As I traverse through life unaided The stream of my ambitions becoming jaded My sanity is wearing thin; yet you cannot see The amount of agony that only I perceive My only motivational compress is in decline And soon my thoughts will be no more; a forgotten outline This noise is so distraught; it is so catastrophic Yet it is my only vestige; with none so anechoic Seeing Past embarkments of success only ending in misery With future insights so reassuring to await so steadily Diligently I await the stable refuge of calmness For it is my only source of genuine consciousness And yet, as my life stays in a permanent loop Everyone around me is enjoying life and companionship With so many great things and opportunities so well deserved All the while I lay in self-inflicted pain, a fate not desired Spirits not of my own, with a leading light so bright And my soul with petrifying, the anti-thesis of incandescent Trapped within my own mind, a never-ending bloody war Of past happiness, worth nothing more of a bittersweet tear Paranoid and devoid of will, yet lonely and yearning for help All to fall on deaf ears, with willful blind censorship Locked out of all success, I stay in this black void Hoping to break free, of this endless perpetual human droid