You're awoken by a tapping on your cage. You must've slept in, for your owner to be bugging you already. You look up at the them, towering above you with a grin. "Come on, wakey-wakey. I'm taking you to a friend's house today, so eat breakfast now, I'm not sure if they'll have any good food for you." Your owner leaves the room, and you see your food dish already filled with micro-sized pieces of bacon and eggs, taken from your owner's breakfast. You manage to finish the food while it's still warm and get a good drink from your water bottle. You hear the shower running in the distance, and before long, it stops and your owner returns. "All ready? Good, then let's get ya tucked in." Your owner opens the cage and grabs you. They hold a sock in their other hand, and dangle you over the opening by your leg. With one last smile, they drop you inside, and you have just enough time to shift into a comfortable position before their foot descends into the sock, pressing tight against you as they pull the sock up their ankle. Just when they let go and the tightness relaxes, they step down, smooshing you against the carpet. "You alright down there?" they ask, wiggling their foot against you. Intentional or not, your movement in response gives them the answer. "Good, because you're gonna be in there awhile~" Your owner takes their time getting ready to leave, walking around to grab this and that, and occasionally pressing and grinding their foot against you. Fortunately, your tiny body is very durable, so the pressure and impacts are never too much for you to take. They take a walk through the house, the sock lifting you like a hammock with each raise of their foot. After one last lift, the light that was shining through the sock disappears, and the sounds from outside become muffled. You're in a shoe. Your owner puts on their other shoe (putting heavy pressure on you in the process), opens the door, and the walk properly begins. Rather than the loose, hammock-like lift of the sock, the shoe keeps you pressed against your owner's foot. With each raise of the foot, the pressure eases up, just for you to be stomped with the full weight of your owner's body. Again and again, step, step, step, smooshing you between the foot and the shoe in a casual rhythm. The walk goes on for quite a while, each step wearing you down, until you go limp, helpless against the repeated pressure. Finally, your owner comes to a stop. With their weight distributed across both feet, the pressure feels gentle compared to the heavy steps you've grown used to. Your owner is talking with someone, but between the shoe's muffling and your overworked senses, you can't understand it. Your owner takes a few steps, then the foot slips out of the shoe and you can see light again. Some more steps, pressing you into the ground with no shoe in between, and then you're suddenly jostled all around, ending suspended in the air. By the sounds you can now hear clearly, your owner dropped into a chair or couch, and seems to have their legs on a footrest. "May I rub your feet~?" a large, unfamiliar voice asks. "You may~" your owner answers. You feel two hands around the foot, squeezing and kneading it, and by extension, you. The giant hands end up massaging you through the sock as they move up and down the foot. While they seem to be acting like you're not there, you notice how their dexterous movements are aimed at giving YOU a proper massage, not the foot. The skilled movements of the fingers soothe your tenderized muscles, helping your limp body to relax. The foot rub gradually slows to a halt, and the hands move away, leaving you slack against the sock. Then, the sock itself starts to pull away, sliding against you until it finally slips off, dropping you into your owner's waiting hand. "Aww, such a cute little tiny!" the other giant says. "You really walked with them all the way here?" "Yup. Though, I'm still not sure if they've gotten enough sole-smooshing today. One foot can only do so much." You owner picks you up by the arm. "Care to assist me~?" "Of course~" The other giant sits on the couch beside your owner, and they both turn to face each other. Your owner dangles you between them, and they get their feet in position before slowly closing in... And mercilessly smooshing you between two bare feet~