “Nice, I guess he’s sleeping in then? He hasn’t been answering my calls.” She commented, giving Jun a quizzical look, the glowing eyes expressing as much as they could. “Oh uh… yeah he won’t be calling you back again, I don’t think…” Jun said, his hand drifting down to his abdomen, giving her a satisfied look. Kiki’s eyes widened as she was caught by surprise. Her surprise ended up surprising Jun too, who began to feel some anger from her. “Keelah, are you serious? He was almost done with that plumbing contract for the ships back on the flotilla! He said he had the plans done and he was going to email me when he got home.” Jun gasped out, patting on his belly like he was searching for his keys in his pockets. “What the hell? I thought you wanted me to get all predatory and stuff with him?” “I didn’t think you were actually going to eat him, Bosh’tet!” Kiki groaned, more annoyed than anything. “When did you do it? Maybe he’s still alive down there and he can send me the plans from his omnitool.” “Why not? He was a foodie after all, he was really into it!” Jun groaned and rubbed at his eyes. “I ate him last night but he was still alive this morning… until I…” He shifted his coffee mug about in his hand, giving her an apologetic look. “Damn… I guess we’ll have to use his old drafts for now-” “Wait hold on…” Jun said. He tapped on a few keys on his omnitool, the device beeping as it sent another call to his snack. He could feel the vibrations within, and held up a finger, feeing his belly begin to get upset. A few more seconds later, and he made a sickly motion with his neck, and soon belched out loudly. A few things flew out of the salarian’s mouth. A glob of messy clothes, a lone skull, and a glowing omnitool, all skittering across the countertop. Jun carefully pinched up the omnitool and skull, showing it to Kiki. “Here you should be able to get the files off from here… also Carter says hi?” He joked, hoping to relieve tension. Kiki was not amused. … “God, how many people did you end up eating tonight?” Carter asked, in awe at the unrelenting, indifferent processing power of the organ just beyond all of that muscle. He pawed at Jun’s stomach, and looked up at the salarian who smiled back down on him. “Sorry, was I supposed to count?” He asked in a joking manner, though there was a hint of truth to it. The gut groaned and growled, churning at the mush inside of it. “If you think that’s impressive, just remember that was all for one meal out of three I’ve had for the day.~” “I appreciate your resistance to ask me to join them.” Carter replied, turning around and hugging onto the finger that was stroking onto him. Jun chuckled, rolling the finger around, and holding the human tight against his palm. He murred loudly, the hand completely engulfing Carter for a moment as he kneaded the human in his fingers. “It certainly is tempting, but maybe I’ll send you down on the second date.” Jun commented, giving the human a toothy grin. Carter sighed, a bit of a relaxation finally washing over him. The salarian noticed this, and chuckled, shaking his head. “That doesn’t mean you won’t be visiting my digestive tract tonight.” Carter watched as he was brought close to the salarian’s mouth, the jaws gaping wide for him to enter. That black and gold tongue stretched out, welcoming the human inside. Jun waited for Carter to climb in of his own volition. Carter took the hint, trusting Jun with his life as he crawled between the sets of teeth, curling up inside of the salarian’s mouth. He watched the jaws come back together, sealed behind the teeth and lips while the tongue slid along his body. Carter was shoved into the side of the mouth, tucked away into the cheek while Jun went to his bedroom. “My mouth should serve well enugh as a bed for you tonight tidbit… get comfy in there.” Jun smiled around Carter, the human seeing the lips curl upwards in a grin and blushing. He nuzzled onto the tongue, looking at the back of the throat and imagining just how easy it would be to send him into it. He relaxed in the maw, breathing in the odors of the air inside and soon falling to sleep, loving every second of it.