Lapse Real Name: Benjamin Warren Species: Desert cottontail Height: 5'9" Weight: 143 lbs. Eyes: Green Hair: Brown Date of Birth: 05-15-2000 Occupation: Thief Known relatives: Harmon Warren (father), Beverly Warren (nèe; mother), Keith Warren (older brother) Group Affiliation: The Young Shadows History: Born into wealth, Benjamin Warren always felt disconnected from his family environment. When his extraordinary abilities were revealed, his parents reluctantly accepted his unconventional nature but urged him to hide his gifts. However, Benjamin became irresistibly drawn to using his powers for personal gain, ignoring his family's warnings. Eventually, disillusioned with his upbringing, he joined Mr. Twitch and the Young Shadows, where his talents found a more welcoming environment. Personality: Lapse is analytical and methodical, prioritizing precision and efficiency within the Young Shadows' operational framework. Despite his involvement in illegal activities, he struggles with inner turmoil and a desire to prove his worth and abilities. Powers/Abilities: Lapse can manipulate the flow of time within localized areas, giving him a significant advantage in combat scenarios. He can easily outmaneuver opponents by slowing or speeding time as needed. Weapons: Lapse carries a stun gun, enhancing his effectiveness in aggressive scenarios. Costume: Lapse wears a sleek black bodysuit with bold silver accents. Weaknesses: Lapse overusing his temporal abilities can lead to significant physical and mental strain, including fatigue, headaches, and the potential for temporal paradoxes. Despite his analytical nature, this susceptibility to the adverse effects of his powers renders him vulnerable to emotional manipulation and psychological tactics. Nyx Real Name: Maya Rodriguez Species: Magdalena rat Height: 5'4" Weight: 119 lbs. Eyes: Brown Hair: Black Date of Birth: 12-12-2001 Occupation: Thief Known relatives: Geraldo Rodriguez (father), Gloria Rodriguez (née Flores; mother), Nydia Castillo (née Rodriguez; older sister), Emilio Rodriguez (older brother), Urbano Castillo (brother-in-law), Raymundo Castillo (nephew), Maricela Castillo, and Evangelina Castillo (nieces) Group Affiliation: The Young Shadows History: Maya Rodriguez's upbringing in East LA in a conservative household was fraught with tension when her burgeoning powers emerged during early adolescence. Faced with her family's disapproval of her abilities, Maya ran away from home at the tender age of fifteen. Searching for acceptance and self-discovery, she found solace and camaraderie in the ranks of the Young Shadows, where she honed her skills as a skilled thief and embraced her authentic identity. Personality: Nyx is mysterious and independent, with a knack for staying out of sight and navigating dangerous situations. Despite Maya's tumultuous history, she harbors an unwavering loyalty to her selected family within the group, demonstrating a fierce dedication born from her shared experiences and bonds forged amidst adversity. Powers/Abilities: Nyx possesses a formidable array of shadow-based abilities, including teleportation through shadows and darkness, merging seamlessly with them to traverse distances with remarkable agility and stealth. She can also materialize in any place imbued with the same element, moving effortlessly between the realms of shadow and light with unparalleled fluidity. Weapons: Nyx carries a stun gun, enhancing her effectiveness in aggressive scenarios. Costume: Nyx's attire consists of a form-fitting suit meticulously crafted in shades of gray and black. Weaknesses: Nyx's use of her powers depends upon the presence of shadow or darkness, as these elements provide the necessary medium for her abilities to manifest effectively. Whisper Real Name: Aidan Taylor Species: Fox squirrel Height: 5'7" Weight: 124 lbs. Eyes: Blue Hair: Blonde Date of Birth: 07-02-2002 Occupation: Thief Known relatives: Rodney Taylor (father; deceased), Susanne Taylor (née Mitchell; mother; deceased) Group Affiliation: The Young Shadows History: Aidan Taylor's life began in Colorado before his family relocated to Southern California during his infancy. Remarkably, his telepathic capabilities surfaced at an unusually young age. With his psychic abilities, Aidan excelled academically and athletically, using his skills to glean insights from the minds of others. However, tragedy struck with the sudden and untimely demise of his parents, leaving Aidan adrift and overwhelmed by grief, bereft of guidance and support. In the wake of this devastating loss, Aidan sought solace in unconventional avenues, turning to a life of crime to navigate the harsh realities of the streets. Utilizing his telepathic talents for theft and survival, he forged a path fraught with moral ambiguity. Despite the questionable nature of his actions, Aidan discovered a sense of camaraderie and acceptance among the Young Shadows, a band of outsiders who embraced him for his unique gifts and the person he was beneath them. Personality: Cunning and manipulative, Whisper possesses a persuasive demeanor and a remarkable talent for exploiting vulnerabilities in others. Powers and abilities: By age fifteen, Whisper had honed his telepathic powers to a remarkable degree, enabling him to delve effortlessly into minds and manipulate thoughts with exceptional power and finesse. Weapons: Whisper carries a stun gun, enhancing his effectiveness in aggressive scenarios. Costume: Whisper dons a sophisticated ensemble, featuring a sleek black trench coat layered atop a dark gray suit with a silver pendant. Weaknesses: Whisper's formidable telepathic prowess notwithstanding, he remains vulnerable to mental assaults and distractions, particularly when facing adversaries possessing potent telepathic abilities or indomitable wills. Glide Real Name: Emily Johnson Species: Brush mouse Height: 5'4" Weight: 180 lbs. Eyes: Blue Hair: Brown Date of Birth: 03-20-2003 Occupation: Thief Known relatives: Wade Johnson (father; deceased), Lila Johnson (mother; deceased). Group Affiliation: The Young Shadows History: Emily Johnson was born into a long line of expert thieves, inheriting the craft from her parents as a child. However, tragedy struck during a fateful heist when a confrontation with an alert security guard resulted in the untimely death of her parents. The harrowing trauma of that day triggered the emergence of Emily's latent phase-shifting abilities. Determined to honor her family's legacy despite the painful loss, Emily embraced her newfound abilities and role as a member of the Young Shadows, using her powers to continue her family's calling to steal. Personality: Glide embodies a spirit of adventure and bravery, characterized by a daring and sometimes reckless demeanor. Despite the inherent risks, Glide demonstrates unwavering commitment to the collective goals and well-being of the group, displaying a profound sense of loyalty and camaraderie. Powers/Abilities: Glide possesses the remarkable ability to phase through solid matter and objects by maneuvering her atoms through the spaces between the object's atoms. This gives her unparalleled versatility and agility to navigate physical barriers effortlessly. Weapons: Glide carries a stun gun, enhancing her effectiveness in aggressive scenarios. Costume: Glide wears a sleek, dark gray bodysuit featuring reinforced padding and a hooded cape. Weaknesses: Glide encounters difficulty with denser materials and risks catastrophic damage if she solidifies while phasing inside an object. Additionally, she is vulnerable to attacks that catch her off guard.